
共63本書 ·60本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (23.5%), 5-6歲 (23.0%)
【賓果20鳥類伴侶】 Birds: searching fo a soulmate (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動物#鳥類#求偶。 20 鳥類:尋找伴侶 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Love is in the air All around the world, couples fall in love. People do it, but so do swans and swallows. Eagles and egrets pair up with a partner, too. It is a beautiful thing! 愛彌漫在空氣中 全世界的伴侶都戀愛了。 人類如此, 天鵝和燕子也如此。 老鷹和白鷺也結(jié)成對。 真是件美好的事! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about bird partners? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解鳥類伴侶嗎? Animal life | Birds mating 動物生活 | 鳥類求偶 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Park Hye-mi 標(biāo)題:Birds: searching for a soulmate 鳥類:尋找伴侶 正文 ●01 It is mating time, and so lots of birds are looking for a partner. 已是配對季節(jié),所以很多鳥類都在尋找伴侶。 ●04 The peacock fans out his tail to show off his beautiful feathers. He struts up and down to display his colours and get attention from the females. 孔雀開屏了,炫耀他漂亮的羽毛。 他趾高氣揚(yáng)地走來走去,展示身上的顏色,讓雌性注意到他。 ●05 Male crimson pheasants have gorgeous feathers, too. They also want to impress the females. 深紅色的雄性雉屬也有華麗的羽毛。 他們也想給異性留下深刻印象。 ●06 Tip Often, male birds are called the cock, and females are called the hen. 提示 通常,(在英語里面),雄性鳥類稱為 cock(成熟雄鳥), 雌性鳥類稱為 hen(成熟雌鳥)。 ●08 When male Mandarin ducks see a lovely lady duck on the lake, they swim slowly towards her, showing off their colours. Will they get her attention? 當(dāng)雄鴛鴦在湖上遇到迷人的異性,他們就慢慢游向她,展示身上的顏色。 他們會得到她們的青睞嗎? ●09 ‘Do you want to date?’ These red-crowned cranes dance in beautiful patterns to attract a female. “你想約會嗎?” 這些丹頂鶴用曼妙的舞姿去吸引雌性。 ●10 If the female is impressed, they dance together as a happy couple. 如果雌性被吸引了,它們會一起跳舞,成為一對快樂的伴侶。 ●12 A male egret gets special feathers at breeding time. ‘Wow, your feathers are fantastic!’ The feathers are so impressive that the female accepts the proposal. 雄白鷺在繁殖季節(jié),會長出特殊的羽毛。 “哇,你的羽毛美極了!” 引人注目的羽毛讓雌白鷺接受了“求婚”。 Tip Egrets only grow their special feathers when they are searching for a partner. After that, they fall out. 提示 白鷺只會在求偶的時候長出特殊的羽毛。在那之后,羽毛會褪去。 ●13 When male and female grebes meet and fall in love, they swim around in circles, stare into each other’s eyes, and dance face to face. 當(dāng)雄性和雌性鷿?jì)e[pì tī]相遇并墜入愛河, 它們會在水上游成一個圈,相互凝視著對方的眼睛,面對面起舞。 ●15 ‘Cheep! Cheep!’ Male sparrows sing a beautiful song and stare longingly at their chosen mate. “啾!啾!”雄麻雀唱著歡快的歌曲,渴盼地注視著自己挑選的伴侶。 ●17 ‘Don’t forget me! My song is one of the greatest!’ The skylark sings an amazing song to its beloved. “不要忘了我!我唱的歌是最好聽的!” 云雀對著自己心愛的異性唱起了美妙的歌。 ●18 Female skylarks listen for the best song. They only stop flying for their favourite singer. 雌云雀聽著這首最好聽的歌曲。 她們只會為自己最愛的歌手駐足。 ●20 Male little terns give gifts of small fish to the one they love. The female tastes the gift, and if she approves she will join the male. 雄性小燕鷗會把小魚作為禮物送給他們愛的異性。 雌性燕鷗品嘗了禮物,如果她對這個禮物滿意,就會答應(yīng)雄性的求偶。 ●22 Male ruddy kingfishers also present a gift to a female in the hope of winning her love. 雄性赤翡翠同樣會送給雌性禮物,以求得對方的芳心。 ●23 After mating, all of the birds lay eggs. 交配過后,所有鳥類都下了蛋。 ●24 孔雀蛋 Peacock egg 雉屬蛋 Pheasant egg 鴛鴦蛋 Mandarin duck egg 丹頂鶴蛋 Crane egg 白鷺蛋 Egret egg 鷿?jì)e蛋 Crested grebe egg 麻雀蛋 Sparrow egg 云雀蛋 Skylark egg 小燕鷗蛋 Little tern egg 赤翡翠蛋 Rubby kingfisher egg ●第25&26頁 Find out more! 了解更多! Grooms searching for their brides 新郎找新娘 A male peacock shows off its tail feathers.一只雄孔雀炫耀他的尾羽。 Egrets also show off their plumage (fancy feathers). 白鷺同樣炫耀他們漂亮的羽毛。 Male pheasants hope their colours will attract a female. 雄性雉屬希望他們身上鮮艷的顏色能吸引雌性。 Male widowbirds have long tails. 雄性寡婦鳥有著長長的尾巴。 A frigatebird inflates the red pouch under its beak. 軍艦鳥鼓起喙下紅色的喉囊。 This sage grouse puffs up his chest to show off. 艾草榛雞脹起胸部來炫耀。 A bird of paradise shows off his glamorous tail feathers. 天堂鳥炫耀他美麗絕倫的尾羽。 ●27 Bird facts 鳥類二三事 Talent show When breeding season arrives, male birds show off their feathers, colours, and talents such as dancing skills to win a female’s love. The females choose the males that they think are attractive, healthy, and talented. It is an important decision to make sure their babies are healthy and pretty. 選秀 繁殖季節(jié)來臨,雄性鳥類開始炫耀他們的羽毛、身上的色彩,和本身的天賦,如舞蹈技能,去贏得雌性的愛慕。 雌性會選擇她們認(rèn)為最有吸引力的、健康的和最有天賦的雄性。為了確保她們的寶寶健康和漂亮,這是一項(xiàng)重要的 抉擇。 Crested grebe When crested grebes meet, they gaze at each other and dance. 鷿?jì)e[pì tī] Crested grebe 當(dāng)鷿?jì)e相遇,它們相互注視對方,然后舞蹈。 Blue-footed booby A blue-footed booby cranes its neck and hops from foot to foot. 藍(lán)腳鰹[jiān]鳥 Blue-footed booby 藍(lán)腳鰹鳥伸長脖子,單腳交換蹦跳。 Crane Cranes also show off their dancing skills. 丹頂鶴 Crane 丹頂鶴同樣炫耀它們的舞技。 Ostrich Ostriches stretch out their neck during their mating dance. 鴕鳥 Ostrich 鴕鳥在跳求偶舞蹈時,會伸展脖子。 ●28 Animal life | Birds mating 動物生活 | 鳥類求配偶 Breeding season It isn’t only birds that find a mate. When breeding season comes, animals are busy, too. Kangaroos and deer do battle over their chosen female. 繁殖季節(jié) 不僅僅鳥類會尋找伴侶。 繁殖季來臨時,動物們也很忙。 袋鼠和鹿都會因選取雌性而搏斗。 Water dating Frogs croak out a song to their loved ones. 水上求偶 青蛙會對它們愛的對象呱呱叫著唱歌。 Say hello Fiddler crabs wave their pincers to find a partner. 打招呼 招潮蟹揮舞它們的鉗子來尋找伴侶。 Daddy day-care After mating, a female seahorse lays her eggs in a pouch on the front of the male seahorse. He looks after them until they hatch and become tiny baby seahorses. 老爸托兒所 在一起結(jié)合以后,雌海馬在雄海馬面前產(chǎn)下育兒袋里的卵。 海馬爸爸會照顧卵子直至孵化,變成小海馬寶寶。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (24.7%), 3-4歲 (24.4%)
【賓果21倉鼠】胖乎乎的倉鼠 Chubby hamster (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 21 胖乎乎的倉鼠 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 The shy hamster Hamsters are tiny bundles of cuteness. They have twitchy ears and a twitchy nose. They love to eat, trundling around to find food for their secret stores. But hamsters can be shy! Sometimes, when you want to play, they run and hide. Wait patiently and eventually you will be rewarded! 害羞的倉鼠 倉鼠是一群小可愛。 它們有著不時顫動的耳朵和鼻頭。 它們愛吃,愛四周翻滾著尋找它們秘密藏匿的儲糧。 但是倉鼠會很害羞! 有時,當(dāng)你想和它們玩的時候,它們就跑開并躲起來。 耐心地一直守候,最后你會等到的! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about hamsters? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解倉鼠嗎? Animal | Hamster 動物 | 倉鼠 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Won Byeo-lim 標(biāo)題:胖乎乎的倉鼠 The chubby hamster 正文 ●01 Hamsters have round ears, round eyes, and little round bodies. They really are tiny, cute bundles of fluff! 倉鼠有著圓圓的耳朵,圓圓的眼,和小小圓圓的身軀。 它們是真的好細(xì)小、好可愛的一群毛茸茸家伙! ●02 These ones are showing off for you. Hamsters are very good at acrobatic tricks. 這些家伙在你面前顯身手呢。 倉鼠非常擅長玩雜耍把戲。 ●03 A hamster cleans its own fur by licking its paws and washing its fur with them. 倉鼠用舔舐后的爪子來清潔自己的皮毛,并用爪子做梳洗。 ●04 Sometimes their home looks messy, but it’s just how they like it! 有時候他們的家看起來亂糟糟的,它們就是喜歡這個樣子! ●05 Look at these greedy little hamsters! They even hide food in their cheeks! 看看這些貪婪的小倉鼠們! 它們甚至把食物藏在它們的腮幫子下! ●08 Hamsters like to play at night. They often snooze in the day and can be noisy when you try to sleep. 倉鼠喜歡在夜間玩耍。 它們經(jīng)常在白天打盹,當(dāng)你打算睡覺時,它們卻很吵。 ●10 A mother hamster has lots of babies at one time. Sometimes she has four, but she can have over ten! 倉鼠媽媽一次能孕育很多個寶寶。 有時是四個,有時能超過十個。 ●12 Newborn baby hamsters are blind with no fur. As they grow up, their eyes open and they get fluffier. 新生的倉鼠寶寶盲眼,無毛。 當(dāng)它們長大后,眼睛睜開,也長得毛茸茸了。 ●13 The babies drink their mother’s milk and grow bigger and stronger. Then they start to run around. 倉鼠寶寶吮吸媽媽的乳汁,長大了,變強(qiáng)了。 然后它們便開始四處跑動。 ●15 They run and play so much that they tire themselves out. They need a lot of sleep! 它們不停地跑啊,玩,直到精力耗竭。 它們需要許多的睡眠! ●18 They all curl up together and sleep on top of their mummy. 它們?nèi)恳蕾嗽谝黄?,躺在媽媽身上睡著?●20 The babies are big enough to leave home when they are only three weeks old. 在倉鼠寶寶僅僅只有三周大的時候,它們就已經(jīng)長到足夠大離開家了。 ●21 These babies all have new homes. This one has a wheel to run in... 這些寶寶們都有了自己的新家。 這一只在滾輪上跑著...... ●22 ...these ones are exploring... 這一些在探索...... ...and climbing... …...然后攀爬...... …and seeing what is good to chew. …...接著瞅瞅有什么東西好嚼嚼。 ●24 Guess what? They are tired again! Hamsters do love to sleep. 猜猜怎么啦?它們又累了! 倉鼠真是好喜歡睡覺。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Do you know what hamsters like? 你知道倉鼠喜歡什么嗎? They like to wash themselves to keep clean. 倉鼠喜歡給自己做清潔以保持干凈。 They like to nibble on seeds and fruit. They like to chew with their big teeth. 它們喜歡啃種子和水果。 它們喜歡用它們大大的牙齒咀嚼。 They like to be busy, and can run for a long time. 它們喜歡保持忙碌,能跑好長一會兒。 ●26 They like to climb and swing in the air. 它們喜歡攀爬到半空中然后懸吊。 Some hamsters like to cuddle. Others like to live on their own. 有些倉鼠喜歡依偎在一起。 而有一些又很獨(dú)立。 Most hamsters are happy to be your friend if you treat them kindly. 如果你善待它們,大部分的倉鼠很喜歡和你做朋友。 ●27 Hamster Facts 倉鼠二三事 Hamster’s home Hamsters are a popular pet, but in the wild, they live in the desert. They dig large burrows where they stay cool underground. The burrows have separate rooms for sleeping and storing food. 倉鼠的家 倉鼠是一種很受歡迎的寵物,但在野外,它們居住在沙漠里。 它們挖出大大的地洞,好讓自己住在涼爽的地下。 它們在地洞中挖出獨(dú)立的房間用于睡眠或儲藏食物。 In the dark A hamster stays asleep for much of the day. It doesn’t like bright light or hot sun. Instead, it waits until the evening before it comes out to play, eat, and exercise. 在黑暗中 倉鼠能在很多天內(nèi)一直睡覺。 它們不喜歡明亮的光線或是炙熱的太陽。 相反,它們一直等到夜晚來臨,然后才出來玩、出來吃,出來運(yùn)動。 ●28 Animal | Hamster 動物 | 倉鼠 Chubby cheeks! These careful creatures store food for when they are hungry. Their cheeks are like pouches that can grow bigger, to carry food around. Then they hide it in a special place. 鼓鼓囊囊的臉頰! 這些小心翼翼的生物貯藏著食物,以防自己饑餓。 它們的臉頰就像育兒袋那樣,能一步步變大,用來隨身攜帶食物。 然后它們就把這些食物藏匿在一個特別的地方。 Your own hamster You will need to make sure that your hamster’s home is safe. It has to be strong so they can’t chew through it and escape. Their teeth can chew through most things, so be careful! 屬于你的倉鼠 你要確保提供給倉鼠的家是安全的。 也要確保(提供的家)足夠強(qiáng)韌——能讓它們咬不穿,然后逃跑。 它們的牙齒能咬蝕大部分東西,可得當(dāng)心! Guinea pigs These fluffy creatures are bigger than a hamster and sleep during the night. People also keep them as pets. 豚鼠 這些毛茸茸的生物比倉鼠更大一些,在夜晚睡覺。 人們也把它們當(dāng)寵物養(yǎng)。
