#企鵝 #penguin 【鳥】【極地動物】

共14本書 ·11本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
閱讀年齡 7-8歲 (100.0%)
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (27.3%), 3-4歲 (25.4%)
【賓果06企鵝】 Penguins: dressed to impress (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動物#鳥類#企鵝。 06 企鵝:令人印象深刻的著裝 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Dressed to impress The penguins look so smart in their black and white suits. They gather together, as if they are at a party. ‘How do you do?’ ‘How do you do?’ Their suits may be stylish, but they are practical, too. Their feathers are just right for gliding through the water and keeping them warm in cold weather. Those suits really suit those penguins! 令人印象深刻的著裝 企鵝們穿著它們黑白相間的禮服格外神清氣爽。 它們聚在一起,仿若在開派對。 “你好嗎?”“你好嗎?” 它們的禮服或許太有風(fēng)格,但是也很實用。 它們的羽毛很適合用來滑水,也讓它們在寒冷的氣候中保持溫暖。 這些禮服真的好適合這些企鵝! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about penguins? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解企鵝嗎? Bird | Penguin 鳥類 | 企鵝 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Jeon Hyun-jeon 標(biāo)題:Penguins: dressed to impress 企鵝:令人印象深刻的著裝 正文 ●01 Careful! The penguins waddle across the snow and ice. They look as if they might fall at any moment! But they manage to stay on their feet. Let’s find out where they are going. 小心了! 企鵝們搖搖擺擺穿過冰天雪地。 它們看起來好像隨時會摔倒一樣! 但是它們嘗試著站穩(wěn)腳跟。 讓我們看看它們要去哪兒。 ●03 ‘This spot looks just right.’ The penguins stop at a place with no snow, just rocks on the ground. “這地兒看起來不錯?!?企鵝們在一處沒有雪,只有巖石的地面駐足。 ●04 Penguins use small rocks to make a nest. Now it is time to find a mate. ‘Hello! Does anyone want to be my girlfriend?’ 企鵝們用小小的巖石塊來砌巢。 也是時候找個伴啦。 “你們好!有誰愿意做我女朋友么?” ●05 When the girls hear the boys calling, they waddle over to find out who wants a mate. They get together in pairs to have babies. 女孩子們聽到男孩子們的召喚, 她們搖搖晃晃地走去尋找是誰在找伴兒。 它們互相相中對方結(jié)成伴侶,(然后)有了寶寶。 ●07 After the mother penguin lays her eggs, she leaves them with the father. The mother heads to the ocean to eat, as she is very hungry. The father looks after the eggs while she is away. 企鵝媽媽產(chǎn)出蛋后,她便把蛋和企鵝爸爸留在了那兒。 企鵝媽媽來到海邊找吃的,因為她實在太餓了。 企鵝媽媽不在的時候,由企鵝爸爸來照看它們的蛋。 ●10 When the mother has eaten enough, she returns to the nest. ‘Hello, my little babies!’ The mother is very happy to see her chicks. 企鵝媽媽吃飽后,她就回到了巢里。 “你們好啊,我的小寶貝們!” 企鵝媽媽很高興看到她的企鵝崽崽。 ●12 Now it is the father’s turn to find some food. He hasn’t eaten for the whole time he was with the eggs. He is cold, tired, and very, very hungry. 現(xiàn)在,輪到企鵝爸爸來覓食了。 他照看蛋的時候,完全沒有進食呢。 他又冷又累,而且超級,超級餓。 ●13 The chicks grow up with their parents watching over them. They gather in groups with the other chicks, and squawk and play together. 在父母的照看下,企鵝崽崽們(一天天)長大。 它們和其它的企鵝崽崽聚在一起,嘟嚕嘟嚕,一起玩耍。 ●13 Tip When the parents go hunting, the babies stay together in a nursery. The parents find their own chicks again by listening for their special calls. 提示 當(dāng)父母出去獵食的時候,企鵝寶寶們被守護在一起。 父母通過它們自己崽崽的獨特呼喚,找回它們。 ●16 There is danger overhead! A great skua flies in circles, ready to attack the chicks. The parents group together to try to scare away the great skuas. 頭頂上有危險! 一只大賊鷗在它們頭頂上盤旋, 準(zhǔn)備襲擊企鵝崽崽。 企鵝父母圍成一團,打算把大賊鷗驅(qū)嚇走。 ●17 ‘Mummy, why don’t I look like you?’ ‘You have baby feathers to keep you warm. They are more fluffy than my grown-up feathers. Soon, you will look just like me.’ “媽咪,為什么我長得不像你呀?” “你的絨毛讓你保持溫暖。它們比起我的成年羽毛更松軟。 不久,你就會長得和我一樣了?!?●19 The mother penguin was right. Before long, the chick loses its fluff, and grows sleek feathers like its parents. 企鵝母親是對的。 沒過多久,企鵝崽崽的絨毛開始脫落, 長出了和父母一樣的光滑的羽毛。 ●20 ‘Now I look like a grown-up!’ “現(xiàn)在我看起來像個大人了!” ●21 There are some very scary predators that hunt for penguins. The families need to look out for seals, especially leopard seals, and killer whales. 