#貓頭鷹 #owl 【鳥】【夜行動物】

共16本書 ·9本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (50.0%), 6-7歲 (25.0%)
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (19.6%), 2-3歲 (19.3%)
susan名詞卡21【owl】 【susa名詞卡復(fù)述】 ●在本集復(fù)述中孩子需要內(nèi)化以下基礎(chǔ)句型: 1. Today I’m gonna talk about one bird called the owl. Owl! Pay attention, not ow! It’s owl! 知識點(diǎn):注意 l 發(fā)音 2. An owl has two big eyes. 句型:xxx has… eyes 3. Do you have two big eyes? 句型:Do you have …. 4. Why does an owl have such big eyes? 句型:Why do you…. ? Why does sb ….? 5. Because an owl is a night animal. 6. What else is a night animal? 句型:xxx is a night animal. 7. It comes out at night. So it stands on the tree, and looks for the mice. 知識點(diǎn):三單的練法 + every day 8. Where is the mouse? I see one mouse. It’s gonna fly to catch it. 句型:It’s gonna do sth ●這集可以做的zoom in和討論可以有: owl: Eyes—night animal Tree—mice Mouse hoot ●高階復(fù)述,可參考的擴(kuò)展知識點(diǎn): 1. Nocturnal birds 2. Over 200 species of owls everywhere in the world except Antarctica. 3. A group of owls is called a parliament. 4. Barn owls are about the size of a small cat but only weigh a pound. 5. At 4.9 inches long, the elf owl is the smallest owl on the planet. They are about the size of a golf ball. 6. Snowy owls live in the Arctic tundra. They have heavy feathers to protect themselves from low temperatures. 7. In ancient times, a little owl symbolized wisdom and prudence. 8. Owls can rotate their necks 270 degrees. 9. Barn owls swallow their prey whole and eat up to 1000 mice yearly. 10. Asymmetrical ears: located at different heights on the owl’s head 11. Eyeballs are not true eyeballs, immobile, binocular vision, fully focuses on their prey 12. Owls hunt other owls.
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (26.7%), 3-4歲 (24.2%)
【賓果51貓頭鷹】 Night hunters: owls (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第三輯 Go wild) 51 Night hunters: owls 黑夜獵手:貓頭鷹 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Waiting for darkness 等待黑夜 In the bright light of day, the owl hides in her nest. She sleeps soundly until the sun sets. 明亮的白天,貓頭鷹躲于巢內(nèi)。 她酣然入睡直到日落時分。 When the shy moon rises in the sky, the owl is ready for action. She is wide awake and will hunt through the night. 當(dāng)嬌羞的月亮升入空中,貓頭鷹打算行動了。 她異常清醒,預(yù)備在黑夜中捕食呢。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about owls? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解貓頭鷹嗎? Bird | Owl 鳥類 | 貓頭鷹 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Shin Hyeon-yeong 申玄英 標(biāo)題: Night hunters: owls 黑夜獵手:貓頭鷹 正文 ●01 There are many types of owl. They have lots of things in common, but some features that make them look different. 貓頭鷹有許多種。 它們在很多方面頗為相似,但是一些特征造就它們看起來不同。 ●03 Some owls have feathers that stick up like ears. They aren’t real ears, though. 有一些貓頭鷹身上的羽毛緊粘一起,就像耳朵。 即使它們并非真正的耳朵。 Some owls have no ear tufts, but have a round head and a heart-shaped face. 有一些貓頭鷹沒有耳羽, 卻有著圓圓的頭,心型的臉。 ●05 Owls are birds of prey. They eat meat instead of seeds and plants. Birds of prey have sharp beaks and claws to hunt for small animals. 貓頭鷹是鳥類中的獵食者。 它們吃肉,而非種子和植物。 猛禽(鳥類中的獵食者)有著尖利的喙和爪,捕食小型動物。 Some hunt during the day, such as eagles. Most owls are night creatures. 有一些在日間獵食,如:老鷹。 大多數(shù)貓頭鷹都是夜行生物。 ●07 Owls snooze all day and let the eagles rule the skies. When night comes, the owls take over as the hunters. 貓頭鷹全天都在打盹,任由老鷹統(tǒng)領(lǐng)天空。 夜幕垂臨,作為獵食者,貓頭鷹接管掌權(quán)了。 ●08 Creatures that are active at night are called nocturnal. 