#恐龍 #dinosaur

共22本書 ·12本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
tyrannosaurus rex (T-Rex) 霸王龍
brontosaurus 雷龍
triceratops 三角龍
stegosaurus 劍龍
閱讀年齡 2-3歲 (39.5%), 3-4歲 (25.6%)
閱讀年齡 2-3歲 (44.4%), 3-4歲 (44.4%)
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (28.1%), 4-5歲 (24.7%)
【賓果03恐龍】 Discover the dinosaurs (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動物#恐龍。 03 探索恐龍 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 A long, long time ago Before you were born – even before your parents and your grandparents were born – in fact, millions of years before any person at all was born – lived the dinosaurs. They were cool creatures, but you can’t still see them today. 很久很久以前 在你出生之前——甚至在你父母和你的祖父母出生之前——事實(shí)上, 在任何人出生的數(shù)百萬年之前,恐龍生活在這世上。 它們是很酷的生物,但現(xiàn)在你已經(jīng)看不到它們了。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about dinosaurs? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解恐龍嗎? Animal | Dinosaur 動物 | 恐龍 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Jeon Sang-wu 標(biāo)題:Discover the dinosaurs 探索恐龍 正文 ●01 The first dinosaurs lived over 200 million years ago. 始祖恐龍生活于 2 億年以前。 ●04 Some dinosaurs were giants, with a long neck to reach into the tallest trees. 有些是巨型恐龍,長長的脖子,直伸到最高的那一棵樹。 Brachiosaurus Brachiosaurus was one of the biggest dinosaurs to ever live. It used its teeth to shred the leaves off branches 腕龍 腕龍是有史以來最大的一種恐龍。 它用牙齒將樹葉從樹枝上切碎。 ●05 Smaller dinosaurs ate plants that grew closer to the ground. 小一點(diǎn)的恐龍吃離地面比較近的植物。 ●06 Dinosaurs that ate plants were called herbivores. They were the vegetarians of the dinosaur age. 以植物為生的恐龍被稱為食草動物。它們在恐龍時(shí)代屬于素食者。 Iguanodon Iguanodon could move on four legs or stand up and walk on two legs. 禽龍 禽龍能移動四條腿或是站立,或用兩條腿行走。 ●07 Some dinosaurs were strong and chunky, with armour on their body. Many had horns on their head and spikes on their back or tail. 一些恐龍敦實(shí)強(qiáng)壯,身負(fù)盔甲。 許多頭上有角,背部或尾部帶刺。 Triceratops Triceratops used its three horns like weapons. 三角龍 三角龍用它的三個(gè)角充當(dāng)武器。 ●08 Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus had armour and spikes all down its back. Even its tail had a hard club at the end. 甲龍 甲龍身上的盔甲和尖刺一直覆蓋到身體末梢。 甚至于它的尾梢都有一叢硬刺。 Stegosaurus Stegosaurus had tail spikes for fighting. The plates along its back were probably to show off or for keeping its body at the right temperature. 劍龍 劍龍尾巴上有尖刺便于戰(zhàn)斗。 它背部的鱗板很可能用于炫耀或使身體保持在適當(dāng)?shù)臏囟取?●09 Don’t be afraid! Despite all their armour, these dinosaurs were all herbivores. 別害怕! 別看它們有這些盔甲,這些恐龍全是食草動物。 ●11 These dinosaurs are on the run! Have they found some tasty treat in that direction? 這些恐龍?jiān)诒寂埽?難道它們發(fā)現(xiàn)前方有一些美食? ●13 No, they are running away! Tyrannosaurus is chasing them. Tyrannosaurus caught and ate all sorts of other animals with its sharp teeth and strong jaws. 不,它們在逃跑!暴龍?jiān)谧汾s它們。 暴龍用它尖利的牙齒和強(qiáng)硬的下頜捕捉,獵食各種其它動物。 ●14 Dinosaurs that ate meat were called carnivores. They were definitely not vegetarians! 吃肉的恐龍稱為肉食動物。它們肯定不是吃素的啦! ●16 Compsognathus Compsognathus grew to about the size of a turkey. It lived near the water and caught small lizards to eat. 美頜龍 美頜龍的尺寸長到和火雞差不多。鄰居于水邊,捕食小蜥蜴。 Were there really such small dinosaurs?! Yes – and some were even smaller! Don’t think they were sweet or gentle, though. They could gobble down a lizard in the blink of an eye. 