#獅子 #lion 【哺乳動(dòng)物】【貓科】【狩獵動(dòng)物】

共3本書 ·3本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (100.0%)
susan名詞卡03【lion】 【susa名詞卡復(fù)述】 ●在本集復(fù)述中孩子需要內(nèi)化以下基礎(chǔ)句型: 1. We are gonna look at “l(fā)ion” … 句型:We are going to/ gonna... 引入一些動(dòng)詞卡 句型:Look at look at... 引入名詞卡隨機(jī)組句,強(qiáng)化冠詞 2. a very fierce animal 句型:adv.+ adj. 句型:xxx is very fierce too. 4. It’s a lion. 句型:It’s a... 5. A lion is a very big cat. 句型:xxx is a very adj. + n. 6. It has a big head. 句型:xxx has a big head. 句型:Daddy has a big xxx. 7.Do you have a big head? 句型:Do you have a big xxx ? 8. Where does a lion live? 句型:xxx lives on the grassland. 句型:Doesn’t live on the grassland. 此句型可擴(kuò)展: A lion lives on the savanna/grassland/pond/forest/sea/land 可以做成單獨(dú)關(guān)于habitat的presentation 9. A mother lion will take care of the little ones. 句型:I will take care of the xxx. 句型:xxx will take care of their little ones. 10. They run and hunt. They 代詞,要一個(gè)個(gè)練 句型:They xxx every day. 用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)練 ●這此可以做的zoom in和討論可以有: 1. roar What else can roar? A xxx can roar, too. 2. lion fierce What other animals are fierce? 3. A big cat 4. Head other body parts: paws,tail,teeth,mane 4. Where zoo Take care of 5. How? Hunt, lick, play, teach ●高階復(fù)述,可參考的擴(kuò)展知識(shí)點(diǎn): 1. the second largest cat 2. tawny brown/white 3. rounded head/ears 4. hairy tuft 5. mane(male) darker—older The older they get, the darker their manes go. 6. heel/pads 7. roar 8km 8. diet : zebra, giraffe, wildebeest 9. grassland 10. pride: 10-15, 5-6 lioness 11. cubs 12. play together
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (34.8%), 5-6歲 (26.1%)
【賓果30獅子】 The life of a lion (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 30 獅子的生活 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Like a lion If you’re naughty, you might make Dad roar like a lion. RARRRRR! If you fight with your brother, you might make Dad roar like a lion. RARRRRR! But daddy lions love their babies and want to protect them, just like your Dad looks after you. He’s a lion king! 像獅子一樣 如果你很淘氣,你可能會(huì)惹得爸爸像獅子一樣咆哮。 吼吼~ 如果你和兄弟打架,你可能會(huì)惹得爸爸像獅子一樣咆哮。 吼吼~ 那只是獅子爸比愛它的寶貝們,也想保護(hù)好它們,就像你的爸爸對(duì)你的照顧一樣。 他是一只獅子王! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about lions? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解獅子嗎? Animal | Lion 動(dòng)物 | 獅子 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Jeon San-gu 標(biāo)題:獅子的生活 The life of a lion 正文 ●01 The grasslands of Africa are home to huge numbers of animals. 非洲大草原是不計(jì)其數(shù)的動(dòng)物們的家園。 ●02 Long-necked giraffes graze on the leaves, and herds of antelopes and zebras gather to eat and drink. 頸長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的長(zhǎng)頸鹿凝視著葉子, 數(shù)群羚羊和斑馬聚在一起吃吃喝喝。 ●04 There is a slight rustle in the long grass. Who is hiding there? It is the master hunter: the lion. 長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的草叢中發(fā)出輕微的颯颯[sà]聲。 誰躲在那兒呢? 是狩獵大師:獅子。 TIP Most animals run or hide when a lion passes by. Some, like the mighty elephants, hippos and rhinos, are not so scared. 提示 獅子經(jīng)過時(shí),大多數(shù)動(dòng)物都會(huì)藏匿[nì]或狂奔。 有一些,卻沒有這么恐懼,如:巨大的大象、河馬、犀牛。 ●06 A lioness does more hunting than a lion. She is in charge of feeding the others. A bite on the neck from her powerful jaws is enough to catch a large zebra. 母獅子比公獅子更常獵食。 她掌管著養(yǎng)食其它獅子(的責(zé)任)。 脖子被她有力的頜咬上一口,足夠讓一只大斑馬被她捉住。 ●07 The lion is easy to recognize with his big, furry mane. 公獅子大大的、毛茸茸的鬃[zōng]毛很易辨認(rèn)。 ●08 He stalks towards the catch to claim his prize. 他擒住追蹤已久的獵物,宣示著他的戰(zhàn)利品。 ●09 The male lion is the leader of the group. A group of lions is called a pride. When the chief male has eaten, he shelters in the shade while the others eat. 雄性獅子是群組的領(lǐng)袖。 一組獅子稱為 pride:獅群。 雄性首領(lǐng)吃完后,他就在蔭蔽處歇息,其它獅子便可以進(jìn)食了。 ●11 The male wants to find a lioness who will breed with him. He will even fight other lions to keep them away. 雄獅想要找一位(母)雌獅,同他一起繁衍后代。 他甚至?xí)c其它獅子搏斗,讓它們滾遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)。 ●13 The lioness gives birth to her cubs after about 15 weeks. 大約 15 周過后,母獅子分娩生崽了。 ●14 The lion cubs play together. They chase their father’s tail and climb on their mother’s back. 獅子崽崽們一起嬉戲玩耍。 它們追著父親的尾巴跑,爬上母親的背脊。 ●15 If the cubs are too naughty or annoying, the lioness tells them off. They run to find their daddy. 如果崽崽們太調(diào)皮或是吵鬧,母獅子就會(huì)要求它們走開。 然后它們就跑去找它們的爸比。 ●16 Their daddy plays with them and protects them. The cubs begin to learn how to hunt and fight. 它們的爸比陪它們玩耍,并且保護(hù)它們。 獅子崽崽們開始學(xué)習(xí)怎樣捕獵,怎樣搏斗。 ●18 As the cubs grow bigger, the lionesses teach them how to catch their prey. 崽崽們長(zhǎng)得更大一些的時(shí)候,母獅子教授它們?nèi)绾尾妒倡C物。 Tip Young cubs are not usually successful in a hunt. They are only practising. 提示 幼小的獅子崽崽通常不能成功捕獲獵物。 它們只是在做練習(xí)。 ●20 Most prey is just too big for lion cubs. These tiny cubs are playing on the antelope that their mother caught. They are looking forward to a feast. 大多數(shù)獵物對(duì)獅子崽崽們來說太大了。 這些小崽崽們?cè)谒鼈兡赣H捉住的羚羊上玩耍。 它們正在展望一場(chǎng)盛宴。 ●21 Lions have to compete for food with hyenas. They often arrive to eat the remains of a meal. 獅子需與鬣[liè]狗競(jìng)爭(zhēng)奪食。 它們(獅子)通常在(鬣狗走后)到達(dá),吃食它們留下的殘羹[gēng]冷炙[zhì]。 ●22 The lioness is fierce and brave, but she takes her tiny cubs away to keep them safe from the hyenas. 母獅子雖很勇猛,但她會(huì)把小幼崽們帶到遠(yuǎn)離鬣狗,安全的地方。 ●23 In a few years, the cub has grown into a mighty lion king with a majestic mane. You can hear him roar into the sunset. 數(shù)年過后,幼崽長(zhǎng)成年了,成為了有著英偉鬃毛的獅子王。 你能聽到他在黃昏下的咆哮聲。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Lions are brave, but some animals still make them nervous. 獅子們很勇敢,但是有些動(dòng)物仍使得它們惴惴[zhuì]不安! An elephant is big enough to hurt a lion. (一頭)大象夠大,足以傷到一只獅子。 African buffalo are strong enough to kill a lion. (一頭)非洲水牛很強(qiáng)壯,足夠殺死一只獅子。 A lion will only attack an elephant or buffalo that is small or weak. The lion must be careful not to get injured by the tusks or horns. Lions also have to keep a lookout for packs of hyenas. They will attack a lion that is on its own. 一只獅子僅僅只在大象或水牛很幼小或很虛弱時(shí),攻擊它們。 獅子要很小心,以防被(大象的)獠牙或(水牛的)觸角傷到。 獅子們同樣也要留心一大群鬣狗,它們會(huì)在獅子單獨(dú)活動(dòng)時(shí)攻擊它。 ●26 When the hunter becomes the hunted… 當(dāng)獵食者變成被獵食者... 1 The hyenas spot the lioness with her prey. 鬣狗盯著母獅子與她的獵物。 2 She tries to stop the hyenas from stealing her food. 她試圖阻止鬣狗們偷襲她的食物。 3 She can’t do it alone. The hyenas are too strong. 她無法單獨(dú)防衛(wèi)。鬣狗們太強(qiáng)大了。 4 The lioness has to give in this time. 此番,母獅只得棄走。 ●27 Lion facts 獅子二三事 Keep it in the family A pride of lions is usually 1 or 2 males and 5 to 7 lionesses with their cubs. Lions are the only cats who live in such big groups. 一大家子在一起 獅群通常是 1 至 2 位雄性,5 至 7 位雌性(母獅),連同獅崽。 獅子是唯一組成如此一大群組共同生活的貓科(動(dòng)物)。 A mighty mane Lions are the only member of the cat family to have a mane. It makes the males look bigger and scarier, and can protect their neck in a fight. 英偉的鬃毛 獅子是貓科家族中唯一有著鬃毛的成員。 鬃毛使得雄獅看起來更龐大更威武,能在搏斗中保護(hù)它們的頸部。 ●28 Animal | Lion 動(dòng)物 | 獅子 Lone hunters Some male lions break away from the pride and live alone. They hunt by themselves, but might join others if they need help. 孤獨(dú)的獵食者 有些雄獅子從獅群中脫離開并獨(dú)居。 他們自己獵食為生,但當(dāng)它們需要幫助時(shí),也會(huì)加入其它獅子當(dāng)中。 Hunting skills Lionesses hunt together. They break into two groups. One group chases the prey while the other group hides in the grass, waiting to pounce. 獵食技能 母獅(雌獅子)一起獵食。 它們分成兩組。第一組追蹤獵物,另一組躲在草叢中,等待撲擊。 ———————————————————————————— Jungle Emperor Leo Lions are popular characters for films. Disney’s The Lion King is based on the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Kimba the White Lion (shown here) is a manga series created in the 1950s. Aslan is a wise king in CS Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, while Alex the Lion is the star of the show in the Madagascar movies. 森林大帝里奧 獅子對(duì)于電影制作而言是熱門角色。 迪士尼的《獅子王》以威廉·莎士比亞的戲劇《哈姆雷特》作為基礎(chǔ)。 白獅京巴(見右下角圖)是 20 世紀(jì) 50 年代創(chuàng)作的漫畫系列。 阿斯蘭 Aslan 是 CS 劉易斯《獅子·女巫·魔衣櫥》一書中的睿智之王, 而獅子亞歷克斯 Alex 則是馬達(dá)加斯加電影中的明星。 津嘉山正種 Masane Tsukayama