
2022-7-25 14:15 原創(chuàng) · 圖片25

4-31 The Stars

1. We need the sunbeds.

sunbed 太陽燈浴浴床;(室外用的)輕便折椅

2. They put the sunbeds down, and looked at the star map.

star map 【天】星座圖,星象盤

3. That's the Big Dipper.

the Big Dipper 北斗七星

dipper: a large spoon with a long handle, used for taking liquid out of a container

4. And the bright stars there are the Twins. 

the Twins 雙子座

5. That's Leo, the Lion.   Leo, the Lion 獅子座

6. And this is the Little Dog.   the Little Dog 小犬座

4-32 Long Legs

1. Kipper had a shock.嚇了一跳

2. It's a clown on stilts. 踩著高蹺的小丑

stilt 高蹺

to walk on stilts 踩高蹺

3. This will do it. 這樣就行了,行得通

4-33 Floppy and the Skateboard

1. Biff went down the ramp, too.

ramp 斜坡

4-34 Gran's New Glasses

1. Gran had a pot of paint. 一罐油漆

2. Gran had put up a shelf. But it was not level. 不平的

3. A pot slid off the shelf with a crash.

4. This pizza has no topping.

topping: something you put on top of food to make it look nicer or taste better 配料,澆頭

5. The pizza is upside down.

6. My old pair...with new lenses!

4-35 The Birthday Candle

1. Chip had a set of bongo drums.

bongo drum 一種用手指敲的小鼓,小手鼓

2. This is a contest. 比賽

3. Dad lit the candle. It went hiss and fizz. 


4. Anenormous flower shot out of it.

4-36 The seal pup 海豹寶寶

1.A seal pup was on the sand.

2. So, in the end, Dad sent for help.尋求幫助

3. He was big and fit. 健康的

4-37 Finger Snapper 東南西北

1. Then she lifted the flap.

2. It said ' Do a cartwheel'.

cartwheel 側(cè)手翻

3. "Turn the corners in," said Wilma.


4. "In a bit," said Kipper.等一下

5. Quick, I need help to get the washing in. 我需要有人幫忙把衣服給收進(jìn)來。

6. Can you sweep the floor? 掃地

7. I must clear the kitchen.


8. I must hoover the carpet.

9. Help Mum with the jobs and don't complain.

4-38 The Bowling Trip 去玩保齡球

1. It was Chip's first go at bowling.

2. First they had to select bowling balls.

3. His ball drifted to the left. 他的球偏向了左邊

4. Then it fell in the gutter with a thud.

thud 重?fù)舻穆曇簦苤睾軔灥穆曇?/p>

5. Next time swing your arm back a bit further. 把胳膊往后再甩的遠(yuǎn)一點

6. All ten pins fell down. 十個保齡球瓶都倒下了。

4-39 The Good Luck Stone

1. She did a handstand.

handstand 手倒立

2. Chip had a look under a shrub.

3. A branch has torn my shirt. 樹枝把衣服撕破了,扯爛了

4. A stinging nettle! I have been stung! 扎人的

nettle 蕁麻

4-40 The minibeast zoo

1. A slow-worm. It's a lizard. It has no legs but it can go fast.


2. We must be experts.

3. He kept them in a plastic tub.

4. The slow-worm had slithered away. 

5. The toad had crept off. 

4-41 Top of the mountain

1. We are off on a trek.

2. Quick march! 大步前進(jìn),齊步走

3. A train will get it to the summit.

summit: the top of a mountain

4. Oh Dad!You were fooling us.


4-42 Kid rocket 火箭小子

1. He had a wicked plan to steal all the cash from the bank.

wicked plan 邪惡的計劃



2. Dad went to hang up the washing. 晾衣服

3. Rotten's monster dogs sprang out to help him. 


4. They sped down the street, growling and crunching cars in their teeth. 

speed 飛速地跑

crunch: to eat hard food in a way that makes a noise 嘎吱嘎吱地咬/嚼

The dog was crunching on a bone.這條狗在嘎吱嘎吱地啃骨頭。

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主題書單:宇宙/太空  贊2 · 收藏8
01/ 4-31 The Stars
02/ 4-32 Long Legs
03/ 4-33 Floppy and the Skateboard
04/ 4-34 Gran's New Glasses
05/ 4-35 The Birthday Candle
06/ 4-36 The seal pup 海豹寶寶
07/ 4-37 Finger Snapper 東南西北
08/ 4-38 The Bowling Trip 去玩保齡球
09/ 4-39 The Good Luck Stone
10/ 4-40 The minibeast zoo
11/ 4-41 Top of the mountain
12/ 4-42 Kid rocket 火箭小子