【賓果22考拉】 The Fussy Koala (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 22 挑食的考拉 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 The fussy Koala ‘I’m hungry!’ Baby Koala clings to his mother’s back. His tummy rumbles. He is hungry! Mummy finds some leaves to eat and then Baby Koala falls asleep, happy and full. His mummy always looks after him. 挑食的考拉 “我餓了!” 考拉寶寶揪著媽媽的后背。 他的肚皮咕隆隆響。他餓了! 媽媽給找了些葉子喂他,然后考拉寶寶飽腹而又開心地睡著了。 媽媽總在照顧著他。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about koalas? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解考拉嗎? Animal | Ko ala 動物 | 考拉 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Park Seon-mi 標(biāo)題:挑食的考拉 The fussy koala 正文 ●01 Kangaroos and koalas live in Australia. They both carry their newborn babies in a pouch on their tummy. 袋鼠和考拉都居住在澳大利亞。 它們都把自己新生的寶寶包裹于自己腹部的育兒袋上。 ●04 A koala spends nearly all of its life in the trees. It only climbs to the ground to reach another tree to find more food. 考拉基本把自己的一生都花在了樹上。 它僅僅只是為了找到更多的食物時,才爬到地上然后跳到另一顆樹上。 ●05 Sometimes people call them koala bears. They look similar, but they are not related to bears at all. 有時,人們稱它們?yōu)榭祭堋?它們看起雖與熊似,但它們與熊一點(diǎn)關(guān)系都沒有。 ●08 Koalas love to sleep! They spend more than half of each day asleep in the branches of a tree. 考拉喜歡睡覺! 它們花大半天時間在樹干上睡覺。 ●09 Koalas look for their food at night. They jump through the trees, eating their favourite leaves. 考拉在夜間覓食。 它們在樹木間跳躍穿梭,吃著它們最喜愛的樹葉。 TIP Koalas mostly eat eucalyptus leaves. Australia has lots of different types of eucalyptus trees. 提示 考拉吃得最多的是桉樹葉。 澳大利亞有許多種不同的桉樹。 ●11 Delicious! 美味! ●12 Different koalas like different types of eucalyptus. It depends on which part of Australia they live in. 不同的考拉喜歡吃不同種類的桉樹葉。 這主要取決于它們生活在澳大利亞的哪個區(qū)域。 ●13 Eucalyptus leaves are poisonous to most animals, so the koalas have them all to themselves. 對大部分動物來說,桉樹葉是有毒的,考拉因而能吃獨(dú)食。 ●14 A newborn koala is tiny, pink and has no fur. It stays in its mother’s pouch for about six months. 新生的考拉細(xì)小、粉色,無毛。 它會在母親的育兒肚袋中待上大約六個月。 ●15 When the baby is big enough, it comes out of the pouch and rides on its mother’s back. 當(dāng)寶寶長得足夠大時,它便鉆出育兒肚袋,爬上母親的后背。 TIP To begin with, a baby drinks its mother’s milk. After leaving the pouch, it eats a special food made from the leaves that the mother has eaten. 提示 一出生,考拉寶寶飲啜母親的乳汁。 離開育兒肚袋,便吃母親咀嚼過的從葉子中制成的特殊食物。 ●17 The baby stays with its mother until it is about one year old. 考拉寶寶待在母親身邊直到一歲大。 ●18 It learns which leaves to eat, where to sleep, and how to stay safe. 考拉寶寶學(xué)習(xí)該吃哪一種葉子,在哪兒睡覺,以及如何保護(hù)自己的安全。 ●20 A baby koala is called a joey. When it is grown up, it will live on its own in a different patch of trees. It may never see its mummy again. 考拉寶寶被稱為幼袋鼠(joey)。 長大之后,它會在不同的樹的區(qū)塊上獨(dú)立生活。 也許永遠(yuǎn)也不會再見到自己的媽媽。 ●21 Koalas can have babies of their own when they are two years old. 考拉在兩歲的時候,便能擁有自己的寶寶。 The male koala has a gland on his chest. 雄性考拉在胸腔上有著腺體。 The gland gives off a smell that attracts a female. 腺體能釋放氣味,用來吸引雌性考拉。 ●22 When a male and a female find each other, they can mate to have a baby. 當(dāng)雌雄考拉找到彼此,它們能在一起孕育寶寶。 ●23 These nosy koalas have come to say hello to you! 這些聒噪的考拉跑來向你問好! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Koalas live in the eucalyptus forests of Australia. 考拉住在澳大利亞的桉樹林區(qū)。 When a koala is born, it is blind and helpless. 考拉出生之時,眼盲,感覺很無助。 A koala usually has only one baby, but may have twins. 考拉通常只生一個寶寶,有時也會是雙胞胎。 ●26 Koalas sleep nearly all day. You can hear them snoring in the branches! 考拉幾乎睡一整天。 你能聽到它們在樹干上的打呼嚕聲! A koala can run fast, but feels safer in the trees. 考拉能跑得很快,但它們感覺在樹上才更安全。 Eucalyptus trees give the koala food and a home. 桉樹給考拉提供食物與居所。 ●27 Koala Facts 考拉二三事 Useful paws Koalas have five fingers on each of their four paws. Their front paws have two fingers separated from the others which act like a thumb. It helps them hold their food and climb trees. Their back paws have a single thumb with no claw. 有用的爪掌 考拉的一雙四爪上分別長著五根手指。 它們的前掌當(dāng)中有兩個指頭連在一起與其它指頭分開,形同拇指。 (這倆連體拇指)幫助它們抓取食物與爬樹。 它們的后掌有一個單獨(dú)的無爪拇指。 Foreleg 前腿 Hind leg 后腿 Water-free Koalas get most of the water they need from the leaves that they eat. It is rare to see a koala drinking. 無水飲食 考拉從它們所吃的葉子中獲取大部分的水分。 很少能看到考拉飲水。 ●28 Animal | Ko ala 動物 | 考拉 Pouch babies Animals that drink milk and grow up in their mother’s pouch are called marsupials. Koalas are marsupials, and so are kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, possums, and Tasmanian devils. 袋中寶寶 喝母親奶,在母親育兒袋中長大的動物,稱為袋類哺乳動物。 考拉是袋類哺乳動物,袋鼠、沙袋鼠、負(fù)鼠、袋獾,也都是。 Possum Possums live in holes in trees or cracks in the rocks. They like the dark, so they stay undercover in the daytime. 負(fù)鼠 Possum 負(fù)鼠生活于樹洞或是巖石的鑿縫里。它們喜黑,所以它們在白天讓自己待在黑暗中。 Tasmanian devil These fierce animals get their name from the island of Tasmania, south of Australia. 袋獾 Tasmanian devil 這些生猛的動物因南澳大利亞的塔斯馬尼亞島而得名。 Wombat These cuddly creatures dig long underground burrows. They also look for food at night when it is cooler and safer. 沙袋鼠 Wombat 這些可愛的生物在地面下挖出長長的洞穴。 它們在夜間覓食,這對它們來說更涼爽也更安全。 Kangaroo This is the biggest marsupial of them all. They can jump a long distance or high in the air. 袋鼠 Kangaroo 這是最大的袋類哺乳動物。 它們能跳得很遠(yuǎn)或是很高。
【賓果23長頸鹿】 The long-legged giraffe (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 23 大長腿長頸鹿 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Giraffe’s playground Imagine if you were friends with a giraffe! You could use its long legs to hold a swing. Its neck would make a great slide… …but that’s just a fairy tale, of course. 長頸鹿游樂場 想象一下你有一個長頸鹿朋友! 你能用它長長的腿來蕩秋千。 它的頸部能做成一個不錯的滑滑梯 ...... ...... 但那當(dāng)然只是一個童話了。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about giraffes? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解長頸鹿嗎? Animal | Giraffe 動物 | 長頸鹿 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Nam Hyeon-ju 標(biāo)題:大長腿長頸鹿 The long-legged giraffe 正文 ●01 Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. Even a baby giraffe is taller than a person! 長頸鹿是世界上最高的動物。 即使是一只長頸鹿寶寶,也比一個人還要高。 ●04 It makes it difficult to bend down to eat food near the ground, or to have a drink. 對它來說,彎下來貼到地面上吃東西或者是飲水,都顯得有點(diǎn)難。 Tip Being tall has its bad points. A giraffe’s heart works hard to stop it getting dizzy when it bends over and stands up straight. 提示 很高的話,也會存在不利。 當(dāng)長頸鹿彎曲著身子或站直的時候,它的心臟會感覺負(fù)累而心慌。 ●06 ‘Are you fluttering your eyelashes at me?’ A giraffe has extra long eyelashes to protect its eyes from sand and wind. “你在向我拋媚眼么?” 長頸鹿有著特別長的眼睫毛,用來防止風(fēng)沙進(jìn)入眼睛。 ●07 Giraffes also have a very long, tough tongue. It helps them to pick leaves off prickly, spiky trees. 長頸鹿同樣也有特別長和硬的舌頭。 用來幫助它們從充滿尖刺的樹上攫[jué]取樹葉。 ●09 This giraffe has settled down for a sleep. It is tricky to find a comfortable position when you are built like this! 這一只長頸鹿安頓下來睡覺。 能這樣安頓下來,是因?yàn)檫@一處舒適的位置經(jīng)過了長頸鹿的精挑細(xì)選。 ●10 Tip Most of the time, giraffes snooze standing up. Then they can run away if danger appears. If they are in a safe place they will lie down with their legs tucked underneath their body. 提示 大多數(shù)時候,長頸鹿站立著打盹。 那樣它們就能在出現(xiàn)險情時逃跑。 如果它們在一處安全的地方, 它們就能把腿盤好縮在身體下躺下來。 ●12 A giraffe is too big for most creatures to attack. Their main enemies are lions, leopards and hyenas. These giraffes are only half asleep, in case a lion appears. 長頸鹿太大了,大多數(shù)生物很難攻擊它。 它們主要的敵人是獅子、豹和鬣[liè]狗。 這些長頸鹿半睡半醒,防止獅子來襲。 Tip Their most powerful weapon is their long legs. A kick from that hoof can hurt and injure their enemies. 提示 它們最有力的武器是它們的大長腿。 那一蹄踢能讓它們的敵人傷痛得不輕。 ●13 Male giraffes often live on their own. Sometimes they will find a partner so they can have babies. Even then, they spend only a short time together. 雄性長頸鹿通常獨(dú)立生活。 有些時候,當(dāng)他們找到伴兒在一起的時候,就能有寶寶。 即使是那樣,它們也只是花少少時間和伴兒在一起。 ●16 Giraffes are quiet animals, but when they find a mate, the males make a loud coughing noise! 長頸鹿是很安靜的動物,但當(dāng)它們找到一個伴時, 雄性會發(fā)出響亮的咳嗽聲! ●17 A mother giraffe usually has just one baby at a time. She will live in a group made up of other females and young giraffes. 