發(fā)布于 2020-01-05 · 圖片3
沒有happy ending,但也還好,這是樸素寫作的起點,那種刻意團圓美滿的兒童文學(xué),做不到這種克制和冷靜。

Why I Think Boys May Enjoy This

I decided to review this book as the first one on my Books for Boys blog for a very personal reason: this is the book I recall that both got me in love with reading and also made me want to be a writer. In preparation for this review, I reread the book to see how different it is with 35 year old eyes instead of 8 year old eyes and this is what I learned:

I am still Leigh Botts, but grown up. In one of the first letters, Leigh wrote “when I grow up I want to be a famous book writer with a beard like you.” And that’s what I became! Also, I remembered a major reason why I felt this story connected with me as a youth. Leigh’s experience with a hard-working single mother and an often absentee (but likable) father mirrored my childhood exactly. Cleary handles this situation that has become more and more common in complex family structures and does such an amazing job of filtering it through the eyes of a middle school boy.

I also think that the first-person perspective and epistolary (meaning, a series of letters presented as a story) makes the material extremely accessible to any young reader. Further, it handles very challenging pre-teen situations such as divorce, being a new kid at school, & being bullied (his special lunch foods being stolen repeatedly) with a finesse that makes you feel like it actually was written by a sixth grade boy. She even does a great job of demonstrating some of the angsty rage that ebbs and flows in such a person throughout the book.


This book is more than appropriate for anyone even younger than middle school. Since it is written in first-person from Leigh’s perspective, the language selection and sentence complexity are simplified as well. This adds to both the realism of the book and the ease of accessibility.

Obviously, as is well known with an author like Beverly Cleary, there is no age inappropriate content to scare away parents that might be concerned about such things. The most difficult emotional material stems around the divorce and broken promises by Leigh’s dad, but you can tell by the end of the book that Leigh is well on his way to accepting the positive aspects of his father along with understanding his shortcomings.


5/5 Giant Cartoon Mallets from Toonopolis, The Blog's Books for Boys review.
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五升六暑假總結(jié) 5月?lián)u中凱慧,同事兒子搖中存志,皆大喜歡。作業(yè)是存志多,幾乎天天打卡。凱慧8月20日終于拉了群。因為7月1日-7日去新加坡????,4號凱慧考試未參加,12號班主任微信聊了18分鐘,明確女生初中數(shù)學(xué)會掉,所以暑假把市北六年級刷完,錯誤率不高,還刷了1個月的計算。PET通過,低于預(yù)期,暑假找到2個外教群,8月份開始通讀全書打卡,為了獎金第一次愿意讀這么多英文。語文跟著萬唯仿寫,14天完成后,也能2周寫6篇六上作文,最近又在寫新加坡游記。
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Baby Lincoln’s older sister, Eugen...
Magic Tree House #16: Hour of the Olympics
Mary Pope Osborne, Salvatore Murdocca (Illustrator) / Random House
這本書是講了jack 和他的妹妹一起去了第一屆奧林匹克競賽。在當(dāng)時,女人不能參加或觀看奧林匹克競賽,jack的妹妹偷偷借了一幅盔甲,然后冒充男人上了賽場,但是被警察發(fā)現(xiàn)了,那時候女人闖進(jìn)奧林匹克賽場可是有大麻煩的。這次是人馬座救了他們這個故事也就這樣結(jié)束吧。
Magic Tree House #4: Pirates Past Noon
Mary Pope Osborne, Salvatore Murdocca (Illustrator) / Random House
在這個故事中jack 和7歲的妹妹一起去了一個島上,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了海盜,海盜把它們放在船里,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)了寶藏,它在一塊大石頭下面最中才成功的逃掉海盜船長和他的同伴的追擊。回到家中沒有人真的相信發(fā)生的事情,這本書里的故事也就這樣結(jié)束了。
Yolonda's Genius
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Magic Tree House #10: Ghost Town at Sundown
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娃現(xiàn)在更喜歡讀中文書還是英文書? 現(xiàn)階段還是更喜歡英文書,日常的一些下意識的表達(dá)也是英文,可能真的是有英語思維的孩子。中文的兒童文學(xué)說實話感覺整體水平還是良莠不齊,有些官方推薦的所謂新課標(biāo)或者必讀書目,我自己買來都會讀不下去,什么小豬唏哩呼嚕啊什么故宮里的大怪獸啊,真的是欣賞不來,可能我過時了吧,在故宮里的大怪獸里看到甄嬛傳,也是懵了。所以中文閱讀就唐詩宋詞和一些我自己能把關(guān)的經(jīng)典,然后加上一些中外精典散文,再就是一些外國兒童文學(xué)獲獎作品譯著,先讀英文版再讀中文版,對比著來,也是很好的。
Kate Klise / Scholastic
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會給孩子用電子閱讀器么? 不會,住在圖書館附近一年,一放學(xué)就進(jìn)圖書館,孩子愛上了在圖書館的生活。現(xiàn)在我們不在圖書館附近了,我們把家里變成了圖書館,紙質(zhì)書可以讓人沉靜,我自己也是紙質(zhì)書的堅定擁護(hù)者。電子資源當(dāng)然非常好,我們也用一些app來聽書,但現(xiàn)在對他們來說,看電子書還不是時候,這一代的孩子們將來看電子書的日子會很長,我要做的是盡可能延長他安靜閱讀紙質(zhì)書的美好時光。
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Dear Mr. Henshaw
作者:Beverly Cleary, Paul O. Zelinsky (Illustrations)