#雞 #chicken #chick #hen #rooster 【鳥】【農(nóng)場(chǎng)動(dòng)物】

共10本書 ·10本有推薦語(yǔ) 適合男孩 , 中文書
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (28.1%), 4-5歲 (23.5%)
【賓果09雞】嘿,母雞,你好嗎? Hey, hen, how do you do? (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#鳥類#雞。 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! The rooster acts like an alarm clock to wake everybody up. Don’t miss out on this glorious day! Wake up, world! The sun is rising over the hilltops and the day is about to get started. 喔~喔~喔~~! 公雞就像一面鬧鐘一樣,喚醒每一個(gè)人。 可不要錯(cuò)過這神采飛揚(yáng)的一天! 醒來吧,世界! 太陽(yáng)升到山頂, 新的一天即將開始。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about chickens? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解雞嗎? Bird | Chicken 鳥類 | 雞 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Ou Yun-seon 標(biāo)題:Hey, hen, how do you do? 嘿,母雞,你好嗎? 正文 ●01 A male chicken is called a rooster. He crows in the morning – and sometimes through the day, too! 雄性的雞被稱為公雞。 他在清晨啼鳴—— 有時(shí)候整天都是如此! Cock-a-doodle-doo! 喔-喔--喔! ●04 The rooster is hungry. You could say he is peckish! He scratches at the ground, looking for food. Roosters aren’t very fussy about what they eat. 公雞餓了。 你可以說他是有點(diǎn)兒餓。 他刨蹉著地面,尋覓著食物。 公雞不怎么挑食。 ●05 Roosters have no teeth, so they cannot chew. To help digest their food, they swallow a few pebbles or a bit of dirt. 公雞沒有牙齒,所以不能咀嚼。 為了消化他們的食物,他們一起把一些小卵石或是一些兒塵土吞咽進(jìn)去。 ●07 A female chicken is called a hen. This one has caught the rooster’s eye. 雌性的雞被稱為母雞。 這只母雞被(某只)公雞看上了。 ●08 He trots over to see if she wants to be his mate. 他小步快走到她身旁,想試探她是否想成為他的伴侶。 ●09 The hen seems to like the rooster! ‘Bawk, bawk, bawk, ba-cawk! Your feathers look so fine!’ The hen pecks gently at the rooster’s lovely feathers. 母雞看起來很喜歡公雞! “咯咯,咯咯噠! 你的羽毛看起來很不錯(cuò)喔!” 母雞輕啄著公雞討喜的羽毛。 ●12 The rooster goes looking for gifts to give to his new love. 公雞四處探尋禮物,用來送給他的新愛侶。 ●13 The hen and the rooster go for a stroll. They stop for a drink, but they don’t drink like you do. 母雞與公雞一起漫步。 它們停下來飲水,但它們的飲水方式與你不同。 ●14 They have to take a mouthful and then tip back their head to gargle it down. 它們(先把水)囤滿全口,然后把頭往后仰,直到漱著口吞下去。 ●15 They don’t take a bath like you do, either. They roll around in the sand. Believe it or not, it makes their feathers feel soft and clean! 它們洗澡的方式,也和你不一樣。 它們到沙子里打滾。不管相信與否, 這樣能令它們的羽毛感覺更柔軟與干凈! ●17 The hen has laid her eggs, and she sits on them to keep them warm until they hatch. 母雞生了蛋,她端坐在蛋上面,使它們保持溫暖,直到孵化出來。 ●18 After 21 days, the shells crack open and the chicks begin to stumble out. 21 天過后,蛋殼裂開了,小雞崽們開始跌跌撞撞地走出來。 ●19 The little chicks go looking for food. 小雞崽們四處搜羅著覓食。 Cheep, cheep, cheep! 吱,吱,吱! Cheep, cheep, cheep! 吱,吱,吱! ●20 They don’t need their parents to teach them. They already know how to feed themselves. 它們并不需要父母教。 它們就已經(jīng)知道怎樣養(yǎng)活自己了。 Cheep, cheep, cheep! 吱,吱,吱! ●第21&22頁(yè) The chicks split into small groups, whatever they are doing... 雞崽們分成一個(gè)個(gè)小組, 無論它們做什么... ...eating, drinking, or playing games. ... 吃,喝,或是做游戲。 ●23 The whole family is going for a walk. 整個(gè)一家子外出散步了。 ●24 The chicks waddle and run behind their parents. They are so cute! 雞崽們搖搖擺擺著跑到它們父母身后。 它們是如此可愛! Cheep, cheep, cheep! 吱,吱,吱! ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! A chick is born! 小雞出生啦! ① Crack! 咔嚓! ② First, we see the chick’s yellow feathers. 首先,我們看到了小雞崽黃黃的羽毛。 ③ The chick crawls out of its shell. 小雞崽顫顫巍巍地爬出殼來。 ④ Its feathers are wet from being inside the egg. 從蛋殼里出來,它們的羽毛濕噠噠的。 ⑤ The chick shivers to get warm. 小雞崽抖動(dòng)著身體來取暖。 Different breeds of hen lay different coloured eggs. Sometimes the eggs are white, sometimes they are brown. 不同品種的母雞會(huì)生出顏色不同的雞蛋。 有時(shí)雞蛋是白色的,有時(shí)卻又是棕色。 ●27 Chicken Facts 雞的二三事 Rooster or hen? A rooster has a large red comb on its head. Its tail is made of long, fancy feathers. They have claws called spurs on the back of their feet. Hens have small combs and short feathers. They are less shiny than rooster feathers. 公雞還是母雞? 公雞頭上有著大大的雞冠。 他的尾巴由漂亮、長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的羽毛組成。 他們的爪子長(zhǎng)在腳后方,也被稱為雞掌。 母雞的雞冠很小,羽毛很短。 她們的羽毛沒有公雞的羽毛那樣閃亮。 Hen 母雞 Rooster 公雞 Taking a bath Chickens spread their wings and roll in the sand to get clean. As they roll, the sand gets into their feathers. Any bugs and parasites get scrubbed off, and carried away with the sand when the chickens flap their wings. 洗一個(gè)澡 雞們展開翅膀,在泥沙里打滾,以做清潔。 它們滾著的時(shí)候,泥沙卷入它們的羽毛中。 隨著它們拍打著翅膀,泥沙裹挾著隨身攜帶著的細(xì)菌與寄生蟲,就這樣被摩擦掉拍走了。 ●28 Bird | Chicken 鳥類 | 雞 Sleeping up high Chickens like to sleep on a piece of wood called a perch. It keeps them off the ground, and they feel safe. 睡在高處 雞喜歡在被稱為棲枝的一根棍子上睡覺。 這讓它們懸空于地,也讓它們感到安全。 Mother hen If you see a hen with some of its tummy feathers missing, that means she is brooding. The bare skin lets more heat pass to her eggs to keep them warm. 做母親的母雞 如果你看到一只母雞腹部的一些羽毛不見了,那也就意味著她在孵蛋。 裸露的皮膚給她的蛋傳遞更多熱能,以使它們保持溫暖。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (50.0%), 4-5歲 (50.0%)