一位長頸鹿母親一次通常只懷上一個寶寶。 她會在由其它雌性長頸鹿與幼年長頸鹿組成的集體中生活。 ●19 The baby has a long way to fall as its mother gives birth standing up. 母親站立著生產(chǎn),長頸鹿寶寶還有好長一段距離掙扎落地。 ●20 Its head and front legs come out first as it plops to the ground. 它的頭和前腿先出來,好似快要撲通墜地。 ●22 The baby has weak, wobbly legs at first. Soon, though, it can stand up and after only a few hours it can run around. 長頸鹿寶寶很虛弱,首先顫抖著它的腿。 旋即,竟能站立; 僅僅只是幾個小時,就能在四周跑起來了。 ●23 Although they can follow their mummy around, baby giraffes spend their first few weeks hiding until they grow stronger. Their spots act as camouflage in the dry grass. 即使它們能尾隨媽媽, 長勁鹿寶寶在最初的幾周里掩蔽著自己,直到它們長得更強(qiáng)壯一些。 它們的斑點(diǎn)能在干草中形成偽裝。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! What is it like to be so tall? 是什么讓它們這么高呢? Giraffes can see across the African grasslands to spot danger from a distance. 長勁鹿能在非洲大草原中從很遠(yuǎn)的距離偵查危險。 They have good eyesight and can see further than the animals around them. 它們擁有著良好的視力,能比身邊其它動物看得更遠(yuǎn)。 ●26 Their long neck helps them reach up to eat the leaves that are too high for other animals. 它們的長頸能幫助它們吃到相對于其它動物來說太高的葉子。 Their long legs allow them to run very fast to escape from danger. 它們的長腿能讓它們跑得飛快,逃離危險。 ●27 Giraffe Facts 長頸鹿二三事 Keeping watch Many zebras and antelopes live in herds close by. If there are any predators on the prowl, the giraffes will spot them and raise the alarm. They help to keep the other animals safe. 守望者 許多斑馬和羚羊鄰近(長頸鹿)群居。 如果它們的周邊有侵略者在徘徊,長頸鹿會偵查到并拉起警報。 它們(長頸鹿)能幫助其它動物保持安全。 A useful tool A giraffe’s long, purple tongue has many uses. It curls around branches to pull off the leaves. They need this as they have no front teeth for biting. The tongue is so long a giraffe can lick the whole of its face to keep it clear of dust and sand. 有用的工具 長頸鹿長長的、紫色的舌頭有許多用途。 它能卷起繞枝,剝食樹葉。它們不得不這樣,是因?yàn)闆]有前牙幫助咀嚼。 它們的舌頭如此之長,長頸鹿能用來舔舐它們的整張臉,來清走塵沙,保持清潔。 ●28 Animal | Giraffe 動物 | 長頸鹿 Different patterns There are different types of giraffe living in different parts of Africa. Each has its own pattern. 不同的圖案 在非洲不同的區(qū)域,生活著不同種類的長頸鹿。 每一種都有著自己的圖案。 馬賽亞種長頸鹿 Masai giraffe The tallest of them all, these giraffes live in East Africa. Its blotches are jagged. 馬塞亞種長頸鹿生活在東非,是長頸鹿中長得最高的。 它們的斑點(diǎn)是鋸齒狀的。 索馬里亞種長頸鹿 Reticulated giraffe This is the most common type seen in a zoo. Its coat looks like a map with lots of countries. 索馬里亞種長頸鹿是在動物園中最??吹降姆N類。 它身上的“外套”就像一張有著很多國家的地圖。 Daycare Baby giraffes stick together in a crowd. A few of the mother giraffes will watch over them to keep them safe and show them where to find the best food. 托兒所 長頸鹿寶寶在群體中緊緊的黏在一起。 當(dāng)中的一些長頸鹿母親會照看它們, 使它們保持安全,指引它們哪兒能找到最佳的食物。
【賓果24蝸?!?The clever Snail (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 24 聰明的蝸牛 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 What was THAT?! The leaves are swaying as the breeze blows. Something large and wet and heavy drops on top of the snail. Oh! It is just a raindrop, but it gives him such a shock! It’s a good job he has his shell to hide in. 那是什么呀? 微風(fēng)拂過,葉子擺動。 大大、濕濕、重重的東東滴落到了蝸牛的身體上面。 噢!僅僅只是雨滴,卻帶給他如此的震撼! 躲進(jìn)殼里真是美差一件。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about snails? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解蝸牛嗎? Animal | Snail 動物 | 蝸牛 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Lee Wa-jin 標(biāo)題:聰明的蝸牛 The clever snail 正文 ●02 This snail crawls along the rain-dotted ground. 蝸牛沿著雨點(diǎn)滴墜的地面爬行。 ●04 Its body is soft, but it is protected by its tough, shiny shell. 它的身體軟軟的,由堅硬而又亮光光的外殼保護(hù)著。 ●05 A snail can explore almost anywhere it wants. It can climb up branches and swing on leaves. 蝸牛差不多能去往任何它想去探索的地方。 它能攀爬到樹干上,蕩漾到葉子上。 ●07 A snail’s sticky foot can take it straight up, as well as moving across flat ground. 蝸牛的黏足能幫它直立,也能幫它移動到平坦的地面。 ●08 TIP Snails are a type of animal called a gastropod. Its name means that its foot is a part of its underside, or its belly. 提示 蝸牛是一種稱為腹足綱的軟體動物。 腹足是指足位于軀體的底面或腹面。 ●10 This snail is having a feast! It loves these fresh green leaves. When it feels like tasting something new, it searches with the tentacles on its head. 這只蝸牛正在享受盛宴! 它好愛這些新鮮的綠葉。 當(dāng)它感知到嘗著的會是新品時, 它會把頭上的觸角伸出來探索。 ●12 A snail moves by stretching its body. It opens up to its full length and grabs onto the next leaf. Then it squeezes up tight again to move itself across. 蝸牛伸展著身軀來進(jìn)行挪動。 它張開身子,伸展到全長,攫住旁邊的葉子,挪了過去。 隨即又反復(fù)擠緊,(拉伸),穿越挪動。 ●14 Snails use their sense of smell to find a mate. When they find another snail they like, they crawl in a circle around each other. They touch their tentacles and then brush their heads together. 蝸牛通過嗅覺來尋找伴侶。 當(dāng)它們找到喜歡的另一半時, 它們相互圍著對方打轉(zhuǎn)繞圈。 它們觸碰著對方的觸角,接著互蹭對方的頭。 ●15 Every snail can be a boy and a girl. So they can be a mother and a father at the same time! When two snails mate, both carry the eggs that will become baby snails. 每一只蝸??梢允悄泻⒁部梢允桥ⅰ?所以它們同時是母親與父親! 當(dāng)兩只蝸牛在一起(繁衍)時, 它倆都能產(chǎn)卵,卵能變成蝸牛寶寶。 ●17 A snail lays its eggs in a hole in the ground. It can use its foot for digging. One snail might lay up to 100 small, round eggs. 蝸牛把它的卵產(chǎn)到地下的洞中。 它能用自己的足來挖洞。 一只蝸牛大概能產(chǎn) 100 只小小的,圓卵(蛋)。 ●19 After a few weeks, the eggs will hatch. Tiny baby snails come out. Their shells are soft and they eat the egg shells to get goodness that makes their own shell harder. 數(shù)周過后,卵(蛋)被孵出。 細(xì)小的蝸牛寶寶出來了。 它們的殼軟軟的,它們吃蛋殼從中吸取養(yǎng)分, 這能幫它們加固變硬它們自己的殼。 ●22 A snail has a soft body. It hides inside its tough shell when it is resting. It needs protection from predators such as beetles. 蝸牛有著軟軟的身體。 休息時,軀體就藏在堅硬的外殼里面。 蝸牛需要(殼的)保護(hù)用來抵御侵略者,例如:甲蟲。 TIP A snail is a special snack for many other creatures. They have to watch out for birds, hedgehogs, mice, snakes, centipedes, and even other snails. 提示 蝸牛是許多其它生物的特色小吃。 蝸牛需要防御鳥類,刺猬,老鼠,蛇,毛毛蟲,甚至是其它蝸牛。 ●24 It is easy for a snail’s soft body to dry out. Their shell helps to keep them moist, and they make extra slime to stay soft. Snails like wet weather more than hot, dry weather. 蝸牛軟軟的軀體變干是一件容易的事。 它們的殼幫它們保持濕潤,同時它們也釋放額外的黏液來保持柔軟。 相較于干熱的天氣,蝸牛更喜歡潮濕的天氣。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Snails have simple lives but they are fascinating creatures! 蝸牛過著簡單的生活,卻是迷人的生物! Baby snails look like miniature adults but their shells are see-through. 蝸牛寶寶恰似微型的成年蝸牛,但它們的殼卻是透明的。 You are most likely to find a snail in a damp place such as a mossy rock. 潮濕之地最易找到蝸牛,例如:布滿苔蘚的巖石。 ●26 Snails have thousands of tiny teeth. They act like a cheese grater to rip plants into pieces. 蝸牛有著數(shù)千細(xì)牙。 這些細(xì)牙就像奶酪刨一樣,把植物撕扯成細(xì)片。 A snail keeps the same shell its whole life. The shell grows bigger as the snail grows. 蝸牛的殼伴隨蝸牛一生。 殼會隨著蝸牛的成長而長大。 ●27 Snail facts 蝸牛二三事 Under attack It is hard for a snail to escape from a hungry beetle. It cannot run away, so it hides inside its shell. Some snails make a sticky plug to seal up the hole. 遭受攻擊 從一只饑餓的甲蟲(手中)逃脫對于蝸牛來說很難。 蝸牛不能逃跑,所以它會藏在自己的殼里。 有一些蝸牛會制造黏性堵塞物用來封住洞口。 That’s not a snail! A slug is a snail without a shell. It moves in the same way, with a large foot of muscle on its underside. 那可不是蝸牛! 鼻涕蟲是沒有殼的蝸牛。 它挪動的方式與蝸牛一樣,用它身體底部大大的足,耗盡肌力使勁挪。 No brain! A snail doesn’t have a proper brain, and it has no ears. It has eyes on the end of its tentacles but cannot see very well. 無腦! 蝸牛并沒有(通常生物體本應(yīng)該有的)大腦,也沒有耳朵。 它的眼長在它的觸角的末梢,但視力卻不是很好。 ●28 Animal | Snail 動物 | 蝸牛 Slime time A snail leaves a silvery trail behind it. This slime helps it move more easily across rough surfaces and protects its soft body. It can even crawl over broken glass without getting hurt! 黏液時間 蝸牛會在自己身后留下銀色的軌跡。 這種黏液使它能較易穿越粗糙的表面,同時能保護(hù)柔軟的軀體。 甚而在碎玻璃中爬行時,也不易受傷! Where snails live Many types of snail live on land, but some of them spend their lives in water. Some are found in lakes and ponds; others can be found in the ocean, and can grow to be huge. 蝸牛住哪兒呢 許多種蝸牛居于陸地,但也有一些居其一生于水中。 有一些在湖泊或池塘中被發(fā)現(xiàn),也有一些是在海洋中被發(fā)現(xiàn),然后能長成巨大一只。 In the winter Snails can live for many years. They survive cold winters by hibernating in their shell. They close the shell entrance with a dry film to keep out the cold. 在冬天 蝸牛能活好些年。 它們在殼中冬眠以活過寒冬。 它們用干膜閉起殼的入口,以抵御寒冷。