在夜間活躍活動的生物,被稱為 nocturnal:夜行動物。 ●10 Owls have excellent hearing, so they can hunt in the dark. They can find prey with even the tiniest sound. 貓頭鷹有著卓越的聽力,所以它們能在昏暗中獵食。 即使是最為細(xì)微的聲音,它們也能據(jù)此找到獵物。 ●11 ‘Squeak! Squeak!’ There it is! The owl knows exactly where the mouse is. “吱!吱!” 就在那兒! 貓頭鷹能確切知道老鼠在哪兒。 ●12 It swoops down and carries off the mouse in the blink of an eye. 它猛沖下去,一眨眼功夫就把老鼠擒住了。 ●13 Owls have special feathers to help them fly silently. They are soft and have fluffy edges to make less noise. The owl can hear sounds on the ground, but the mice, squirrels and moles can’t hear the owl coming. 貓頭鷹的羽毛很特別,幫助它們在飛行時悄無聲息。 它的羽毛很軟,邊沿蓬松,能降噪音。 貓頭鷹(在空中時)能聽到地面的聲音, 但老鼠,松鼠,鼴鼠,卻聽不到貓頭鷹來襲的聲音。 ●15 There is a whole lot of noise in the owl’s nest. Its eggs are hatching! The baby owls don’t look like their parents, but have grey fluff instead of brown feathers. 貓頭鷹巢中的吵鬧聲不絕于耳。 它的蛋被孵出來啦! 貓頭鷹寶寶長得不像它們的父母, 它們有著灰色的絨毛,而非棕色的羽毛。 ●18 The father catches a mouse and brings it home. The mother rips it into pieces and feeds them to the chicks. 爸爸(父親)捉住了一只老鼠并把它帶回家。 媽媽(母親)把它撕成一小片一小片,喂崽崽吃。 ●19 Before long, the chicks have grown in size, and have feathers. 不久后,崽崽們的身型長大了很多,也長出羽翼。 ●20 Soon they can leave home and live on their own. 很快,它們就能離家,并且自己謀生了。 ●21 Let’s meet some special owls. The one with no ear tufts is a brown hawk-owl. It hunts in the daytime. The other is the Eurasian eagle-owl. It is one of the largest owls of all. 讓我們來會一會一些特別的貓頭鷹。 那只沒有耳羽的是鷹鸮[xiāo] 。它在白天獵食。 另一只是雕鸮。它在所有貓頭鷹中體型最大。 Brown hawk-owl 鷹鸮 ●22 Eurasian eagle-owl 雕鸮 ●23 Long-eared owl 長耳鸮 ●24 Short-eared owl 短耳鸮 Some owls migrate in the winter. Both long-eared and short-eared owls fly south to find more food. 有一些貓頭鷹在冬天進(jìn)行遷徙。 長耳鸮和短耳鸮都會飛往南方尋找更多的食物。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! In the dark 在黑暗中 This owl sleeps in the daytime. 貓頭鷹在日間睡覺。 This owl’s dark feathers help it to hide. 貓頭鷹暗色的羽毛有助于它藏身。 ●26 An owl hardly flaps its wings as it hunts. 貓頭鷹在獵食時幾乎很少扇翅膀。 The fluffy edges make less noise. 羽毛邊沿毛茸茸的,能輔助消音。 Its sharp claws are called talons and hold tight to its prey. 它那銳利的爪子稱為利爪,能把獵物緊緊扣住。 ●27 Owl Facts 貓頭鷹二三事 Owl families 貓頭鷹家族 Owls can be divided into two groups: true owls and barn owls. There are around 200 types, and most of them are nocturnal. Many hunt for small mammals and birds, but some are fish eaters. 貓頭鷹被分為兩大類:鴟鸮[chī xiāo]科(俗稱貓頭鷹)和倉鸮。 貓頭鷹大概有 200 來種,大多數(shù)都是夜行動物。 許多貓頭鷹獵食小型哺乳動物和鳥類,但是也有一些是食魚者。 Collared scops owl 領(lǐng)角鸮 Snowy owl 雪鸮 Brown hawk-owl 鷹鸮 Eurasian eagle-owl 雕鸮 Owl or moth? 貓頭鷹還是飛蛾? One type of moth uses an owl disguise to frighten away predators. Its wings have a pattern that look like the eyes of an owl. 有一種飛蛾偽裝成貓頭鷹,用來嚇走捕食者。 它翅膀的圖案看起來很像貓頭鷹的眼睛。 ●28 Bird | Owl 鳥類 | 貓頭鷹 Birds of prey 猛禽 Eagles and hawks are daytime predators. They circle in the sky looking for prey. They have exceptionally good eyesight. Once they spot their target, they swoop down and grab it. 老鷹和隼[sǔn]都在日間捕食。 它們在天空中盤旋,搜尋獵物。 它們的視力尤其之好。一旦盯上目標(biāo),它們猛沖下去,一把攫住。 Black kite 黑鳶[yuān] The black kite is found in many countries around the world. 黑鳶在全世界許多國家中都有被發(fā)現(xiàn)。 Goshawk 蒼鷹 Goshawks eat small birds and grasshoppers. 蒼鷹以小型鳥類和蚱蜢為口糧。 Stellers sea eagle 虎頭海雕 This bird has large talons for catching fish and sea birds to eat. 這一種鳥類有著大大的利爪,捕食魚類和海洋鳥類。 Bald eagle 白頭海雕 The bald eagle has a pure white head. It builds an enormous nest. 白頭海雕長著純白色的頭。它筑的巢極其大。 Osprey 魚鷹 Ospreys nest near water and hunt for fish. 魚鷹的巢近水,它捕食魚類。
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