
2019-9-8 13:44 原創(chuàng) · 圖片13


Listening:1a-unit8 teddy bear 3遍,ABCsounds 3遍


Video:1a-unit8 teddy bear 3遍;

Game1:follow me

M:evelyn, look ,what is this?It  is a Teddy bear.

E:yes,this is a Teddy bear。

M:bbaby,let's give Teddy bear a big big hug。and mumy will give the Teddy bear a kiss,Teddy bear can workhope run and stopnow mummy makes the bad Teddy bear turn around。

E:what is turning around?

M:look,this is the Teddy bear turn around。and evelyn, can you follow the Teddy bear turning around five times。

E:ok。mumy,i will turn around.one around,two around,three around,four around,five around。

M:evelyn,。can you balance yourself?

E:M,what is balance?

M:balance means you stand there and don't fall down,now mummy will turn around。one,two,three,four,five。

E:mumy,you are great

M:evelyn, can you make the bear touch the ground?

E:ok,look, the Teddy bear  touches the ground。

M:make a Teddy bear show its shoes.

E:they are Teddy bear shoes。

M:evelyn, whose shoes are these?

E:they are my shoes.

M:can you put your hands in them like this?

E:my hands in shoes. you see.

M:good,。can you show your shoes?

E:they are my shoes.

M:yes,please stretch your arms up!

E:i put my shoes up。

M:now, evelyn, let's help Teddy bear to wear your shoes.

E:now I will help Teddy bear wear the left shoe, next i will help it  wear the right shoe。

M:good job, evelyn, listen, when i say show Teddy bears shoes, can  you help Teddy bear show its shoe.

E:yes,i can.

M:evelyn show Teddy bears left the shoe。

E:this is Teddy bear left the shoes.

M:OK now show Teddy bear the right shoes。

E:this is Teddy bear right shoes.

Game2: put your hand on the paper

M:Evelyn,can you help me find the paper and a pen。

E:this is the paper and the pen.

M:show me your hand


M:please put your hand on the paper and i will draw around it。

E:mummy,i  want the pink color.

M:this is the pink color please do around your hand on this paper.

E:ok, i finished it. this is hand paper.

M:could you help me stick the paper on the door.now we are in the living room when mummy say is turning around you should turn around,when says stop you should run to the door and put your hand on the paper.the first one  run to the door and put the hand inside the show hand is the winner do you understand?

E:ok,I got it.

M:could you explain for your grandma?


M:are you ready?now ,turn around。stop!please run to the door and put your hand on the drawn hand。

E:oh,I put  my hand on the drawn hand and i am the winner.

M:evening this is the Teddy bear,when mommy sing the Teddy bear song, you should make the Teddy bear turn around, touch the ground,show the shoe.at  last, you should put the Teddy bear·s hand on the paper hand and  you are the winner. Now, mumy will  show you.


M:Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around, Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,touch the ground,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, show your shoe,Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,that will do. ok.i am the winner。now is the time is your turn to show me。

E:Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around, Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,touch the ground,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, show your shoe,Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,that will do. ok.i am the winner。

Game3:magic stick

M:grandma,evelyn and congcong, let's make a circle, and  look, what is  this?

E:this is a chopstick。

M:yes,you are right,this is not only a chopsticks but also a magic stick.let me show you how it works.when you hold this magic stick, the other people will follow  your direction. do you understand?


M:first,mummy will show you how it works. Look,these are some orders,such as"stand up,sit down, come here,turn around,touch the ground,show your shoes,jump high,jump low, touch the sky,squat down, drive the car, go to the kitchen,go to the bedroom,touch the door.“

M:are you ready? I will spell on you,balabala,magic"turn around twice", you should turn around for two times as quickly as you can.what i say sit down you should sit down as quickly as you can.do you want to try?

E:yes. i want to try.

M:OK,it is your turn to say something magic. you can spell on me, balabala,magic

E:balabala,magic,"touch the door "。(奶奶、弟弟、媽媽摸門(mén))

E:mumy wins。

E:balabala,magic,squat down tree times。(奶奶、弟弟、媽媽去廚房)

E:mumy wins。

Game4:spin the bottle

M:babys,can you find a bottle for mummy?i think you can find the bottle in the living room。

E:OK,brother, follow me,let's find the bottle in the living room.

E:mummy,mummy ,we find the bottle,here you are.

M:good job,evelyn, thank you very much.

M:hey, babys, i will spin the bottle like this,when it stops the bottle spout will point at someone. when the bottle spout points at you, you have to stand up ,sing and do the Teddy bear song, ok?

M:(Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around, Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,touch the ground,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, show your shoe,Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,that will do)邊唱邊做,i finish。

M:now who want to spin the bottle first?

E:I want to spin the bottle.

M:you can play Rock paper scissors to decide who spin the bottle first.


E:I win

M:ok, you can spin the bottle now.


M:哇哦,the sport is pointing at grandma,hey,grandma,it is your turn to sing the song and do the actions。

G:Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around, Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,touch the ground,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, show your shoe,Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,that will do)邊唱邊做,

M:grandma,it is your turn into spin the bottle.


M:evelyn, who is the bottle spout point at?

E:mumy,the bottle spout is pointing at you, you should see the Teddy bear sun and do the actions。

M:Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around, Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,touch the ground,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, show your shoe,Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,that will do)邊唱邊做,Ok ,I finshed, i will spin the bottle.oh, the bottle spout is pointing at evelyn, you should see the Teddy bear sun and do the actions

E:Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around, Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,touch the ground,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, show your shoe,Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,that will do)邊唱邊做,Ok ,I finshed, i will spin the bottle, oh, the bottle spout is pointing at congcong, you should sing the Teddy bear song and do the actions

M:evening the brother is too young can you help your brotherto sing the song and do the actions.

E:OK,brother,let's sing the sun and do the actions together.

E&C:Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around, Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,touch the ground,Teddy bear, Teddy bear, show your shoe,Teddy bear, Teddy bear ,that will do

M:good, evelyn, you are a good sister, we all like you very much

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