
2019-7-17 07:33 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4

1.Listening:繪本,分級(jí),Peppa pig,SSS,清華英語(yǔ)(0a unit 4 I can fly)和漢語(yǔ),古詩(shī),聲律啟蒙


3,4級(jí)Heinemann G1-37: Level C Homes9206人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)7223 · 書(shū)評(píng)11Nancy LingHeinemann

3,4級(jí)Heinemann G1-60: Level C Pets8975人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)6784 · 書(shū)評(píng)7Amy Helfer

3,4級(jí)Heinemann G1-56: Kate's Truck8948人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)6783 · 書(shū)評(píng)2nancy ling

3級(jí)Heinemann G1-58: Level C A Visit to the City8451人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)6495 · 書(shū)評(píng)3Linda Peters

3,4級(jí)Heinemann G1-45: Level D Time for Lunch8923人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)6812 · 書(shū)評(píng)7by Ron Heath, illustrated by Paul MeiselHeinemann / 2009-01

3級(jí)Heinemann G1-53: Level E The Surprise8344人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)5774 · 書(shū)評(píng)3by Nancy Ling,illustrated by Janie BynumHeinemann

3,4級(jí)Heinemann G1-52: Level C The Puppets8745人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)6567 · 書(shū)評(píng)6Nancy Westwood

3,4級(jí)Heinemann G1-49:Level D What Am I?8265人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)6092 · 書(shū)評(píng)4by Eleanor Janeway,illustrated by Neecy TwinemHeinemann / 2009-01

who's there, Spot?1人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)1

一堆好朋友9924人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)5329 · 書(shū)評(píng)20[德]凱瑟提恩·舍尼 著繪;王星 譯天津人民出版社 / 2015-01

親親科學(xué)圖書(shū)館 第3輯: 建筑工地15605人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)8851 · 書(shū)評(píng)10[法]史黛芬妮·勒迪 著;[法]卡特琳娜·布徐 繪;沈志紅 譯安徽教育出版社 / 2016-11

我愛(ài)你這么多1970人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)984 · 書(shū)評(píng)2[美]瑪麗安妮·里奇蒙 著, 范曉星 譯天津人民出版社 / 2017-09

美國(guó)國(guó)家地理少兒小百科預(yù)備級(jí)C: 睡覺(jué)吧, 熊193人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)108陽(yáng)曦譯江蘇鳳凰美術(shù)出版社

美國(guó)國(guó)家地理少兒小百科-預(yù)備級(jí)B214人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)122詹妮弗·斯曼斯基 等 著江蘇鳳凰美術(shù)出版社 / 2018-05

嗡嗡嗡, 小蜜蜂! (美國(guó)國(guó)家地理少兒小百科)1人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)1

游動(dòng)吧, 魚(yú)兒!1人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)1

開(kāi)車(chē)去兜風(fēng)1人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)1

奔跑吧, 小馬1人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)1

2級(jí)Red Rocket Readers Pre-reading level: We Like Sports4825人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)3626 · 書(shū)評(píng)3Pam HoldenFlying Start / 2015-10

3.Video:peppa pig 2集 


M: what’s this?

Jasper: bird(看了好久才看出來(lái))

M:it has wings. It can fly. Tweet, tweet, I’m a little bird. I can fly. I can fly here. I can fly there. Wow, I’m high in the air. Look, it can fly to your nose/ mouth/ head.

(我繼續(xù)唱)look, where is the bird?

Jasper: daddy’s 頭上

M: Yes, it’s on daddy’s head. Where is the bird now?

Jasper: daddy’s shoulder

M: Yes, it’s on daddy’s shoulder. Look, where is the bird?

Jasper: daddy’s hand

M: Yes, it’s on daddy’s hand. Daddy, fly with me.(爸爸一起做動(dòng)作)

M: Jasper, Do you have wings?

Jasper: No

M: does a bird have wings?

Jasper: Yes 

M: birds have wings. They can fly. Do you want to fly with us?

Jasper: Yes.

M:fly to daddy. give daddy a hug.

M: what’s this?

Jasper: bunny/ frog / eagle/ butterfly/ fish/ kangaroo 


M:it’s a dragonfly


M: which one can fly?

Jasper:eagle/ butterfly/ 蜻蜓

M: Yes, the dragonfly can fly. They have wings. They can fly. can the frog fly?

Jasper: No.

M: what can the frog do?

Jasper: hop

M: Yes, the frog can hop. The bunny can hop, too. The fish can swim. They can’t fly. Can you help the frog fly?


M: I can help you fly.(唱?動(dòng)作)

M: can you help the frog fly?


M: what else can fly?

Jasper: birdy fly.

M: Yes, birds can fly. What else can fly?

Jasper: eagle/ butterfly/ bee/ dragonfly

M: can the plane fly?

Jasper: Yes.

M: Do you want to make a paper plane?

Jasper: Yes.

M: we need some paper. Can you get mommy some paper?

Jasper: (環(huán)顧四周)沒(méi)有paper

M: mommy will get some paper. Look, I found paper. Let’s make a paper plane. First, fold the paper down the middle. Now fold the corners in at one end. Fold both corners in again to make a point. Then fold the sides back like this. Let’s see if it can fly. Ready, steady, go. Can the plane fly?

Jasper: Yes.

M: look. The plane has landed on the box/ chair/ pillow.

M: Jasper, mommy can make a bird with my hands. Look. I can fly here, I can fly there. Wow, I’m high in the air. Can you make a bird with your hands? let mommy help you.


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