【賓果25犀?!勘亲由祥L角的犀牛 The rhino with a horn on its nose (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) ●導(dǎo)讀頁 I can’t see Poor Rhino is having problems. His eyes are not so good when he tries to read the numbers. ‘Let me try another test,’ said the kind chimp doctor. ‘What is this here?’ ‘I see that!’ said the rhino. ‘It is my tea!’ You see, rhinos cannot read, but they can see their food. It is what they love the most! 我看不到 可憐的犀牛遇到麻煩了。 他打算讀取數(shù)字時,眼睛不怎么好。 “讓我們來試試另一種測試吧,” 友善的黑猩猩醫(yī)生說著。 “在這兒的是什么?” “我看到啦!”犀牛說。 “是我的下午茶!” 你看,犀牛不能閱讀,但它們能看到它們的食物。 那可是它們的最愛! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about rhinos? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解犀牛嗎? Animal | Rhinoceros 動物 | 犀牛 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Gwon Mi-mi 標(biāo)題:鼻子上長角的犀牛 The rhino with a horn on its nose 正文 ●01 What are the two biggest animals on the land? 陸地上最大的兩種動物是什么呢? ●02 Number one is the elephant... ...and number two is the rhinoceros. 排名第一的是大象...... …...排名第二的是犀牛。 TIP There are two breeds of rhino that live in Africa. The white rhino is bigger than the black rhino. 提示 非洲生活著兩種血統(tǒng)的犀牛。 白犀牛比黑犀牛要大。 ●03 ‘Charge!’ This rhino is on the run. Thud! Thud! Thud! “沖?。 ?犀牛在奔跑。 砰!砰!砰! ●04 CRUNCH! The rhino has crashed into a tree. Hmmm. 嘎吱嘎吱! 犀牛撞向一棵樹。 哼嗯嗯嗯。 ●06 As the tree trembles, the rhino looks up. His eyesight is so poor, he thought the tree was his enemy! A rhino will charge if he feels any sense of danger. 樹搖晃著,犀牛搜尋著。 他的視力太差了, 他竟以為樹是他的敵人! 犀牛會朝任何他感知到的危險沖過去。 ●07 The rhino rubs his horn against the tree. Now he is hungry. He always feels hungry after using so much energy. 犀牛在樹上磨著自己的角。 現(xiàn)在他餓了。釋放如此多的能量后,他總會感覺饑餓。 ●08 He chews on some grass with his friend. They may be scary, but rhinos are vegetarians that eat only plants. 他和他的朋友一起咀嚼著一些草。 它們看起來也許很恐怖,但犀牛是素食者,僅僅以植物為食。 ●09 A rhino uses its horn for fighting other rhinos. 犀牛用它的角來與其它犀牛搏斗。 ●10 They push and grunt to see who is the strongest. 它們推搡哼哼著想要知道它們當(dāng)中誰最強(qiáng)。 ●11 TIP A rhino’s poo is full of grass. The rhinos use the smell to mark their territory, and even to find a mate. A female rhino’s poo smells different from a male’s! 提示 犀牛的便便充滿著草。 犀牛使用氣味來標(biāo)記它們的領(lǐng)地,甚至用氣味來尋找伴侶。 雌性犀牛的便便的氣味與雄性的不同。 A rhino’s tail is short. 犀牛的尾巴很短 ●12 The rhino can curl its tail out of the way when it needs the toilet. It is much cleaner that way! 犀牛需要便便時能卷起它的尾巴。 這樣會更干凈一些呢! ●14 Rhinos love to roll in the mud. Taking a mud bath protects them from the sun, like sunscreen. It also stops pesky biting bugs from nibbling at their skin. 犀牛喜愛在泥土中打滾。 來一場泥土浴能像涂了防曬霜一樣幫它們抵御日曬。 同樣也能幫助它們驅(qū)逐討厭的蚊蟲叮咬它們的皮膚。 ●15 It is time for a snooze. The rhino can risk a nap under a tree. Not many creatures are brave enough to take on a fully grown rhino. 打盹時間到了。 犀牛能在樹下冒險小睡。 很少生物會有足夠勇氣來挑釁一只成長成熟的犀牛。 ●16 ‘What’s that noise?’ A rhino’s ears are better than its eyes. It hears a sound and climbs to its feet. “什么東西在那吵?” 犀牛的聽力可比視力好太多。 它聽到一些聲音,然后有東西爬到了它的腳下。 ●18 A baby rhino looks small next to its parents, but it is big compared to you. Its horn is little at first, but will grow each year. 犀牛寶寶站在父母旁邊時,看起來稍小一些,但也足夠和你比大小。 首先,它的角小小的,但會逐年成長。 ●19 The male rhinos grow bigger than the females. 雄性犀牛比雌性犀牛長得更大一些。 ●20 Both of them are being pestered by insects. They flick their tails to swat them away. 它倆都被昆蟲纏住了。 它們輕彈尾巴想把它們甩開。 ●21 The egret comes to the rescue. It enjoys eating the biting bugs, so it pecks them off the rhino’s back. The rhino is grateful for the bird’s help, and the bird finds an easy meal! 白鷺過來支援了。 它喜歡吃這些咬蟲,所以它從犀牛背上啄食它們。 犀牛很感謝(白鷺)鳥的幫助, (白鷺)鳥享受了輕松的一餐! ●23 People are the rhino’s biggest enemy. Hunters kill them to get their magnificent nose horn. The number of rhinos is getting lower every day. 人類是犀牛最大的敵人。 獵食者獵殺它們,來獲取它們珍貴的鼻角。 犀牛的數(shù)量每一天都在越變越少。 ●24 If we are not careful, there will be no rhinos left on our planet. 如果我們不引起重視,我們的地球?qū)⒉粫儆邢5拇嬖凇?●第25&26頁 Find out more! 了解更多! What’s on their head? 它們頭上的是什么? Male and female cows grow horns, depending on what breed they are. 雌雄奶牛都長角,取決于它們是什么品種。 Some sheep grow curly horns. 一些羊長著蜷曲的角。 Deer have antlers that look like branches. 鹿長著如樹枝般的鹿角。 A giraffe is born with horns but they lie flat at first. 長頸鹿生出來就有角,但一開始是平的。 A water buffalo’s horns are big, sharp, and very dangerous. 水牛的角大而尖,也十分危險。 Antelopes can have curved or even spiral horns. 羚羊可以有彎曲甚至是螺旋的角。 ●27 Rhinoceros Facts 犀牛二三事 On the attack Rhinos use their horns as weapons. They can charge against an enemy to frighten it away. They will also fight other rhinos to claim land for themselves. Indian rhinos and Javan rhinos have only one horn. White and Black and Sumatran rhinos have two. 攻擊之下 犀牛用它們的角來當(dāng)武器。 它們用角沖擊敵人把它們嚇跑。 它們也與其它犀牛爭斗,爭奪屬于它們自己的領(lǐng)地。 印度犀牛和爪哇犀牛都只有一只角。 白犀牛、黑犀牛和蘇門答臘犀牛都有兩只角。 Thick skinned A rhino’s thick skin is wrinkled but not as tough as you might think. It acts as protection because there are so many folded layers. An Indian rhino’s skin has bumps all over it. Some rhinos’ skin folds into plates by their legs and neck. 厚厚的皮膚 犀牛厚厚的皮膚皺皺的,但卻不如你想的那樣堅硬。 如此多的褶皺層用以形成保護(hù)。 印度犀牛的皮膚上布滿疙瘩。 一些犀牛腿和頸上的皮膚褶成一塊塊的板狀。 ●28 Animal | Rhinoceros 動物 | 犀牛 Feeding friends Lots of mites and mosquitoes settle on the rhino to bite his sensitive skin and suck the blood. A mud bath isn’t enough to keep them away. African rhinos have their friends the egrets to eat the bugs. 供養(yǎng)朋友 大量的螨蟲和蚊子落戶到犀牛身上,叮咬它們敏感的皮膚,吮吸它們的鮮血。 一場泥浴不足以驅(qū)逐它們。 非洲犀牛有它們的朋友白鷺來吃掉這些蟲子。 Cool, man! Rhinos lose heat through their skin, but they still need to spend the hottest parts of the day in the shade. They sleep standing up or lying down, in short naps through the day and night. 酷啊,“牛仔”! 犀牛通過皮膚散熱,但它們?nèi)孕柙谝惶熘凶顭岬臅r候在陰涼處避暑。 它們或者站立或者躺著睡覺,在日夜交替中不時地打個小盹。 A rhino’s skin is thick but soft. 犀牛的皮膚雖厚卻軟
【賓果26馬和斑馬】馬及其家族 The horse and its family (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Horse and Zebra’s wedding Guess who is getting married in the animal kingdom? All the animals have come along to watch and cheer. ‘Hooray for Horse! Congratulations!’ Horse is happy to see his gorgeous striped bride. That’s right, he is marrying Zebra! We hope they will live happily ever after in their fairytale world. 馬與斑馬的婚禮 猜猜動物王國誰要結(jié)婚啦? 所有的動物們都前來觀禮與道賀。 “馬兒,萬歲!祝賀你!” 馬好開心看到他美麗獨(dú)特的斑紋新娘。 不錯呢,他娶了斑馬! 讓我們祝福它們,從此以后它們能在童話世界中幸福地生活著。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about horses and zebras? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解馬與斑馬嗎? Animal | Horse and zebra 動物 | 馬與斑馬 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Park Eun-jeong 標(biāo)題:馬及其家族 The horse and its family 正文 ●01 In the wild, horses live in groups called herds. They live in grassy places, as that is what they like to eat. 在野外,馬以群組生活稱為馬群。 它們生活在草沃之地,那也是它們喜歡的吃食。 ●04 Horses can run and run for miles. They move to find more food, and shelter, or to escape from danger. Horses know when an enemy is trying to get too close. 馬能跑數(shù)英里不停歇。(1 英里≈1.6 千米) 它們的遷移是為了尋找更多的食物與庇護(hù)處,或是逃離危險。 如有敵人嘗試靠近它們,馬是能感知到的。 ●05 These horses are fighting. They want to prove who is boss. 這些馬在搏斗。 它們想要證明誰是老大。 ●06 The winner gets to mate with a beautiful female horse. 贏家能與一匹漂亮的雌性馬兒結(jié)成一對。 ●08 The mother gives birth to a baby horse, called a foal. It can stand up and run before it is even one day old. 母親分娩[miǎn]出馬寶寶,稱為駒[ jū]。 即使只出生一天,馬駒就能站立與跑動了。 ●10 The foal stays with its mother. It learns how to find the best grass. 馬駒與母親待在一起。 它能學(xué)會如何找到最佳的草。 The foal kicks up its heels as it runs and plays in the field. 馬駒在田野跑動,玩耍時,向后踢踏著馬蹄。 TIP A horse has its eyes on the sides of its head to help it see danger from all around. 提示 馬的眼睛長在頭部的側(cè)面,可以幫助它看到來自四面八方的危險。 ●11 Neigh! 嘶! ●12 Horses are mammals, so the babies grow strong by feeding on their mother’s milk. After a meal, the foal feels tired. 馬屬于哺[bǔ]乳動物,馬寶寶們在母親乳汁的養(yǎng)育下能茁壯成長。 餐食過后,馬駒感到累了。 ●13 The horses are on the move again. As the sun sets, they trot through the grass together to find a place to rest overnight. 馬兒們又開始遷移了。 日落時分,它們一起小跑著穿過草地,尋找一處地兒歇息過夜。 ●14 Soon they will be sheltering safely with all of their friends. 旋即,它們與所有的朋友們在一塊,相互庇護(hù),確保安全。 ●16 Horses live in every part of the world except Antarctica. The horses have relatives that make their home only in Africa. These striped horses are zebras. 除了南極洲,馬遍布生活在世界各地。 馬也有親戚,它的親戚只在非洲安家。 這一些有著條紋的馬,稱為斑馬。 ●17 Zebras have to stay on the lookout for their enemies. A lion is creeping too close to this zebra herd. The leader makes them form a circle for protection. 斑馬一邊待著一邊警戒防備它們的敵人。 一只獅子正匍匐[pú fú]逼近這個斑馬群。 斑馬的頭兒讓大家圍成一圈,進(jìn)行保護(hù)。 ●19 Like a horse, a zebra’s strongest weapon is its kick. 與馬一樣,斑馬最強(qiáng)有力的武器是它的踢踏。 ●20 It can send a lion flying with a kick from its back legs. Those hooves hurt! 斑馬后腿的踢踏能踹得獅子飛起來。 (斑)馬蹄踹起來痛死了! TIP Zebras have good eyesight and a good sense of smell. If they cannot see an enemy, they can most likely smell it. 提示 斑馬擁有良好的視力與嗅覺。 就算它們不能看到敵人,也很可能聞到。 ●22 The zebras’ stripes help to protect them. When they all stand together, it is hard to pick out a single zebra to attack. The cheetah must feel quite dizzy, looking at all those black and white patterns! 斑馬的條紋用來保護(hù)它們。 當(dāng)它們站在一起的時候,很難從中挑出一只來進(jìn)行襲擊。 非洲獵豹瞅[chǒu]著這些黑白相間的陣仗,一定感到非常眩暈吧! ●23 I can hear the sound of pounding hooves on the ground. I can hear other noises, too. The horses neigh and whinny, and the zebras bark and bray. Listen! 我能聽到踢踏地面的猛蹄咚咚聲。 我也能聽到其它鬧聲。 馬嘶叫著,斑馬嘟吠著。聽! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Horses that help us 馬對我們的幫助 Which racehorse is the fastest? 哪一批賽馬是最快的呢? Show horses compete in events that need skill and training. 進(jìn)行馬術(shù)表演需要技巧與訓(xùn)練。 Donkey A donkey is smaller than a horse. They are so strong that people use them to carry heavy loads. 驢[lǘ] 驢比馬小。 它們是如此強(qiáng)壯,被人們用來馱[ tuó ]運(yùn)重物。 Mule A mule comes when a ale horse mates with female donkey. They look similar to donkeys and are very strong. 騾[luó] 雄性馬與雌性驢繁衍后代,產(chǎn)物是騾。 它們長得很像驢,也非常強(qiáng)壯。 ●26 Types of Horse 不同種類的馬 Jeju horses are small and can survive in very cold weather. 