練筆:COVID 19: from the beginning to the result

2020-8-2 10:09 原創(chuàng) · 圖片1



The coronavirus, otherwise known as the COVID 19 (for coronavirus disease 2019), is getting more and more dangerous by time. There have been 2009 registered deaths until now, but only for now. The number is quickly spreading, as fast as a spilled bottle of ink, about more than 100 each day! And that’s not all. Its fatality rate (about 2.5% for now) isn’t as high as the SARS in 2003 (10.8%, I think), but it does, after all, a strength: speed.

For example, the SARS took 4 months to hit 1000 cases. But COVID 19, took just 25 days. 25 days! But why? There are three main reasons.

The first reason is that transportation is way easier these days. Back in 2003, when SARS struck, there still wasn’t much transportation, naturally making the disease so fast to spread. But nowadays, diseases can hitch rides as easily as ever. All they needed to do, was to jump onto one of us, spreading them faster. But that wasn’t all.   

Then there was the second reason. As if it knew what to do, it cleverly struck just before the spring festival. The people move a lot when it comes to the spring festival. Just perfect for the virus.   

 Surprisingly, there was still a third reason. The provincial and municipal government were not very efficient. Quite inefficient, to be honest. Now pretty much everyone’s mad at them.   

 This threatening disease is now rampaging across the world, terrorizing everyone. But where did it come from? A market in Wuhan. Yes, as simple as a market. (And, by the way, that is NOT an excuse to use against your mum the next time she wants to go to the supermarket.) It sold wild animals, which were the most common hosts where viruses originated. It had been discovered that not just one stand, but many, had COVID 19 viruses!   

 The virus is dangerous, but we have hopes. About half a month ago, the number of cured patients in China exceeded the number of deaths for the first time, and continues to increase. I hope that humanity can overcome this barrier and keep going on.   

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