揭秘門薩高智商俱樂部k-12中小學(xué)生書單 excellence in reading program

2020-9-7 05:22 原創(chuàng)

著名的門薩俱樂部(Mensa Club)曾經(jīng)發(fā)起了“門薩兒童卓越閱讀項(xiàng)目(Mensa for Kids Excellence in Reading Program)”,為青少年們?cè)O(shè)計(jì)了為期一年的閱讀挑戰(zhàn)計(jì)劃。家長(zhǎng)或老師可以幫助孩子進(jìn)行記錄,當(dāng)完成整個(gè)書單的閱讀量并把原始記錄文件寄給門薩基金會(huì),孩子就能獲得一份由門薩基金會(huì)提供的紀(jì)念證書及寫著“卓越閱讀(Excellence in Reading)”的定制T恤衫。 

門薩是世界上規(guī)模最大和歷史最悠久的高智商組織,于 1946 年成立于英國(guó)牛津,創(chuàng)始人是 律師羅蘭德· 貝里爾和科學(xué)家兼律師蘭斯· 韋林。加入門薩只有一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),就是智商。申請(qǐng)者要經(jīng)過智商測(cè)試,被認(rèn)為是當(dāng)?shù)厝丝谥兄巧糖?% 的才會(huì)被招募入會(huì)。根據(jù)門薩官網(wǎng)披露的數(shù)字,目前該俱樂部擁有來自100 個(gè)國(guó)家的12 萬會(huì)員。


這是門薩對(duì)會(huì)員智商的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn),使得他對(duì)卓越兒童建議的書單格外有分量。 這份書單一共分為 4 個(gè)年齡組: K-3 年級(jí), 4-6 年級(jí), 7-8 年級(jí), 9-12 年級(jí)。由于書單較長(zhǎng),我將分兩次介紹。這次先介紹兩組低年齡段,并且只選擇其中最廣為人知、最膾炙人口的部分圖書進(jìn)行詳細(xì)介紹,之后會(huì)附上完整書單,供大家參考。

K-3 年級(jí)

1.Alexanderand the Terrible, Horrible, No Good,Very Bad Day – Viorst, Judith

2.All-of-a-KindFamily – Taylor, Sydney

3.AmeliaBedelia – Parish, Peggy

4.Anansithe Spider – McDermott, Gerald

5.Bedtimefor Frances – Hoban, Russell

6.Blueberriesfor Sal – McCloskey, Robert

7.TheCabin Faced West – Fritz, Jean

8.TheCarrot Seed – Krauss, Ruth

9.TheCat in the Hat – Seuss, Dr.

10.Charlotte’sWeb – White, E.B.

11.Cloudywith a Chance of Meatballs – Barrett,Judy

12.Corduroy– Freeman, Don

13.TheCricket in Times Square – Selden, George

14.CuriousGeorge – Rey, H.A.

