
共29本書 ·25本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
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閱讀年齡 5-6歲 (20.6%), 4-5歲 (19.7%)
閱讀年齡 2-3歲 (36.1%), 3-4歲 (23.8%)
My First Words - Let's Get Talking! 實(shí)物照片,大開本,標(biāo)簽頁。系列基礎(chǔ)版。 想買英文版來著,中文版邊角有點(diǎn)點(diǎn)膠擦不掉。 后來發(fā)現(xiàn)好像原版的也不一定就完美對(duì)齊, 孩子也大點(diǎn)了不啃了(還啃別的書)很喜歡這套, 覺得中文就挺好的,還能讓老人讀。 英文用標(biāo)簽打印機(jī)打印透明不干膠粘上。 【每頁】 ①有關(guān)我的一切 All about me! Count your fingers! Let's copy the faces! Now let's do some of the actions. my body , head , arm , hand , leg , foot my face , hair , ear , eye , nose , mouth happy , sad , sleepy , peekaboo! kneeling , clapping , bending over , stretching lying down , crouching , sitting , walking ②衣服和鞋子 Clothes and shoes Let's choose some clothes to wear. Don't forget to choose some shoes! dress , bag , jumper , skirt , jeans dungarees , T-shirt , shorts fleece , hat , mittens , scarf , coat vest , pyjamas , pants , socks sandals , wellies , trainers , shoes ③走進(jìn)我們的家 Around the house Let's find things that go in the kitchen. Now find something for your bedroom. knife , fork , clock , picture frying pan , kettle , wooden spoon cups , blender , teacups and saucers rubbish bin , tea towel , table , chair bookshelf , bed , phone , radio lamp , vase of flowers , cushion sink , plant , towels , sofa ④食物和飲料 Let's choose our favourite foods. What fruit have you eaten today? cereal , watermelon , sandwich pasta , crisps , cucumber , juice , milk fairy cakes , cherries , carrots bread , peas , baked potato , salad chocolate , bananas , grapes apple , tomato , orange egg , ice cream sundae ⑤寵物 ⑥游戲時(shí)間 ⑦交通工具 ⑧在公園 ?? Butterfly ?? Tree Let's pretend to be an animal at the park! Now let's grow as tall as a tree! daffodil , blossom , twigs , butterfly ducks in a pond , feathers , acorn squirrel , leaves , bench , sparrow grass , dog , kite , frisbee , ball , football , baseball , picnic tree , roller blades , bicycle ⑨在海邊 ?? A Sailer Went to Sea ?? Sand Would you like a lolly or an ice cream? What do you like best about the seaside? ice lollies , ice cream , toy boats starfish , seashells , seaweed , sand pebbles , crab , seagull , windmills sandcastles , buckets , spades swimsuit , sunglasses , swim shorts beach ball , beach towels , sunhat rubber ring , suncream , deck chair ⑩在農(nóng)場(chǎng) ?? Five Little Ducks ?在野外 ?? Dear Zoo ?顏色和形狀 ?? Spider ?數(shù)字
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (20.4%), 3-4歲 (20.4%)
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