
2019-9-17 23:43 原創(chuàng) · 圖片33






P: Baby, do you know what day it is today? It’s Mid-Autumn Festival. It falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. In Chinese, it’s called Zhong Qiu Jie. Mommy and Daddy take one day off. We don’t go to work today. We can stay and play together. Are you happy?

K: Yes. I’m very happy

P: Today we will eat some moon cake.

P:There’re many kinds of mooncakes in the market. Mooncakes are distributed by region: Beijing-style, Cantonese-style, Yunnan-style, Chaoshan-style, Suzhou-style, Taiwan-style, Hong Kong-style, or even Japanese style mooncakes.( 月餅按產(chǎn)地分有:京式月餅、廣式月餅、滇式月餅、潮式月餅、蘇式月餅、臺式月餅、港式月餅,甚至日式等)

Moon cakes  divided according to taste: there’re sweet, salty, salty sweet, spicy and hot flavors.( 就口味而言:有甜味、咸味、咸甜味、麻辣味;)

Per the fillings: there’re Five Kernel and Roast Pork, Red Bean Paste, Lotus Seed Paste, Snow Skin, Fruit and Vegetable, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Green Tea, Seafood flavors etc.( 從餡料分:有五仁、豆沙、蓮蓉、餅皮、果蔬、巧克力、冰激凌、綠茶、海鮮月餅等。)

P:baby, look, These are the moons that we see at different times.  It is  phase of the moon. It changes from small  to big, from big to small. This is the phase of moon we see in the  first day of our chinese lunar calendar, it is called new moon; This is the phase of moon we see in the the lunar 4,it is called waxing moon; This is the phase of moon we see in the the lunar 7, it is called first quater moon; This is the phase of moon we see in the the lunar 11, it is called waxing gibbous moon; This is the phase of moon we see in the the lunar 15, it is called full moon; This is the phase of moon we see in the the lunar 19, it is called waning gibbous moon; This is the phase of moon we see in the the lunar 22, it is called last quarter moon; This is the phase of moon we see in the the lunar 26, it is called waning moon.

P:Today I’ll show you how this happens.

What we need in this model is: the table lamp, which represents the Sun, the white foam ball representing the moon, your head representing the earth, a pencil and a dark room (the darker, the better).我們在這個模型中需要的是:臺燈代表太陽,白色的泡沫球代表月亮,你的頭代表地球,一支鉛筆和一個黑暗的房間(越暗越好)。

1.    Now, come inside the room. I’ll turn off the light, and turn on the lamp. look at me. I hold this ball and turn around. /What can you see? /What’s the difference between this side and the other side? Yes, you’re right. This half ball is bright, and the other half is dark.( 現(xiàn)在,進屋來。我要把燈關掉,然后把燈打開??粗?。我拿著這個球轉(zhuǎn)身。/你能看到什么?/這邊和那邊有什么不同?是的,你是對的。這一半是亮的,另一半是暗的。)

2.    In this position, I can't see any of the bright side of the moon. Can you see it? No? You’re right. We call this a new moon.( 在這個位置,我看不到月亮任何明亮的一面。你能看見嗎?不?你是對的。我們稱之為新月)

3.Then I make the ball (moon) orbit to my left. What can you see now? Can you see the tiny lighted side, just like a sickle (鐮刀) or banana? We call that a crescent moon.( 然后我讓球(月球)繞我的左邊運行。你現(xiàn)在能看到什么?你能看到的小亮面,就像一把鐮刀(鐮刀)還是香蕉?我們稱之為新月。)

4.As the ball (moon) keeps moving, we can see more and more of that lighted side. In this position, we can see half of the lighted side. We call it a quarter moon.(隨著球(月亮)不斷移動,我們可以看到越來越多的亮面。在這個位置,我們可以看到一半的光明面。我們稱它為上弦月。).

5.As we keep moving, we see almost the whole lighted side. We call it a gibbous(凸圓) moon.(當我們繼續(xù)前進時,我們幾乎看到了整個發(fā)光的一面。我們稱之為凸月)

6.Then we can see the entire light at half of the moon, that’s a full moon.(然后我們可以看到整個光在月亮的一半,那是滿月。)

7.  As the moon continues to orbit, we begin to see less and less of that lighted side. We're back to a gibbous moon at this position. But this time the light is on the opposite side, then another quarter moon, last quarter moon (another crescent), and finally back to new moon and the cycle begins again.(隨著月球繼續(xù)繞軌道運行,我們開始看到越來越少的亮面。在這個位置我們回到了凸月。但這一次,光在另一邊,然后另一個四分之一的月亮,最后一個四分之一的月亮(另一個新月),最后回到新月,周期又開始了。)

P: Is it interesting? Do you want to hold the ball and turn around by yourself? Have a try, please. Fantastic! Let’s turn on the room light, turn off the lamp and get out.

P: From this activity, can you tell me whether the moon make light?

K: the moon cannot make light.

Game2: Demonstrate the phase change of the moon

P: Mommy will demonstrate the phase change of the moon with foamball . Look, we should colour the ball with black and yellow markers. This half is black, this half is yellow.

K: I colour this half with yellow marker.

P: ok, now , I colour this half into black.

P: I will stick this stick and the foam ball with hot glues. This is black paper, l will turn the ball left gradually. Look, this is the  first day of our chinese lunar calendar, the ball we see is black, it is called new moon; This is the the lunar 4, we can see a crooked moon, it is called waxing moon; This is the lunar 7, it is called first quater moon; This is the lunar 11, it is called waxing gibbous moon; This is the lunar 15, it is called full moon; This is the lunar 19, it is called waning gibbous moon; This is the lunar 22, it is called last quarter moon; This is the lunar 26, it is called waning moon.

K:oh, It changes.

Game3:Make moon phase with Oreo cookies

P: Can you get out your Oreo cookies? I need 8 pieces.

K: Yes, mommy. 1, 2, 3……8.

P: Perfect. Now let’s do it. The white frosting is the lighted part of the moon, we need to separate the cookies into two halves. Try best to get the frosting in one half.

K:8 Oreo cookies(奧利奧餅干)

Apopsicle [?pɑps?k(?)l] stick (雪糕棒) or other tool, such as toothpick (牙簽) for scraping the frosting (去掉糖霜)

P: 1.Twist an Oreo slowly to maximize the amount of frosting on one side when you separate the halves. In case you fail, you can eat the cookie and then try a new one.2. Create the phases of the moon out of the frosting with the popsicle stick or other tools.3. Arrange the phases of the moon in order, just as what we have seen. Well done sweetheart.If you don’t have Oreo cookies at home, you can ask your kids to draw the moon phases on paper. 

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