<可怕的數(shù)學(xué) Murderous Maths> 書評(píng)

(7歲7個(gè)月,一升二暑假)Chapter 9: Clocks
Clocks measure time(absolute time or relative time)
The only clock that can't show the wrong time is a sundial. A normal small sundial can only give you the time to within about 15 minutes. However…suppose all...
(7歲5個(gè)月,一升二暑假)Chapter 8: Time?
Everything to do with time is based on the sun coming up and going down. 2024年6月22日我們?cè)谌コ啥嫉母哞F上念了這一章,這章最前面的漫畫很有趣,那幾個(gè)原始人畫得超可愛(ài)。
(7歲5個(gè)月,一年級(jí)下) Chapter 7: The long and short of it
這個(gè)章節(jié)主要是認(rèn)識(shí)質(zhì)數(shù),A prime number is a number that cannot be divided exactly by any other number except itself and one. 念這一章之前還擔(dān)心娃沒(méi)辦法理解質(zhì)數(shù)的概念,沒(méi)想到她一聽也就明白了,幾天后還主動(dòng)解釋啥是prime number,當(dāng)然僅僅是理解,不涉及到做題總是比較容易的。...
(7歲4個(gè)月,一年級(jí)下) Chapter 6: Rubbish things about calculators
這一章通過(guò)分蛋糕分斧頭,就是要告訴小盆友The calculator’s problem is that it is no good at showing fractions. 小盆友也是第一次接觸到無(wú)限循環(huán)小數(shù)。
(7歲4個(gè)月,一年級(jí)下)Chapter 5 How our “ten” system works and the invention of nothing
書里反復(fù)強(qiáng)調(diào)的是,Each position is worth ten times more than the one on its right. Just like written numb...
(7歲4個(gè)月,一年級(jí)下)分兩次讀了Chapter 4 The best invention ever!這一章主要介紹了羅馬數(shù)字,從中感悟阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字的優(yōu)勢(shì)。在媽媽的引導(dǎo)下,桃子把書中給出的8個(gè)羅馬數(shù)字matched up to ours,在轉(zhuǎn)換的過(guò)程中遇到一個(gè)問(wèn)題,LM就是1000-50,媽媽讓她列豎式算,可是娃說(shuō)沒(méi)學(xué)過(guò),媽媽讓她先算100-5,然后根據(jù)100-5的經(jīng)驗(yàn)再算出1000-50。
(7歲3個(gè)月,一年級(jí)下)今天念了Chapter 3 Professor Fiendish's fatal fungus。這一章之前念過(guò)一頁(yè),當(dāng)時(shí)留下的問(wèn)題是to select proper shape of tiles to cover the fatal fungus。之前她已經(jīng)通過(guò)拼磁力片、畫畫等方式找出圖形了。繼續(xù)往下念,這次的問(wèn)題是13套衣服采用兩種不同的計(jì)費(fèi)方式,分別需要多少錢。第一種結(jié)算方式,列出了算式1+2+3……+13,起初她從頭開始加,想了想說(shuō)可以湊10啊,... (展開)
(7歲3個(gè)月,一年級(jí)下)分兩次讀了第二章The basics,前面幾個(gè)signs and symbols:equals,plus,minus,times or multiply by,divided by都比較好理解,后面兩個(gè):percent和powers比較有挑戰(zhàn)。我們通過(guò)玩“賣東西打折”的游戲來(lái)理解percent;讀powers時(shí)娃自己動(dòng)手畫細(xì)菌double,來(lái)認(rèn)識(shí)doubling numbers。而且,娃學(xué)羽毛球被罰的經(jīng)歷也正好有用武之地。學(xué)發(fā)球時(shí)要求把球發(fā)進(jìn)底線的籃筐... (展開)
(7歲3個(gè)月,一年級(jí)下)Murderous Maths這套書說(shuō)是適合7-12歲的小盆友閱讀,桃子差不多可以讀起來(lái)了。每天有空的話親子閱讀讀一點(diǎn)。沒(méi)有什么計(jì)劃,也沒(méi)有什么目標(biāo),也不知道娃接受程度咋樣,就先讀著吧,遇到什么問(wèn)題再調(diào)整吧。這是第一本,Guaranteed to bend your brain,開局還算不錯(cuò),聽得比較專注。
Surprisingly funny and confusing(as I said with all the other MM books), it contains some innocent-looking questions, such as: how can I work what weekday my birthday will be on this year? But the answers are complicated and you probably wi... (展開)
With lots of facts that make your eyes pop and makes smoke come out of your ears in your confusion(mine did) and of course, there were always little jokes here and there. There was one that was extremely funny and I thought you’d like to se... (展開)
I like the pi best: 3.14159265358797932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253……
because it's “guaranteed to mash your mind”.
A great book for kids who hate doing sums, because there are no sums and in between the “boring facts”, as some people will say, there is always a laugh or two. It contains useful little facts about shapes, like how to make a square with an... (展開)
the most interesting thing about this book is that it answers question.you can make a liar tell you the truth.u need twenty one different size square to make a big square.isn't that great?read it!!
the book is fascinating is all about shapes and lines and points and angels。I learn to draw a circle and all sorts of different shapes。I learned to draw a line that pass between two points and every point on that line has the same distanc... (展開)
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  • 可怕的數(shù)學(xué) Murderous Maths
    作者:Kjartan Poskitt