15.TheDot – Reynolds, Peter

16.FreckleJuice – Blume, Judy

17.Frederick– Lionni, Leo

18.Frogand Toad Are Friends – Lobel, Arnold

19.TheGarden of Abdul Gasazi – Van Allsburg, Chris

20.Georgeand Martha – Marshall, James

21.Goodnight,Moon – Brown, Margaret Wise

22.Harrythe Dirty Dog – Zion, Gene

23.Howthe Leopard Got His Claws – Achebe, Chinua

24.TheHundred Dresses – Estes, Eleanor

25.IWant My Hat Back – Klassen, Jon

26.IfI Never Forever Endeavor – Meade, Holly

27.Leothe Late Bloomer – Kraus, Robert

28.TheLittle Engine That Could – Piper, Watty

29.LittleHouse on the Prairie – Wilder, LauraIngalls

30.LittleToot – Gramatky, Hardie

31.TheLittles – Peterson, John

32.Madeline– Bemelmans, Ludwig

33.MakeWay for Ducklings – McCloskey, Robert

34.MikeMulligan and His Steam Shovel – Burton,Virginia Lee

35.Millionsof Cats – Gag, Wanda

36.TheMouse and the Motorcycle – Cleary, Beverly

37.Mr.Popper’s Penguins – Atwater, Richard andFlorence

38. Mrs.Frisby and the Rats ofNimh – O’Brien, Robert

39. PaulRevere’s Ride –Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

40. ThePolar Express – VanAllsburg, Chris

41. Peppethe Lamplighter –Bartone, Elisa

42. PippiLongstocking –Lindgren, Astrid

43. PutMe in the Zoo –Lopshire, Robert

44. RabbitHill – Lawson, Robert

45. RomonaQuimby, Age 8 –Cleary, Beverly

46. TheQuiltmaker’s Gift –Brumbeau, Jeff

47. TheReluctant Dragon –Grahame, Kenneth

48. Samthe Minuteman –Benchley, Nathaniel

49. Sarah,Plain and Tall –MacLachian, Patricia

50. Shiloh– Naylor, PhyllisReynolds

51. TheSnowy Day – Keats, EzraJack

52. Stellaluna– Cannon, Janell

53. TheStinky Cheese Man &Other Fairly Stupid Tales – Scieszka, Jon

54. StoneSoup – Brown, Marcia

55. Taleof Despereaux –DiCamillo, Kate

56. TheStory of Babar – deBrunhoff, Jean

57. TheStory of Ferdinand –Leaf, Munro

58. StregaNona – de Paola,Tomie

59. Sylvesterand the MagicPebble – Steig, William

60. TheTale of Peter Rabbit –Potter, Beatrix

61. TheThree Little Pigs –Galdone, Paul

62. TikkiTikki Tembo – Mosel,Arlene

63. Wherethe Wild Things Are –Sendak, Maurice

64. Winnie-the-Pooh– Miline,A.A.

4-6 年級(jí)

1.Alice in Wonderland –Carroll, Lewis

2.Anne of Green Gables –Montgomery, L.M.

3.Ben and Me – Lawson,Robert

4.Betsy-Tacy – Lovelace,Maud Hart

5.Black Beauty – Sewell,Anna

6.The Black Stallion –Farley, Walter

7.The Borrowers – Norton,Mary

8.Bridge to Terabithia –Paterson, Katherine

9.Caddie Woodlawn – Brink,Carol Ryrie

10.Cheaper by the Dozen –Gibreth, Frank

11.The Children of GreenKnowe – Boston, L.M.

12.Chronicles of Prydainseries – Alexander, Lloyd

13.The Complete Chroniclesof Narnia series – Lewis, C.S.

14.The Dark is RisingSequence series – Cooper, Susan

15.D’ Aulaire’s Book ofGreek Myths – d’ Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar

16.D’ Aulaire’s Book ofNorse Myths – d’ Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar

17.A Dog on Barkham Street –Stolz, Mary

18.The Evolution ofCalpurnia Tate – Kelly, Jacqueline

19.From the Mixed-up Filesof Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler – Konigsburg, E.L.

20.Gentle Ben – Morey, Walt

21.Hatchet – Paulsen, Gary

22.Hans Brinker, or TheSilver Skates – Dodge, Mary Mapes

23.Harriet the Spy –Fitzhugh, Louise

24.Heidi – Spyri, Johanna

25.Homer Price – McCloskey,Robert

26.The House of Dies Drear –Hamilton, Virginia

27.The Jungle Book –Kipling, Rudyard

28.Lad: A Dog – Terhune,Albert Payson

29.Lassie Come Home –Knight, Eric

30.Mary Poppins – Travers,Pamela I.

31.Matilda – Dahl, Roald

32.The Matchlock Gun –Edmonds, Walter

33.Misty of Chincoteague –Henry, Marguerite

34.The Moffats – Estes,Eleanor

35.My Side of the Mountain –George, Jeanne Craighead

36.The Pushcart War –Merrill, Jean

37.The Railway Children –Nesbit, E.

38.Redwall – Jacques, Brian

39.The Rescuers – Sharp,Margery

40.Roller Skates – Sawyer,Ruth

41.The Secret Garden –Burnett, France Hodgson

42.Strawberry Girl –Lenski, Lois

43.The Summer of the Swans –Byers, Betsy

44.Swiss Family Robinson –Wyss, Johann

45.The Twenty-One Balloons –du Bois, William Pene

46.The Wonderful Wizard ofOz – Baum, L. Frank

47.Thimble Summer –Enright, Elizabeth

48.Tuck Everlasting –Babbitt, Natalie

7-8 年級(jí)

