Roald Dahl 的名作---Fantastic Mr. Fox

2022-6-14 13:26 原創(chuàng) · 圖片26

Roald Dahl 的名作---Fantastic Mr. Fox



“作品流傳于大人或小孩中,極為知名。 他的代表作主要有:《查理和巧克力工廠(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)》《查理和大玻璃升降機(jī)(Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator)》《詹姆斯與大仙桃(James and the Giant Peach)》《瑪?shù)贍栠_(dá)(Matilda)》《女巫(The Witches)》《好心眼兒巨人(The Big Friendly Giant) 》和《獨(dú)闖天下(Going Solo)》《了不起的狐貍爸爸(Fantastic Mr fox)》等?!?/p>





今日給大家安利的是笙哥最近喜歡的Roald Dahl的一本名作,叫做Fantastic Mr. Fox。

這本的難度,大家可以看上面 ?? 的蘭斯指數(shù),難度系數(shù)對于5歲+的孩子有點(diǎn) ?? 大,但是可以嘗試。如果發(fā)現(xiàn)孩子理解不了,就放棄。我一開始也是抱著嘗試的心態(tài)來讀給他聽的。文字比較多,圖片比較少,市面上有彩色版和黑白。

他第一次接觸羅爾德的作品,并不是這本?? 。而是另外一本 ??, The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me,是因為故事的主角們看著比較吸引人,情節(jié)沒有很復(fù)雜( ?? 書沒那么厚),但又有意思。事實證明,我的判斷是對的,從這本開始,他對Roald Dahl的作品,產(chǎn)生了興趣。于是,我就拿出了下一本The Enormouse Crocodile, 然后才是Fantastic Mr. Fox。這三本都不厚,可以一次讀完,也可以分章節(jié),一周或者幾天,和孩子一起讀。





?? 「角色-Characters」

??The Three farmers

Boggis (chicken farmer)

Bunce (duck-and-goose farmer)

Bean (turkey-and-apple farmer)

Mr. Fox

Boggis (chicken farmer)

enormously fat

ate boiled chickens smothered with dumplings


Bunce (duck-and-goose farmer)

pot-bellied dwarf

ate doughnuts and goose-livers

描述:He was so short his chin would have been underwater in the shallow end of any swimming-pool in the world.


Bean (turkey-and-apple farmer)

never ate any food

drank gallons of strong cider

as thin as a pencil and the cleverest of them all.


Mr. Fox


??「人物性格和外形- Personalities & Appearances」

“Down in the valley there were three farms. The owners of these farms had done well. They were rich men. They were also nasty men. All three of them were about as nasty and mean as any men you could meet. Their names were Farmer Boggis, Farmer Bunce and Farmer Bean.”


??「事件發(fā)展- story」


Mr. Fox出去覓食,被farmers發(fā)現(xiàn),打斷了尾巴。


三個farmers忿忿不平,恨了偷雞肉,偷各種食物的Mr. Fox。為了抓住Mr. Fox, 他們?nèi)肓藗€主意,就是挖狐貍洞。




“The hole the machines had dug was like the crater of a volcano. It was such an extraordinary sight that crowds of people came rushing out from the surrounding villages to have a look. They stood on the edge of the crater and stared down at Boggis and Bunce and Bean.

The people jeered and laughed. But this only made the three farmers more furious and more obstinate and more determined than ever not to give up until they had caught the fox.” 

挖掘機(jī)日夜挖掘,挖出了大坑,有多夸張呢,大家請看原文用詞:crater of a volcano,震撼吧!挖出了火山 ?? 口的大??!其他的村民,都在嘲笑他們,覺得這三個人的行為滑稽又可笑。而那三人感受到周遭村民的嘲笑,反而更加憤怒,同時,也更加堅定了要把狐貍挖出來的心!

作者用詞?? (大家可以體會下Roald的寫作風(fēng)格)

furious adj. 狂怒的

obstinate adj. 頑固的

determined adj. 堅決的


“Bean made a sickly smile. When he smiled you saw his scarlet gums. You saw more gums than teeth. ‘Then there’s only one thing to do,’ he said. ‘We starve him out. We camp here day and night watching the hole. He’ll come out in the end. He’ll have to.’

So Boggis and Bunce and Bean sent messages down to their farms asking for tents, sleeping-bags and supper.”

Bean要挖出狐貍的心,是相當(dāng)?shù)膱詻Q以及……病態(tài),大家可以看下上文的描述,真的是倒胃口啊 ?? 。



“As darkness fell, Bunce and Bean switched on the powerful headlamps of the two tractors and shone them on to the hole. ‘Now,’ said Bean, ‘we’ll take it in turn to keep watch. One watches while two sleep, and so on all through the night.’”



后來,Mr. Fox想了個辦法,他也要挖洞,但是他挖洞是為了什么呢,挖去哪呢?這也是狐貍太太的疑問,Mr. Fox卻對太太表示,要等到他做到了,再告訴她,不然“希望越大,失望越大”。

“‘I dare not do that,’ said Mr Fox, ‘because this place I am hoping to get to is so marvellous that if I described it to you now you would go crazy with excitement. And then, if we failed to get there (which is very possible), you would die of disappointment. I don’t want to raise your hopes too much, my darlings.’”


