
2021-12-13 12:59 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4

3-31 Floppy and the Puppets

1. puppet 木偶

2. The puppets upset him. 

the puppets made him unhappy. 使人心煩意亂的,使人不高興的

3. He fell asleep and had a dream. 睡著了,做了一個(gè)夢(mèng)

4. So were the children. 

5. The Biff puppet gave Floppy bits of wood to eat. 一塊塊木頭

bit2 ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]    

1 PIECE a small piece of something

bit of 

bits of broken glass 玻璃碴兒

He wedged the door open with a bit of wood. 他塞了一小塊木頭抵住門(mén)不讓它關(guān)上。

break/rip/shake etc something to bits 

The aircraft was blown to bits. 飛機(jī)被炸得粉碎。

He’s taken the engine to bits. 他把發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)拆開(kāi)了。

fall/come to bits The old house was falling to bits. 那棟老房子要塌了。

6. It had been a bad dream. 噩夢(mèng)


3-32 Monkeys on the Car

1. Mum and Dad took the children to the safari park.

safari park: large park where wild animals are kept and can move freely, and can be watched by visitors driving through in their cars 野生動(dòng)物園

safari park和zoo的區(qū)別

2. I can see a lion cub. 獅子寶寶

cub /k?b/ ●●○ noun [countable]    1 the baby of a wild animal such as a lion or a bear (獅、熊等的)幼獸

 a five-month-old lion cub

 a tiger and her cubs

3. wiper: 雨刮器

the wheels on the bus 兒歌里有

4. They pulled the wipers off. 他們把雨刮器給拽下來(lái)了。


3-33 Dragons!

1. You can make wigwams.

wig?wam /?w?ɡw?m $ -wɑ?m/ noun [countable]   a structure with a round or pointed roof used as a home by some Native American tribes in the past → tepee (過(guò)去北美印第安人居住的圓頂或尖頂?shù)模┡镂?/strong>

2. Don't be silly! 別傻了

3. Then the dragons did a jig.

jig /d??ɡ/  a type of quick dance, or a piece of music for this dance 吉格舞(一種快速跳上跳下的舞步),吉格舞曲


3-34 The Enormous Picture

1. enormous 巨大的

2. The minibus broke down. 

minibus:especially British English a small bus with seats for six to twelve people 小型公共汽車(chē),面包車(chē)

3. It will cost a lot to fix it. 要花很多錢(qián)才能把車(chē)修好。

4. Mrs May made a copy of the picture. 把圖片復(fù)印了一份

5. She cut it into squares. 她把它剪成了一個(gè)個(gè)小方塊。

6. Biff had to paint yellow petals. 花瓣

Image of petal

7. The minibus was mended. 小巴士被修好了。

My father used to mend our shoes. 我父親過(guò)去常為我們修補(bǔ)鞋子。

Tim can mend any broken toy.什么玩具壞了蒂姆都能修。

8. The enormous picture did a good job.

do a good job 干的不錯(cuò),干得漂亮;全是……的功勞

9. That is not as good as our enormous picture. 沒(méi)有……好

Your English is as good as mine.


3-35 Gran and the Go-karts

1. Gran took the children to a go-kart track.

track: a circular course around which runners, cars etc race, which often has a specially prepared surface 跑道,賽道

To run a mile, you have to run four circuits of the track. 跑一英里要繞跑道四圈。

a running track 賽跑跑道

2. Put on this kit.

kit: British English a set of clothes and equipment that you use for a particular purpose such as playing a sport 【運(yùn)動(dòng)用的】成套裝備;運(yùn)動(dòng)員穿的整套的服裝或是裝備

sports kit 成套運(yùn)動(dòng)裝備 

football kits 成套足球裝備

3. That was such fun! 那太好玩了!


3-36 Helicopter Rescue

1. rescue 營(yíng)救,救援

2. They saw the cockpit.

cockpit: the small closed space where the pilot sits in an aircraft, or where the driver sits in a racing car 駕駛艙 

3. We pull people up with this winch. 把人們拉上來(lái)

winch: machine with a rope or chain for lifting heavy objects 絞車(chē),起貨機(jī)

4. It's a call-out. 有人呼救

call-out: a situation in which someone is called to another person’s house or place of business to do repairs, help them etc上門(mén)服務(wù),應(yīng)召出勤

The lifeboat has had ten call-outs in the past year. 過(guò)去一年救生艇出動(dòng)過(guò)十次。

5. We must rescue a boat. 我們必須去救一只小船。

6. The helicopter took off. 起飛了 

7. It had hit a rock. 撞上了一塊巖石/礁石

8. The boy was hurt. 小男孩受傷了。



1. The puppets upset him. 那些木偶讓Floppy不高興了。

2. He fell asleep and had a dream. 他睡著了,做了一個(gè)夢(mèng)

3. It had been a bad dream. 原來(lái)是一個(gè)噩夢(mèng)

4. Mum and Dad took the children to the safari park.媽媽和爸爸帶孩子們?nèi)ヒ吧鷦?dòng)物園。

5. I can see a lion cub. 我看見(jiàn)了一個(gè)獅子寶寶

6. They pulled the wipers off. 他們把雨刮器給拽下來(lái)了。

7. You can make wigwams. 印第安棚屋

8. Don't be silly! 別傻了

9. Then the dragons did a jig. 吉格舞

1. enormous 巨大的

2. The minibus broke down. 面包車(chē)壞了

3. It will cost a lot to fix it. 要花很多錢(qián)才能把車(chē)修好。

4. Mrs May made a copy of the picture. 把圖片復(fù)印了一份

5. She cut it into squares. 她把它剪成了一個(gè)個(gè)小方塊。

6. Biff had to paint yellow petals. 花瓣

7. The minibus was mended. 小巴士被修好了。

8. The enormous picture did a good job. 干的不錯(cuò),干得漂亮;全是……的功勞

9. That is not as good as our enormous picture. 沒(méi)有……好

10. Gran took the children to a go-kart track.

11. Put on this kit.

12. That was such fun! 那太好玩了!

13. They saw the cockpit.

14. We pull people up with this winch. 把人們拉上來(lái)  絞車(chē),起貨機(jī)

15. It's a call-out. 有人呼救

16. We must rescue a boat. 我們必須去救一只小船。

17. The helicopter took off. 起飛了 

18. It had hit a rock. 撞上了一塊巖石/礁石

19. The boy was hurt. 小男孩受傷了。

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01/ 3-31 Floppy and the Puppets
02/ 3-32 Monkeys on the Car
03/ 3-33 Dragons!
04/ 3-34 The Enormous Picture
05/ 3-35 Gran and the Go-karts
06/ 3-36 Helicopter Rescue
07/ 聽(tīng)寫(xiě)