真的會有這么小的恐龍么? 是的——還有比這更小的! 但也不要以為它們就很客氣溫和了。它們能在一眨眼功夫生吞一只小蜥蜴。 ●17 So why are there no dinosaurs on Earth today? They all disappeared 65 million years ago. Scientists think they were wiped out by asteroids or volcanoes. 所以現(xiàn)在地球上為什么沒有恐龍了呢? 它們在 6500 萬年以前就已經(jīng)消失了。 科學(xué)家們認(rèn)為它們是被小行星撞擊地球或火山爆發(fā)給滅絕的。 ●19 Some creatures survived the disaster that killed the dinosaurs. Mammals, birds, crocodiles, turtles, and all sorts of sea animals managed to carry on. 有些生物在滅絕恐龍的災(zāi)難中逃過一劫。 哺乳動物,鳥類,鱷魚,海龜,以及各種海洋生物都僥幸活了下來。 Repenomamus Repenomamus was a prehistoric mammal that raided dinosaur nests to eat the eggs and hatchlings. 強(qiáng)壯爬獸 強(qiáng)壯爬獸是一種史前哺乳動物, 襲擊恐龍巢,偷食它們的蛋和幼崽。 ●21 No one can see a living dinosaur, so how do we know so much about them? Scientists study their fossils, found in the ground. Dinosaur bones, eggs, footprints and even their poo has been turned into fossils. 沒有人能看到一只活著的恐龍, 所以我們怎么能知道它們這么多呢? 科學(xué)家們在地面下找到它們的化石,研究它們。 恐龍骨、蛋、足跡,甚至于它們的大便,都已經(jīng)變成了化石。 Fossils of dinosaur eggs 恐龍蛋化石 Fossils of dinosaur bones 恐龍骨骼化石 ●22 Igidae National Park in South Korea has many fossils of dinosaur footprints. 南韓的伊格迪亞國家公園發(fā)現(xiàn)了許多恐龍足跡化石。 ●24 Dinosaur fossils have no colour, so we cannot really know what colour dinosaur bodies were. Some scientists think they were brown and green to blend in with their background. Others think they had bright colours to attract a mate, like their modern relatives, birds. 恐龍化石沒有顏色,所以我們真的無從得知恐龍會是什么顏色。 一些科學(xué)家認(rèn)為它們是棕色和綠色,與大自然融為一體。 其他人則認(rèn)為它們顏色鮮艷,來吸引伴侶,就像它們的現(xiàn)代親戚,鳥類一樣。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Herbivores Giant but gentle plant eaters 食草動物 巨大但溫和的素食者 Brachiosaurus 腕龍 Stegosaurus 劍龍 Triceratops 三角恐龍 Protoceratops 原角龍 ●26 Carnivores Ferocious meat eaters 食肉動物 兇殘的肉食者 Tyrannosaurus 暴龍 Allosaurus 異龍 Raptor 禽龍 Compsognathus 美頜龍 ●27 Dinosaur Facts 恐龍二三事 Flying and swimming While the dinosaurs were the rulers on land, there were other prehistoric reptiles in the skies and the seas. Pterosaurs were a common type of flying reptile. One type was pteranodon, with a beak like a bird. Another, with teeth, was called pterodactyl. Giant sea creatures such as plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurus had fins and flippers for swimming. 飛翔與游泳 雖說恐龍?jiān)顷懙厣系慕y(tǒng)治者,但空中和海里也存在過其它史前爬行動物。 飛龍是一種常見的飛行類爬行動物。 有一種類型是無齒翼龍,它的喙使它長得像鳥一樣。 另一種有牙齒的稱為翼指龍。巨型海洋生物,如蛇頸龍和魚龍等,有鰭和蹼,便于游泳。 pterosaurs 飛龍 pteranodon 無齒翼龍 pterodactyl 翼指龍 Pteranodon (pterosaur) 無齒翼龍(飛龍) Ichthyosaurus fossil 古魔翼龍(飛龍) Anhanguera (ptero saur) 魚龍化石 Elasmosaurus (plesiosaur) 薄片龍(蛇頸龍) ●28 Animal | Dinosaur 動物 | 恐龍 Dinosaur king Tyrannosaurus rex was a type of large carnivore that lived around 68 million years ago. Its name ‘rex’ means ‘king’ and it was a mighty beast. It had the strongest bite of any predator living on land and would fight against even heavily armoured dinosaurs. 恐龍之王 霸王龍是一種大型食肉動物,生活在 6800 萬年以前。 它的名字'rex'意為'國王',是很強(qiáng)大的野獸。 它在陸地上所有掠食者中擁有最強(qiáng)的撕咬力,甚至可以用來與重甲恐龍搏殺一番。 Sabre-tooth shows up After the dinosaurs disappeared, another creature took over as king: a sabre-toothed cat called smilodon. It had enormous front teeth and hunted for other mammals in the forests. 劍齒出現(xiàn)了 恐龍消失后,另一種生物成為王者: 一種長著劍齒、名為劍齒虎的貓科動物。 它擁有碩大的門牙,在森林中捕捉其它哺乳動物為食。 Smilodon fossil 劍齒虎化石
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