可打印的牛津樹精講圖文講解第1階段1-16 A Good Trick

2020-11-16 11:52 原創(chuàng) · 圖片16











Today let’s read this book. Look at the title. It is called ’A Good Trick’. 現(xiàn)在我們來讀這本書. 它的標(biāo)題是“ A Good Trick”

Look at the cover page. What can you see on the cover? 看一下封面,你能看到什么呢?

There are two strange people. Do you know who they are?有兩個(gè)奇怪的人,你知道他們是誰嗎。

Look at the girl. She looks familiar. Yeah, she is Biff. ?看下這個(gè)女孩兒,她看起來有些面熟。是的,她是Biff.

She looks different today.She is wearing a purple headscarf and a pair of big golden earrings. 她今天看起來有些不一樣。她帶著一個(gè)紫色的頭巾和一副大大的金色的耳環(huán)。

She is wearing a blue dress and a blue and green shawl. 她穿著藍(lán)色的裙子和一個(gè)綠藍(lán)相間的披肩。

Now look at the boy. He looks familiar too. Yes, he’s Chip. 現(xiàn)在看看這個(gè)男孩兒。他看起開也有點(diǎn)眼熟。是的,他是Chip.

He’s wearing a tall black hat. He’s wearing a bow tie and suit. 他戴著一頂高高的黑的的帽子,打著蝴蝶領(lǐng)結(jié),穿著西裝。

Look at his moustache. He's so funny. 看Biff的小胡子,他太好玩了。

What are Chip and Biff doing? They’re making a bow. Chip和Biff在做什么呢? 他們在鞠躬。

Who aresitting  in front of them? Dad, Wilf and Mum. They are the audience.坐在他們前面的是誰呢?是爸爸,Wilf,還有媽媽。 他們都是觀眾。

They are clapping for Biff and Chip. Why? What are they doing? 他們在給Chip和Biff鼓掌呢。為什么呢?他們在做什么呢?

Let’s go and find out. 我們?nèi)フ艺掖鸢浮?/span>


Look at page1. a rug, 看一下第一頁,一個(gè)地毯。

There is a banner. It says ‘The Biff and Chip Show’. ?這里有一個(gè)條幅,上面寫著Biff 和Chip的表演。

Oh, they’re having a show. Maybe it’s a magic show. 噢,原來是有一個(gè)表演呀??赡苁莻€(gè)魔術(shù)表演。

Who are watching the show? Dad, Wilf, Floppy, and Mum.They are the audience. 都有誰在看表演呢?有爸爸,Wilf,Floppy ,俺還有媽媽。他們就是觀眾了。

Who is not here? Yeah, Kipper. But where is Kipper? I don’t know. Maybe he is playing outside.那誰不在這里呢?是的,Kipper不在這里。那Kipper在哪呢?我不知道,可能他出去玩了吧。

Look at Biff. She is showing the rug to the audience. 看Biff, 她正在給觀眾展示這個(gè)地毯。

And look at Chip. He is holding the rug. He’s going to uncover it.看Chip 他抓著地毯,準(zhǔn)備要把地毯掀起來。

Maybe Chip said ‘Hello everyone. This is a magic show. Can you guess what is under the rug?’ 可能Chip會(huì)說“大家好,這是一個(gè)魔術(shù)表演,你們能猜到地毯下面是什么東西嗎”

Do you know? Let’s go on. 你知道嗎,那我們繼續(xù)看。

Look at page 2 and 3.a sheet,看第二頁和第三頁。一個(gè)床單.

So what is under the rug? Yeah, it’s a sheet. 所以是什么東西在地毯下面呢?是一個(gè)床單。

What color is the sheet? It’s white.床單是什么顏色的呢?是白色的。

Where is the rug? I can't find it. Oh, the rug is on the floor now. 地毯去哪里了?我找不到了。哦。地毯在地板上。

What else can you see in the picture? What is at the corner?


