??#童謠《Over in the Meadow》

共4本書 ·2本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
閱讀年齡 2-3歲 (37.5%), 3-4歲 (25.6%)
【CP洞洞書】Over in the Meadow Child's Play 童謠書。 Over in the meadow, [where]. Lived an (old) mother [n] and her little [n(s)] 1/2/.., "[do]!" said the mother, "I/We [do]!" said the 1/2/.., So they [did] and they [did2] [where]. ① todadie, wink, blink, in the sand in the sun. ② fish, swim(swam), leap, where the stream runs blue. ③ squirrel, nibble, hide(hid), in a hole in a tree. ④ otter, dive, burrow, in the reeds on the shore. ⑤ (m honey) bee, buzz, hum, in a/the snug beehive. ⑥ (black m).crow, caw, call, in a/their nest made of sticks. ⑦ rabbit, hop, bounce, where the grass tastes like heaven. in the green grassy heaven. ⑧ ⑨ 【詞匯】 meadow [?medo?] n. 草地,牧場 wink  [w??k] v. 眨眼示意,使眼色 blink [bl??k] v. 眨(眼) stream [stri?m] n. 小河,小溪 nibble  [?n?bl] v. 啃,小口咬;反復(fù)輕咬 hid [h?d] v. 隱藏;遮蔽(hide 的過去式 reed [ri?d] n. 蘆葦(稈) shore [???r] n. (海、湖或大河的)濱,岸 otter [?ɑ?t?r] n. 水獺 dive [da?v] v. 跳水;潛水 burrow [?b??ro?] v. 掘地洞,挖地道 snug [sn?ɡ] adj. 舒適的;溫暖的 beehive [?bi?ha?v] n. 蜂窩;蜂箱 hummed [h?md] v. 哼(曲子);發(fā)嗡嗡聲 stick [st?k] n. 枯枝,枝條 crow [kro?] n. 烏鴉 caw [k??] n. 鴉叫聲,呱呱叫 heaven [?hev(?)n] n. 天堂,天國 bounced [ba?nst] v. 彈起,彈跳,反彈 mossy [?m??si] adj. 苔蘚覆蓋的,長滿苔蘚的,苔蘚狀的 bask [bæsk] vi. 曬太陽;取暖 croak kro?k] vi. 呱呱地叫 den [den] n. 獸穴,獸窩 spin [sp?n] v. (使)快速旋轉(zhuǎn);(使)急轉(zhuǎn)身;(頭感到)眩暈;紡紗,紡織;(昆蟲)吐(絲),結(jié)(網(wǎng)) spun [sp?n] v. (使)旋轉(zhuǎn);(使)急轉(zhuǎn)身;紡線;結(jié)網(wǎng);駕車飛馳(spin 的過去式及過去分詞) lacey [?le?si] adj. 蕾絲的,花邊的,有花邊的(lacy的另一種拼寫) ??2402 崽喜歡。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (46.7%), 2-3歲 (23.3%)