
2019-8-25 23:30 原創(chuàng) · 圖片20

Listening:1a-unit6 Cats 3遍,ABCsounds 3遍


Video:1a-unit6 Cats 3遍;

Game1:Count the CATs

M: Evelyn, can you draw eight cats.

E: ok, I like drawing pictures.

M: now, mommy will get two pieces of paper for you and your young brother. This is yours, and this one is congcong`s. what colour of makers will you want to have?

E: I want to have the blue maker.

M: ok, here you are.

E: mum, it is ok.

M: baby, mommy is looking for the eight cats, you help me to find them out, ok?

E: OK.

M: let`s look over here, look over there.

E: momy, they are on the table.

M: oh, good, can you count them?

E: ok, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. There are eight cats, they are all here.

M:now, mommy will hide these cats in our living room, you should put your hand on your eyes, and stay there. You can count 1 to 10. If you count 10, you can open your eyes. If you walk close to the cat, I will say:“hot, very hot”, if you walk far from the cat, I will say:“cold, very cold”,do you understand>

E: Ok, I will count. One,two,three, four,five,six,seven, eight, nine, ten. I will find the duck. (走向飄窗)

M: Hot.


M: very Hot.

E: I find the cat.

M: well done, you can give the cat you find to your grandma.

E: grandma, this is the one cat.~~~~

E: oh, I find eight cats, they are all in grandma`s hand.

M: ok ,here is a basin, there are some fishes in the basin. Now, these cats want to eat fish, can you tell me how many fish in the basin?

E:one, two, three~~nine fishes. There are nine fishes in the basin.

M: the cats are hungry, can you catch the fish with chopsticks?

E:ok, but ,it is slide.

M: come on, be careful, you can catch the fish.

E: I catch them, they are here.

Game2:FUN with counting

M: Evelyn, look, here is the basket, and there are so many toys in the basket. Can you tell me what are they?

E: they are toy dog, toy sheep, toy rabbit, cars and blocks.

M: wow great, we can call toy dog, toy sheep, toy rabbit stuffed toys, and there are many snowflake bricks. What do you like best?

E: I like snowflake bricks.

M:ok, can you tell me how many snowflake bricks?

E: so many.

M: we can count them, one snowflake brick, two snowflake bricks~~~~

E: Three snowflake bricks, Four snowflake bricks~~~sixty-two snowflake bricks.

M: oh, then, how many snowflake bricks are there in the basket?

E:there are sixty-two snowflake bricks in the basket.

M: can you tell me how many toes do you have?

E: I have ten toes.

M: how many toes do you and your brother have?

E: my brother and I have twenty toes. my brother and I and grandma have thirty toes. my brother and I and grandma and you have fourty toes.

Game3:hug game

M: now, evelyn, brother, grandma and I in the livingroom, evelyn,how many people in the room?

E: four people.

M: yes, all of us walking around here, and I will sing:“找朋友”,when I stop, and I will say a number, you should hug each other, and you hug together should be the same number. if you wrong, you will out of the game, and you should clap your hands when you jump. Do you understand? You should explain for your grandma in Chinese.

E: ok, 就是我們要轉(zhuǎn)圈,媽媽會唱“找朋友”的歌,她停下來,她會說個數(shù)字,我們要抱在一起,人數(shù)和媽媽說的數(shù)字一樣,如果不是,就不能玩游戲了,下來要邊跳邊拍手。

M:good,now, let`s begin, “找呀找呀找朋友~~?!?,“four”.

We are hug together.

M: “找呀找呀找朋友~~?!?,“one”.

We all hug by ourselves.

M: “找呀找呀找朋友~~停”,“three”.

Evelyn, brother and grandma hug together.

M: oh, I am out, Evelyn, you say a number, I will jump and clap same to the number.

E: eight.


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