
2021-7-9 15:45 原創(chuàng)



  • Children’s Basic Emotions: Fun and Affection Anger Sadness Fear
  • What we learn is a strategy for living.
  • ‘This means that every baby must learn how to adapt his or her basic behaviour to cope with their primal situation. These adaptations become the nucleus around which the rest of our behaviour grows and develops.
  • ‘I think confusion is often the first stage in the learning process,’ said Heron. ‘It happens when fixed boundaries begin to unfreeze. You start to be confronted with new data that challenge existing beliefs and behaviour. It can be the beginning of creativity, the anxiety that drives the process of change.’
  • ‘The Adult Ego State’, replied Heron, ‘is the rational, unemotional way we have of behaving. It enables us to deal with the reality of what is happening in the here-and-now.’
  • ‘The Adult Ego State is the only state in which we can learn something new about ourselves.’
  • ‘When you are in the Parent, you are essentially being either critical or nurturing. Either way, you are repeating in words or behaviour the beliefs and values you learnt from your parents. You want to demonstrate them and tell them to others. It is a state of certainty and so there can be no place for new knowledge or ideas. The old ones reign supreme. That is why no one ever changes their mind.
  • Whenever our emotions are genuinely engaged, there is the opportunity for growth.
  • ‘understanding your own inner emotional life and being able to control it.
  • ‘So what’s someone like who has a high EQ?’ asked Toad. ‘In a nutshell,’ replied Heron, ‘they have great self-awareness and know their own emotions. They can manage their own feelings and bounce back from sadness and misfortune. But perhaps most importantly, they can control their impulsiveness and delay gratification, so avoiding hasty and ill-considered decisions and actions.’
  • Independency’, replied Heron, ‘implies a sort of pride in being yourself, with all your unique talents and differences, and a readiness to defend this new-found autonomy, like a nation gaining its freedom from a colonial past. And there is nothing wrong with that. But being interdependent suggests a maturity and self-acceptance, together with an acceptance of others in spite of their differences. Being interdependent allows you to relate effectively with others and cooperate with them, both socially and at work.’

蛤蟆先生去看心理醫(yī)生2525人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)903 · 書(shū)評(píng)25[英] 羅伯特·戴博德 著; 陳贏 譯天津人民出版社 / 2020-07

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