Roald Dahl 書里的童心巧克力

2022-8-29 09:47 原創(chuàng) · 圖片10

Roald Dahl 的名作







??又是一年暑期中搬磚上課的Hermi. 但是親子閱讀依然繼續(xù)~





Roald Dahl-The Enormous Crocodile

童書--Fantastic Mr. Fox









?? 「角色-Characters」

??Five Children


開卷的時候,每一本Roald Dahl的書都有個介紹。



VERUCA SALT— A girl who is spoiled by her parents


VIOLET BEAUREGARDE— A girl who chews gum all day long


MIKE TEAVEE— A boy who does nothing but watch television




?Mr. Willy Wonka


?「人物性格和外形- Personalities & Appearances」


The picture showed a nine-year-old boy who was so enormously fat he looked as though he had been blown up with a powerful pump. Great flabby folds of fat bulged out from every part of his body, and his face was like a monstrous ball of dough with two small greedy curranty eyes peering out upon the world. 

作者關(guān)鍵詞:超重/ 松軟的肥肉鼓出來/ 只能看到那雙貪婪的小眼睛(??=葡萄干似得)




Then I had them loaded on to trucks and sent directly to my own factory. I'm in the peanut business, you see, and I've got about a hundred women working for me over at my place, shelling peanuts for roasting and salting. That's what they do all day long, those women, they sit there shelling peanuts. So I says to them, "Okay, girls," I says, "from now on, you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead!" And they did. I had every worker in the place yanking the paper off those bars of chocolate full speed ahead from morning till night.

??Veruca Salt是個被寵壞的小女孩,她會一天到晚哭喊著要東西,而她父親的描述也很有意思,大意就是“我可受不了看到自己女兒哭,所以我只好滿足她啦?!痹谖铱磥?,作者隱含的意思,是父親不約束,反正有錢,就請勞苦的女工滿足女兒的一切。


And the famous girl was standing on a chair in the living room waving the Golden Ticket madly at arm's length as though she were flagging a taxi. She was talking very fast and very loudly to everyone, but it was not easy to hear all that she said because she was chewing so ferociously upon a piece of gum at the same time.

And was she furious! It's my most treasured possession now, this piece of gum is. At night-time, I just stick it on the end of the bedpost, and it's as good as ever in the mornings — a bit hard at first, maybe, but it soon softens up again after I've given it a few good chews. Before I started chewing for the world record, I used to change my piece of gum once a day. I used to do it in our lift on the way home from school. Why the lift? Because I liked sticking the gooey piece that I'd just finished with on to one of the control buttons. Then the next person who came along and pressed the button got my old gum on the end of his or her finger. Ha-ha! And what a racket they kicked up, some of them. You get the best results with women who have expensive gloves on. 

Beastly girl,' said Grandma Josephine.

'Despicable!' said Grandma Georgina.

??Violet 的這個人物描述,真的是會讓讀者產(chǎn)生嚴(yán)重的生理反胃????。這位小姑娘很喜歡嚼口香糖,還會嚼過夜口香糖,還會把口香糖貼在電梯??按鈕上,下一個進(jìn)電梯的陌生人會粘上她的萬年口香糖。


'The nine-year-old boy was seated before an enormous television set, with his eyes glued to the screen, and he was watching a film in which one bunch of gangsterswas shooting up another bunch of gangsters with machine guns. Mike Teavee himself had no less than eighteen toy pistols of various sizes hanging from beltsaround his body, and every now and again he would leap up into the air and fire off half a dozen rounds from one or another of these weapons.

??Mike Teavee,正如名字里的諧音,這個小男孩癡迷TV。


The whole of this family — the six grown-ups (count them) and little Charlie Bucket — live together in a small wooden house on the edge of a great town.

The house wasn't nearly large enough for so many people, and life was extremely uncomfortable for them all. There were only two rooms in the place altogether, and there was only one bed. The bed was given to the four old grandparents because they were so old and tired. They were so tired, they never got out of it.

??Charlie Bucket:這里是對查理一家的描述,爸媽,加上四個老人。家徒四壁,只有兩個房間,只有一張床。那張床也只是給四個老人躺的。

Mr Bucket was the only person in the family with a job. He worked in a toothpaste factory, where he sat all day long at a bench and screwed the little caps on to the tops of the tubes of toothpaste after the tubes had been filled. But a toothpaste cap-screwer is never paid very much money, and poor Mr Bucket, however hard he worked, and however fast he screwed on the caps, was never able to make enough to buy one half of the things that so large a family needed. There wasn't even enough money to buy proper food for them all. 

