發(fā)布于 2017-04-24 · 圖片3
I am a "friend". I am SQ. I will not be kind to runaway slaves and those who help them.

I am a friend. I am an abolitionist. I am a hystorian.  I am doing the best I can to help slaves. 

Back in 1850 in the U.S., things are starting to heat up between black slaves(abolitionists) and the SQ. You can't trust anyone easily. In this time period, can Dak, Sera and Riq complete their mission without people suspecting? Can they make the right choices? Or are there one?

After this book, I have a different perspective of black people and slaves. I admire their bravery, dignity and dream. It's sad to know how history turned, when so many people worked for freedom and equality. I wish history could change like in the book so people would not suffer too much. But reality... is reality, and it might not be what people want.
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