#猴子 #monkey 【哺乳動物】【雨林動物】

共9本書 ·6本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
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【賓果29猴子】 Monkeys in the trees (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 29 樹上的猴子們 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 What a noise! EEK! EEK! EEK! The monkeys are swinging through the trees and shouting. They leap from branch to branch and land cleverly without slipping. Then...EEK! One monkey falls out of the tree. ‘Ouch! My bottom!’ he shrieks, as he lands with a bump. But why are they shouting? 好吵??! 唷[yō]!唷!唷! 猴子們穿梭于樹木間蕩悠,叫嚷。 它們從一顆樹干跳到另一顆樹干, 穩(wěn)穩(wěn)當當?shù)厍擅盥淠_。 接著...?。?一只猴子從樹上往下墜。 “哎呦!我的屁股哪!”他尖叫著, 然后他撲通落地。 但是啊,它們狂叫些什么呢? ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about monkeys? 你準備好了,來了解猴子嗎? Animal | Mo nkey 動物 | 猴子 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Kim Isol 標題:樹上的猴子 Monkeys in the trees 正文 ●02 The monkeys are chattering in the branches. ‘Shh!’ whispers the mother monkey. She is singing a lullaby to get her baby to sleep. 猴子們在樹干上喋喋不休。 “噓!”猴媽低語道。 她在給她的小寶貝唱著搖籃曲助它入睡呢。 ●03 This little monkey feels proud. It has learned how to swing on the vines and move from tree to tree. 小猴兒感到好驕傲。 它學(xué)會了如何在藤蔓間懸擺,也學(xué)會了如何從一棵樹上挪到另一棵樹上。 ●05 The leader of the pack is protecting the group. Their enemy won’t even get close to the young monkeys. 群主正在保護整個群組。 它們的敵人連幼小的猴子,壓根也別想靠近。 ●06 TIP A group usually has a female leader as well as a male who is the most important. 提示 在一個群組中,通常最重要的雌性和雄性都可以當頭。 ●08 Monkeys care for each other. They sit together and groom one another, picking out dirt and lice from their fur. 猴子們相互關(guān)照。 它們坐在一起,一個給另一個做清潔,從皮毛中挑出虱子和臟東西。 ●10 This monkey’s cheeks are bulging with food! It hides behind a rock to enjoy the feast. 這只猴子的面頰上脹滿了食物! 它躲在巖石后面打算享受盛宴。 ●12 When it is sure that it can’t be seen, the monkey pulls the food from its cheek pouches. They hide in this way so that the others in the group can’t steal their food. 當它確認別的猴子看不到它時,它把食物從面頰袋中掏出來。 它們通常用這種方式藏東西,群組中的其它猴就偷不了它們的食物了。 ●13 Eek! Eek! Eek! These two monkeys are fighting. 唷!唷!唷! 這兩只猴子在干架。 ●14 Tip Before monkeys begin to fight, they stare at each other angrily. Then they will snap, and attack. They roll around as they fight. 提示 猴子們在干架之前,它們會互相生氣地盯著對方。 然后它們就相互摑打,相互攻擊。干架時它們會滾成一團。 ●15 EEEEK! The leader of the pack shouts at them to stop fighting. 喂喂喂! 群主朝它們叫去,讓它們停架。 ●18 This monkey’s bottom is bright red. Is it because it has fallen, or eaten too many red apples? 這只猴子的屁股紅通通的。 是因為它掉下來了,還是吃太多紅蘋果了呢? ●19 No, it is because it is time to find a mate. The monkey’s red bottom shows that it is looking for a partner to have babies. 不是呢,是因為它是時候找伴了。 猴子的紅屁股表示它正在找伴,而且想要生寶寶了。 ●22 When the babies are born, they are tiny and cling onto their mother’s tummy. Soon the baby monkeys grow and are carried on their mother’s back. 寶寶出生時,它們小小的,依偎在它們母親的肚皮上。 不久,猴寶寶長了一些,它們背在母親的背上。 TIP After a year, the young monkeys join together to play in groups. 提示 一年后,幼年猴子們加入群組,一起玩耍。 ●23 Some male monkeys make very good fathers. They do their share of looking after the baby. Both parents groom, feed, and protect their precious little one. 有一些雄性猴子能成為非常棒的父親。 他們和雌性共同分擔,一起照看寶寶。 父母雙方都會打理,喂養(yǎng),保護它們的小寶貝。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Monkey mothers 猴兒母親們 Monkeys keep their babies close to them for a long time. 在很長一段時間里,猴子都會貼身照顧它們的寶寶們。 They show that they care by grooming. (給寶寶做)清潔是它們表達關(guān)懷的方式。 This baby is learning how to survive on its own. 這個寶寶正在學(xué)習如何自力更生。 ●26 Gorillas are apes. They are close relatives to monkeys. A mother gorilla always knows where her baby is. 大猩猩(gorilla)屬于猿(ape)。 它們是猴子的近親。 大猩猩母親總是知道她的孩子在哪兒。 This baby macaque cuddles close to keep warm in the snow. 這一只獼猴(macaque)寶寶緊緊依偎(在媽媽懷里),以在下雪時保持溫暖。 Orangutans are also apes. Their babies stay with them for seven years. 猩猩(orangutan)也屬于猿(ape)。 它們的寶寶會與它們一起待 7 年。 ●27 Monkey Facts 猴子二三事 Around the world Monkeys that live in Asia and Africa are known as Old World monkeys. Their tails are short but their bodies are usually large. New World monkeys live in Central and South America. They are generally smaller but most have long tails that help them hold onto the branches. 遍布世界各地 生活在亞洲和非洲的猴子,著稱為舊世界的猴子。 它們的尾巴短短的,身體通常卻很大。 新世界的猴子生活在中美和南美。 總體而言,它們更小一些,但它們大部分都有長長的尾巴,幫助它們擒住樹干。 Males and females How do you tell the difference between males and females? With many monkeys, the males are larger and have bigger canine teeth. Often the female has differently coloured fur. If their bottom turns red, it is usually a brighter red for the females. 雄性與雌性 你通過什么方式來區(qū)分雌性呢? 對于許多猴子而言,雄猴身形更大一些,也有著更大的犬齒。 而雌猴通常有著不同顏色的皮毛。 如果它們的屁股變紅,更為紅彤彤一些的,是雌猴。 ●28 Animal | Monkey 動物 | 猴子 Monkeys or apes? Another question: how do you tell the difference between a monkey and an ape? Apes such as gorillas, chimps and orangutans have no tail. Their arms are usually longer than their legs, too. 猴子還是猿? 另一個提問:你如何區(qū)分猴子與猿? 猿,如大猩猩,黑猩猩,猩猩,都沒有尾巴。同時,它們的手臂通常比它們的腿更長。 Chimpanzee Chimpanzees are more intelligent than monkeys. They use twigs and stones as tools. 黑猩猩 黑猩猩比猴子更聰明。它們能拿樹枝和石頭當工具用。 Orangutan Orangutans live in the forest and have distinctive reddish-brown fur. 猩猩 猩猩生活在森林里,有著獨特的紅棕色皮毛。 Gorilla Gorillas are the biggest apes. They spend most of their time on the ground. 大猩猩 大猩猩是最大的猿。它們大部分時間都在地上(活動)。 Japanese macaque Japanese macaques are called snow monkeys because they live in cold climates. They sit in hot springs to warm up. 日本獼猴 日本獼猴被稱為雪猴,因為它們生活在寒冷氣候帶。 它們坐在溫泉旁取暖。 Baboon Baboons are bigger than most other monkeys. 狒狒 狒狒比大多數(shù)其它猴類都要大。
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