Step Into Reading----Hot Dog 學(xué)習(xí)詳案

2016-9-23 11:00 轉(zhuǎn)載 · 圖片1



封面部分:指讀題目,并提問,What does hot dog mean? 讓孩子區(qū)分食物hot dog跟書中hot dog的區(qū)別。指著封面中的狗提問,Why do we call this dog a hot dog?

2.正文1-2:Dog is hot. Mom is not. 根據(jù)圖片進(jìn)行提問并講解:

Is mom hot?

(No, mom is not hot.)

What does mom do to cool off?

(She drinks cold lemonade, and she has a fan to cool herself off.)

Is Dog hot?

(Yes, Dog is so hot.)

What does Dog want to do?

(Dog wants to share the fan with mom. Or Dog wants to share lemonade with mom.)

Will mom share lemonade with Dog?

(No, she won’t.)

3.正文3-4:Go play, Dog. 根據(jù)圖片內(nèi)容提問并講解:

What did Dog do?

(Dog jumped on mom.)

What did mom do?

(Mom put Dog down and chased him away.)

If you were mom, would you share your lemonade with Dog?


4.正文5-6: Dog is hot. Cat is not. 根據(jù)圖片內(nèi)容提問并講解:

Where are the cats?

(They are resting in a shady spot on the porch.)

What does Dog what to do?

(He wants to share the shady spot with Cat?)

Do you think Cat will share the shady spot with Dog?

5.正文7-8:No way, Dog!

講解: Look, the cat is getting angry. Why is Cat so angry?

(Cat doesn’t want to share the shady spot with Dog.)

What did Cat do?

(Cat chased Dog way.)

6.正文9-10:Dog is hot. Pig is not.

What does pig do to cool off?

(Pig rolls in the mud to cool off.)

How does Dog feel when he lies down in the cool mud?

(He feels so comfortable.)

Is Dog hot now?

(No, he is not hot.)

7.正文11-12:Oh, no, Dog!

What is happening here?

(Pig is rolling on Dog.)

Is it a good way for Dog to get cool?

Would you like to roll in the mud?

8.正文13-14:Dog is hot. Boy is not.

What is the boy doing?

(He is eating ice cream on the fence.)

What happens to the ice cream?

(The ice cream melts and drips on the ground.)

What are Dog and Goat looking at?

(They are looking at the dripping ice cream.)

Who do you think will get the ice cream on the ground?

9.正文15-16:Too slow, Dog!

Who got the ice cream?

(Goat got the ice cream.)

Why didn’t Dog get ice cream?

(Dog was too slow.)

10. 正文17-18:Dog is hot. Sheep are not.

What is the farmer doing?

(The farmer is cutting wool of sheep.)

What does Dog want?

(He wants to get a haircut.)

Will the farmer give Dog a haircut?

11. 正文19-20:Shoo, shoo, Dog.

Did the farmer give Dog a haircut?

(No, he didn’t.)

What did the farmer do?

(The farmer shooed Dog away.)

12. 正文21-22:Dog is hot. Skunk is not.

What does Dog find?

(Dog finds a hollow log.)

Who is inside the hollow log?

(A skunk is inside the hollow log.)

What is Dog doing?

(Dog is crawling into the hollow log.)

Will Skunk share the hollow log with Dog?

13. 正文23-24:P.U., Dog!

What is happening in the picture?

(Skunk is making a real stink.)

Why do you think the skunk is doing that?

(Skunk doesn’t want to share the hollow log with Dog, so he makes a stinky smell to set Dog away.)

14. 正文25-26:Dog is hot. Girl is not. Silly dog!

What is the girl doing?

(The girl is swimming in the pool.)

Poor dog, he’s still so hot. Will the girl share the pool with dog?

15. 正文27-29:Dog is cool. In the pool. Chilly Dog.

The girl shares the swimming pool with Dog. Now, he’s no longer a hot dog, he’s a chilly dog.



1. 學(xué)習(xí)word family, -ot,-og,讓小朋友根據(jù)word family –ot,-og,練習(xí)拼讀,如文中出現(xiàn)的 hot,not,dog,除了文本中出現(xiàn)的詞匯,可以用字母卡片跟小朋友一起玩拼字游戲,拼出更多的詞匯,如lot, pot, cot, dot, hog, log, jog…

2. 韻詞配對,選定一個詞,讓小朋友尋找與該詞配對的單詞。

例: Can you find a word rhymes with cool?

(The word pool rhymes with cool.)

3. 書寫練習(xí)

Write the words that rhyme with hot and dog.



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