#考拉 #樹(shù)袋熊 #koala 【澳洲動(dòng)物】

共7本書(shū) ·4本有推薦語(yǔ) 適合男孩 , 中文書(shū)
閱讀年齡 7-8歲 (100.0%)
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (19.8%), 2-3歲 (18.9%)
【賓果22考拉】 The Fussy Koala (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 22 挑食的考拉 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) The fussy Koala ‘I’m hungry!’ Baby Koala clings to his mother’s back. His tummy rumbles. He is hungry! Mummy finds some leaves to eat and then Baby Koala falls asleep, happy and full. His mummy always looks after him. 挑食的考拉 “我餓了!” 考拉寶寶揪著媽媽的后背。 他的肚皮咕隆隆響。他餓了! 媽媽給找了些葉子喂他,然后考拉寶寶飽腹而又開(kāi)心地睡著了。 媽媽總在照顧著他。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about koalas? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解考拉嗎? Animal | Ko ala 動(dòng)物 | 考拉 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Park Seon-mi 標(biāo)題:挑食的考拉 The fussy koala 正文 ●01 Kangaroos and koalas live in Australia. They both carry their newborn babies in a pouch on their tummy. 袋鼠和考拉都居住在澳大利亞。 它們都把自己新生的寶寶包裹于自己腹部的育兒袋上。 ●04 A koala spends nearly all of its life in the trees. It only climbs to the ground to reach another tree to find more food. 考拉基本把自己的一生都花在了樹(shù)上。 它僅僅只是為了找到更多的食物時(shí),才爬到地上然后跳到另一顆樹(shù)上。 ●05 Sometimes people call them koala bears. They look similar, but they are not related to bears at all. 有時(shí),人們稱它們?yōu)榭祭堋?它們看起雖與熊似,但它們與熊一點(diǎn)關(guān)系都沒(méi)有。 ●08 Koalas love to sleep! They spend more than half of each day asleep in the branches of a tree. 考拉喜歡睡覺(jué)! 它們花大半天時(shí)間在樹(shù)干上睡覺(jué)。 ●09 Koalas look for their food at night. They jump through the trees, eating their favourite leaves. 考拉在夜間覓食。 它們?cè)跇?shù)木間跳躍穿梭,吃著它們最喜愛(ài)的樹(shù)葉。 TIP Koalas mostly eat eucalyptus leaves. Australia has lots of different types of eucalyptus trees. 提示 考拉吃得最多的是桉樹(shù)葉。 澳大利亞有許多種不同的桉樹(shù)。 ●11 Delicious! 美味! ●12 Different koalas like different types of eucalyptus. It depends on which part of Australia they live in. 不同的考拉喜歡吃不同種類(lèi)的桉樹(shù)葉。 這主要取決于它們生活在澳大利亞的哪個(gè)區(qū)域。 ●13 Eucalyptus leaves are poisonous to most animals, so the koalas have them all to themselves. 對(duì)大部分動(dòng)物來(lái)說(shuō),桉樹(shù)葉是有毒的,考拉因而能吃獨(dú)食。 ●14 A newborn koala is tiny, pink and has no fur. It stays in its mother’s pouch for about six months. 新生的考拉細(xì)小、粉色,無(wú)毛。 它會(huì)在母親的育兒肚袋中待上大約六個(gè)月。 ●15 When the baby is big enough, it comes out of the pouch and rides on its mother’s back. 當(dāng)寶寶長(zhǎng)得足夠大時(shí),它便鉆出育兒肚袋,爬上母親的后背。 TIP To begin with, a baby drinks its mother’s milk. After leaving the pouch, it eats a special food made from the leaves that the mother has eaten. 提示 一出生,考拉寶寶飲啜母親的乳汁。 離開(kāi)育兒肚袋,便吃母親咀嚼過(guò)的從葉子中制成的特殊食物。 ●17 The baby stays with its mother until it is about one year old. 考拉寶寶待在母親身邊直到一歲大。 ●18 It learns which leaves to eat, where to sleep, and how to stay safe. 考拉寶寶學(xué)習(xí)該吃哪一種葉子,在哪兒睡覺(jué),以及如何保護(hù)自己的安全。 ●20 A baby koala is called a joey. When it is grown up, it will live on its own in a different patch of trees. It may never see its mummy again. 考拉寶寶被稱為幼袋鼠(joey)。 長(zhǎng)大之后,它會(huì)在不同的樹(shù)的區(qū)塊上獨(dú)立生活。 也許永遠(yuǎn)也不會(huì)再見(jiàn)到自己的媽媽。 ●21 Koalas can have babies of their own when they are two years old. 考拉在兩歲的時(shí)候,便能擁有自己的寶寶。 The male koala has a gland on his chest. 雄性考拉在胸腔上有著腺體。 The gland gives off a smell that attracts a female. 腺體能釋放氣味,用來(lái)吸引雌性考拉。 ●22 When a male and a female find each other, they can mate to have a baby. 當(dāng)雌雄考拉找到彼此,它們能在一起孕育寶寶。 ●23 These nosy koalas have come to say hello to you! 這些聒噪的考拉跑來(lái)向你問(wèn)好! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Koalas live in the eucalyptus forests of Australia. 考拉住在澳大利亞的桉樹(shù)林區(qū)。 When a koala is born, it is blind and helpless. 考拉出生之時(shí),眼盲,感覺(jué)很無(wú)助。 A koala usually has only one baby, but may have twins. 考拉通常只生一個(gè)寶寶,有時(shí)也會(huì)是雙胞胎。 ●26 Koalas sleep nearly all day. You can hear them snoring in the branches! 考拉幾乎睡一整天。 你能聽(tīng)到它們?cè)跇?shù)干上的打呼嚕聲! A koala can run fast, but feels safer in the trees. 考拉能跑得很快,但它們感覺(jué)在樹(shù)上才更安全。 Eucalyptus trees give the koala food and a home. 桉樹(shù)給考拉提供食物與居所。 ●27 Koala Facts 考拉二三事 Useful paws Koalas have five fingers on each of their four paws. Their front paws have two fingers separated from the others which act like a thumb. It helps them hold their food and climb trees. Their back paws have a single thumb with no claw. 有用的爪掌 考拉的一雙四爪上分別長(zhǎng)著五根手指。 它們的前掌當(dāng)中有兩個(gè)指頭連在一起與其它指頭分開(kāi),形同拇指。 (這倆連體拇指)幫助它們抓取食物與爬樹(shù)。 它們的后掌有一個(gè)單獨(dú)的無(wú)爪拇指。 Foreleg 前腿 Hind leg 后腿 Water-free Koalas get most of the water they need from the leaves that they eat. It is rare to see a koala drinking. 無(wú)水飲食 考拉從它們所吃的葉子中獲取大部分的水分。 很少能看到考拉飲水。 ●28 Animal | Ko ala 動(dòng)物 | 考拉 Pouch babies Animals that drink milk and grow up in their mother’s pouch are called marsupials. Koalas are marsupials, and so are kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, possums, and Tasmanian devils. 袋中寶寶 喝母親奶,在母親育兒袋中長(zhǎng)大的動(dòng)物,稱為袋類(lèi)哺乳動(dòng)物。 考拉是袋類(lèi)哺乳動(dòng)物,袋鼠、沙袋鼠、負(fù)鼠、袋獾,也都是。 Possum Possums live in holes in trees or cracks in the rocks. They like the dark, so they stay undercover in the daytime. 負(fù)鼠 Possum 負(fù)鼠生活于樹(shù)洞或是巖石的鑿縫里。它們喜黑,所以它們?cè)诎滋熳屪约捍诤诎抵小?Tasmanian devil These fierce animals get their name from the island of Tasmania, south of Australia. 袋獾 Tasmanian devil 這些生猛的動(dòng)物因南澳大利亞的塔斯馬尼亞島而得名。 Wombat These cuddly creatures dig long underground burrows. They also look for food at night when it is cooler and safer. 沙袋鼠 Wombat 這些可愛(ài)的生物在地面下挖出長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的洞穴。 它們?cè)谝归g覓食,這對(duì)它們來(lái)說(shuō)更涼爽也更安全。 Kangaroo This is the biggest marsupial of them all. They can jump a long distance or high in the air. 袋鼠 Kangaroo 這是最大的袋類(lèi)哺乳動(dòng)物。 它們能跳得很遠(yuǎn)或是很高。
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