有一些非??植赖那致哉攉C食企鵝。 企鵝一家子需要當(dāng)心海豹,尤其是豹海豹,和虎鯨。 ‘Watch out! The seal is here!’ “小心!這里有海豹!” The penguins all push and shove to escape into the ocean. Splash, splash! 企鵝們連推帶擠,往海里逃亡。 咘咚!咘咚! ●23 Penguins are excellent at swimming and diving. They cannot fly, but they can glide through the water. 企鵝們擅長游泳和潛水。 它們不會飛,但它們能劃過(天空),躍入水中。 ●24 They catch fish in their beak, and then jump out of the water to join their friends again. 它們用它們的嘴來捕魚, 然后再跳出水面,再與它們的朋友們聚在一起。 ●第25&26頁 Find out more! 了解更多! Lots of penguins 許多的企鵝 Emperor penguins are the biggest of all penguins. 帝(Emperor)企鵝在所有(種類的)企鵝中(身形)最大。 King penguins are the second largest breed. 王(King)企鵝隸屬企鵝中的第二大家族。 Royal penguins have a crown of feathers on their head. 皇家(Royal)企鵝頭上的羽毛圍成了一個皇冠。 Rockhopper penguins get their name from the way they move around. 跳巖(Rockhopper)企鵝因它們擺動行走的方式而得名。 Adelie penguins are common in the Antarctic. 阿德利(Adelie)企鵝在南極很常見。 Gentoo penguins have white marks by their eyes. 巴布亞(Gentoo)企鵝的眼眶上有著白色的印記。 ●27 Penguin Facts 企鵝二三事 Dinner suit Penguins usually have a white tummy and a black back and wings, so they look like they are wearing a tuxedo. What smart little creatures they are! 餐禮服 企鵝們通常有著白色的肚皮和黑色的背和翅膀, 所以它們看起來像穿著燕尾服。 它們是多么精干的小生物呀! Flightless birds Penguins live in places that don’t have many predators on land, so they don’t really need to fly. Instead, they have adapted to life in the sea where there is much more food available. 與世無爭的鳥類 企鵝居住的地方并沒有太多陸生的侵略者,所以它們也并不需要去飛翔。 反而,他們已經(jīng)適應(yīng)了海洋生存環(huán)境,那兒有多得多的食物補給。 ●28 Bird | Penguin 鳥類 | 企鵝 Fond fathers Male emperor penguins take care of the eggs without the mother’s help. They stand in freezing cold wind and raging blizzards. They cannot leave, or the eggs will get too cold to survive. 父之愛 雄帝企鵝(父親)在沒有母帝企鵝的幫助下,照看(企鵝)蛋。 他們堅守在凜冽的寒風(fēng)與肆虐的暴風(fēng)雪中。 他們不能離開,要不然蛋(寶寶)會因為太冷而不能存活。 Life in a bush Most penguins use stones to build a nest. The Magellanic penguin, however, uses grass and twigs to make a nest inside a cave, under a bush, or in a hole. 灌木叢下的生活 大多數(shù)企鵝用石頭來筑巢。 麥哲倫企鵝則不同,用草和樹枝在洞穴內(nèi)、灌木下,或是地洞里,筑巢。 Magellanic penguin 麥哲倫企鵝
susan名詞卡15【penguin】 【susa名詞卡復(fù)述】 ●在本集復(fù)述中孩子需要內(nèi)化以下基礎(chǔ)句型: 1. Hello everyone, today we are gonna look at a very cute animal. It’s called a penguin. 游戲:p p p p penguin 聲音變大(變換音量游戲,在Susan手把手中有詳細(xì)的游戲方法) 2. A penguin is a bird, but it can not fly. 句型:xxx , but xxx. 3. A penguin can not fly, even though it’s a bird. 句型:練習(xí)Even though… 4. A penguin can stand. A penguin can waddle. 句型:A penguin can do sth… 5. Where does a penguin live? 句型:A penguin lives in Antarctica. 6. Antarctica is a very cold place. There is ice everywhere. It’s so cold. 游戲:解釋Antarctica,可結(jié)合圖片 7. But our penguin is not afraid. 句型:I’m not afraid of xxx. ●這集可以做的zoom in和討論可以有: Penguin: cute Ppp Bird---fly, stand, waddle Antarctica ●高階復(fù)述,可參考的擴展知識點: Penguin: 1.There are 18 species of penguins in the world. 2.The first penguins appeared on earth so long ago that they caught the dinosaurs. 3.When on land, penguins sit leaning on their short tail. And when swimming, it serves as a rudder for them. 4.Unlike other birds, penguins have dense bones, not hollow ones. 5.Killer whales often prey on penguins, they don’t always risk diving in to the water. If one, the bravest, dives and stays alive, the rest of the flock follows him. 6.Penguins are the only birds in the world that can swim without being able to fly. 7.Penguins huddle together to keep warm. 8.They spend nearly 50% of their lives in the water an other 50% on land. 9.A group of penguins is called a raft.
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