
2020-1-7 15:32 原創(chuàng)

A Seed Grows 小朋友們試試用時(shí)間線作一個(gè)種子到種子的生長曲線圖嗎?  

A small seed falls to the ground and becomes buried in the soft soil.


The seed is buried in the soft soil, and the rain falls. The rain soaks into the soil that holds the small seed. 


The small seed soaks up water from the rain.


The water helps the seed, and roots grow down deep into the soil. 


The leaves and a stem grow up through the ground.


The leaves gather in the sunshine. 葉子沐浴著陽光 

The plant uses sunshine to make food.利用陽光制造食物

The rain and the soil help the small plant. The plant grows taller, and more leaves grow on the stem. 更多的葉子從莖上長出來

The roots grow longer. They go deep in the ground. The big plant grows flowers. The flowers make seeds.


A new seed falls into the soft soil. What will happen next?接下來會(huì)發(fā)生什么呢?

Animal Eyes 


You use your eyes to see. Animals use their eyes to see, too. Animal eyes can be small or large. Some animal eyes can look very strange! 


What animal has eyes that look like this? This spider does. It has eight eyes that look like little dots. 


Most spiders can’t see very clearly. But many spiders are very good at seeing things move. 


What animal has eyes that look like this? This owl does. Its eyes help it see well at night. An owl cannot move its eyes. 


It must turn its head to look around.它必須移動(dòng)頭部來觀察四周  

What animal has eyes that look like this? This kind of lizard does. Each eye can look in a different place. 兩只眼睛可以分別觀察不同地點(diǎn) 

The left eye sees one thing. The right eye sees something different at the same time. What animal has eyes that look like this? This dragonfly has eyes that are made up of many tiny eyes. Dragonflies are very good at seeing things move. 蜻蜓非常擅長觀察移動(dòng)物體  

Use your eyes to see all the animal eyes around you. 

Ants, Ants, and more Ants Ants Everywhere! 

You can find ants in lots of different places. You can find them in the grass and dirt in your yard. 


You can find them on trees and in your home. What do ants look like? Ants are insects.


Their bodies have three parts, And they have six strong legs. Ants can be different colors. They can be black, brown, red, green, or yellow. Ants have two antennae that they use to touch and smell. 


Ants can be tiny or large. Some big ants are as large a a paper clip. 


Ants are very strong for their size. 


Some ants have large, strong jaws. 


They use their jaws to cut food and to fight. Groups of Ants Most ants build nests under or on top of the ground. Different ants in the nest have different jobs. The queen ant lays all the eggs. Some worker ants take care of the eggs and baby ants.工蟻 

Some worker ants get food. Soldier ants guard the nest.兵蟻 Watching ants. Ants are amazing animals. You can have fun watching ants at work. 

Beanie and the Missing Bear 

My name is Beanie. I am a detective.偵探 

That means I solve mysteries. 


I have my first mystery to solve. My sister Clare can’t find her bear. Clare points at Dad’s chair. “I left a bear in that chair,” says Clare. I look on the chair, under the chair, and behind the chair. No bear. Did you see that? Our dog Chomps took that sock. Maybe he took Clare’s bear, too. I follow Chomps. I look in Chomps’s bed. I see a sock, a ball, and Danny’s rabbit. But no bear. I give Danny his rabbit. He puts it in a new blanket. What about Danny’s old blanket? There is something strange about Danny’s old blanket. 


Do you see it, too? “Please, Danny,” I say. “May I look at your old blanket?” I open the blanket. “Hello, Bear!” I say. Chimps did not take the bear. It was Danny. I solved the mystery. Now Clare thinks I’m the best detective in the world. 


She could be right. 

Billy Gets Lost Billy is a puppy. 

He lives in a big house with a blue roof. He loves to play fetch with Emmy. 


Emmy throws the ball. Billy chases it. Then, Billy sees Cat. He drops the ball and chases Cat. Cat runs down the street, and Billy chases him. Emmy cries, “Come back, Billy.” Cat runs through a farm, and Billy chases him. Cat runs into the forest, and Billy chases him. Cat climbs up a tree. Billy turns to go home He cannot see the big house with a blue roof. “Oh, no, I am lost.” Billy says. 


Billy runs down a path. He sees fox. “How can I get home?” He asks Fox. “I have never been out of the forest,” says Fox. 


“Ask Cow in the farmer’s field,” Fox says. Billy runs to the farmer’s field. Billy says to Cow, “I am lost.” “Do you know the way to my house?” Billy asks. “I have never been off the farm,” says Cow. 


“Ask Owl,” Cow says. Billy goes to Owl i the barn. “Please wake up, Owl,” says Billy. “I need your help,” he says. “I am lost!” he cries. “Do you know a big house with a blue roof?” Billy asks. “Yes, I do,” Owl says. Owl flies, and Billy chases her. Then, Billy sees Emmy at the big house with a blue roof. “Thank you, Owl,” says Billy. 

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