
2019-7-14 21:13 原創(chuàng) · 圖片2


1.Listening:分級、繪本,清華幼兒英語,清華幼兒漢語,play along,SSS,Peppa Pig,古詩,聲律啟蒙


逃家小兔36549人有 · 評價19086 · 書評325[美]瑪格麗特·懷茲·布朗 著;[美]克雷門·赫德 繪;黃迺毓 譯明天出版社 / 2008-11

小熊寶寶繪本(全15冊)53417人有 · 評價26350 · 書評981(日) 佐佐木洋子 文/圖;蒲蒲蘭 譯連環(huán)畫出版社 / 2007-05


我媽媽80776人有 · 評價36582 · 書評530文/圖:(英) 安東尼·布朗;翻譯: 余治瑩河北教育出版社 / 2007-04

奶奶的紅披風(fēng)9498人有 · 評價5319 · 書評31(美)蘿倫·卡斯提羅 著繪;方素珍 譯中信出版社 / 2015-09

中國原創(chuàng)圖畫書: 玉米1353人有 · 評價772 · 書評3郭之武 文中國中福會出版社 / 2018-08

動物量身高2434人有 · 評價1781 · 書評4[日]說書人·慶太郎 著; [日]高畠純 繪; 陳瀅如 譯明天出版社 / 2018-09

猜猜我有多愛你62359人有 · 評價28625 · 書評470[愛爾蘭]山姆·麥克布雷尼 文;[英]安妮塔·婕朗 圖;梅子涵 譯明天出版社 / 2013-07

有些時候, 我特別喜歡媽媽7495人有 · 評價4994 · 書評36[法]阿諾·阿梅哈 著;[法]侯邦 繪;謝逢蓓 譯明天出版社 / 2014-04

有些時候, 我特別喜歡爸爸11531人有 · 評價7136 · 書評49(法) 阿諾·阿梅哈 著;侯邦 繪;尉遲秀 譯明天出版社 / 2013-06

2,3級The Ants go Marching!2688人有 · 評價1193 · 書評12Dan Crispchild’s play / 2007-09

2級Heinemann G1-48: Level B My Friend9178人有 · 評價7248 · 書評4Ida StevensHeinemann / 2009-01

3,4級Heinemann G1-52: Level C The Puppets8745人有 · 評價6567 · 書評6Nancy Westwood

3,4級Heinemann G1-49:Level D What Am I?8265人有 · 評價6092 · 書評4by Eleanor Janeway,illustrated by Neecy TwinemHeinemann / 2009-01

2級Heinemann G1-50: Level B Trucks8858人有 · 評價6808 · 書評4David Earl

3,4級Heinemann G1-37: Level C Homes9206人有 · 評價7223 · 書評11Nancy LingHeinemann

3,4級Heinemann G1-31:Level C A Day at the Park8527人有 · 評價6650 · 書評6by Maggie Bridger, illustrated by Meredith Johnson

2級Heinemann G1-46: Level B A Rainy Day9128人有 · 評價7373 · 書評4Stephanie HerbekHeinemann / 2009-01

3,4級Heinemann G1-45: Level D Time for Lunch8923人有 · 評價6812 · 書評7by Ron Heath, illustrated by Paul MeiselHeinemann / 2009-01


M:Hello,Jasper. I'm a kangaroo. I'm mommy kangaroo. Look, I can hop. Kangaroo,kangaroo,hop,hop,hop. Kangaroo,kangaroo,hop,hop,hop.

M: Look, I have a big bag. What’s in it?

Jasper: Kangaroo.

M: Yes, it’s a baby kangaroo.

Jasper: baby kangaroo.

M: do you want to take it out?

Jasper: No.

M: mommy wants to take it out. Say hello to the baby kangaroo.

Jasper: hello, baby kangaroo.

M: Do you like the baby kangaroo?

Jasper: Yes.

M: give the kangaroo a kiss.


M: Do you like mommy?

Jasper: Yes.

M: give mommy a kiss.

M: the baby kangaroo can hop, too. Kangaroo,kangaroo,hop,hop,hop. Kangaroo,kangaroo,hop,hop,hop.

The baby kangaroo hops to Jasper/ mommy/ into my bag.

M: Can you hop?

Jasper: Yes.

M: hop to mommy. Give mommy a hug.


M:daddy,hop to me. Give me a hug.

M: Jasper, hop to daddy. Give daddy a hug.


M:hop to mommy. Give me five.

Jasper: high five.

M: which animal can hop too?

Jasper: frog

M: can you get mommy a frog?


M: what else? Which animal can hop too?


M: the frog can hop. The rabbit can hop. Kangaroo,kangaroo,hop,hop,hop. Frog, frog,hop,hop,hop. Rabbit, rabbit, hop,hop,hop. 

M: Do you want to be a rabbit?

Jasper: Yes.(問了好多遍才回答)

M:wow. You are a rabbit. Mommy is a kangaroo. Let’s hop together. I’m hungry. I want to eat some grass. Look, the grass is over there. Let’s hop to the grass.


M: what does a rabbit like to eat?

Jasper: grass

M:what does a rabbit like to eat?

Jasper: carrot

M: Yes. You are a rabbit. You like to eat carrots. Let’s hop to the carrot.

We pretend to eat the carrot.

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