??Charlie Bucket:查理一家全都靠父親養(yǎng)活。而父親也只是一家牙膏廠的工人。

The only meals they could afford were bread and margarine for breakfast, boiled potatoes and cabbage for lunch, and cabbage soup for supper. Sundays were a bit better. They all looked forward to Sundays because then, although they had exactly the same, everyone was allowed a second helping.

??Charlie Bucket:收入微薄的爸爸,能給一家人供應(yīng)的一日三餐少的可憐。

The Buckets, of course, didn't starve, but every one of them — the two old grandfathers, the two old grandmothers, Charlie's father, Charlie's mother, and especially little Charlie himself — went about from morning till night with a horrible empty feeling in their tummies.

??Charlie Bucket:查理一家每日都是吃不飽,肚子空空。

Twice a day, on his way to and from school, little Charlie Bucket had to walk right past the gates of the factory. And every time he went by, he would begin to walk very, very slowly, and he would hold his nose high in the air and take long deep sniffs of the gorgeous chocolatey smell all around him.

?Charlie Bucket:查理每日放學(xué)后,會路過巧克力工廠。每次路過,他都會刻意走地很慢,使勁地吸從工廠里飄出來的巧克力味。這不就是“望梅止渴”嘛。

?? Mr Willy Wonka

He had a black top hat on his head.

He wore a tail coat made of a beautiful plum-coloured velvet

His trousers were bottle green. His gloves were pearly grey.

And in one hand he carried a fine gold-topped walking cane.

?? Willy Wonka: 工廠大老板,以上是對他的描述,畫面感很強(qiáng)了。是個有點(diǎn)神經(jīng)質(zhì),有點(diǎn)特別的主角了。

Graceful trees and bushes were growing along the riverbanks — weeping willows and alders and tall clumps of rhododendrons with their pink and red and mauve blossoms. In the meadows there were thousands of buttercups.


'There!' cried Mr Wonka, dancing up and down and pointing his gold-topped cane at the great brown river. 'It's all chocolate! Every drop of that river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality. The very finest quality. There's enough chocolate in there to fill every bathtub in the entire country! And all the swimming pools as well! Isn't it terrific? And just look at my pipes! They suck up the chocolate and carry it away to all the other rooms in the factory where it is needed! Thousands of gallons an hour, my dear children! Thousands and thousands of gallons!’


The children and their parents were too flabbergasted to speak. They were staggered. They were dumbfounded. They were bewildered and dazzled. They were completely bowled over by the hugeness of the whole thing. They simply stood and stared.


?Roald Dahl的文風(fēng)就出來了,用了一堆的“替換詞”來描述吃驚:flabbergasted/ staggered/ dumbfounded/ bewildered/ stood and stared

?? The Oompa-Loompas

Nothing but thick jungles infested by the most dangerous beasts in the world — hornswogglers and snozzwangers and those terrible wicked whangdoodles. A whangdoodle would eat ten Oompa-Loompas for breakfast and come galloping back for a second helping. 

When I went out there, I found the little Oompa-Loompas living in tree houses.They had to live in tree houses to escape from the whangdoodles and the hornswogglers and the snozzwangers. And they were living on green caterpillars, and the caterpillars tasted revolting, and the Oompa-Loompas spent every moment of their days climbing through the treetops looking for other things to mash up with the caterpillars to make them taste better — red beetles, for instance, and eucalyptus leaves, and the bark of the bong-bong tree, all of them beastly, but not quite so beastly as the caterpillars. Poor little Oompa-Loompas! The one food that they longed for more than any other was the cacao bean. But they couldn't get it.

So I shipped them all over here, every man, woman, and child in the Oompa-Loompa tribe. It was easy. I smuggled them over in large packing cases with holes in them, and they all got here safely. They are wonderful workers. They all speak English now. They love dancing and music. They are always making up songs. I expect you will hear a good deal of singing today from time to time. I must warn you, though, that they are rather mischievous. They like jokes. They still wear the same kind of clothes they wore in the jungle. They insist upon that. The men, as you can see for yourselves across the river, wear only deerskins. The women wear leaves, and the children wear nothing at all. The women use fresh leaves every day . . .’


