
共66本書 ·66本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
ORT L1-01 : Hide and Seek
(Oxford Reading Tree)(First Sentences 1)

ORT L1-01 : Hide and Seek
(Oxford Reading Tree)(First Sentences 1)

閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (24.0%), 3-4歲 (22.4%)
【牛4-18】Everyone Got Wet (Oxford Reading Tree)(More Stories B 6) 牛4待補(bǔ)。 這本有意思嘻嘻。 經(jīng)典重復(fù)句式,生詞也很容易學(xué)到。 ps 媽媽濕了爸爸還笑,爸爸濕了媽媽都沒笑。 看后面柵欄上的小黑貓也挺好玩。 tricky 難辦的 D/M looked at the water butt / hose. The water butt / hose was leaking. D/M mended the water butt. He/She put a patch on it. “What a tricky job!” he/she said. The water butt burst. All the water came out. Mum put the hose on the tap. The top of the tap came off. D/M got very wet. D/M got a new water butt / hose. He put it on the bricks. He got the hose. He filled up the water butt. The water butt fell over. The water poured out. She joined it to the old hose. She wanted to water the roses. Kipper wanted to help. He turned the tap on. D/M got wet again. The children got the paddling pool. They put it on the grass. Dad got the new hose. Biff turned on the tap. No water came out of the hose. “Funny !” said Dad. He looked down the hose. Oh no! The children got wet! Q1: Turn to pages 14 and 15. Why did the water butt fall over? A1: Because the bricks under it were squeezed to bits and the water butt lost balance. Q2: Turn to pages 22 and 23.  Why did Dad look down the hose? A2: Because no water came out. Dad looked down to see what happened to the hose. Q3: Turn to page 24.  Why were Mum and Dad smiling? A3: When Mum and Dad got wet, the children all thought it funny. Now they got wet too, Mum and Dad also thought it funny. ??2405 崽喜歡。說roses,剛看了喬伊考利的悄悄話先生,唱的roses are red,結(jié)果崽說bully里那個(gè)女孩叫這個(gè),人家叫Rosie。
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