發(fā)布于 2020-01-03 · 圖片3
Yolanda, 10 and her brother Andrew, 6 live with their widowed mother in Chicago. When Yolanda tells their mother that a classmate shot another child to death, that ends her days as a Chicago resident. Her mother, a paralegal, moves the family to a Michigan suburb with a good school system.

Yolanda quickly adjusts, after initially pining for the familiarity of her old neighborhood and the close proximity to her Aunt Tiny. Aunt Tiny is a large, husky woman with a large heart. She gives her piano to Yolanda, who is plainly talented and enjoys listening to and playing the classics. A delightful, intelligent woman, Aunt Tiny owns several hair salons in Chicago and her work has been featured nationwide and in magazines. Oprah Winfrey was a client at one of her shops.

Yolanda identifies with her aunt. Both are husky and buxom; both are outstanding cooks and both share a love for classical music and reading. Aunt Tiny as well as her sister-in-law, Yolanda and Andrew's mother are professionals who set their sights high.

Andrew, also is musically talented. A harmonica afficionado, the boy has been playing songs and setting background sounds to music since infancy. His harmonica was a gift from his late father, a police officer who died in a fishing accident. Yolanda was 4 at the time.

Andrew has a harder time in school; he rarely talks; cannot read and spends his free time thinking about music. A kind speech teacher takes Andrew under his wing and teaches him to read by applying the lessons to musical terms and interests, e.g. "B is for Bongo," etc. He also teaches Andrew how to read music.

Yolanda is fiercely independent and very bright. She can defend herself against any bully with reason, logic and a well applied foot in some cases. She is also very funny. When a group of older boys demolish her brother's harmonica, Yolanda comes up with a resourceful way of getting even with them and providing a new harmonica for her brother.

This is a wonderful story about a strong, intelligent black family with a very appealing cast of characters. The story ends on quite a blues note! I love it!
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Magic Tree House #4: Pirates Past Noon
Mary Pope Osborne, Salvatore Murdocca (Illustrator) / Random House
在這個(gè)故事中jack 和7歲的妹妹一起去了一個(gè)島上,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了海盜,海盜把它們放在船里,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了寶藏,它在一塊大石頭下面最中才成功的逃掉海盜船長(zhǎng)和他的同伴的追擊。回到家中沒(méi)有人真的相信發(fā)生的事情,這本書里的故事也就這樣結(jié)束了。
I Survived #06: I Survived the Attacks of September 11th, 2001
Lauren Tarshis / Scholastic
這本書的背景是發(fā)生在2001年的911事件,講述一個(gè)叫l(wèi)ucas的孩子和當(dāng)消防員的爸爸的故事,lucas是一個(gè)橄欖球運(yùn)動(dòng)員,他的球技很好,擅長(zhǎng)接球,他在一次比賽中失誤了,撞成腦震蕩,醫(yī)生和家人,勸他放棄橄欖球,他還有一個(gè)他很尊敬的uncle benny,他在911那天逃學(xué)去找uncle Benny 發(fā)現(xiàn)原來(lái)是uncle Benny讓他看醫(yī)生的,“I don't want you ending up like poor Stan Walsh.”他們出去走了走,走到街上,突然發(fā)現(xiàn)...
會(huì)給孩子用電子閱讀器么? 不會(huì),住在圖書館附近一年,一放學(xué)就進(jìn)圖書館,孩子愛(ài)上了在圖書館的生活?,F(xiàn)在我們不在圖書館附近了,我們把家里變成了圖書館,紙質(zhì)書可以讓人沉靜,我自己也是紙質(zhì)書的堅(jiān)定擁護(hù)者。電子資源當(dāng)然非常好,我們也用一些app來(lái)聽(tīng)書,但現(xiàn)在對(duì)他們來(lái)說(shuō),看電子書還不是時(shí)候,這一代的孩子們將來(lái)看電子書的日子會(huì)很長(zhǎng),我要做的是盡可能延長(zhǎng)他安靜閱讀紙質(zhì)書的美好時(shí)光。
10 3 1
Because of Winn-Dixie
Kate DiCamillo 著 / Candlewick
八歲孩子和我一起讀,我們一人念一章,二十六章,花兩個(gè)下午讀完,他說(shuō)這本書講了小主人公和一只狗的故事。故事中的狗名叫winn-dixie,是一條會(huì)微笑會(huì)交朋友的狗,在故事中的聚會(huì),winn-dixie“走丟了”,被稱作“女巫”的Gloria說(shuō),There ain't no way you can hold on to something that wants to go,you understand?You can only love what you got while yo...
Where Are You Going, Baby Lincoln?: Tales from Deckawoo Drive, Volume Three
Kate DiCamillo,Chris Van Dusen 著 / Candlewick
“This Deckawoo Drive adventure is sure to inspire anyone taking his or her own tentative steps toward independence.” — Booklist (starred review)