When Mr Wonka turned round and saw what Augustus Gloop was doing, he cried out, 'Oh, no! Please, Augustus, please! I beg of you not to do that. My chocolate must be untouched by human hands!'


'This stuff is fabulous!' said Augustus, taking not the slightest notice of his mother or Mr Wonka. 'Gosh, I need a bucket to drink it properly!'


But Augustus was deaf to everything except the call of his enormous stomach. He was now lying full length on the ground with his head far out over the river, lapping up the chocolate like a dog.

'Augustus!' shouted Mrs Gloop. 'You'll be giving that nasty cold of yours to about a million people all over the country!'

Mr Gloop was absolutely right. For suddenly there was a shriek, and then a splash, and into the river went Augustus Gloop, and in one second he had disappeared under the brown surface.

'Save him!' screamed Mrs Gloop, going white in the face, and waving her umbrella about. 'He'll drown! He can't swim a yard! Save him! Save him!'

'I am doing something!' said Mr Gloop, who was now taking off his jacket and getting ready to dive into the chocolate. But while he was doing this, the wretched boy was being sucked closer and closer towards the mouth of one of the great pipes that was dangling down into the river. Then all at once, the powerful suction took hold of him completely, and he was pulled under the surface and then into the mouth of the pipe.

??這是描述第一個孩子“受到懲罰”的場面,因?yàn)樨澇?,Augustus 被吸入了大管道里。

The watchers below could see the chocolate swishing around the boy in the pipe, and they could see it building up behind him in a solid mass, pushing against the blockage. The pressure was terrific. Something had to give. Something did give, and that something was Augustus. WHOOF! Up he shot again like a bullet in the barrel of a gun.


How can he possibly come out just fine!' snapped Mrs Gloop. 'He'll be made into marshmallows in five seconds!’

'Impossible!' cried Mr Wonka. 'Unthinkable! Inconceivable! Absurd! He could never be made into marshmallows!’

??Augustus 的媽媽擔(dān)心兒子會被做成棉花軟糖,結(jié)果Mr. Wonka嫌棄地表示這是不可能的。

?Roald Dahl的文風(fēng)又來了,再次用一堆的“替換詞”來描述“不可能”:unthinkable/ inconceivable/ absurd/ never



Veruca Salt!' sang the Oompa-Loompas. 'Veruca Salt, the little brute,

Has just gone down the rubbish chute

Down goes Veruca! 

Down the drain! 

And here, perhaps, we should explain That she will meet, as she descends,

A rather different set of friends

To those that she has left behind — These won't be nearly so refined.

A fish head, for example, cut

This morning from a halibut.

A mass of others gather round:

A bacon rind, some rancid lard,

A loaf of bread gone stale and hard,

A steak that nobody could chew,

An oyster from an oyster stew,

Some liverwurst so old and grey

One swelled it from a mile away,

A rotten nut, a reeky pear,

A thing the cat left on the stair,

And lots of other things as well,

Each with a rather horrid smell.

These are Veruca's new-found friendsThat she will meet as she descends, 

And this is the price she has to pay

For going so very far astray.

??舉個例子,??這是Veruca Salt,那個被寵壞了的小女孩。看到工廠里的剝核桃的小松鼠,就吵著爸媽要買個Wonka家的小松鼠???,被Mr. Wonka拒絕后,她就自己跳進(jìn)去抓。結(jié)果,松鼠沒抓成,自己倒是被松鼠扔進(jìn)了“垃圾桶”。她在“垃圾桶”里會遇到她的新朋友— 一堆的廚余垃圾。

But now, my dears, we think you might Be wondering — is it really right

That every single bit of blame

And all the scolding and the shame

Should fall upon Veruca Salt?

Is she the only one at fault?

For though she's spoiled, and dreadfully so, A girl can't spoil herself, you know.

Who spoiled her, then? Ah, who indeed? Who pandered to her every need?

Who turned her into such a brat?

Who are the culprits? Who did that?

Alas! You needn't look so far

To find out who these sinners are.

They are (and this is very sad)

Her loving parents, MUM and DAD.

And that is why we're glad they fell

Into the rubbish chute as well.'



The most important thing we've learned, So far as children are concerned,

Is never, NEVER, NEVER let

Them near your television set —

Or better still, just don't install

The idiotic thing at all.