濟(jì)州 Jeju 馬身形小,能在極其嚴(yán)寒的氣候下生存。 Thoroughbreds are commonly seen in horse racing. 純種馬 Thoroughbred 在馬賽中最為常見。 Strong horses like the Suffolk Punch are used for farming. 強(qiáng)壯的馬,如薩???Suffolk Punch 短腿馬,被用來務(wù)農(nóng)。 Arabian horses are well known for their skills at jumping and equestrian sports. 阿拉伯馬 Arabian 以它們擅長跳躍與馬術(shù) equestrian 運(yùn)動而出名。 ●27 Horse Facts 馬的二三事 The female takes the lead Herds of wild horses have a female in charge. She will decide when the herd moves, and where to go to find food and water. She gets to eat first, and the others, even the male in the group, will follow her. 雌性當(dāng)頭 一群野馬中,通常雌性當(dāng)頭領(lǐng)。 她能決定馬群什么時候遷移,去往何處尋覓食物與水源。 她先進(jìn)食,然后才是馬群,即使馬群里的雄性,也跟隨她。 Females fight too! Male horses fight to get a mate, but females also bite and kick each other. They do it to see who is more important in the group. 雌性也搏斗! 雄性馬為了爭伴而斗,但雌性也同樣互相踢踏、撕咬對方。 她們這么做是為了確立誰在馬群中更為重要。 ●28 Animal | Horse and zebra 動物 | 馬與斑馬 Asleep standing up Most adult horses sleep on their feet. Then, if a predator comes close, the horses are ready to run away. A horse only lies down to sleep if it is very young, or feels very safe. 站著睡 大多數(shù)成年馬站著睡。 如果有侵略者靠近,馬群隨時準(zhǔn)備奔命。 只有幼馬或是馬在感覺非常安全時,才躺著睡。 Zebra skills Most African animals struggle to find water in the dry season. A zebra’s hooves are strong enough for it to dig down to make a well. 斑馬的技能 大部分非洲動物在干季中搜尋并搶奪水源。 斑馬蹄足夠強(qiáng)大,能挖出一口井來。 A famous horse This picture shows Alexander the Great and his horse, Bucephalus. He tamed it when no one else could, and his father was so impressed that he predicted that Alexander would become a great and powerful leader. 名馬 這一幅畫展示的是亞歷山大大帝與其馬:比塞弗勒斯。 他馴服了這匹無人能服的馬,由此他的父親銘記于心,預(yù)測亞歷山大將會是一位偉大而又具權(quán)威的領(lǐng)袖。 Alexander and Bucephalus 亞歷山大與比塞弗勒斯
【賓果27蜘蛛】 Spiders aren't insects! (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 27 蜘蛛不是昆蟲! ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Spiders aren’t insects! All the spiders in the land have a message for you. It is a very quiet message, just like the spiders themselves in their glittery, beautiful webs. What is this message? ‘We aren’t insects.’ That’s right! Spiders aren’t insects. They just wanted you to know that. Now the spiders are happy. 蜘蛛不是昆蟲! 所有的陸地蜘蛛都有一條消息要告訴你。 是一條非常清晰的信息,就像蜘蛛自己 在它們閃耀而又美麗的蜘蛛網(wǎng)般明確。 這條消息是什么呢? “我們不是昆蟲?!?對啊!蜘蛛不是昆蟲。 它們很想讓你知道呢。 現(xiàn)在,蜘蛛們開心了。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about spiders? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解蜘蛛嗎? Animal | Spider 動物 | 蜘蛛 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Tak Jeong-tae 標(biāo)題:蜘蛛不是昆蟲! Spiders aren’t insects! 正文 ●01 The spider feels her web tingling. 'Who has woken me from my nap?' It is a dragonfly. The spider runs across her web towards it. 蜘蛛感到她的網(wǎng)一陣震顫。 “是誰把我從瞌睡中弄醒?” 是一只蜻蜓。 蜘蛛從她的網(wǎng)中梭向它。 ●04 The dragonfly wriggles and twists as it calls for help. But the harder it tries to escape, the more the web tangles around it. 蜻蜓扭擺著被纏繞的身體,一陣求救。 但是它越努力想要逃生,網(wǎng)就從各個角度纏得它越緊。 TIP Spiders make their webs out of a special silk. We call them cobwebs or spider webs. 提示 蜘蛛用一種特殊的絲織網(wǎng)。 (英文)我們稱它們?yōu)?cobwebs/ spider webs, 蜘蛛網(wǎng)。 ●05 The hungry spider wraps up the dragonfly in more silk. She bites it hard to inject it with her special juice. It dissolves the dragonfly so the spider can suck it up like a smoothie. 饑餓的蜘蛛用更多的絲把蜻蜓重重包裹。 她狠狠咬它,用她特殊的汁液注進(jìn)它體內(nèi)。 汁液能溶解掉蜻蜓,所以蜘蛛能像冰沙一樣吮吸它。 ●07 Spiders catch all sorts of creatures in their web and eat them. They love to feast on insects. So, how come spiders themselves aren’t insects? 蜘蛛在它們的網(wǎng)中捕捉各種生物,然后餐食它們。 它們喜愛把昆蟲當(dāng)成大餐。 所以,蜘蛛們怎么會認(rèn)為它們自己是昆蟲呢? ●09 A spider’s body is different from that of an insect. Insects have three parts: their head, a middle section called the thorax, with the legs attached to it, and the end part called the abdomen. A spider has only two parts. Its head and its thorax are joined together, with a separate abdomen behind. Also, count the legs. Can you see the difference? Insects have six legs, while spiders have eight. 蜘蛛的軀體與昆蟲的有區(qū)別。 昆蟲的軀體分為三個部分: 它們的頭部,中間的部分稱為胸部, 腿附著在胸部,最后的部分稱為腹部。 蜘蛛僅僅只有兩個部分。 它的頭部和胸部是連在一起的,獨(dú)立的腹部在其后方。 同樣,數(shù)數(shù)它們的腿。 你能看出區(qū)別么? 昆蟲有六條腿,而蜘蛛有八條。 ●11 Insects’ and spiders’ eyes are different, too. Insects have compound eyes made up of lots of tiny parts. They are good at spotting movements and seeing changes in light. 昆蟲和蜘蛛的眼睛也不同。 昆蟲的是復(fù)眼,由許多細(xì)小的部分組成。 復(fù)眼擅長偵查(物體的)移動,在光線下看到(物體的)變化。 ●12 A spider has eyes with a single lens, like our eyes. But a spider often has eight eyes lined up on its head! 蜘蛛的眼睛里有一個單獨(dú)的水晶體,就像人眼。 但是一只蜘蛛通常在它的頭頂上有八只眼排成一排。 ●14 A spider has a very clever body that can make its own silk. It shoots threads from its rear end to weave a fabulous, beautiful net. The web is where it lives, and is used for catching the spider’s next meal. 蜘蛛的身體非常靈巧,能自己產(chǎn)絲。 絲從它的尾部末梢被發(fā)射出來,編織出一張美妙、巨大的網(wǎng)。 網(wǎng)也是它生活的地方,也幫助蜘蛛捕捉接下來的每一餐。 ●16 Some of the spider’s web is sticky, to catch its food. But how does the spider move around without getting stuck? 有一些蜘蛛的網(wǎng)黏糊糊的,用以捕食。 但是當(dāng)蜘蛛在網(wǎng)四周移動的時候,怎么做到不被纏住的呢? Tip Spiders can make different types of silk. Some is used to wrap up their victims. Some makes sticky traps in the web. Some of it is not sticky so the spider can walk across its own web easily. 提示 蜘蛛能制造不同的絲。 有一些絲拿來裹住(陷進(jìn)去的)受害者們。 有一些絲制成網(wǎng)中黏糊糊的陷阱。 而有一些絲,并不黏,蜘蛛便能在自己的網(wǎng)里輕松地橫行。 ●17 Not all spiders make webs to live on. Some hide on the ground or in leaves. They jump out and surprise their prey instead of trapping them. 并非所有的蜘蛛都結(jié)網(wǎng)營生。 有一些蜘蛛躲在地上或是樹葉上。 它們跳出來驚嚇住它們的獵物,而非網(wǎng)中蜘蛛那樣困住它們。 ●19 What is that funny cotton wool ball on the web? The spider has laid her eggs and wrapped them in silk to keep them safe. Soon, this egg sac will burst and hundreds of baby spiders will come out. 網(wǎng)上面那有趣的棉毛球是什么呢? 蜘蛛孵蛋了,用絲裹住蛋卵來保護(hù)它們的安全呢。 不久,這些卵囊[náng]爆破開,數(shù)以百計的蜘蛛寶寶接踵[zhǒng]而出。 ●21 This spider is under attack! There are many creatures that will try to eat her. 這只蜘蛛正面臨攻擊! 好多種生物都試圖吃掉她。 Tip Birds, lizards and frogs are the spider’s enemies, and so are mammals such as bats and shrews. 提示 鳥類,蜥蜴和青蛙都是蜘蛛的敵人,(一些)哺[bǔ]乳動物也是,如:蝙蝠和鼱鼩[qú jīng]。· 蟾蜍[chán chú] Toad 蜥蜴 Lizard 鳥 Bird 蛛蜂 Spider wasp 青蛙 Frog ●23 Spiders make different kinds of web. Some create lovely patterns in circles and spirals. These are called orb webs. Others make a sticky tangle of threads with no clear pattern. 蜘蛛織各種不同的網(wǎng)。 有些環(huán)環(huán)圓圈或螺旋狀織出可愛的圖案。 這些被稱為圓蛛網(wǎng)。 其它的絲織線則粘密且纏繞著,沒有明顯的圖案。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Spiders are everywhere! 隨處可見的蜘蛛! This long-legged spider lives in the fields and catches insects. 長腿蜘蛛生活在田野中,捕食昆蟲。 The diving spider carries an air bubble so it can breathe underwater. 水蜘蛛能吐氣泡,所以能在水下呼吸。 Jumping spiders can see better than most other spiders. 跳蛛比起其它大多數(shù)蜘蛛,擁有更好的視力。 ●26 The trapdoor spider digs a hole in the ground to live in. 活板門蜘蛛在地上挖洞,住到里面。 Crab spiders hide in flowers until their prey comes along. 蟹蛛躲在花叢中,直到它們的獵物出現(xiàn)。 Tarantulas grow to a giant size. Some hunt for birds and even small animals! 塔蘭托毒蛛(毛蜘蛛)能長成巨型尺寸。有些捕鳥為食,甚至捕食小型動物! ●27 Spider Facts 蜘蛛二三事 Watch out! It isn’t only birds, frogs and lizards that eat spiders. Some wasps attack spiders with their sting. Spiders also eat other spiders! 當(dāng)心了! 不僅僅是鳥類,青蛙,蜥蜴吃蜘蛛。 有一些黃蜂用它們的蟄針來攻擊蜘蛛。 有一些蜘蛛吃另一些蜘蛛! Spider wasp catches spider 蛛蜂捉住了蜘蛛 Winter wait Most spiders that make webs die when winter comes. Others will stay in the bark of a tree or under fallen leaves and wait for spring. Jumping spiders lay eggs before they die, and the babies hatch when the weather warms up. 冬季的等待 冬季來臨時,大多數(shù)蜘蛛在織網(wǎng)時就死掉了。 其它一些蜘蛛待在樹皮里,或是卷入葉子中,等待春天的到來。 跳蛛產(chǎn)卵后就死去,等到天氣暖起來,蜘蛛寶寶就孵化出來了。 ●28 Animal | Spider 動物 | 蜘蛛 Let’s look at a spider’s body parts. 讓我們一起來看看蜘蛛的各個部位吧。 Feeler The spider has a pair of feelers for finding and gathering food. 觸角 蜘蛛有一對觸角,用來尋覓和收集食物。 Simple eye The eyes are in rows, with more on top. 單眼蜘蛛的眼睛成排排列,大部分排在頭頂上。 Spinnaret The silk producing parts are called spinnarets. 紡器 產(chǎn)絲的部位稱為紡器或噴絲頭。 Abdomen Their bellies, heads, and chests are stuck to one another. 腹部 它們的腹部,頭部,胸部緊密相連。 Hairy leg The legs are attached to the front part of the body, near the head. 毛腿 腿連在身體上方前部,靠近頭部的位置。
