
2020-3-18 21:37 原創(chuàng) · 圖片8

2b unit1 I love to go to school


2. Reading:

3. Video:超級飛俠

4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1.Three roads

Dad:Joyce, do you love to go to school? Let's go to school. There are three ways we can go. This road is named snake road, if you want to go to school on this way, you should crawl to school like a snake. This way is called frog road, if you choose this road, you should jump like a frog.This way is named cat road, you should walk like a cat if you go this way.

2.Who is bigger? 

Dad: Let's compare these two pieces of paper, this one is a big piece of paper. This one is bigger than that one. Look at your daddy and me, who is bigger? Can you compare you and mommy? Who is bigger? Can you compare your brother and you? Who is bigger? 

3.Jump like a toad

 Dad:Joyce, look, what is it?A frog, a small fat frog. How does a frog move? J:Jump.Jump. Dad:Yes,very good. Can you jump like a frog? Yes, great. Dad:Look, the frog jumps into the backpack,the frog jumps out the backpack. Dad can jump into the backpack, Dad can jump out of the backpack. Can you jump into the backpack? Can you jump out of the backpack? 

4.Act it out 

Joyce, come here, here is your backpack, put it on your shoulders. Let's chant and do the actions together. I love to go toschool, go to school, go to school. I have paper and pencils in my backpack. I love to go to school, go to school, go to school. I have a toad big and fat in my backpack. 

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