【親子共讀】學(xué)齡前讀寫能力培養(yǎng)Early Literacy 3.4 | 書籍愛好,文字意識

2018-11-28 12:59 原創(chuàng)


這次總結(jié)的兩個(gè)能力屬最基本能力,是從出生就需要培養(yǎng)的能力,適合Under 2的babies。

-什么是書籍愛好?What is Print motivation?

Print motivation is a child's interest in and enjoyment of books,More simply, it is loving books!

It is never too early to start reading to babies. Children who enjoy books and reading will be curious about how to read and will want to read more .

studies show that if reading is a negative experience, kids will associate the negative interaction with books and reading. You know reading is no longer fun if you are forcing your child to sit still and listen, or the language you are using with your baby becomes harsh.

Reading should be pleasurable for you both. Your baby will be more responsive and attentive if the experience is positive and fun.





   Tips for sharing books with your baby and making reading fun

Share a book with your baby every day. Just a few minutes will make a difference in how soon your child learns language and reading becomes a habit;

Make sure both you and your baby are in a good mood so reading together is enjoyable and not a struggle. Stop reading when your baby loses interest. You can always read again later  in the day;

Choose books you like to read. If you are reading books you enjoy, your baby will notice and chances are, he will enjoy them too;

reading at the same time each day will establish a ritual and your baby will know what to expect.





   Help our baby learn to love books throughout the day

Visit the library often and make it a fun outing;

Read plastic books in the bathtub;

Keep books in the car or diaper bag. The next time you are standing in line at the grocery store or bank, pull out a book and share it with your baby;

Make books a part of your life. Make them available throughout your house and in the car to provide easy access for your baby.






   Emotional Development and Your Babys Learning 

Tone and facial expressions are understood before words. Emotional learning is connected to all domains of learning. Reading books pictures of babies and people expression emotions is a great way teach your baby about emotional responses. Hold your baby close as you read these stories aloud and explain what each person is feeling in the book. Keep a child safe hand mirror or a mirror on the wall where your baby can look at herself. Understanding emotions will help your baby express himself when he learns to talk later on.

Looking in the mirror will help your baby understand his own body and facial expressions. He will enjoy seeing his reactions to toys,books and music.

Play games like Peek-a-boo, which helps your baby's brain develop. This is a fun game that forms thousands of connections among your baby' s brain cells each time it is played. Young children and their parents are"wired"to form close emotional ties through an ongoing dialogue of coos, gazes and smiles.

Peek-a-boo helps the caregiver and baby forge a relationship through communication and facial expressions

Children who have loving, consistent, sensitive caretakers will have social and cognitive skills in childhood that are superior to those of children who did not benefit from such care. These are important skills that are linked to successful learning throughout life.





-小孩的文字意識Toddlers Print Awareness

Print awareness is noticing print everywhere and knowing how books work- the front cover, what's upside down, which page to start on and how to look at words from left to right (in many languages)

When children feel comfortable with books, they can concentrate on reading.Point out words, letters and numbers in your child's environment (signs, food labels, game instructions). Eventually they will begin to read (recognize)words on their own, especially if you point out the same words every time you see them。

文字意識注意到每個(gè)地方都有文字并且知道書籍是如何工作的 --封面,什么是顛倒的,哪個(gè)頁面開始以及如何從左到右查看單詞(在許多語言中)。


-培養(yǎng)文字意識 Developing Print Awareness

Read: Let your child hold the book and turn the pages, even if they skip pages. This will help them understand how a book works and how to handle it properly;

Write: Provide markers, crayons and paper so your child can practice writing. Even if it is just scribbles they are building fine motor skills and learning about what print and words mean;

Sing: Share nursery rhymes about numbers. Write the numbers on a piece of paper and point to them when you recite the rhyme. Once your child gets used to this, they can point to the numbers while you say the rhyme together. Start with: One, Two Buckle My Shoe: One, two buckle my shoe/ Three, four knock at the door/ Five, six pick up sticks/Seven, eight lay them straight/Nine, ten a big fat hen!

Talk: Talk about print even when you are not reading together. Look for letters and words on signs,labels, and lists;

Play: Play time can be an opportunity to show children that print is used in a wide variety ways;

Drivers use maps, chefs use recipes, shoppers use lists. The more children see writing in their play props,the more they learn that print is something that is all around them.讀:讓您的孩子拿著書并翻頁,即使他們跳過頁面。這將有助于他們了解圖書的工作原理以及如何正確處理圖書;


唱:分享關(guān)于數(shù)字的童謠。將數(shù)字寫在一張紙上,當(dāng)你背韻時(shí)指向它們。一旦你的孩子習(xí)慣了這一點(diǎn),他們可以指出數(shù)字,同時(shí)你一起說韻。Start with: One, Two Buckle My Shoe: One, two buckle my shoe/ Three, four knock at the door/ Five, six pick up sticks/Seven, eight lay them straight/Nine, ten a big fat hen!



4級Walk On!5人有 · 評價(jià)1Marla Frazee 著;Marla Frazee 繪Harcourt Children's Books / 2006-04

Walk On!是一個(gè)關(guān)于嬰兒第一步規(guī)則的精彩故事。 當(dāng)你想到孩子的第一步或他準(zhǔn)備好的第一步時(shí),你會(huì)喜歡大聲朗讀。 向您的寶寶大聲讀書,您也喜歡閱讀,這是確保您都喜歡閱讀的完美方式。 當(dāng)你的寶寶還小的時(shí)候,你讀的不是那么多,而是你如何讀它。 如果您喜歡閱讀一本書,它將以您的聲音顯示,您的寶寶將被您和書籍吸引。

Peekaboo Morning44人有 · 評價(jià)21 · 書評2Rachel Isadora 著;Rachel Isadora 繪Putnam Juvenile / 2008-05

寶貝喜歡和家人,玩具和朋友玩躲貓貓。當(dāng)你一起玩躲貓貓時(shí),角色在游戲中的好奇和快樂將反映出你寶寶的感受。 寶寶將與書中嬰兒的經(jīng)歷相關(guān)聯(lián),當(dāng)你閱讀完后,你將享受與躲貓貓玩耍的游戲。 選擇與孩子經(jīng)歷可以形成聯(lián)系的書籍。 這將確保您的寶寶會(huì)喜歡您一起閱讀的內(nèi)容。

0級Counting Kisses5054人有 · 評價(jià)2501 · 書評36Karen KatzSimon&Schuster / 2003-01

Counting Kisses將計(jì)數(shù)和身體部位介紹給寶寶的書。 書中的嬰兒在準(zhǔn)備睡覺時(shí)會(huì)收到家人和寵物的一些吻。 在讀書時(shí)要花時(shí)間親吻自己寶寶的腳趾肚臍,耳朵等。選擇其他互動(dòng)的書籍。 無論什么時(shí)候你都可以用嬰兒來表達(dá)故事的一部分,你就會(huì)在你和你的孩子之間形成更深層次的聯(lián)系,故事對你們兩個(gè)人來說都會(huì)更有趣。 幫助你們促進(jìn)關(guān)系的書籍將幫助你的寶寶將她對你的感受與她對閱讀和書籍的感受聯(lián)系起來。

(資料來自Broomfield library,致謝)

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