【賓果28熊】 All about bears (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 28 有關(guān)熊的一切 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Little bear is upside-down! Bears will eat all sorts of things. They eat meat and fish and plants and fruit. If you ask Goldilocks, she will tell you that they eat porridge, too. I’m not so sure about that. They do like to lick the honey off the top, though! 顛倒的小熊 熊會吃各種各樣的東西。 他們吃肉類,魚類,植物和水果。 如果你問金鳳花姑娘(Goldilocks), 她會告訴你它們也喝粥。 我可沒那么確定。 它們只是喜歡舔[tiǎn]光(蓋子)上面的蜂蜜呢! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about bears? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解熊嗎? Animal | Bear 動物 | 熊 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Jeon Hyun-jeon 標(biāo)題:有關(guān)熊的一切 All about bears 正文 ●01 This big bear has sniffed an interesting smell. He will definitely follow his nose to find out more. Bears have a better sense of smell than any other animal around them. 這只大熊嗅到了(令他)感興趣的氣味。 他一定會循著嗅覺探個究竟。 熊的嗅覺比它周邊任何一種動物的,都好。 ●03 The bear jumps to his feet to investigate. He might have to run a long way. His nose can pick up smells that are miles and miles away. 熊躍然起身前往搜尋。 他也許會跑上很長的一段路。 他的鼻子能嗅到數(shù)英里以外的氣味。 ●05 Aha! He will have to climb this tree to join his friend eating tasty berries. That’s not a problem. Bears are VERY good climbers. ??! 他會要爬上這棵樹,加入他的朋友們一起,享用美味的漿果。 不成問題。 熊是非常棒的攀爬者。 ●07 The bear uses his long claws and his strong legs to pull himself up the trunk. Up, up, up he goes! 熊用它的長爪和壯腿推動著自己邁向樹干。 上啊,上啊,他不斷向上爬! ●09 Today is a very hot day. The bear needs to cool down in the water. That’s okay. He is a good swimmer, too! 今天可是非常熱的一天。 熊需要到水中涼快涼快。 那挺好。 他也是一位游泳能手! ●11 While he is in the water, he scoops out a fish with his paw. Bears are very good at catching fish! 他進(jìn)到水中, 用他的爪子舀[ yǎo]出一條魚來。 熊很擅長捉魚! ●12 Tip Bears can use their forepaws to climb trees or catch fish. 提示 熊用它們的前爪來爬樹或捉魚。 ●13 The bear is getting ready for a big sleep called hibernation. When winter comes, he will stay in his den until the weather gets better. 熊打算睡一大覺了,這稱為冬眠。 冬天來臨時,他將會待在他的窩里,直到天氣變得更好。 ●14 Tip The bear doesn’t need to eat or drink or use the toilet. He just sleeps all winter long. 提示 (冬眠時)熊不吃不喝也不上廁所。 他只需睡過整個冬天。 When spring arrives, he is hungry and ready to look for food. Spring is when baby bear cubs come out of their den for the first time. 春天來了, 他餓了,也打算覓食了。 春天是幼熊崽崽們第一次走出窩的時間。 ●15 Much farther north, a polar bear looks after her cubs. Polar bears are white, as camouflage against the snow. 北邊更遠(yuǎn)一些,北極熊照看著她的崽崽們。 北極熊是白色的,與雪融為一體,形成偽裝。 ●16 This mother bear has twin cubs to look after. They are still small, but they need to search for food before they starve. 這一只熊母親有一對雙胞胎崽崽需要照顧。 它們還很小,但它們需要在餓了時尋覓食物。 ●17 Polar bears also sniff out their food. This one has smelt a tasty seal below the ice. There it is! 北極熊同樣也通過嗅覺探尋食物。 這一只聞出來冰下面有一只美味的海豹。 就在那! ●19 This is the mother bear’s first meal for months. 這是數(shù)月以來,熊母親的第一餐。 ●20 She shows her cubs how to catch and eat the seal. They will need to be able to survive on their own sometime. 她告訴她的崽崽們怎樣捉住并且食用海豹。 崽崽們在只有自己的時候,需要掌握生存技能。 ●21 The polar bear is a very good swimmer. She takes her cubs into the water so they can practise. 北極熊是非常棒的泳者。 她帶著崽崽們進(jìn)入水里,讓它們進(jìn)行練習(xí)。 ●22 They can only travel short distances at first. The water is very cold, and they are very small. 它們一開始只能游一小段距離。 水好冷啊,它們還很小。 ●24 A polar bear often gives birth to twins. They play with each other, jumping and rolling in the snow. 北極熊經(jīng)常分娩出雙胞胎。 它們能相互玩耍,在雪地里滾滾跳跳。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! All sorts of bears 各種各樣的熊 Some brown bears are huge. They live in Alaska and are called Kodiak bears. 有一些棕熊很大。 它們生活在美國阿拉斯加州,稱為科迪亞克熊。 Kodiak bears grow bigger than any other bear except for polar bears. 除了北極熊,科迪亞克熊比所有的熊長得都要大。 ●26 Black bears are better at climbing trees than brown bears. 黑熊相較棕熊,更擅長爬樹。 Some brown bears are called grizzly bears. They live in Canada and the USA. 一些棕熊被稱為銀尖熊(灰熊)。 它們生活在加拿大和美國。 Polar bears live in the Arctic, on land and on ice. 北極熊生活在北極的陸地或冰面上。 ●27 Bear Facts 熊的二三事 Stand and sniff Bears walk on four legs, but they can stand on their back legs. This makes them look bigger and more frightening, but it also helps them to pick up scents from far away. 站立與嗅查 熊用四肢行走,但它們也能用后腿站立。 這讓它們看起來顯得更大,也更嚇人, 但也能幫助它們嗅到很遠(yuǎn)地方的氣味。 Swimming bears Polar bears are the best swimmers of all bears. Their front paws are big and act like paddles. These giant feet are also useful for stopping the bear from sinking into the snow. 游泳的熊 北極熊是所有熊中的最佳泳者。 它們的前掌很大,看起來像船槳一樣。 這些巨足也在防范它們陷入雪中時,起很大幫助。 Teddy Bear These toys get their name from the US President of 1901–1909, Theodore Roosevelt. A toy company used his nickname, Teddy, for the stuffed bears that they made. Early teddies looked more realistic, with pointed snouts. Modern teddy bears have bigger, rounded eyes and faces. 泰迪熊 這些玩具的名字來源于美國總統(tǒng),西奧多·羅斯福(1901-1909)。 一家玩具公司使用了他的昵稱泰迪,命名他們制作的毛絨熊。 早期的泰迪熊看上去更加逼真:尖尖的鼻子。 現(xiàn)代的泰迪熊擁有著更大更圓的眼睛與臉龐。 ●28 Animal | Bear 動物 | 熊 Winter weather Winter is a tough time. There is a lot less food to eat, and big animals like bears need a lot of food. They eat as much as they can through the summer, to put on weight. Then they hide away while winter passes. A polar bear digs a hole in the snow, while other bears make a den underground. 冬季 冬季是難熬的日子。更少的吃食,而像熊一樣的大型動物卻需要大量的食物。 它們在整個夏天盡可能多吃,增重。冬季當(dāng)兒,它們就能躲過去了。 北極熊會挖洞過冬,而其它熊會在地底筑洞穴過冬。 Bears around the world 世界各地的熊 Asian black bear Asian black bears are called moon bears because of the shape on their chest. 亞洲黑熊 亞洲黑熊被稱為月亮熊是因?yàn)樗鼈冃厍暗男螤睢?Brown bear Brown bears have very high, humped shoulders. 棕熊 棕熊有著高聳的,駝背著的肩膀。 Spectacled bear The spectacled bear lives in South America. 眼鏡熊 眼鏡熊生活在南美。 Sun bear Asian sun bears have very short black fur. 太陽熊 亞洲太陽熊有著非常短而黑的皮毛。
【賓果29猴子】 Monkeys in the trees (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 29 樹上的猴子們 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 What a noise! EEK! EEK! EEK! The monkeys are swinging through the trees and shouting. They leap from branch to branch and land cleverly without slipping. Then...EEK! One monkey falls out of the tree. ‘Ouch! My bottom!’ he shrieks, as he lands with a bump. But why are they shouting? 好吵?。?唷[yō]!?。∴?! 猴子們穿梭于樹木間蕩悠,叫嚷。 它們從一顆樹干跳到另一顆樹干, 穩(wěn)穩(wěn)當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)厍擅盥淠_。 接著...唷! 一只猴子從樹上往下墜。 “哎呦!我的屁股哪!”他尖叫著, 然后他撲通落地。 但是啊,它們狂叫些什么呢? ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about monkeys? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解猴子嗎? Animal | Mo nkey 動物 | 猴子 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Kim Isol 標(biāo)題:樹上的猴子 Monkeys in the trees 正文 ●02 The monkeys are chattering in the branches. ‘Shh!’ whispers the mother monkey. She is singing a lullaby to get her baby to sleep. 猴子們在樹干上喋喋不休。 “噓!”猴媽低語道。 她在給她的小寶貝唱著搖籃曲助它入睡呢。 ●03 This little monkey feels proud. It has learned how to swing on the vines and move from tree to tree. 小猴兒感到好驕傲。 它學(xué)會了如何在藤蔓間懸擺,也學(xué)會了如何從一棵樹上挪到另一棵樹上。 ●05 The leader of the pack is protecting the group. Their enemy won’t even get close to the young monkeys. 群主正在保護(hù)整個群組。 它們的敵人連幼小的猴子,壓根也別想靠近。 ●06 TIP A group usually has a female leader as well as a male who is the most important. 提示 在一個群組中,通常最重要的雌性和雄性都可以當(dāng)頭。 ●08 Monkeys care for each other. They sit together and groom one another, picking out dirt and lice from their fur. 猴子們相互關(guān)照。 它們坐在一起,一個給另一個做清潔,從皮毛中挑出虱子和臟東西。 ●10 This monkey’s cheeks are bulging with food! It hides behind a rock to enjoy the feast. 這只猴子的面頰上脹滿了食物! 它躲在巖石后面打算享受盛宴。 ●12 When it is sure that it can’t be seen, the monkey pulls the food from its cheek pouches. They hide in this way so that the others in the group can’t steal their food. 當(dāng)它確認(rèn)別的猴子看不到它時,它把食物從面頰袋中掏出來。 它們通常用這種方式藏東西,群組中的其它猴就偷不了它們的食物了。 ●13 Eek! Eek! Eek! These two monkeys are fighting. 唷!唷!??! 這兩只猴子在干架。 ●14 Tip Before monkeys begin to fight, they stare at each other angrily. Then they will snap, and attack. They roll around as they fight. 提示 猴子們在干架之前,它們會互相生氣地盯著對方。 然后它們就相互摑打,相互攻擊。干架時它們會滾成一團(tuán)。 ●15 EEEEK! The leader of the pack shouts at them to stop fighting. 喂喂喂! 群主朝它們叫去,讓它們停架。 ●18 This monkey’s bottom is bright red. Is it because it has fallen, or eaten too many red apples? 這只猴子的屁股紅通通的。 是因?yàn)樗粝聛砹?,還是吃太多紅蘋果了呢? ●19 No, it is because it is time to find a mate. The monkey’s red bottom shows that it is looking for a partner to have babies. 不是呢,是因?yàn)樗菚r候找伴了。 猴子的紅屁股表示它正在找伴,而且想要生寶寶了。 ●22 When the babies are born, they are tiny and cling onto their mother’s tummy. Soon the baby monkeys grow and are carried on their mother’s back. 寶寶出生時,它們小小的,依偎在它們母親的肚皮上。 不久,猴寶寶長了一些,它們背在母親的背上。 TIP After a year, the young monkeys join together to play in groups. 提示 一年后,幼年猴子們加入群組,一起玩耍。 ●23 Some male monkeys make very good fathers. They do their share of looking after the baby. Both parents groom, feed, and protect their precious little one. 有一些雄性猴子能成為非常棒的父親。 他們和雌性共同分擔(dān),一起照看寶寶。 父母雙方都會打理,喂養(yǎng),保護(hù)它們的小寶貝。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Monkey mothers 猴兒母親們 Monkeys keep their babies close to them for a long time. 在很長一段時間里,猴子都會貼身照顧它們的寶寶們。 They show that they care by grooming. (給寶寶做)清潔是它們表達(dá)關(guān)懷的方式。 This baby is learning how to survive on its own. 這個寶寶正在學(xué)習(xí)如何自力更生。 ●26 Gorillas are apes. They are close relatives to monkeys. A mother gorilla always knows where her baby is. 大猩猩(gorilla)屬于猿(ape)。 它們是猴子的近親。 大猩猩母親總是知道她的孩子在哪兒。 This baby macaque cuddles close to keep warm in the snow. 這一只獼猴(macaque)寶寶緊緊依偎(在媽媽懷里),以在下雪時保持溫暖。 Orangutans are also apes. Their babies stay with them for seven years. 猩猩(orangutan)也屬于猿(ape)。 它們的寶寶會與它們一起待 7 年。 ●27 Monkey Facts 猴子二三事 Around the world Monkeys that live in Asia and Africa are known as Old World monkeys. Their tails are short but their bodies are usually large. New World monkeys live in Central and South America. They are generally smaller but most have long tails that help them hold onto the branches. 遍布世界各地 生活在亞洲和非洲的猴子,著稱為舊世界的猴子。 它們的尾巴短短的,身體通常卻很大。 新世界的猴子生活在中美和南美。 總體而言,它們更小一些,但它們大部分都有長長的尾巴,幫助它們擒住樹干。 Males and females How do you tell the difference between males and females? With many monkeys, the males are larger and have bigger canine teeth. Often the female has differently coloured fur. If their bottom turns red, it is usually a brighter red for the females. 雄性與雌性 你通過什么方式來區(qū)分雌性呢? 對于許多猴子而言,雄猴身形更大一些,也有著更大的犬齒。 而雌猴通常有著不同顏色的皮毛。 如果它們的屁股變紅,更為紅彤彤一些的,是雌猴。 ●28 Animal | Monkey 動物 | 猴子 Monkeys or apes? Another question: how do you tell the difference between a monkey and an ape? Apes such as gorillas, chimps and orangutans have no tail. Their arms are usually longer than their legs, too. 猴子還是猿? 另一個提問:你如何區(qū)分猴子與猿? 猿,如大猩猩,黑猩猩,猩猩,都沒有尾巴。同時,它們的手臂通常比它們的腿更長。 Chimpanzee Chimpanzees are more intelligent than monkeys. They use twigs and stones as tools. 黑猩猩 黑猩猩比猴子更聰明。它們能拿樹枝和石頭當(dāng)工具用。 Orangutan Orangutans live in the forest and have distinctive reddish-brown fur. 猩猩 猩猩生活在森林里,有著獨(dú)特的紅棕色皮毛。 Gorilla Gorillas are the biggest apes. They spend most of their time on the ground. 大猩猩 大猩猩是最大的猿。它們大部分時間都在地上(活動)。 Japanese macaque Japanese macaques are called snow monkeys because they live in cold climates. They sit in hot springs to warm up. 日本獼猴 日本獼猴被稱為雪猴,因?yàn)樗鼈兩钤诤錃夂驇А?它們坐在溫泉旁取暖。 Baboon Baboons are bigger than most other monkeys. 狒狒 狒狒比大多數(shù)其它猴類都要大。
【賓果30獅子】 The life of a lion (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 30 獅子的生活 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Like a lion If you’re naughty, you might make Dad roar like a lion. RARRRRR! If you fight with your brother, you might make Dad roar like a lion. RARRRRR! But daddy lions love their babies and want to protect them, just like your Dad looks after you. He’s a lion king! 像獅子一樣 如果你很淘氣,你可能會惹得爸爸像獅子一樣咆哮。 吼吼~ 如果你和兄弟打架,你可能會惹得爸爸像獅子一樣咆哮。 吼吼~ 那只是獅子爸比愛它的寶貝們,也想保護(hù)好它們,就像你的爸爸對你的照顧一樣。 他是一只獅子王! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about lions? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解獅子嗎? Animal | Lion 動物 | 獅子 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Jeon San-gu 標(biāo)題:獅子的生活 The life of a lion 正文 ●01 The grasslands of Africa are home to huge numbers of animals. 非洲大草原是不計其數(shù)的動物們的家園。 ●02 Long-necked giraffes graze on the leaves, and herds of antelopes and zebras gather to eat and drink. 頸長長的長頸鹿凝視著葉子, 數(shù)群羚羊和斑馬聚在一起吃吃喝喝。 ●04 There is a slight rustle in the long grass. Who is hiding there? It is the master hunter: the lion. 長長的草叢中發(fā)出輕微的颯颯[sà]聲。 誰躲在那兒呢? 是狩獵大師:獅子。 TIP Most animals run or hide when a lion passes by. Some, like the mighty elephants, hippos and rhinos, are not so scared. 提示 獅子經(jīng)過時,大多數(shù)動物都會藏匿[nì]或狂奔。 有一些,卻沒有這么恐懼,如:巨大的大象、河馬、犀牛。 ●06 A lioness does more hunting than a lion. She is in charge of feeding the others. A bite on the neck from her powerful jaws is enough to catch a large zebra. 母獅子比公獅子更常獵食。 她掌管著養(yǎng)食其它獅子(的責(zé)任)。 脖子被她有力的頜咬上一口,足夠讓一只大斑馬被她捉住。 ●07 The lion is easy to recognize with his big, furry mane. 公獅子大大的、毛茸茸的鬃[zōng]毛很易辨認(rèn)。 ●08 He stalks towards the catch to claim his prize. 他擒住追蹤已久的獵物,宣示著他的戰(zhàn)利品。 ●09 The male lion is the leader of the group. A group of lions is called a pride. When the chief male has eaten, he shelters in the shade while the others eat. 雄性獅子是群組的領(lǐng)袖。 一組獅子稱為 pride:獅群。 雄性首領(lǐng)吃完后,他就在蔭蔽處歇息,其它獅子便可以進(jìn)食了。 ●11 The male wants to find a lioness who will breed with him. He will even fight other lions to keep them away. 雄獅想要找一位(母)雌獅,同他一起繁衍后代。 他甚至?xí)c其它獅子搏斗,讓它們滾遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)。 ●13 The lioness gives birth to her cubs after about 15 weeks. 大約 15 周過后,母獅子分娩生崽了。 ●14 The lion cubs play together. They chase their father’s tail and climb on their mother’s back. 獅子崽崽們一起嬉戲玩耍。 它們追著父親的尾巴跑,爬上母親的背脊。 ●15 If the cubs are too naughty or annoying, the lioness tells them off. They run to find their daddy. 如果崽崽們太調(diào)皮或是吵鬧,母獅子就會要求它們走開。 然后它們就跑去找它們的爸比。 ●16 Their daddy plays with them and protects them. The cubs begin to learn how to hunt and fight. 它們的爸比陪它們玩耍,并且保護(hù)它們。 獅子崽崽們開始學(xué)習(xí)怎樣捕獵,怎樣搏斗。 ●18 As the cubs grow bigger, the lionesses teach them how to catch their prey. 崽崽們長得更大一些的時候,母獅子教授它們?nèi)绾尾妒倡C物。 Tip Young cubs are not usually successful in a hunt. They are only practising. 提示 幼小的獅子崽崽通常不能成功捕獲獵物。 它們只是在做練習(xí)。 ●20 Most prey is just too big for lion cubs. These tiny cubs are playing on the antelope that their mother caught. They are looking forward to a feast. 大多數(shù)獵物對獅子崽崽們來說太大了。 這些小崽崽們在它們母親捉住的羚羊上玩耍。 它們正在展望一場盛宴。 ●21 Lions have to compete for food with hyenas. They often arrive to eat the remains of a meal. 獅子需與鬣[liè]狗競爭奪食。 它們(獅子)通常在(鬣狗走后)到達(dá),吃食它們留下的殘羹[gēng]冷炙[zhì]。 ●22 The lioness is fierce and brave, but she takes her tiny cubs away to keep them safe from the hyenas. 母獅子雖很勇猛,但她會把小幼崽們帶到遠(yuǎn)離鬣狗,安全的地方。 ●23 In a few years, the cub has grown into a mighty lion king with a majestic mane. You can hear him roar into the sunset. 數(shù)年過后,幼崽長成年了,成為了有著英偉鬃毛的獅子王。 你能聽到他在黃昏下的咆哮聲。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Lions are brave, but some animals still make them nervous. 獅子們很勇敢,但是有些動物仍使得它們惴惴[zhuì]不安! An elephant is big enough to hurt a lion. (一頭)大象夠大,足以傷到一只獅子。 African buffalo are strong enough to kill a lion. (一頭)非洲水牛很強(qiáng)壯,足夠殺死一只獅子。 A lion will only attack an elephant or buffalo that is small or weak. The lion must be careful not to get injured by the tusks or horns. Lions also have to keep a lookout for packs of hyenas. They will attack a lion that is on its own. 一只獅子僅僅只在大象或水牛很幼小或很虛弱時,攻擊它們。 獅子要很小心,以防被(大象的)獠牙或(水牛的)觸角傷到。 獅子們同樣也要留心一大群鬣狗,它們會在獅子單獨(dú)活動時攻擊它。 ●26 When the hunter becomes the hunted… 當(dāng)獵食者變成被獵食者... 1 The hyenas spot the lioness with her prey. 鬣狗盯著母獅子與她的獵物。 2 She tries to stop the hyenas from stealing her food. 她試圖阻止鬣狗們偷襲她的食物。 3 She can’t do it alone. The hyenas are too strong. 她無法單獨(dú)防衛(wèi)。鬣狗們太強(qiáng)大了。 4 The lioness has to give in this time. 此番,母獅只得棄走。 ●27 Lion facts 獅子二三事 Keep it in the family A pride of lions is usually 1 or 2 males and 5 to 7 lionesses with their cubs. Lions are the only cats who live in such big groups. 一大家子在一起 獅群通常是 1 至 2 位雄性,5 至 7 位雌性(母獅),連同獅崽。 獅子是唯一組成如此一大群組共同生活的貓科(動物)。 A mighty mane Lions are the only member of the cat family to have a mane. It makes the males look bigger and scarier, and can protect their neck in a fight. 英偉的鬃毛 獅子是貓科家族中唯一有著鬃毛的成員。 鬃毛使得雄獅看起來更龐大更威武,能在搏斗中保護(hù)它們的頸部。 ●28 Animal | Lion 動物 | 獅子 Lone hunters Some male lions break away from the pride and live alone. They hunt by themselves, but might join others if they need help. 孤獨(dú)的獵食者 有些雄獅子從獅群中脫離開并獨(dú)居。 他們自己獵食為生,但當(dāng)它們需要幫助時,也會加入其它獅子當(dāng)中。 Hunting skills Lionesses hunt together. They break into two groups. One group chases the prey while the other group hides in the grass, waiting to pounce. 獵食技能 母獅(雌獅子)一起獵食。 它們分成兩組。第一組追蹤獵物,另一組躲在草叢中,等待撲擊。 ———————————————————————————— Jungle Emperor Leo Lions are popular characters for films. Disney’s The Lion King is based on the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Kimba the White Lion (shown here) is a manga series created in the 1950s. Aslan is a wise king in CS Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, while Alex the Lion is the star of the show in the Madagascar movies. 森林大帝里奧 獅子對于電影制作而言是熱門角色。 迪士尼的《獅子王》以威廉·莎士比亞的戲劇《哈姆雷特》作為基礎(chǔ)。 白獅京巴(見右下角圖)是 20 世紀(jì) 50 年代創(chuàng)作的漫畫系列。 阿斯蘭 Aslan 是 CS 劉易斯《獅子·女巫·魔衣櫥》一書中的睿智之王, 而獅子亞歷克斯 Alex 則是馬達(dá)加斯加電影中的明星。 津嘉山正種 Masane Tsukayama
