
2020-12-15 08:54 原創(chuàng)


一、單詞分類(要求:明白單詞意思并正確分類)動詞過去式:said, took, had, bought(規(guī)則的動詞過去式變化在詞尾加-ed, 還有一些動詞的過去式為不規(guī)則變化,需要背下來)食物名稱:candy, biscuits(餅干),noodles地點名稱:park,school,farm(農(nóng)場), 形容詞:good, clever, bad動詞原形:skate(滑冰), wear(穿), fall(摔倒)名詞:trip(旅行), paintbrush(畫筆),woman(女性),ice(冰)


wear a sweater,go to the zoo, climb the mountain,last week,a big hamburger,fly a kite, buy a present,by plane,be helpful(樂于助人的), the bad man,take Ma Liang away(抓走馬良), it’s cold,go to the supermarket,buy food and drinks, go on a school trip, be tired(累), go to the Great Wall, go to Beihai Park, make the cake, buy a toy plane, buy a book,how long(花費多長時間),get to the top of the hill(到達山頂),eat some candies, go skating,be angry, take fifty minutes(花費50分鐘),do the housework(做家務), water flowers(澆花), a pair of trousers, eat chicken,go to the beach(去海灘), visit grandparents, be poor(貧窮) ,make a toy boat,make a toy horse, go to the cinema(去電影院), see a film(看電影), go to the Summer Palace(去頤和園),row a boat(劃船),take photos(照相), play on the swing (玩秋千),buy an ice cream


1.特殊疑問詞What 問什么


(1)What did you buy at the supermarket?I bought some candies.(2)Where 問哪里 例:Where were you yesterday afternoon?I was at my mother’s house.特別注意區(qū)分:Where will you go this weekend? (where與go搭配,表示“去哪里”)I’ll go to the zoo with my Mum.What did you do yesterday evening?(what與do搭配,表示“做什么”)I did my homework

(3)When 問時間 例:When is the Dragon Boat Festival? 什么時候是端午節(jié)?It’s on the fifth day of the fifth lunar(農(nóng)歷) month. 在農(nóng)歷的五月初五。_____did Chinese people invent printing?(應選B)About 1400 years ago.A.What B.WhenC.Where

(4)How many 問有多少例:How many children are the on the playground?There are 40.

(5)Who 問誰例:Who ______ in front of you last week? (應選A)A.was B.had C.did


The Great Wall 長城在中國(認識中國國旗)

 The Buckingham Palace 白金漢宮在英國倫敦 (認識英國國旗) 

 The White House白宮在美國華盛頓 (認識美國國旗)


(1)Be able to +V原(動詞原形)能做某事例: My leg didn’t _____ much, so I was _____ to skate.A.hurt,ableB.hurts, badC.hurted, could分析:第一個空,didn’t+V原,應選hurt第二個空,be able to固搭,應選able

(2)go on a school trip 例: The children went ____ a school trip.(應選B)A.in B.onC.at句意理解例: It’s hot(熱), so I’ll wear my _______.(應選A)A.dress連衣裙B.sweater 毛衣 c.coat 外套


Mountain: It is vey high and people can climb it. (山)

Hurt: It means to cause harm or pain. (傷害)

Presents: You give this to someone as a gift. (禮物)

Easy: It means not hard or difficult (to do). (容易的)

Yesterday: It is the day before today. (昨天)

Trip: It is a short journey to a place and back. (旅行)

Ago: It means in the past. (以前)Candy: It is a sweet food. It is made of sugar(糖). (糖果)

Climb: It means to go up to the top. (爬)

Ice: When water freezes(結冰), it turns into this. (冰)

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