Twelfth Night

2018-1-31 16:19 原創(chuàng)

noblewoman 貴婦人

duke 公爵

jester 弄臣,小丑

twist 轉(zhuǎn)折

turn 反轉(zhuǎn)

soak 濕透

gruff 粗啞的

cling to 緊抓,抱住

Viola blinked back her tears.

Illyia 伊利里亞,南歐一古國

hopelessly 無可救藥地

the court (電影)伯爵

on the spot 立刻,當(dāng)場

bit her lip 咬嘴唇

bound to 一定會

uproar 吵鬧

make merry 尋歡作樂

be cross with 生氣

snobby 勢利的

steward 仆人

despite herself 不情愿

fair lady 淑女,貴婦人

thunderous groans 雷鳴般的呻吟

untie a knot

blurt 脫口而出

If only 要是……多好

Her feeling are away at her, like a worm in the bud.芽,蓓蕾

mischief 惡作劇

ale 麥芽酒

tunefully 聲音悅耳的

virtuous 有德行的

snarl 咆哮

stalk 高視闊步

think aloud 自言自語

rogue 流氓

garter 吊帶襪

exclaim 呼喊

rat-a-tat 呯呯聲(敲門)

I must stay out of sight. 不能出現(xiàn)

jingling 叮當(dāng)作響的

simper 傻笑,假笑

waggle 來回?fù)u擺

snatch away 迅速拿開

midsummer madness 愚蠢之至

glint 閃閃發(fā)光

prank 惡作劇

duel 決斗

look out for 留神提防

answer for  對……負(fù)責(zé)

If it prove true, tempests are kind, and salt waves full of love.

flail 胡亂飛舞

bewilder 迷惑

taunt 奚落

lunatic 瘋子

stifle 克制

pinch 掐,夾

I'll follow this good man, and go with you, and having sworn truth, ever will be true.

bump into 偶然碰見

wander off 迷失,不見

fling 急伸

dodge 閃躲,回避

vouch for 擔(dān)保,為……作證

gasp 倒抽一口氣

shriek 尖叫

stammer 結(jié)巴地說

Let her curls tumble down. 卷發(fā)

clasp 緊握

wrong 無禮對待,委屈

回應(yīng) 舉報(bào)