1. AcrossFiveAprils – Hunt, Irene

2. AdventuresofSherlock Holmes – Doyle, Arthur Conan

3. TheAdventures ofTom Sawyer – Twain, Mark

4. TheBridge of SanLuis Rey – Wilder, Thornton

5. Callit Courage –Sperry, Armstrong

6. TheCall of theWild – London, Jack

7. AChristmas Carol– Dickens, Charles

8. TheCount ofMonte Cristo – Dumas, Alexander

9. ADay No PigsWould Die – Peck, Robert Newton

10. Diaryof a YoungGirl – Frank, Anne

11. Dragonwings–Yep, Laurence

12. Enchantressfromthe Stars – Engdahl, Sylvia Louise

13. TheEndlessSteppe – Hautzig, Esther

14. Fahrenheit451 –Bradbury, Ray

15. Frankenstein–Shelley, Mary

16. TheGhostBelonged to Me – Peck, Richard

17. TheGiver –Lowry, Lois

18. Goodbye,Mr.Chips – Hilton, James

19. TheHobbit –Tolkien, J. R. R.

20. TheHunchback ofNotre Dame – Hugo, Victor

21. IncidentatHawk’s Hill – Eckert, Allan W.

22. Islandof theBlue Dolphis – O’ Dell, Scott

23. Ivanhoe– Scott,Sir Walter

24. JacobHave ILoved – Paterson, Katherine

25. JohnnyTremain –Forbes, Esther

26. Journeyto Topaz– Uchida, Yoshiko

27. Julieof theWolves – George, Jeanne Craighead

28. Kim– Kipling,Rudyard

29. TheLast Mission– Mazer, Harry

30. LeMorte d’Arthur – Malory, Sir Thomas

31. TheLegend ofSleepy Hollow – Irving, Washington

32. TheLittle Prince– Saint-Exupery, Antoine de

33. LittleWomen –Alcott, Louisa May

34. TheLast of theMohicans – Cooper, James Fenimore

35. TheMerryAdventures of Robin Hood – Pyle, Howard

36. MyFriend Flicka– O’ Hara, Mary

37. Narrativeof theLife of Frederick Douglass – Douglass, Frederick

38. NationalVelvet –Bagnold, Enid

39. TheOutsiders –Hinton, S. E.

40. ThePigman –Zindel, Paul

41. ThePilgrim’sProgress – Bunyan, John

42. TheRed Pony –Steinbeck, John

43. Riflesfor Watie– Keith, Harold

44. RipVan Winkle –Irving, Washington

45. RobinsonCrusoe –Defoe, Daniel

46. Rollof Thunder,Hear My Cry – Tylor, Mildred D.

47. Shane– Schaefer,Jack

48. Storyof My Life– Keller, Helen

49. AStranger CameAshore – Hunter, Mollie

50. TalesfromShakespeare – Lamb, Charles & Mary

51. TheThurberCarnival – Thurber, James

52. TheWitch ofBlackbird Pond – Speare, Elizabeth George

53. TreasureIsland –Stevenson, Robert Louis

54. ATree Grows inBrooklyn – Smith, Betty

55. 20,000Leaguesunder the Sea – Verne, Jules

56. TheUpstairs Room– Reiss, Johanna

57. Warof the Worlds– Wells, H. G.

58. Wherethe RedFern Grows – Rawls, Wilson

59. TheWhiteMountains – Christopher, John

60. AWizard ofEarthsea – LeGuin, Ursula K.

61. AWrinkle in Time– L’ Engle, Madeleine

62. TheYearling –Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan 

9-12 年級(jí)

