【牛津樹精讀】牛津樹L1全英文精讀筆記 Good Old Mum

2020-6-6 22:27 原創(chuàng) · 圖片1

2級(jí)ORT L1-29 : Good Old Mum (Oxford Reading Tree)(Patterned Stories 5)9038人有 · 評(píng)價(jià)7190 · 書評(píng)3Roderick Hunt, Alex BrychtaOxford University Press

牛津樹系列作為最受歡迎的英語學(xué)習(xí)教材,最吸引我們的是一家人的趣味生活故事,剛開始拿到教材時(shí),會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)牛津樹和其他的分級(jí)教材完全不一樣,它有完整的小故事,但是字?jǐn)?shù)卻很少,和寶貝親子共讀時(shí),如果只讀了書上的句子,  不給寶貝閱讀擴(kuò)展,只是簡(jiǎn)單刷刷升級(jí)就辜負(fù)了這么好這么貴的分級(jí)繪本了。 

對(duì)于英語不太好的家長(zhǎng)來說,急需一份精讀筆記自救,  這個(gè)精讀筆記是我根據(jù)susan說英語全英文精讀牛津樹寫的,我已經(jīng)把36本書全部做了精讀筆記,分享給用心陪寶貝閱讀的你。我是把筆記打印出來,然后陪寶貝讀書的時(shí)候,直接照著精讀筆記講,講幾遍就會(huì)順口了,熟悉了。  

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Hi, Everyone. Christmas is coming. And Look our mum is busy shopping for something. Oh, Good Old Mum. What do you think good old mum is shopping for? It must be something related to Christmas. And let’s get stared.

Page 1

Mum put on a big red nose. A big red nose! That’s too funny. Yes, I think mum Looks like a clown. Do you think so, everyone Yeah, funny red nose. And what’s on the table? Mum is setting at the dressing table. Here I see the hairbrush. I see the hair pin and some make up. Mummy is dressing her up at something.

Page 2-3

Mum put on a big pillow. What? A big pillow around mummy’s waist. And mummy is tying with a belt. That’s funny. Mummy, you are making yourself Look so fat, Yeah, and so funny. And everyone is wondering, mum, what are you doing?

Page 4-5

Mum put on big boots. These black boots were so big. Do you have black boots? I have black boots, and they make me so cool. And mum is putting on big boots, a red nose, and a pillow. And mummy, you are really Looking funny.

Page 6-7

And then, mum put on big eyebrows. Eyebrows, these are eyebrows. Look, mum has big eyebrows and white eyebrows. And mum also has put on the mustache and beard also white. Oh, mum, you are Looking like an old person, an old man. Yeah, I think so. She put on a big beard like an old man.

Page 8

Oh, that’s why. “Ho! Ho! Ho!”, said Mum. Mum is dressed up as a Santa Claus. Susan, Why is mummy dressed as Santa? While, because Christmas is coming. And probably it’s mum’s job to give all presents and candy. How about Kipper? oh, Kipper is dressed up as an elf. Looking at the pointy ears. What a funny story.

Ask and Answer

1,(P1) What this? A red nose.

2,(P2-3) What this? A pillow.

3,(P4-5) What's mommy putting on there? Mom is putting on big boots.

4,(P6-7) What's mommy putting on here? Mom is putting on eyebrows and big beard.

5,(P8) What are they dressed up as? Santa, elf and reindeer.

Look at Floppy, do you think Floppy is happy to be a reindeer? No, Floppy looks very unhappy

即使父母沒時(shí)間讀,只要寶寶喜歡牛津樹,我推薦給寶寶直接看susan精講視頻免費(fèi)的資源。 發(fā)音地道,全英文講解,面部表情豐富,我自己也很喜歡。如果寶貝還小,不想給寶貝看視頻,可以自己先講幾遍,然后做成音頻貼,把susan精講的音頻貼到書上,反復(fù)給寶貝聽。  

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