發(fā)布于 2019-01-05


1 Big a big house(一個大房子) a big dog(狗) a big car(汽車) a big bus(公共汽車) a big plane(飛機) a big tree(樹) a big elephant(大象) a big dinosaur(恐龍)?

2 Colorful egg(試著畫個自己喜歡的雞蛋,也是不錯的親子活動) A red egg.(一個紅色雞蛋) A purple egg.(紫色) A green egg.(綠色) A blue egg.(藍色) A colorful egg.(彩色) 3 Counting bugs(你數(shù)過蟲子,也很有趣) one bug.(一只蟲子) Two bugs. Three bugs. … Seven bugs. So many bugs!(超多蟲子) 4 Counting Letters(除了數(shù)數(shù),還讓孩子明白字母與單詞的關(guān)系) One letter.(一個字母) Two letters … Seven great words!(7個好詞) 5 Farm Animals(動物農(nóng)場,哪些動物你見過?哪些沒見過?一邊互動一邊讀繪本) The dog.(狗) The pig.(豬) The chicken.(雞) The goat.(山羊) The cow.(牛) The duck.(鴨子) The sheep.(綿羊) The animals.(動物) 6 Fido Gets Dressed my sweater(毛衣) my boots(靴子) my hat(帽子) my scarf(圍巾) my hat my sunglasses(太陽鏡) my hat my cape(披風) my mask(面具,口罩) my hat 7 Four(整個繪本,需要你找出“4”,它們藏在哪里) Four buses(公車) Four wagons(四輪車) Four cars(汽車) Four carts(手推車) Four airplanes(飛機) Four boats(船) Four trucks(卡車) Four vans(箱式貨車) 8 Go,go,go(觀察每種動物上車后表情。數(shù)數(shù)每次都有幾只上車?最后共有幾只動物一起出發(fā)了?) The dogs go. The pigs go. The birds go. The cats go. The goats go. The cows go. The ducks go. The animals go. 9 In(觀察小猴子每跳入一個地方,它驚嚇到其他小動物的表情,從畫面你都感覺到它的動作了嗎) In the car(車) In the wagon(四輪車) In the boat(船) In the house(房子) In the water(水) In the grass(草) In the mud(泥地) In the bathtub(浴缸) 10 It is fall (讀繪本之前先問問孩子,秋天是什么樣兒,萬物都有那些變化……然后再讀,看看哪些是你沒想到的,哪些是作者沒想到的) The leaf The apple The acorn The corn The pumpkin The rake The moon The jacket 11 Jump over(繪本畫風很有趣,適合寶貝細看,吐著舌頭可愛的狗/狐貍,昏睡的小綿羊,驚呼的月亮……你有沒有象女孩兒一樣跳過水坑) The cat jumps over.(這只貓?zhí)诉^去) The dog jump over.(狗) The horse jumps over.(馬) The fox jump over.(狐貍) The deer jump over.(鹿) The goat jimps over.(山羊) The girl jump over.(女孩兒) The cow jumps over.奶牛 12 Little(很適合親子涂鴉的一本書,我與孩子一起選擇一頁,或一起畫,或我畫他添色) A little house.(房子) A little dog.(狗) A little car.(汽車) A little plant.(植物) A little tree.(樹) A little bug.(蟲子) A little mouse.(老鼠) A little baby.(嬰兒) 13 Lunch at school(你吃午餐時都是如何進行的?你也吃飯后甜點及水果嗎?刷牙或漱口嗎?) My friends(我的朋友們)注意后面提示 My bag(書包) My milk(牛奶) My noodles(面條) My carrots(胡蘿卜條) My cookie(餅干) My napkin(餐巾紙) My lunch(我的午餐) 看my friends這張圖, 可以給小朋友指圖上,詢問小朋友主要人物/主角是誰,旁邊的人是誰?是friends,有幾個?ta自己有沒有friends?有一個還是比一個多?如果是一個就是friend,有很多,恭喜ta,也用得上friends這個單詞了。問幾個小問題,讓ta加深對這個單詞的印象,同時建立單復數(shù)概念。 14 My Family(畫一個全家福吧!正好把全家親戚都對應上如何說) My mother My father My brother My sister My grandfather My grandmother Me 15 My gift for Mom(在母親節(jié)這個特殊的日子,要給媽媽一個禮物,看看主人公如何做的) The day The bowl(碗) The box(盒子) The paper(紙) The bow(蝴蝶結(jié),注意與前面Bowl發(fā)音區(qū)別) The gift(禮物) The smile(微笑) The hug(擁抱) 16 My school bus(你是坐車上學嗎?