
2020-1-8 00:04 原創(chuàng)


Laws for Kids


Laws are rules that everyone must follow. 

Laws protect people and the things they own. 

A law says Bud must be on a leash when we walk. The law helps keep Bud and others safe. A law says Bud must wear a tag with our address ol n it. Bud


The law helps people know where Bud lives if he’s lost. A law says kids have to ride in special seats in cars. 


The law helps keep kids safe. A law says we have to wait for a “walk” signal before we cross the street. 

要等到“walk”標記出現(xiàn)才能過馬路 The law helps keep us safe from passing cars. A law says bike riders must follow the traffic laws. 


The law helps keep bike riders safe. A law says bike riders must wear helmets when they ride. 


The law helps protect us if we have an accident. A law says people shouldn’t pick flowers in the park. 不能在花園里摘花 The law helps more people enjoy the flowers. A law says people should put their trash in trash cans. 


The law helps keep the park clean for everyone. Breaking laws can get you into trouble. 


Following the laws helps everyone stay safe.


Let’s Go to the Circus 走,去馬戲團 


The circus comes to town. “Let’s go to the circus,” says Bonk. “I love cotton candy.” “I like the elephants,” says Lurk. “The clowns are funny,” says Jupe. “Do we have money?” asks Jupe. Bonk has three pennies and a rock. 

3分錢和一顆小石子 Lurk has a dime and a button. 10分錢和一顆紐扣 Jupe’s pockets are empty.口袋空空 

“What should we do?” asks Jupe. “Let’s have a lemonade stand,” says Bonk. 


 “Then we will have money.” The monsters cut up lemons. 

The add water and sugar. They wait and wait. No one comes to the stand. “No one is thirsty,” cries Lurk. “Maybe they are hungry,” says Bonk. “Let’s have a pizza stand.” 

The monsters make the crust. They add sauce and cheese. The cook the pizza and wait. 

No one comes to the stand. “No one is hungry!” cries Lurk. Just then, a monkey runs by. It climbs a tree. 

The Ringmonster from the circus chases it. 

“Come back!” says the Ringmonster. The monkey sits high in the tree and laughs.

 “Can you help me?” asks the Ringmonster. Bonk has an idea. He puts some pizza on a plate He puts some lemonade in a glass. He set them under the tree. 


The monkey climbs down from the tree. It eats the pizza and drinks the lemonade. 

“BURP!” says the monkey. Then it runs back to the circus. “Thank you!” says the Ringmonster. 

“Would you like to come to the circus with me?” “Yes!” say Bonk, Lurk, and Jupe. “Follow the monkey!” says the Ringmonster. 


Long Ago and Today很久以前和現(xiàn)在 練習:從句when I did 。。。。 when I was。。。。。 Did you。。。。 when you 。。。。。。。 

“Great-Grandma, what was it like long ago? 


What was it like when you were young like me?” 


“Great-Grandma, did you watch TV long ago?” Did you watch TV when you were young like me? “No, dear Adam, we did not have TV. I listened to the radio when I was young like you.” “Great-Grandma, did you fly in an airplane long ago? Did you fly in an airplane when you were young like me “No, dear Adam, we did not fly airplanes. I rode on a train when I was young like you.” “Great-Grandma, did you play video games long ago? Did you play video games when you were young like me?” “No, dear Adam, we did not have video games. I played board games when I was young like you.” “Great-Grandma, did you have plastic toys long ago? Did you have plastic toys when you were young like me?” “No, dear Adam, we did not have plastic toys. I played with wooden toys when I was young like you.” “Great-Grandma, were you happy when you were young like me?” “Yes, Adam, I was happy when I was young like you.” “I had a grandma who loved me just like I love you.” 


Loose Tooth牙齒松了  

My tooth is really getting wiggly! 我的牙齒搖來搖去  

I think I’m going to lose it soon. I wonder how? Maybe I’ll lose my tooth eating corn on the cob. 


Maybe I’ll lose my tooth at school. Sometimes the lunchroom gets a little crazy. Maybe I’ll lose my tooth on the school bus. I helped Sam pull his last tooth. He said he’d help pull mine. Maybe I’ll lose my tooth when I least expect it. 


I could trip on the sidewalk and lose it that way. 


Maybe I’ll lose my tooth when I open my closet door. I never go in there unless I really have to. Maybe I’ll lose my tooth while I’m playing with my little sister. Maybe I’ll lose my tooth while walking in my sleep. 


I’ll probably wake up when I run into the mailbox. 


What if I really lose my tooth and can’t find it? 


I guess I’ll have to have a talk with the tooth fairy. 


Or maybe I just worry too much. 



Maria Joins the Team  

Maria likes to play baseball. She plays catch with her brother, Luis. 


The baseball coach asks Maria to join the baseball team. “We play at four o’clock on Tuesdays,” he says. 


“Mom, I really want to play,” Maria says. “Can I?” Maria’s mom says yes, and they race home to tell her dad. Maria wears her baseball mitt to bed the night before her first game. 


She gets up to go to school, and her mitt is still on. 


At school, Amos gives Maria a note. The note asks her to come to his birthday party. 


“Oh, no! I can’t come,” Maria says. “I have a big game that day.” “Maybe I could come to your party instead.” Maria asks the coach that night. “You can miss the game,” he says. “But the team will not have a shortstop.” 


“I should not miss the game,” Maria says. “The team needs me.” It is the day of the big game. All of Maria’s family comes to watch. After the game, Amos comes to give Maria a balloon. He brings her cake, too! 

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