爺爺一定有辦法拓展—something from nothing

2021-4-5 23:04 原創(chuàng) · 圖片9

公眾號: 樂哥兒養(yǎng)育記

6級Something From Nothing933人有 · 評價285 · 書評10Phoebe GilmanScholastic / 1993-10



??:Today we r going to read this story again and have the papercutting game.

??: First, choose the paper u like and draw a blanket on it with ur ??. What shape is ur blanket?

Lawrence and Ariel: Rectangle!

??: yes! Let’s draw one!

??: oh, now it becomes a jacket. We r gonna draw a jacket on the blanket. Pay attention to the jacket. What color is it?

L & A: Blue!

??: now the jacket becomes a vest. What can we do with this jacket? Are there any sleeves?

LA: no! We should cut the sleeves.

M: let’s cut them, shall we?

M: the vest no longer exists. We should draw a tie on it and cut it out.

A: but how r we going to draw a tie?

Is it a triangle?

M: exactly! U can even draw the patterns u like on it!

L: im gonna draw some stripes.

A: im gonna paint it pink.

M: what shape is the handkerchief?

A: it’s square.no, Lawrence, urs is too small to hold the stone!

M: what shape is the button?

L: mine is square!

A: how can it be? It should be round! Like mine!

L: wow! U have drawn 1234, 4 buttons! 


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