與繪本一樣嗎) The walk(走) The bench(長椅) The bus(公車) The door(門) The steps(臺階) The seat(座位) The window(窗戶) The school(學校) 17 On On the house(在屋頂上) On the bike(車) On the swing(秋千) On the bed(床) On the airplane(飛機) On the fence(圍欄) On the table(桌子) On the skates(溜冰鞋) 18 One insect(按照繪本說明,你也畫一只昆蟲) The head The body One leg Two legs … Six legs 19 One(尋找書中每頁的“1”) One bed(床) One pillow(枕頭) One window(窗戶) One book(書) One toy(玩具) One rug(小地毯) One blanket(毯子) One desk(書桌) 20 Out(調(diào)皮的小狗每次跳出來都帶著樹葉,你看到了嗎) Out of the car(汽車) Out of the wagon(四輪車) Out of the boat(船) Out of the house(房子) Out of the water(水) Out of the grass(草地) Out of the mud(泥地) Out of the bathtub(浴缸)21 Over(可以試試與孩子做方位介詞的游戲in/on/under/out/over) Over the log(伐木) Over the pot(花盆) Over the hole(洞) Over the bike(自行車) Over the bat(球拍) Over the ball(球) Over the doll(洋娃娃) Over the cat(貓) 22 Paster(你喜歡吃意大利面嗎?你知道意大利有什么樣的) Long paster(長) Short paster(短) Red paster(紅色) Green paster(綠色) Wide paster(寬) Thin paster(細) Curly paster(螺旋的) Yummy paster(美味的意大利面) 23 Pets(你有寵物嗎?你喜歡書中哪種寵物) The cat(貓) The dog(狗) The bunny(兔子) The bird(鳥) The goldfish(金魚) The mouse(老鼠) The turtle(烏龜) The hamster(倉鼠) 24 Play ball A beach ball(沙灘球) A baseball(棒球) A basketball(籃球) A football(橄欖球) A tennis ball(網(wǎng)球) A golf ball(高爾夫球) A soccer ball(足球) A volleyball(排球) 25 Show some love哪些能體現(xiàn)出愛呢? The smile(微笑) The hug(擁抱) The pat(輕拍) The card(卡片) The gift(禮物) The kiss(親吻) The wink(眨眼) The lick(舔) 26 Spring(讓我們畫一幅春天,春天你覺得你可以發(fā)現(xiàn)/做什么) The ball(球) The bicks(自行車,春暖花開可以騎車) The birds(鳥) The flowers(花) The rain(雨) The rainbow(彩虹) The bunny(小兔子) The spring(春天) the的th發(fā)音口型,一定要舌頭放在兩齒之間再發(fā)音 spring的p在s后頭濁化,發(fā)b的音 ball的l音,在a音未發(fā)完時,舌尖抵上齒根,再將音發(fā)完 27 Summer Picincs Summer hats(帽子) Summer shoes(鞋) Summer cups(杯子) Summer plates(盤子) Summer foods(食物) Summer sun(太陽) Summer picnics(野餐) Summer fun(夏天的樂趣) 28 Summer你覺得夏天到了會有什么變化 The Sunshine(陽光) The rain(雨水) The beach(沙灘) The swimsuit(泳衣) The ball(球) The flowers(花朵) The garden(花園) The summer(夏季) 29 The backyard后院都由什么組成,書中的后院是你喜歡的嗎?還希望增加什么?我們畫一副畫吧 The fence(柵欄) The dog(狗) The swing(秋千) The ball(球) The flowers(花) The tree(樹) The hose(水管) The backyard(后院) 30陪伴時,一定在小朋友一邊讀時,一邊明確無誤地指出單詞表達的地方。讀過之后,拿一本書來,和小朋友做游戲,可以先是小朋友指,家長就說the xxx,然后輪流來指,讓對方說,玩兩輪,就可以讓小朋友都念到了,玩三天,就都記住了。 The book(一本書都包含什么) The front cover(封面) The back cover(封底) The tittle(標題) The pages(頁) The words(單詞) The letters(字母) The page number(頁碼) The book(書) 31 The city(什么是城市?說說看城市會有哪些組成) The streets(街道) The cars(汽車) The buses(公車) The stores(商品) The park(公園) The big buildings(摩天大樓) The people(人群) The noise(噪音) 32 The classroom(教室里都會有什么?) The chair(椅子) The desk(書桌) The book(書) The paper(紙) The pencil(鉛筆) The eraser(橡皮) The backpack(書包) The classroom(教室) 33 The coast(你知道海岸是什么樣的?