Baby Lincoln’s older sister, Eugen...
Magic Tree House #10: Ghost Town at Sundown
Mary Pope Osborne, Salvatore Murdocca (Illustrator) / Random House
在這本書中寫了jack 和他的妹妹一起去了一個(gè)被人稱為ghost town 的地方,就是在這里他們發(fā)現(xiàn)有一架鋼琴在自己面前彈奏。在這本書中還寫了他們碰見(jiàn)了一名牛仔,他說(shuō)在那里有一個(gè)死人,在那里每天都會(huì)去城市里彈一首歌曲。這本書就這樣結(jié)束吧。
1 1
娃現(xiàn)在更喜歡讀中文書還是英文書? 現(xiàn)階段還是更喜歡英文書,日常的一些下意識(shí)的表達(dá)也是英文,可能真的是有英語(yǔ)思維的孩子。中文的兒童文學(xué)說(shuō)實(shí)話感覺(jué)整體水平還是良莠不齊,有些官方推薦的所謂新課標(biāo)或者必讀書目,我自己買來(lái)都會(huì)讀不下去,什么小豬唏哩呼嚕啊什么故宮里的大怪獸啊,真的是欣賞不來(lái),可能我過(guò)時(shí)了吧,在故宮里的大怪獸里看到甄嬛傳,也是懵了。所以中文閱讀就唐詩(shī)宋詞和一些我自己能把關(guān)的經(jīng)典,然后加上一些中外精典散文,再就是一些外國(guó)兒童文學(xué)獲獎(jiǎng)作品譯著,先讀英文版再讀中文版,對(duì)比著來(lái),也是很好的。
Absolutely Truly
Heather Vogel Frederick / Scholsatic

This book was really good. I read all of Heather Vogel Frederick's Mother-Daughter Book Club books (which are also really good by the way), so when I found out Abs...
Francine Poulet Meets the Ghost Raccoon: Tales from Deckawoo Drive, Volume Two
Kate Dicamillo,Chris Van Dusen 著 / Candlewick
值得注意的是,這本書和Kate的其他書里的人物開始交叉了,比如Baby Lincoln,小豬waston,插畫作者也是同一個(gè),但是小豬系列的好像過(guò)于簡(jiǎn)單了。我們準(zhǔn)備讀Kate的其它書。
Magic Tree House #16: Hour of the Olympics
Mary Pope Osborne, Salvatore Murdocca (Illustrator) / Random House
這本書是講了jack 和他的妹妹一起去了第一屆奧林匹克競(jìng)賽。在當(dāng)時(shí),女人不能參加或觀看奧林匹克競(jìng)賽,jack的妹妹偷偷借了一幅盔甲,然后冒充男人上了賽場(chǎng),但是被警察發(fā)現(xiàn)了,那時(shí)候女人闖進(jìn)奧林匹克賽場(chǎng)可是有大麻煩的。這次是人馬座救了他們這個(gè)故事也就這樣結(jié)束吧。
Yolonda's Genius
作者:Carol Fenner
出版社:Aladdin Paperbacks