1. AbrahamLincoln –Sandburg, Carl

2. AdventuresofHuckleberry Finn – Twain, Mark

3. TheAeneid –Virgil

4. Againstall Hope– Valladares, Armando

5. TheAge ofInnocence – Wharton, Edith

6. AllQuiet on theWestern Front – Remarque, Erich

7. Allthe King’sMen – Warren, Robert Penn

8. AnimalFarm –Orwell, George

9. AnnaKarenina –Tolstoy, Leo

10. TheAutobiographyof Benjamin Franklin – Franklin, Benjamin

11. Babbitt– Lewis,Sinclair

12. BarchesterTowers– Trollope, Anthony

13. Beowulf–Anonymous

14. BraveNew World –Huxley, Aldous

15. TheCaine Mutiny– Wouk, Herman

16. Candide–Voltaire

17. TheCanterburyTales – Chaucer, Geoffrey

18. TheCatcher inthe Rye – Salinger, J. D.

19. TheCherryOrchard – Chekhov, Anton

20. TheChosen –Potok, Chaim

21. CollectedShortStories – Welty, Eudora

22. TheConciseColumbia Book of Poetry: The Top 100 Poems in English

23. CrimeandPunishment – Dostoevsky, Fyodor

24. TheCrucible –Miller, Arthur

25. TheCruel Sea –Monsarrat, Nicholas

26. CyranodeBergerac – Rostand, Edmond

27. Darknessat Noon– Koestler, Arthur

28. ADeath in theFamily – Agee, James

29. TheDivine Comedy– Dante

30. DoctorZhivago –Pasternak, Boris

31. ADoll’s House –Ibsen, Henrik

32. DonQuixote –Cervantes, Miguel de

33. Fathersand Sons– Turgenev, Ivan

34. Dr.Faustus –Marlowe, Christopher

35. ForWhom the BellTolls – Hemingway, Ernest

36. TheFountainhead– Rand, Ayn

37. TheForsyte Saga– Galsworthy, John

38. GoTell It on theMountain – Baldwin, James

39. TheGood Earth –Buck, Pearl

40. GreatExpectations– Dickens, Charles

41. TheGreat Gatsby– Fitzgerald, F. Scott

42. Gulliver’sTravels– Swift, Jonathan

43. Hamlet–Shakespeare, William

44. AHandful of Dust– Waugh, Evelyn

45. TheHeart is aLonely Hunter – McCullers, Carson

46. HowGreen Was MyValley – Llewellyn, Richard

47. IKnow Why theCaged Bird Sings – Angelou, Maya

48. I,Claudius –Graves, Robert

49. Inheritthe Wind– Lawrence, Jerome and Robert E. Lee

50. InvisibleMan –Ellison, Ralph

51. TheIliad – Homer

52. JaneEyre –Bronte, Charlotte

53. TheJungle –Sinclair, Upton

54. KingLear –Shakespeare, William

55. LesMiserables –Hugo, Victor

56. LongDay’sJourney into Night – O’ Neill, Eugene

57. LookHomeward,Angel – Wolfe, Thomas

58. Lordof the Flies– Golding, William

59. TheLord of theRings Trilogy – Tolkien, J. R. R.

60. MadameBovary –Flaubert, Gustave

61. TheMagicMountain – Mann, Thomas

62. AMan for AllSeasons – Bolt, Robert

63. Moby-Dick–Melville, Herman

64. MollFlanders –Defoe, Daniel

65. TheMoonstone –Collins, Wilkie

66. MuchAdo AboutNothing – Shakespeare, William

67. Murderin theCathedral – Eliot, T. S.

68. MyAntonia –Cahter, Willa

69. NativeSon –Wright, Richard

70. Night– Wiesel,Elie

71. TheNine Tailors– Sayers, Dorothy

72. 1984– Orwell,George

73. TheOdyssey –Homer

74. OedipusRex –Sophocles

75. OfHuman Bondage– Maugham, Somerset

76. OfMice and Men –Steinbeck, John

77. TheOnce andFuture King – White, T. H.

78. OneDay in theLife of Ivan Denisovich – Solzhenitsyn, Alexander

79. OurTown –Wilder, Thornton

80. APassage toIndia – Forster, E. M.

81. ThePicture ofDorian Gray – Wilde, Oscar

82. Portraitof theArtist as a Young Man – Joyce, James

83. ThePower and theGlory – Greene, Graham

84. PrideandPrejudice – Austen, Jane

85. ProfilesinCourage – Kennedy, John F.

86. Pygmalion– Shaw,George Bernard

87. Rabbit,Run –Updike, John

88. TheRed Badge ofCourage – Crane, Stephen

89. TheScarletLetter – Hawthorne, Nathaniel

90. TheSchool ForScandal – Sheridan, Richard B.

91. ShortStories andTales, Complete – Poe, Edgar Allan

92. SilasMarner –Eliot, George

93. LordJim –Conrad, Joseph

94. ASingle Pebble –Hersey, John

95. Sonnets(all 154)– Shakespeare, William

96. Sonsand Lovers –Lawrence, D. H.

97. TheSound and theFury – Faulkner, William

98. Steppenwolf–Hesse, Hermann

99.TheBest ShortStories of O. Henry (Modern Library Edition) – Henry, O.

100.TheStranger – Camus, Albert

101.   A Streetcar Names Desire – Williams, Tennessee

102.Tessof the D’ Urbervilles – Hardy, Thomas

103.ATown Like Alice – Shute, Nevil

104.TheirEyes Were Watching God – Hurston, Zora Neale

105.ThingsFall Apart – Achebe, Chinua

106.ToKill a Mockingbird – Lee, Harper

107.Tothe Lighthouse – Woolf, Virginia

108.TomJones – Fielding, Henry

109.TheTrial – Kafka, Franz

110.TheTurn of the Screw – James, Henry

111.UncleTom’s Cabin – Stowe, Harriet Beecher

112. VanityFair – Thackeray, William M.

113. Villette– Bronte, Charlotte

114. Walden– Thoreau, Henry David

115. WutheringHeights – Bronte, Emily

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