一起畫一副你見過海岸線) The ocean(大海) The waves(海浪) The beach(沙灘) The rocks(巖石) The cliff(懸崖) The birds(海鷗) The lighthouse(瞭望塔) The coast(海岸) 34 The fort(在家里搭一個堡壘,你需要什么才完美,讀完書后,來試試) The friends(朋友) The chairs(椅子) The pillows(枕頭) The blankets(毯子) The food(食物) The games(游戲) The lights(燈) The fort 35 The Garden(菜園/花園,一起畫一幅畫,你知道或喜歡的各種蔬菜) The peas(豌豆) The beans(豆) The melons(瓜) The onions(洋蔥) The potatoes(土豆) The tomatoes(西紅柿) The corn(玉米) The garden 36 The ocean The water(水) The sand (沙子) The coral(珊瑚) The seaweed(海藻) The fish(魚) The crab(螃蟹) The starfish(海星) The ocean(大海) 37 The plant(如何種一個植物,你有沒有試過?哥哥就自己種過,而且活的非常好,讀完繪本,你也試一試) The dirt(泥土) The shovel(鏟子) The hole(洞) The seed(種子) The rain(雨水) The sunshine(陽光) The baby plant(幼苗) The plant(植物) 38 The school The classroom(教室) The music room(音樂教室) The art room(繪畫室) The lunchroom(餐廳) The library(圖書館) The gym(健身房) The play ground(游戲場) The school 39 The street The gate(大門) The mailbox(郵箱) The sidewalk(人行道) The fence(圍欄) The flowers(花朵) The bike(自行車) The friend(朋友) The street(街道) 40 The supermarket(讓我們一起逛超市,買需要的東西吧) The carts(手推車) the fruits(水果) the vegetables(蔬菜) the bread(面包) the cereal(谷物) the meat(肉) the egg(蛋) the checkout(收銀臺) 41 The trip(一次自駕旅行,你需要準備什么) The clothes(衣服) The cuitcase(旅行箱) The map(地圖) the car(汽車) the seat belt(安全帶) the dog(狗) the book(書) the grandparents(祖父母) 42 Three(從每頁中找到3,建立復數(shù)概念) Three tigers(老虎) Three lions(獅子) Three bears(熊) Three monkeys(猴子) Three elephants(大象) Three camels(駱駝) Three frogs(青蛙) Three pandas(熊貓) 43 Too many sweets(喜歡吃那些甜食?甜食吃多了,會發(fā)生什么) My cake(蛋糕) My cookie(餅干) My cupcake(紙杯蛋糕) My ice cream(冰激凌) My pie(派) My brownie(布朗尼) My candy(糖果) My belly(我的胃) 44 Toys(玩具) The blocks(積木) The bear(熊) The paint(染料) The drum(鼓) The plane(飛機) The wagon(四輪車) The kite (風箏) The robot(機器人) 45 Two(找到圖中的2) Two bees(蜜蜂) Two fish(魚) Two birds(鳥) Two cats(貓) Two dogs(狗) Two cows(牛) Two horses(馬) Two kids(孩子) 46 Under (在……之下,看看搞笑的猴子都在什么下面) Under the chair(椅子) Under the desk(課桌) Under the table(桌子) Under the bed(床) Under the pillow(枕頭) Under the umbrella(雨傘) Under the swing(秋千) Under the tree(樹) 47 Water(你知道有哪些是水嗎,我們今天與孩子來一次邏輯思維的討論,哪兒有水,水又是什么樣的) Water(水) The ocean(大海) The lake(湖) The river(河流) The rain(雨水) The snow(雪) The ice(冰) Water 48 We build(讀完這個繪本,也試著去做一個漂亮的小房子) We draw(畫) We saw(鋸) We sand(磨) We hammer(錘擊) We drill(鉆) We paint(油漆) We glue(粘,膠) We hang(懸掛) 49 Winter(說說看,什么代表了冬季?) The snow(雪) The ice skates(冰鞋) The sled(雪橇) The snowman(雪人) The mittens(手套) The coat(外套) The fire(火) The winter(冬季)
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呃,學而思引進的abctime 后面是有本譯文書的,一般都是引進中國后才會有翻譯吧?不然只能人工翻譯咯?


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