Yeah, there is a tree at the corner. What color is it? It’s green. 在角落里有一棵樹。舒適什么顏色的呢?是綠色的。

Now Biff is holding the white sheet and going to uncover it. 現(xiàn)在Biff正抓著白色的床單,準(zhǔn)備要去掀開它。

Chip said ‘Everyone look. This is a sheet. Can you guess what is under the sheet? Let’s count three two one.’ Chip說“大家看這里。這是一個(gè)床單。你們能猜到箱字下面有什么嗎?我們一起來倒數(shù),三二一”

So can you guess? 那你能猜猜嗎?


Look at page 4 and 5. a big box,看第四頁和第五頁。一個(gè)大箱子

A big box is under the sheet. What color is the box? Yeah, it’s yellow. 原來床單下面是一個(gè)大箱子。這個(gè)箱子是什么顏色的?是的,它是黃色的。

?What shape is it? Is it a triangle? No, it’s a rectangle. 那它是什么形狀的呢?是三角形的嗎?不是,它是長方形的。

What is on the floor now? The rug and the sheet are on the floor. 現(xiàn)在地板上都有什么了?地毯和床單都在地板上了。

Chip and Biff are holding the box to uncover it. The Box is too big. Chip和Biff抓著箱子,準(zhǔn)備要掀起來了。這個(gè)箱子太大了。

They have to uncover it together. So what is under the big box? 他們不得不一起來掀起來。那箱子下面有什么呢?

Can you see something under the big box?你能看到箱子下面的東西嗎?


Look at page 6 and 7. a little box.,看第六頁和第七頁。一個(gè)小箱子

Oh, it’s a little box under the big box. What color is the box? It’s yellow, too. 哦,原來大箱子下面是一個(gè)小箱子。這個(gè)小箱子是什么顏色的?它也是黃色的。

Biff reaches out her hand and shows the little box to everyone. Biff伸出手來向大家展示這個(gè)小箱子。

What is in the little box? Oh, we can see something from here. 小箱子里有什么呢?我們可以從這里看到一些東西。

Is this Floppy in the little box?Or a lion ? Or a teddy bear? 里面是Floppy嗎?還是一只獅子,或者是一只泰迪熊?

Chip said ‘Don’t close your eyes. The magic time is coming.’ Chip說“大家不要閉眼睛。 魔法時(shí)刻來了。


Look at page 8. Kipper.看第八頁。Kipper.

Surprise, it’s Kipper in the little box.Surprise,小箱子里面是kipper.

It’s really a good trick. Look at their face. 真是一個(gè)精彩的魔術(shù)。看他們的臉上。

How do they feel? Yeah, they’re very happy. 他們感覺怎么樣呢? 他們都非常開心。

Do you like the magic trick ? Maybe we can do the magic trick, too.你喜歡這個(gè)魔術(shù)嗎?我們或許也可以做這個(gè)魔術(shù)。









2. 因?yàn)橛械睦L本不止講一次,按照難度循序漸進(jìn)地拓展,第一遍可以講簡短一些,第二遍再拓展多一點(diǎn),第三遍可以和小朋友復(fù)習(xí)目標(biāo)詞匯和句子,第四遍可以讓孩子根據(jù)圖片復(fù)述故事。

3.講故事的過程多跟小朋友互動(dòng),用最簡單的問題或者是根據(jù)小朋友的英語啟蒙能力來提問,最常見的有 What do you see? Who is it?/What's this? What's he/she doing? What does he/she want to do?

4.小朋友沒辦法回答的時(shí)候,多問yes/no問題或者選擇性問題,比如 Is it a ball? Are they happy or sad? 重復(fù)關(guān)鍵詞+表情+動(dòng)作。 





Before Reading(閱讀之前)

What can you see from the picture?(封面)

What color is the **?

Where is this place?

Where does the story take place?

What will happen in the story?

Can you describe the ** in the picture?

What are they/ is it doing?

What is he wearing?

What is he going to do?

How's the weather?

While Reading(閱讀中)

What is he/ she doing?

What does ** do?

What color is the *?

What do you think he/ she will do?

After Reading(閱讀后)

Do you like this story? Why/ why not?

What happens first?

What happens in the story? (Retell)

回應(yīng)1 舉報(bào)
這個(gè)簡直棒極了!請(qǐng)問在哪里看/買 其他精細(xì)的讀解?非常感謝您的回答!

