牛津閱讀樹-The Journey

2020-4-9 07:21 原創(chuàng) · 圖片6



這兩天工作有點(diǎn)多,一直沒時(shí)間寫,昨天晚上講完了之前準(zhǔn)備的最后一本—The Journey,所以拿出來分享一下。有哪里寫的不合適或者有更好的表達(dá)方法歡迎大家多多指出,一起交流學(xué)習(xí)。

The Journey


Look at title and read together with me—The Journey

The family is going on a holiday.

 What are they doing?

Mum is holding a map.(因?yàn)槲壹胰龤q,兩歲多的時(shí)候講打印過一些地圖的相關(guān)資料拿出來講,但是那會(huì)她還不理解。所以這次又把之前的地圖拿出來講了一下)

A map can help us find the way.

Nowadays, we mostly use navigation instead of maps.

Dad is putting some suitcases in the trunk.

Biff wants to put her box   in  the trunk.But she drops some toys to the ground.

Chip is getting in the car.

Kipper is sitting on the seat and he looks very happy.

The family must be looking forward to the journey.

Look here , what's the number of their car?(因?yàn)樽罱壹以跐B透字母和數(shù)字,所以這里還順帶說了一下車牌兒,哈哈)

Page 1:

What will happen in the journey?

Let's read the story.Turn to page 1.

There is a queue of vehicles ahead .

They are caught in a traffic jam.We can't see the end of the motorcade.

"I am bored"Said Kipper

Who is driving the car . It's Mum

But Mum is sitting on the right.

Have a think , Where was your Dad sitting when he was driving?

Yes , the left.(其實(shí)講的時(shí)候講左右我家還是很難分清的,所以我們還模擬了一下開車的情景)

So the traffic rules in China and the UK are different.

Page 2-3:

Where are they now?

These cars are parked here and there is a garbage.

Whose glasses?(每次這個(gè)眼鏡出現(xiàn)的時(shí)候小朋友都要問)

“The Big Eater”Here is a restaurant.

Finally they are arrived at a service area.

The kids can't wait to get out of the car.

"I'm hungry"said Biff       "I'm thirsty "Said Chip

They want to have a meal in the restaurant.

Who is the woman ?She is a waiter.

There is a tray in her hand.

What's in the cups?(小朋友總是問一些老母親也不知道怎么回答的問題)

May be it's Soda water, maybe it's juice.

Page 4-5:

What can we tell from Dad's face?

He is angry.        "I'm cross"said Dad.

Why is dad cross? 

Not far away we can see a wheelbarrow and a shovel.

I see , the road is being repaired ahead. They have to take another road, so Dad gets angry.

There is a sign here:DIVERSION

What does the sign mean?

The sign means they need to turn the way on the right.

From the rearview mirror we can see mum frowning.

Biff doesn't look happy, either.

Page 6-7:

They took another road. But this time ,They are lost .They have to stop.

There aren't any car here. 

Mum and Dad got out of the car.

Mum is checking the map.She looks grumpy.

Dad is standing with his arms crossed."What a bad journey" he thought.

Biff is looking out of the window.

Floppy is leaning over the back of the car seat.

All the kids and Floppy look frustrated.

Page 8:

After many difficulties they finally reached their destination.

The kids and Floppy are excited.They are jumping and running on the beach. 

"Hooray"said everyone.

How about Mum?Mum is tired out after driving for such a long time.

"Oh my god , it's finally  here."

The beach and the pier look familiar. Which book have we seen?

Yes,Grand Pier.



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