
2020-4-17 00:26 原創(chuàng)


昨天講raz c的時候,Get in 中有女孩,男孩,女人,男人和各種動物陸續(xù)進入泳池,當時第一反應天啊,怎么人畜一個泳池呢?樂哥兒的倒是見怪不怪的,問起了別的問題

Lawrence: Why doesnt the man put on the shirt? But the woman and the girl put on the shirt?

M: because women have boobs while men dont. Girls will grow boobs soon but boys don’t. So they need to cover their boobs.

L: why do they need to cover their boobs?

M: cuz that’s the private place. U dont want others to see that private place. Boy and men also have their private place. Do u c they r wearing swimming pants?

L: why?

M: cuz that’s the private place and u also cover ur penis when u went swimming, right? Cuz u dont want others to see it.

L: why?

M: if others see it or touch it, how will u feel?

L: i will feel upset.

M: yes, u should be . Nobody can touch ur private place if u dont want it. Even the doctors should ask daddy or mummy first. If sb touches u, who should u call?

L: the policeman.

M: yes, but I prefer u will call daddy and mummy first and tell us what happen. Listen, if u dont want others to touch ur private place. Neither do the girls and women. So u cannot touch, ok?

L: got it.



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