susan名詞卡16【hen】 【susa名詞卡復(fù)述】 ●在本集復(fù)述中孩子需要內(nèi)化以下基礎(chǔ)句型: 1. Hello, dear darling. Today we are gonna look at a mother animal.What’s that? It’s a hen. 游戲:H-e-n hen    速度加快游戲 2. If she is the mother, who is the baby?      句型:If…, ...will.... 3. A chick is a hen’s baby.     游戲:兩個(gè)詞交替加快    hen  chick   hen  chick 4, Hen is the mother.  Chick is the baby.     知識(shí)點(diǎn):英文故事中故事中,大寫首字母的動(dòng)物表示名字 5.  A hen says cluck cluck cluck.句型:A xxx says xxx. 6. A hen can lay eggs.句型:A xxx can lay eggs. 7. How many eggs can a hen lay a day? 句型:How many XXs can you … a day? 8. A hen can lay one egg a day. 句型:練習(xí)How many 與 can的結(jié)合 ●這集可以做的zoom in和討論可以有: Hen: H-e-n mother+baby+ rooster says lay eggs 1/day ●復(fù)述,可參考的擴(kuò)展知識(shí)點(diǎn): Hen: 1.There are more than 33 billion chickens worldwide. 2.Chickens are living descendants of dinosaurs. Closest living relatives 3.Chickens were domesticated about 8000 years ago. They still have the ability to fly, though not as effectively. 4.Chickens can dream. 5.Chickens can have one half of the brain asleep and the other awake. They can sleep with one eye open, which is especially useful for looking out for predators. 6.Chickens have better color vision than humans. They can see red, green and blue light, and even ultraviolet light. 7.Chickens have complex communication. 8.They have great memories. They are able to recognize over 100 different faces. 9.Chickens bathe by covering themselves in dirt. 10.Chickens have a pecking order, order of dominance. They live in groups called flocks. 11.Egg shell color can be determined by the hen’s earlobe. Red—brown eggs white---white eggs
????+????【Slow Down】 當(dāng)小腳慢下來 (目錄掃圖轉(zhuǎn)文字) 1 放慢腳步,停下來,,認(rèn)真聆聽 2 鳥媽媽和鳥爸爸喂鳥寶寶 4 葉子上的小露珠 6 毛毛蟲破繭成蝶 8 鴨媽媽教小鴨子游泳 10 一只勤奮織網(wǎng)的蜘蛛 12 黎明合唱團(tuán) 14 貓鼠游戲 16 松鼠在秋天埋下橡果...... 又在冬天把它挖出來 18 蝙蝠深夜捕獵記 20 一道美麗的彩虹 22 在灌木叢里找漿果吃的小狐貍 24 一片雪花落下來 26 小蜜蜂給花朵授粉 28 蜜蜂蜂巢是如何運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)的 30 月亮的盈虧 32 后浪推前浪,,前浪拍在沙灘上 34 一只小端蚌變成青蛙 36 藍(lán)鈴花為林地披上 "新裝" 38 般鼠的 "蚯蚓儲(chǔ)藏室" 40 一株隨著大陽(yáng)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)的向日獎(jiǎng) 42 一場(chǎng)夏日雷雨 44 一顆流星點(diǎn)亮夜空 46 努力蛇皮的小蛇 48 森林里的蘑菇 50 美麗壯闊的晚霞 52 一只蝸牛留下 "足跡" 54 秋葉變色......飄落下來 56 愛洗澡的小麻雀 58 一朵云的形成 60 一只小雞維破而出 62 街道下起 "櫻花雨" 64 編織蟻是如何筑巢的 66 放芽卷在陽(yáng)光下舒展葉子 68 一只死里逃生的蚊子 70 認(rèn)真工作的啄木鳥 72 一只海星在海底漫歩 74 表演空中飛行秀的蜻蜓 76 睡蓮在池塘中綻放 78 一只倉(cāng)鴉睡醒后 80 田野上盛開的美人 82 一匹疾馳在牧場(chǎng)上的駿馬 84 林中苔鮮在一場(chǎng)陣雨里 "喝飽水" 86 一只顆蟲振翅起飛 88 鮭魚群湖河潤(rùn)游 90 一群加拿大黑雁長(zhǎng)途遷徒 92 雪兔 "狐" 口脫險(xiǎn) 94 一只翠鳥潛水捕魚 96 見食的田鼠 98 牡蠣是如何 "孕育" 珍珠的 100 一匹 "呼朋喚友" 的狼 102 今天, 讓小腳慢下來