
2019-6-19 21:47 原創(chuàng) · 圖片7

Listen:0a-unit4I can fly3遍.

Read: 指讀海尼曼分級3本,

video:0a-unit4I can fly3遍.粉豬

Game:I can fly.

M: Hello evening hong kong and daddy, let's play the game. That is I can fly.now there are butterfly bird aircraft and b then which one would you want to be?

E: I want to be butterfly.

M: Ok, then chong who you want to be bird(做飛鳥狀)aircraft (手拿飛機)or a bee(嗡嗡)?


M: Ok. Cheng zhong, you will be a b and daddy. What animal would you want to be?

 Daddy :I want to be an aircraft.

M: Ok, then I will be a bird. Now here is the tree.  I will say hello. Very nice to meet you. I am a bird. I can fly here. I can fly there. Wow, I'm high in the tree. Daddy, you're a aircraft. Can you fly?


M: Now Evelyn,it's your turn and you are a beautiful butterfly, now this is a green grass. Can you fly?

E: Yes, I can fly. Hello grace. Nice to meet you. I am a butterfly. I can fly here. I can fly there. I can fly high in the grass.

M: Good job ,Evelyn,this is a cloud, can you be an aircraft?

E: OK, hello cloud. Nice to meet you. I am an aircraft. I can fly here. I can fly there. I'm high in the air.

M:wonderful,Evelyn, This is a flower. Can you be a bee.

E:ok, Hello flower. Nice to meet you. I am a b I can fly here. I can fly there. I'm high in the flower.

M: Wonderful Evelyn. We know that the butterfly bird aircraft and be all can fly they can fly here, they can fly there. Wow, they are high in the air.

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