In almost every house we've been,

We've watched them gaping at the screen. 

They loll and slop and lounge about,

And stare until their eyes pop out.

(Last week in someone's place we saw

A dozen eyeballs on the floor.)

They sit and stare and stare and sit

Until they're hypnotized by it,

Until they're absolutely drunk

With all that shocking ghastly junk.

Oh yes, we know it keeps them still,

They don't climb out the window sill, 

They never fight or kick or punch, 

??作者繼續(xù)闡述,給孩子看電視,的確可以把孩子們丟到一邊,讓我們耳根清靜,讓我們“自由”。但是,父母們可曾想過看電視對孩子帶來的傷害(rot the sense/ kill imagination dead/ clog and clutter up the mind/ make a child so dull and blind) ?(真的是有耐心的作者,耐心?毒舌,勸父母們認(rèn)真帶娃??赡茴A(yù)估到孩子會和父母一起看這本書。)

They leave you free to cook the lunch And wash the dishes in the sink — But did you ever stop to think,

To wonder just exactly what

This does to your beloved tot?










"All right!" you'll cry. "All right!" you'll say,

"But if we take the set away,

What shall we do to entertain

Our darling children! Please explain!"

We'll answer this by asking you,

"What used the darling ones to do?

How used they keep themselves contented

Before this monster was invented?"

Have you forgotten? 

Don't you know?

We'll say it very loud and slow:

THEY . . . USED TO . . . READ! They'd READ and READ, AND READ and READ, and then proceed


TO READ some more. Great Scott! Gadzooks!

One half their lives was reading books!

The nursery shelves held books galore!

Books cluttered up the nursery floor!

And in the bedroom, by the bed,

More books were waiting to be read!

Such wondrous, fine, fantastic tales

Of dragons, gypsies, queens, and whales

And treasure isles, and distant shores

Where smugglers rowed with muffled oars,

And pirates wearing purple pants,

And sailing ships and elephants,

And cannibals crouching round the pot,

Stirring away at something hot.

(It smells so good, what can it be?

Good gracious, it's Penelope.)

The younger ones had Beatrix Potter

With Mr Tod, the dirty rotter,

And Squirrel Nutkin, Pigling Bland, 

And Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and —

Just How The Camel Got His Hump, 

And How The Monkey Lost His Rump, 

And Mr Toad, and bless my soul, 

There's Mr Rat and Mr Mole —

Oh, books, what books they used to know, Those children living long ago!

So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,

Go throw your TV set away,

And in its place you can install

A lovely bookshelf on the wall.

Then fill the shelves with lots of books, Ignoring all the dirty looks,

The screams and yells, the bites and kicks, And children hitting you with sticks — Fear not, because we promise you

That, in about a week or two

Of having nothing else to do,

They'll now begin to feel the need

Of having something good to read.


And once they start — oh boy, oh boy! You watch the slowly growing joy

That fills their hearts. They'll grow so keen They'll wonder what they'd ever seen

In that ridiculous machine,

That nauseating, foul, unclean.

Repulsive television screen!

And later, each and every kid

Will love you more for what you did.


電影完美地重現(xiàn)了書中情節(jié),只是在Mr. Wonka和父親的關(guān)系上增加了些內(nèi)容。

?Wonka為什么需要一個 “繼承人” 呢,他給出了如下解釋??

'But . . . but . . . why should you want to give your factory to little Charlie?’

'Listen,' Mr Wonka said, 'I'm an old man. I'm much older than you think. I can't go on for ever. I've got no children of my own, no family at all. So who is going to run the factory when I get too old to do it myself? Someone's got to keep it going — if only for the sake of the Oompa-Loompas. Mind you, there are thousands of clever men who would give anything for the chance to come in and take over from me, but I don't want that sort of person. I don't want a grown-up person at all. A grown-up won't listen to me; he won't learn. He will try to do things his own way and not mine. So I have to have a child. I want a good sensible loving child, one to whom I can tell all my most precious sweet-making secrets —while I am still alive.’

Mr. Wonka想要一個小孩來接手工廠,因?yàn)橛袗鄣暮⒆硬拍茉斐雒牢兜那煽肆?。如果由“大人”來接手工廠,他們是不會認(rèn)真聆聽Wonka先生的意見的。這幾句話聽著,好像Mr. Wonka也是那個孩子。


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