
2019-8-14 13:46 原創(chuàng) · 圖片9

Listening:1a-unit4 Now tall now small 3遍


Video:1a-unit4 Now tall now small 2遍;

Game1:A dancing peppig

M: Evelyn, let us play the game of a dancing pep pig, Look , this is my toy, I am stretching very tall, and now I am very small. Now tall, now small, now I am a tiny ball, let`s do some exercises.

E: Ok, mum, my toy is peppig, I am stretching very tall, and now I am very small. Now tall, now small, now I am a tiny ball.

Game2:paper ball

M: Evelyn, let us play the game of paper ball, Look, here is tissue box, we can make ball with tissues. Now evelyn, You take two tissues, you can make a big ball, now, congcong, you take one tissue, you make a small ball, and I will take half tissue,I make a tiny ball.

E: Ok, mum, I make a big ball

M:good,evelyn, now ,you can help your brother to make a small ball.

E: ok, congcong can not make a ball, It is so easy. Look, I make a small ball.

M: now, you two stand in this line, and you can throw the ball into congcong`s cap.

E:oh, I like this.(扔了幾次)

Game3:wiggle worm

M:hey, Evelyn, look at the bug, it is a wiggle worm, when it climb,it will stretch long and be short. We can act like a wiggle worm.

E: 對,當(dāng)毛毛蟲爬的時候,它會像這樣伸長和縮短。

M&E: OK, let us to be a a wiggle worm. I am stretching very long, and now I am very short. Now long, now short, now I am a wiggle worm.

M:hey, Evelyn, look at these two pictures, the man is running fast, the turtle is slow. We can do like them.

E:ok, I am running.

M: OK, we are running fast, and now we are slow. Now fast, now slow, now I am a turtle. I am running very fast, and now I am very slow. Now fast, now slow, now I am a turtle.

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