于是,Mr. Fox帶著家里的四只小狐貍出發(fā)了。


“Carefully, Mr Fox began pushing up one of the floorboards. The board creaked most terribly and they all ducked down, waiting for something awful to happen. Nothing did. So Mr Fox pushed up a second board. And then, very very cautiously, he poked his head up through the gap. He let out a shriek of excitement.”

挖了許久后,Mr. Fox小心翼翼地推開木板條,來到第一個目的地。大家猜到他挖到哪了么?是Boggis藏母雞的地方。Mr. Fox沒有被勝利沖昏頭腦,冷靜地指揮孩子們,先喝水,再抓雞。

“They were in a huge shed and the whole place was teeming with chickens.”

“The Small Foxes went wild with excitement. They started running around in all directions, chasing the stupid chickens.

‘Wait!’ ordered Mr Fox. ‘Don’t lose your heads! Stand back! Calm down! Let’s do this properly! First of all, everyone have a drink of water!’

They all ran over to the chickens’ drinking-trough and lapped up the lovely cool water. Then Mr Fox chose three of the plumpest hens, and with a clever flick of his jaws he killed them instantly.”


teem with 充滿,遍布

went wild with excitement 興奮地發(fā)狂

lose your heads 失去理智

drinking-trough 飲水槽

lapped up 開懷暢飲

??~ sth (of animals 動物) to drink sth with quick movements of the tongue 舔食;舔著喝

plumpest adj. 最肥美的


“Mr. Fox reached up and pulled the floorboards back into place. He did this with great care. He did it so that no one could tell they had ever been moved.”

“‘My son,’ he said, giving the three plump hens to the biggest of his four small children, ‘run back with these to your mother. Tell her to prepare a feast. Tell her the rest of us will be along in a jiffy, as soon as we have made a few other little arrangements.’”

然后Mr. Fox小心翼翼地把木條板蓋回去,讓兒子中最大的那只帶著母雞回家。接下來,他和其他的孩子還要再去其他的地方。讀到這里,大家看著書 ?? 的目錄,能猜到他的下一個地方了么?一共要去幾個地方呢?


Mr. Fox繼續(xù)往前挖,路上碰到了好友,Badger。他簡單地和Badger解釋了事件的前因后果,并要求一堆的動物(朋友)去他家飽餐一頓。Badger一開始是猶豫的,覺得這事不地道,兩人之間一來一往的“爭論”部分,我放在了這篇文章的最后一段,因為蠻深刻的。

‘And because everything is entirely my fault,’ said Mr Fox, ‘I invite you to share the feast. I invite everyone to share it – you and Mole and Rabbit and Weasel and all your wives and children. There’ll be plenty to go round, I can assure you.’


“A large dining-room had been hollowed out of the earth, and in the middle of it, seated around a huge table, were no less than twenty-nine animals. They were:

Mrs Fox and three Small Foxes.

Mrs Badger and three Small Badgers.

Mole and Mrs Mole and four Small Moles. Rabbit and Mrs Rabbit and five Small Rabbits. Weasel and Mrs Weasel and six Small Weasels.

The table was covered with chickens and ducks and geese and hams and bacon, and everyone was tucking into the lovely food.”



“‘We will make,’ said Mr Fox, ‘a(chǎn) little underground village, with streets and houses on each side – separate houses for Badgers and Moles and Rabbits and Weasels and Foxes. And every day I will go shopping for you all. And every day we will eat like kings.’”

席間,Mr. Fox發(fā)表了小小的演講。


Outside the fox’s hole, Boggis and Bunce and Bean sat beside their tents with their guns on their laps. It was beginning to rain. Water was trickling down the necks of the three men and into their shoes.




這里就是Mr. Fox遇到Badger后,解釋了事件的前因后果,和Badger展開關(guān)于“stealing”的討論。

“Suddenly Badger said, ‘Doesn’t this worry you just a tiny bit, Foxy?’ ‘Worry me?’ said Mr Fox. ‘What?’

‘All this... this stealing.’

Mr Fox stopped digging and stared at Badger as though he had gone completely dotty. ‘My dear old furry frump,’ he said, ‘do you know anyone in the whole world who wouldn’t swipe a few chickens if his children were starving to death?’

There was a short silence while Badger thought deeply about this.

‘You are far too respectable,’ said Mr Fox.

‘There’s nothing wrong with being respectable,’ Badger said.

‘Look,’ said Mr Fox, ‘Boggis and Bunce and Bean are out to kill us. You realize that, I hope?’

‘I do, Foxy, I do indeed,’ said the gentle Badger.

‘But we’re not going to stoop to their level. We don’t want to kill them.’ ‘I should hope not, indeed,’ said Badger.

‘We wouldn’t dream of it,’ said Mr Fox. ‘We shall simply take a little food here and there to keep us and our families alive. Right?’

‘I suppose we’ll have to,’ said Badger.

‘If they want to be horrible, let them,’ said Mr Fox. ‘We down here are decent peace-loving people.’

Badger laid his head on one side and smiled at Mr Fox. ‘Foxy,’ he said, ‘I love you.’”


另外,這本書有電影 ?? 改編版 ?? ,但是是不一樣的故事。


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