RAZ A級 生詞

2020-3-25 17:56 原創(chuàng)

01. vegetables   broccoli, cabbage

02. fruit     lemon

03. my room 無

04. he runs 無

05. baby animals 各種動物幼仔,已留存  foal,lamb

06. in and out 無

07. i can 無

08. my face   單詞eyebrow   chin

09. my body 無

10. getting dressed 無

11. we can make sounds   已留存   rap

12. what i like 無

13. spring weather   fog

14. opposites  無

15. all kinds of faces    excited, shy

16. i save money 已留存  penny, nickel, dime, quarter

17. fruit colors 無

18. my dog  無

19. the forest   forest, stream

20. hamster home  hamster, cage, nest, tube

21. this is my bear   fur 

22. i see my colors 無

23. rabbits    fluffy

24. the rainstorm     lightning

25. these shoes 無

26. the big cat 無

27. bird colors 無

28. hot and cold  無

29. shapes in nature      nature, spiral

30. what lives here    child

31. bedtime counting 無

32. i love flowers  已留存


33. the parade 已留存

游行相關(guān)詞匯    float (游行時用的)彩車,花車

34. you can dance 已留存

35. who has it 無

36. hello, butterfly 無

37. nice, not nice 教小朋友如何nice

38. a fish sees 無

39. this smells  sour, 

40. i love pirates 無

41. now we bake 

frost: eps AmE to cover a cake with a mixture of powdery sugar and liquid 在糕餅上撒糖霜 BrE ice

serve: to give someone food or drink, esp as part of a meal or in a restaurant, bar etc 提供,端上(飯菜等)

42. safe, not safe 無

43. this is my halloween 無

44. the mall 無

45. muscles  muscle, lift, stretch

46. my little brother 無

47. oh, raccoon    raccoon, smart, sneaky, 

sneaky: doing things in a secret and often dishonest or unfair way 偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的

48. i can skate    backward, forward

49. sundae time    

sundae: a dish made from ice cream, fruit, sweet sauce, nuts etc圣代冰激凌

fudge: a soft creamy brown sweet food 奶油軟糖 

50. my easter eggs   plain, spooky

51. what makes me happy 無

52. go fly a kite 無

53. what do i hear  無

54. athletes   athlete, dive, 

55. clean, not clean 無

56. smile 無

57. spring and fall    fall, 

58. this tastes    bland, spicy, bitter

59. building with blocks  無

60. this insect   furry, skinny, 

61. where they hid     below, above, 

62. this feels   dry, rough, 

63. for mom 無

64. Carlos counts kittens 無

65.  carols goes to school   crayon, sweater, 

66. bird goes home 無

67. my hair    curly, straight, blond, braided,  有電子版

68. mom and i    giraffe, ape

69. pond animals    pond, swan

70. i go      movie

71. i set the table 無

72. going places 無

73. i draw a bunny   draw的讀音

74. maria counts pumpkins 無

75. maria goes to school 無

76. up and down  無

77. car parts    engine, trunk, seat belt

78. my house dining room

79. fun in the water    paddle, dive

80. snake colors 無

81. grandparents are great   hike sew

82. dad and i   無

83. halloween houses  無

84. where to go 無

85. smells like thanksgiving   stuffing, roll(n.), yam, gravy, 

86. christmas cookies 無

87. this sounds   quiet, squeaky, loud, calm, boring

88. write  無

89. i dream  無

90. time for eggs    collect

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