#鯨 #whale #海豚 #dolphin 【海洋哺乳動(dòng)物】

共22本書 ·13本有推薦語(yǔ) 適合男孩 , 中文書
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【賓果48鯨】 whales aren't fish (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第三輯 Go wild) 48 Whales aren’t fish 鯨魚不是魚 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) The big blue A blue whale has the whole ocean as its playground. But what if it were a playground itself? It is so long and wide you could run and jump and flip. You could slide down its tail and fly in the air above its blowhole! But you would have to jump off when it dived deep down beneath the waves. 大藍(lán) 藍(lán)鯨把整個(gè)海洋當(dāng)成它的游樂場(chǎng)。 但是假如它自己就是一個(gè)游樂場(chǎng)呢? 它是如此之長(zhǎng),如此之寬,你能在上面跑啊,跳啊,翻滾啊。 你能滑到它的尾巴下,或是被它的氣門(呼吸孔)沖飛到天上! 但是當(dāng)它潛入水深處,卷起波濤時(shí),你可得趕緊跳下來! ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about whales? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解鯨魚嗎? Animal | Whale 動(dòng)物 | 鯨魚 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Choe Yeong-nan 催英林 標(biāo)題:Whales aren’t fish 鯨魚不是魚 正文 ●01 Do you know the biggest animal in history? It isn’t a giant dinosaur. It is an animal that is still alive today: the blue whale. Its body can grow up to 30 metres long. 你知道歷史上最大的動(dòng)物是誰(shuí)嗎? 不是那巨大的恐龍。 是現(xiàn)在仍然活著的一種動(dòng)物:藍(lán)鯨。 它的身型能生長(zhǎng)到長(zhǎng)達(dá) 30 米。 ●03 Whales swim in the ocean but they aren’t fish. They are mammals. They have live babies and feed them on milk as they grow. 鯨魚徜徉于海洋但它們不是魚。 它們是哺[bǔ]乳動(dòng)物。 它們產(chǎn)出活生生的寶寶,然后用乳汁哺育它們,使它們長(zhǎng)大。 ●04 TIP Most mammals are born head first, but whales are born tail first. 提示 大多數(shù)哺乳動(dòng)物出生時(shí)都是頭先出來,然而鯨魚是尾巴先出來。 ●05 Fish use gills to breathe underwater. Whales cannot breathe underwater as they have lungs, not gills. 魚用它們的鰓在水下進(jìn)行呼吸。 鯨魚不能在水下呼吸,它們的呼吸器官是肺,而非鰓。 ●07 When a whale needs to take a breath, it comes to the surface. 當(dāng)一只鯨魚需要呼吸時(shí),會(huì)浮到水面。 ●08 As it breathes out, a spurt of water vapour blows out of the blowhole on its head, like a fountain. 當(dāng)它呼出時(shí),一陣水汽從它頭上的氣門噴涌出來,恰如噴泉。 ●09 Baleen whales swallow all their food and water together. They use the baleen in their mouth to filter out the water but keep the food inside. 長(zhǎng)須鯨一口氣連同水一起,把食物通通吞下。 它們用它們嘴中的鯨須把水濾出來,把食物留在嘴內(nèi)。 ●10 TIP A baleen whale’s favourite food is krill. They are tiny little shrimps that live in the ocean. 提示 長(zhǎng)須鯨最愛的食物是磷蝦。 它們是生活在海洋中的細(xì)小蝦類。 ●12 Another group of whales are toothed whales. They mostly feed on fish, shrimp, octopus and squid. They gulp them down in one big bite. 另一組鯨類是有齒鯨。 它們大多以魚,蝦,章魚(也稱八爪魚)和魷魚(也稱烏賊和墨魚)為食。 它們一大口就能把它們吞進(jìn)去。 ●13 Dolphins are a type of toothed whale. They don’t grow as large as many other whales. 海豚也屬于有齒鯨中的一種。 它們不像其它鯨魚那樣,長(zhǎng)得那么大。 ●14 They love to leap... 它們喜愛跳躍… ...hello! …你好! ●15 Dolphins and other whales flick their tail up and down to move through the water. They swim very fast. 海豚與其它鯨魚上下擺動(dòng)它們的尾巴,在水中移動(dòng)穿梭。 它們游得非???。 ●18 A dolphin’s favourite food is fish. They sometimes work together in groups to catch them. 海豚最愛的食物是魚。 它們有時(shí)候聚在一起工作,捕食它們。 ●19 Dolphins are very clever. This makes them smart enough to learn tricks to show off to humans. 海豚相當(dāng)聰明。 它們的機(jī)靈勁足以使它們學(xué)習(xí)戲法,在人類面前炫技一番。 ●21 A trainer rewards the dolphins with fish for doing tricks. The tricks are natural behaviours, such as leaping and balancing. 做完把戲,訓(xùn)練員用魚對(duì)海豚進(jìn)行獎(jiǎng)賞。 這些戲法隸屬天性,如:跳躍與保持平衡。 ●24 When a whale leaps from the water, it is called breaching. Some jump up and simply splash back down. Others twist and roll and somersault before they land. 當(dāng)一只海豚躍出水面,(這種行為)稱為突圍。 有一些躍上來,簡(jiǎn)潔地噗通一下又跳回水里。 其它的一些在著陸前,扭擺著,滾動(dòng)著,翻著筋斗。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Super swimmers 超級(jí)泳者 A dolphin’s mouth opens wide and looks like a smile. 海豚的嘴大張的時(shí)候,看起來像是發(fā)出微笑。 Dolphins love to leap, and can be trained to do tricks. 海豚喜愛跳躍,能被用來訓(xùn)練做戲法。 ●26 In the wild, they use ultrasound (echoes) to find food. 野生的海豚使用超聲波(回聲)尋找食物。 They jump out of the water as they swim. 它們?nèi)缬斡景闾鏊妗?A group of dolphins is called a pod. 一群海豚(英文專有名詞)稱為 pod。 ●27 Whale Facts 鯨二三事 Blowholes When a whale breathes out, water vapour forms a fountain above its head. Most baleen whales have two blowholes, while toothed whales have just one. 呼吸孔 當(dāng)一只鯨魚呼氣時(shí),水汽從它頭頂噴射出來,形成噴泉狀。 大多數(shù)長(zhǎng)須鯨有兩個(gè)呼吸孔,而有齒鯨魚只有一個(gè)。 Vanishing whales 27 Ancient rock carvings in a South Korean museum show images of ancient grey whales. These whales are also called greyback whales, and reach half the size of a bluewhale. Their numbers are decreasing and they may disappear altogether. 消逝的鯨魚 南韓某博物館當(dāng)中的一個(gè)古石雕,展現(xiàn)了古代灰鯨的印記。 這些鯨魚也被稱為灰背鯨,差不多是藍(lán)鯨的一半尺寸。 它們的數(shù)量正在減少,也許正瀕臨消失。 Rock carvings 巖雕 Grey whale with barnacles on it 帶鼻鉗的灰鯨 ●28 Animal | Whale 動(dòng)物 | 鯨魚 More sea mammals Whales and dolphins aren’t the only mammals found in the sea. 海洋哺乳動(dòng)物拓展 在已知的海洋哺乳動(dòng)物中,并不僅僅只有鯨魚與海豚。 Dugong Dugongs live in warm, shallow waters near the coast. 儒艮[gèn](美人魚) 儒艮生活在溫暖的,靠近海岸的淺水區(qū)。 Manatee The manatee is sometimes called the sea cow. 海牛 海牛有時(shí)也被稱為海里面的牛。 Walrus Walruses have a huge mouth and large tusks. 海象 海象有著巨大的牙齒與大大的獠牙。 Harp seal Harp seals swim fast but have to crawl on their tummy on land. 豎琴海豹 豎琴海豹游得很快,但在著陸時(shí)會(huì)把肚皮貼著地面爬行。 Sea lion Sea lions swim with their back flippers but can twist them round to walk on land. 海獅 海獅用它們的后蹼游泳,但走上地面時(shí),能把蹼收攏扭圓。
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