分級(jí) | 牛津傳統(tǒng)故事9-4 East of the Sun, West of the Moon 學(xué)習(xí)筆記

2019-12-31 09:55 原創(chuàng) · 圖片34

?這是一個(gè)來(lái)自北歐的童話,畫風(fēng)超可愛。故事來(lái)自于20世紀(jì)初丹麥插畫家Kay Nielsen的北歐神話集“East Of The Sun And West Of The Moon太陽(yáng)以東月亮以西,講述了一個(gè)窮女孩為了讓家庭擺脫貧窮而嫁給了一個(gè)白熊,這只白熊在夜晚會(huì)變成王子的樣子,故事的最后這只白熊消失了,而女孩只身一人前去太陽(yáng)以東月亮以西的地方尋找她的王子。

What do you see in the cover? A gril is riding on a white bear. 

What season is coming? Maybe the winter. Because it is snowing.

Where will they go? why are there both the sun and the moon in the sky?

Let's read the book to find out.


to cry or complain about sth in a loud high voice 大聲呼叫;哀號(hào);高聲抱怨

Who showed up at the door?

What did the bear want?


 to sb/sth~ on/togetherto hold on tightly to sb/sth 抓緊;緊握;緊抱


firm and difficult to bend or move 不易彎曲(或活動(dòng))的;硬的;挺的

What day of the week did the bear mention?

Did the family agree?


a high area of rock with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea or ocean (常指海洋邊的)懸崖,峭壁


excellent; very good 極佳的;非常好的

How long did they travel?

Where did they arrive to?

What did the bear give Astrid?

What did Astrid dream of that night?


feel unhappy because you are away from home and are missing your family, friends, and home very much. 想家的

What did bear make Astrid promise? what else did bear make Astrid promise?

Do you think Astrid will keep her promise to bear?

What will happen if Astrid tells bear's secrets to her family? Maybe bear will take everything he gave them back.


Don't spill the soup. 別把湯灑了。


If you are keen on doing something, you very much want to do it. 渴望的

What did Astrid mother give her? A magic candle.

What did Astrid dream of every night?

What was Astrid done to the prince? How can Astrid save the prince?

What happened next morning?

Where will Astrid go?


Who did Astrid meet at the top of mountain? What did the old hag give Astrid?

Did she find long nose? What did the hag give Astrid?

Who answered Astrid cry for help? 

What did the east wind say to Astrid?

What did the East wind say?

Where did Astrid go?


 ( of the wind 風(fēng) ) to suddenly blow very hard 猛刮;勁吹

Who set Astrid to the ground?

Where did they drop Astrid off?

Where is long nose?

What did Astrid give long nose to see the prince?

What is the prince doing? Why is the prince sleeping?

What did Astrid give long nose the next day? what did Astrid find out?


to sleep lightly for a short time 打瞌睡;打盹兒;小睡


to see or notice a person or thing, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to do so 看見;看出;注意到;發(fā)現(xiàn)

leak out 漏出

Why is the magic drink leaking out?

Do you think the prince will be able to wake up?

Who will be the winner? 

How will they get rid of long nose? By getting married together.

Did the long nose agree to the test?

Do you think long nose will be able to clean the magic wax?


to make a loud high unpleasant sound; to say sth using this sound 尖叫;發(fā)出尖銳刺耳的聲音;尖聲地說


put sth quickly into a liquid and take it out again 蘸;浸

Did long nose manage to clean the shirt?

Astrid was taken by a bear to a gold and silver castle. A prince would sit next to her as she slept. Astrid's mother gave her a magic candle to see the prince. Astrid spilled the magic wax onto the prince making the spell difficult. Astrid traveled far to look for long nose. She met some old hags. Astrid was taken to long nose by the winds. Astrid gave long nose her golden items to see the prince. Astrid made a hole in the cup when long nose wasn't looking. The prince told Astrid how to break the spell. The end!


牛津傳統(tǒng)故事Oxford Reading Tree Traditional Tales,值得陪娃反復(fù)讀反復(fù)聽的一套書!

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謝謝分享。書很美麗 看著心動(dòng)

