主題素材 | She'll be coming around the mountain,拓展學(xué)習(xí)將來進(jìn)行時(shí)

2019-12-3 10:00 原創(chuàng) · 圖片6

這是清華幼兒英語4a Unit5的兒歌。學(xué)到4a4b級(jí)別可以借鑒的學(xué)習(xí)素材越來越少了,備課難度增加不少。盡管我的玩商低,但為保持娃對(duì)英語的興趣度,還是盡力把游戲多做一點(diǎn)。 

1 學(xué)兒歌

曲調(diào)很熟悉,用的是《the good morning train》的曲調(diào),先來復(fù)習(xí)一下。

She'll be coming around the mountain


She'll becoming around the mountain

When she comes

She'll be coming around the mountain 

When she comes

She'll be coming around the mountain 

She'll be coming around the mountain 

She'll be coming around the mountain 

When she comes


將Coming around the mountain替換為:riding the green horse


將Coming around the mountain替換為:Sleeping with grandma.


eating chocolate icecream

brushing her teeth

wearing pink pajamas

2 兒歌游戲



問:where did the grandma live?

答:deep in the woods. in the cabin. 


This time, grandma lives on the other side of mountains. This cushions will be the mountains. Can you sing the song and come around the mountain to visit grandma?

coming around cushion(坐墊)/sofa/table/chair/...

這里的coming around mountain/...,我的理解應(yīng)該是come+ around mountain/...,就是“繞著大山或其他來了”的意思。但查了字典,come around本身也是個(gè)詞組,但幾個(gè)意思似乎都不適合這首兒歌,姑且作為了解學(xué)習(xí)吧。

詞組come around的幾個(gè)意思

1. 首先,它可以表示“順便來訪”的意思。 

If someone comes around to your house, they come there to see you. 


eg.Why don’t you come around sometime and have supper with us?

2. 其次,它可以表示“到來”的意思。 


eg.When April comes around, we’ll work in the garden again.

3. 最后,它還有一個(gè)意思是“改變主意”。 


eg. You’ll come around after you hear the whole story.




3 拓展:將來進(jìn)行時(shí)

語法:將來進(jìn)行時(shí) will be doing sth

剛看到這個(gè)句式時(shí),我內(nèi)心OS:will be doing...這是什么鬼?大腦里使勁搜羅一遍竟然一點(diǎn)也想不起來,這么多年學(xué)真是白上了。自己都不懂,怎么教娃?

▉ 兒歌中的will be doing sth

She'll be coming around the mountain

she'll be riding the green horse

she'll be sleeping with grandma

▉ peppa pig中的will be doing sth

It also means the Tooth Fairywill be paying you a visit. 

But we will be playing games.

I will be teaching for many years to come.

Relax! No one will be working that day. The Queen has made it a holiday

Hello, children. Today, you will be learning all about numbers.

▉ 區(qū)分 willvs. will be doing vs. be doing

上圖形象地顯示了Will do 和 Will be doing 以及 Be doing 之間時(shí)間和位置的關(guān)系。 

1. It will fall. 它會(huì)掉下來。 
客觀的預(yù)測(cè)。可以和"it is going to fall."互換。 
在英美口語中"will do"和"be going to do"在很多場(chǎng)合基本意思差不多,只是"be going to do"用進(jìn)行態(tài)加不定態(tài)“ be doing + to do” 的形式表達(dá)了“肯定是要去做”的計(jì)劃性。 

2. It will be falling. 它就要掉下來啦! 

3. It is falling. 它正在掉落。 

▉ 作業(yè)紙

**關(guān)于will be doing,媽媽可額外學(xué)習(xí)的內(nèi)容  

We can use 'will be doing' to talk about something that will be in progress at a particular moment in the future. 


This time next week, I'll be sitting on the beach in Barbados. 
I'll be thinking about you all back in the office – and I'll be laughing. 
We'll be enjoying ourselves too, boss. We won't be doing any work while you are not here. 

We can use 'will be doing' to talk about future events that are fixed or decided.


I'll be visiting your country on a regular basis. In fact, I'm going to be coming next month. 
He'll be looking after the factory until we can appoint a new manager. 
They'll be thinking about this very carefully over the next few months. 

We can use 'will be doing' to predict what is happening now.


Try phoning his hotel. He'll probably still be having breakfast. 
They'll be deciding who gets the contract at this very moment. I'm very nervous. 
She's not in her office. She'll be having lunch in the canteen. 

We can use 'will be doing' to ask extremely politely, and with no pressure, about future plans. 


Will you be eating with us this evening? 
Will you be needing anything else? 
Will they be joining us for dinner?




打算這段時(shí)間,英語學(xué)習(xí)放緩或暫停一下,別給娃累壞了。 頂多聊天的時(shí)候討論幾句就OK了。

回應(yīng) 舉報(bào)

