My healthy life

2020-11-14 11:47 原創(chuàng)

The healthy body is important for us .Because,if we are so weak,we willoften ill.Here are some advice for you to keep your body health.

Firstly, you should eat more vegetables and you shouldn't eat too much sweet food or oil food .If you eat too much, you will get very fat ,it is very unhealthy for you and it is not very easy to do sport.

Secondly, you should have enough sleepsleep is very important for us, because if you don't sleep, you will get very fat.And you will get tired all dayyou must have think lot of tea or coffee to make your awake,but if you drink too much caffeine,you will never sleep well at night.Because it will make your so excited.

So if you want to have a healthy body, you must have a good sleep and eat more vegetables.So why don't you try it?

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