
2020-9-11 19:53 原創(chuàng) · 圖片5

3a unit3 Plants


2. Reading:

3. Video:無

4. 游戲/手工/Field trip

1.Let's grow a flower 
Dad: Look J, what do I have? 
J: A pot. 
Dad: Yes I have a pot and look I have a seed too.Would you like to plant it? 
J: Yes. 
Dad: Good job! Now what does the seed need next? 
J: The seed needs rain. 
Dad: You are right. Let's water the seed. Now, what next? 
J: The seed needs sun. 
Dad: Yes, you are right the seed needs some sun! Let's put it in the window. What will happen next? 
J:The plant begins to grow. 
Dad: You are right and what happens after that? 
J: The buds all open up. 
Dad: Yes, look here the bud is opening. What happens then? 
J: The flowers smile at me. 
Dad: Well done! Look the flower is here. You have grown a flower! Can you smell the flower?

2.The flower says.. 
Dad: Ok J, this time daddy will write some words on the flowers. When you pick one you must do the action and mommy will guess ok? 
J: Ok. 
Dad: Great! You first, pick a flower, it says"run" and do the action. 
J: (does action) 
Mommy: You are jumping. 
J: No! 
Dad: Mommy, J is running! 
Mommy your turn. J will guess.

3.Where the water goes 
Dad: Ok J, we are going to do an experiment. 
J: Ok. 
Dad: We are going to see how water goes into a plant. Would you like to see this? 
J: Yes I want to see. 
Dad: Good. Ok so we will get a cabbage leaf and we will cut it up the middle. We will put a piece into each glass with water and food dye. Then we will see the water move up the plant. 
J: Ok. 
Dad: Ok Baby, add the colored water.Good. Let's leave them for a while we will check them later. 
Dad: Look J, the water has moved through the leaf and colored the plant ! 
J: Wow.

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