【賓果31蜻蜓】 Dragonfly, the super stunt pilot (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 31 Dragonfly, the super stunt pilot 超級特技飛行員-蜻蜓 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Big-eyed dragonfly 大眼蜻蜓 The sky is a battleground for the magnificent dragonfly. It hovers and dives and darts and pounces. Look out, little creatures! The skies are a dangerous place! 天空對于絢麗的蜻蜓而言是它們的戰(zhàn)場。 它時而盤旋,時而俯沖,時而騰飛,時而撲閃。 當(dāng)心呀,小生物們! 天空這地兒真危險哪! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about dragonflies? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解蜻蜓嗎? Insect | Dragonfly 昆蟲 | 蜻蜓 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎·里根 插畫師:Gou Wun-jeong 高云靜 標(biāo)題:超級特技飛行員-蜻蜓 正文 ●02 Dragonflies have been around for millions of years. They lived in prehistoric times, with the dinosaurs. 數(shù)百萬年前就有蜻蜓了, 它們生活在史前時代,與恐龍同期。 TIP Prehistoric dragonflies were much, much bigger. They had wings the size of a barn owl’s wings! Now they are a lot smaller. 提示 史前蜻蜓更加,更加大。 它們翅膀的尺寸和鴟[chī]一樣大! 現(xiàn)在,它們可小得多了。 ●03 The dragonfly is the most skilled at flying of all the insects. 在昆蟲王國中,蜻蜓的飛行技巧是最出色的。 ●05 Dragonflies have great eyesight, too. 蜻蜓的視力非常好。 ●06 They can easily spot prey from far away. 它可以輕松地發(fā)現(xiàn)遠(yuǎn)處飛行的獵物哦。 ●08 A dragonfly zooms towards its prey like a jet plane. Gotcha! It enjoys a tasty snack. 蜻蜓就像一輛噴氣式飛機(jī)一樣,疾馳到獵物面前。 可逮著了!它享受著一餐美味小食。 ●10 A male dragonfly and a female dragonfly form a beautiful heart when they mate. 雄性蜻蜓遇到了心儀的雌性蜻蜓, 它們抱在一起飛行,在空中畫出了甜蜜的心形。 ●11 Then the female lays her eggs. 隨后,雌性產(chǎn)卵了。 ●12 Some dragonflies drop their eggs in the water, while some lay their eggs on the reeds and plants. 有一些蜻蜓把它們的卵墜入水中,而有一些蜻蜓把它們的卵產(chǎn)在蘆葦桿或植物上。 ●13 A young dragonfly is called a larva. 年幼的蜻蜓稱為幼蟲。 ●14 Larvae eat everything they can find: insects, grubs, tadpoles and even small fish. They soon grow big and strong. 幼蟲的胃口很好,為了快快長大,它們從早吃到晚。 昆蟲,蛆[qū],蝌蚪,甚至于小魚仔,都是它們的食物。 ●15 When it is ready, the larva leaves the water. It crawls up a leaf and sheds its skin. 長大了的幼蟲離開水中,悄悄地爬上了草莖,開始蛻皮。 ●18 Larvae shed their skin several times as they grow. After shedding their last skin, they appear as a fully grown dragonfly. 幼蟲在成長中會經(jīng)歷多次蛻皮。 蛻完最后一次皮后, 它們蛻變成真正的蜻蜓啦。 ●20 Dragonflies are expert hunters. They can catch their prey in midair. They eat butterflies, moths, beetles, bees, flies and even smaller dragonflies. They especially like mosquitoes and midges. 蜻蜓是捕獵高手, 它們捕食蝴蝶,蛾子,甲蟲,蜜蜂,蒼蠅,甚而更小一些的蜻蜓。 它們最喜歡吃蚊子和蠓[měng]子。 ●21 Although a dragonfly is a brilliant pilot, it needs to beware of some other creatures. 即使蜻蜓是很機(jī)敏的飛行員,它們?nèi)孕杈杵渌囊恍┥铩?蜘蛛 Spider 螳螂 Praying mantis 燕子 Swallow 青蛙 Frog ●22 Out of all these predators, dragonflies are most afraid of swallows. 除了這些掠食者,蜻蜓最怕的是燕子。 ●23 Wow! There are so many types of dragonfly! 哇!蜻蜓的種類可真多呀! 褐帶赤蜻 Banded Darter 黑麗翅蜻 Dusky Flutterer ●24 碧偉蜓 Lesser Emperor 裂眼蝶角蛉 Split-eyed Owlfly 中文版:猩紅蜻蜓 閃綠寬腹蜻 Wide-bellied Skimmer 白尾灰蜻 White-tailed Skimmer 紅蜻 Scarlet Skimmer 中文版:閃藍(lán)麗大蜻 闊翅豆娘 Beautiful Demoiselle 中文版:蜻蛉 閃藍(lán)麗大蜻 Regal Pond Cruiser 中文版:黃脊蝶角蛉 黃花蝶角蛉 Siberian Owlfly ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Shedding its skin 蛻下最后一層皮 ① The larva leaves the water to shed its final skin. ② The head, legs and chest break free first. ③ Then it slowly pulls out the rest of its body. ① 從水中出來的幼蟲正在進(jìn)行最后一次蛻皮。 ② 蜻蜓的頭部、胸部還有腿部從開裂的外殼中出來了。 ③ 蜻蜓用腿部抓住外殼,將腹部慢慢地抽出來。 ●26 ④ Its wings are the last parts to come loose. ⑤ The dragonfly has to stretch out its wet wings and wait for them to dry. ④ 蜻蜓掛在外殼上,展開翅膀。 ⑤ 等蜻蜓晾干潮濕的翅膀,它就能飛了。 ●27 Dragonfly Facts 蜻蜓二三事 Hunting tactics 捕食戰(zhàn)術(shù) Dragonflies hunt in different ways. Mostly they catch their prey in the air. Sometimes they wait and watch, and fly quickly upwards to grab an insect. They may also hover over plants and pick off an insect from the leaves. 蜻蜓捕食的方法很多。 大部分情況下,它們在空中捕捉獵物。 有時它們等待與關(guān)注,快速地朝昆蟲直飛去,攫[ jué]住。 它們也可能盤旋于植物中,把葉子中的昆蟲,逮住。 Magic eyes 神奇的復(fù)眼 A dragonfly has excellent eyesight. Its eyes are made of thousands of tiny lenses that allow them to see very well. 蜻蜓的視力非常好, 它的眼由數(shù)千細(xì)小的(眼睛中的)水晶體構(gòu)成,能讓它們看得非常清晰。 They can easily see things at a distance. 它們能輕易地從遠(yuǎn)處看清事物。 ●28 Insect | Dragonfly 昆蟲 | 蜻蜓 Enemies for life 生命中的敵人 A dragonfly larva will hunt for creatures in the water. They eat a lot of food. Tadpoles are an easy target for them. However, once the tadpoles have grown into frogs, they get their revenge. Frogs love to catch and eat dragonflies! 蜻蜓幼蟲從水中捕食。 它們吃很多食物。 蝌蚪很容易成為它們的(捕食)目標(biāo)。 不過,當(dāng)蝌蚪長成青蛙后,蜻蜓將被報復(fù)。 青蛙喜愛捕食蜻蜓! Prey detected... 幼蟲發(fā)現(xiàn)獵物…… Creep up close... 幼蟲向獵物的方向靠近…… Jaws open... 幼蟲張開下唇捕捉獵物…… Success! 幼蟲捕獵成功!
【賓果32蝴蝶】 Butterfly dancers (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 32 Butterfly dancers 蝴蝶舞者 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 蝴蝶花 The butterfly flower The field is a rainbow of colours. Some of them turn their faces to the sun, and sway in the breeze. Some of them rise gently into the air…but wait! Those aren’t flowers! They are butterflies, darting and swooping in the sky. The fields have come to life! 田野中彌漫著彩虹般的色彩。 它們當(dāng)中有的把頭轉(zhuǎn)向太陽,在微風(fēng)中搖曳。 它們當(dāng)中有的在空中挺立,搖曳生姿…… 但是啊,等等! 那些可不是花兒們! 它們是蝴蝶,在空中忽上忽下。 整片田野生機(jī)盎然! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about butterflies? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解蝴蝶嗎? Insect | Butterfly 昆蟲 | 蝴蝶 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Yang Min-suk 楊敏淑 標(biāo)題:Butterfly dancers 蝴蝶舞者 [中文版] 蝴蝶翩翩起舞 說明:dancers 是名詞,中文版直接翻譯成動詞:翩翩起舞;雖然中文版的表達(dá)更有意境,但名詞譯名詞,更精準(zhǔn) 正文 ●02 These butterflies are dancing in a field of flowers. 蝴蝶在花叢中翩翩起舞。 ●04 A butterfly lands on a flower to feed on the nectar. It has long mouthparts that suck up the nectar like juice through a straw. 落在花瓣上的蝴蝶, 輕輕地展開它那像吸管一樣的嘴, 伸進(jìn)花里,甜甜地吮吸花蜜。 ●05 ‘Help us, Butterfly dancers! Carry our pollen with you as you fly!’ “幫幫我們,蝴蝶舞者! 飛走的時候請幫我們把花粉帶走吧!” ●06 When a butterfly lands on a flower, it drops off pollen from the last flower it visited. Now the flowers can make seeds. 當(dāng)一只蝴蝶駐足到一朵(新)花上, 也會從上一朵探訪過的花中攜帶花粉,散落到它身上。 現(xiàn)在花朵們能產(chǎn)籽了。 ●08 The sky grows dark. The butterfly stops dancing and listens to the patter of raindrops on the leaves and the ground. 天漸漸暗下來。 蝴蝶停止舞蹈,聆聽葉子上,地面上滴落的噼啪雨滴聲。 ●10 The butterfly can fly in the rain, but not for long. If its wings get too wet, they are too heavy to use. 蝴蝶能在雨中飛一會兒,但飛不太久。 如果翅膀太濕,它們就會太重,而撲不動。 ●12 As the sun comes out, the butterflies pair up to mate. They are going to have babies! 太陽出來了,蝴蝶們成雙成對在一起繁衍后代。 它們快要有寶寶啦! ●14 The butterfly lays its eggs on the leaves of a plant. 蝴蝶把它的蛋卵產(chǎn)在植物的葉子上。 TIP Butterflies don’t look after their eggs. They simply lay them, and then leave them alone. 提示 蝴蝶不照看它們的蛋卵。 它們只是產(chǎn)下它們,隨后離它們而去。 ●15 The egg hatches, and out comes a caterpillar. It looks nothing like its parents! 蛋卵孵出來了,鉆出來的是一只毛毛蟲。 它和它的父母一點(diǎn)兒都不像! ●17 First, the caterpillar eats the egg shell. Then it begins to munch on leaves. It sheds its skin while it feeds. 首先,毛毛蟲吃蛋殼。 隨后,它開始咀嚼葉子。一邊吃一邊蛻皮。 ●18 As the caterpillar grows up, it will shed its skin more than once. 幼蟲要經(jīng)過多次的蛻皮成長。 Its body changes colour... and shape. (隨著幼蟲的成長),它們的身體的顏色和形狀也在變化。 ●19 The caterpillar will turn into a cocoon. 毛毛蟲在等待著蛻變成蛹。 It finds a special place on a branch... 它找到了樹干上的一處特別地方…… ●20 and covers its own body with silk... 它開始吐絲,將自己緊緊地包裹起來。 until it is completely wrapped in a cocoon. 直到完全裹入繭中。 ●21 Now we must wait... two weeks, maybe more. 現(xiàn)在我們得等待…… 兩周,或許更長。 ●22 The cocoon cracks open. 繭裂開了。 ●24 Out comes a beautiful butterfly, ready to dance! 出來的是一只漂亮的蝴蝶,預(yù)備起舞! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! There are so many types of butterfly! 有好多種蝴蝶哪! 紅環(huán)裙蝶 Red ring skirt [中文版] 黑脈蛺蝶 菜粉蝶 Small white [中文版] 白粉蝶 金鳳蝶 Papilio machaon 琉璃蛺[jiá]蝶 Blue admiral 大紫帝蝶 Great purple emperor [中文版] 大紫蛺蝶 赤蛺蝶 Painted lady [中文版] 小紅蛺蝶 紋黃蝶 Orange sulphur [中文版] 黃蝶 ●26 川貝斑葉蝶 Spotted fritillary [中文版] 斑網(wǎng)蛺蝶 山棕蝶 Mountain brown [中文版] 黑條傘蛺蝶 俄羅斯灰蝶 Russian grayling [中文版] 仁眼蝶 直紋蜘蛺蝶 Indian brushfoot 紅斑阿波羅蝶 Red-spotted apollo [中文版] 紅珠絹蝶 無尾毛發(fā)蝶 Tailless hairstreak [中文版] 斑精灰蝶 紅斑阿波羅蝶 Peacock pansy [中文版] 孔雀蛺蝶 蒲公英蝶 Chinese bushbrown [中文版] 稻眼蝶 ●27 Butterfly Facts 蝴蝶二三事 Making the change 創(chuàng)造變化 A butterfly’s life cycle takes it from egg to caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly. The changes are known as metamorphosis. 蝴蝶的生命周期從一顆蛋卵開始,變成毛毛蟲,變成繭子,直到蝴蝶。 這樣一種變化的過程稱為 metamorphosis:蛻變。 ① It hatches from the egg. ② It eats the egg. ③ It sheds its skin. ④ It covers its body in silk. ⑤ It is a cocoon now. ⑥ Inside, its body changes. ⑦ It becomes a beautiful butterfly. ① 從蛋卵中孵化出來 ② 吃蛋(殼) ③ 蛻皮 ④ 用絲覆蓋軀體 ⑤ 成繭 ⑥ (繭)內(nèi),軀體轉(zhuǎn)變 ⑦ 變成了一只美麗的蝴蝶 ●28 Insect | Butterfly 昆蟲 | 蝴蝶 蝴蝶的繁衍 Butterfly mating Butterflies are insects. They have six legs and wings. They lay eggs but don’t look after the babies. 蝴蝶是昆蟲。它們有六條腿和(一對)翅膀。 它們產(chǎn)卵,但卻不照看它們的寶寶。 Moths are similar to butterflies 蛾子與蝴蝶相似 Moths and butterflies are very similar. There are a few differences to help you spot which is which. 蛾子與蝴蝶非常相似。 有一些些不同之處,來幫助你識別它們誰是誰。 Butterflies are usually more brightly coloured. Their antennae are long with a bobble on the end. They come out in the daytime. 蝴蝶通常有著更為亮麗的色彩。 它們的觸角很長,尾端有圓泡。 它們?nèi)臻g出來。 Moths are mostly brown or grey. Their antennae are often feather shaped. Many moths come out only at night. 蛾子大多數(shù)為棕色或灰色。 它們的觸角通常呈羽毛狀。 許多的蛾子只在夜間出現(xiàn)。
【賓果33布谷鳥】 The lazy cuckoo (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 33 The lazy cuckoo 懶惰的布谷鳥 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 What a strange bird 好奇怪的鳥 Look at that lazy cuckoo, just lying around. It wastes its days doing nothing. But what about building a nest, hey? The cuckoo doesn’t care. It always planned to steal a nest anyway. It will play its tricks on the kingfisher and carry on living its lazy life. 游手好閑布谷鳥, 探頭探腦四處望, 巢還沒筑不慌張, 快要產(chǎn)蛋也不急。 早有預(yù)謀占鶯巢, 悄悄飛進(jìn)不吱聲, 產(chǎn)完撲棱就飛走, 別人替它養(yǎng)寶寶。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about cuckoos? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解布谷鳥嗎? Bird | Cuckoo 鳥類 | 布谷鳥 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Ang Sung-eun 張成恩 標(biāo)題:The lazy cuckoo 懶惰的布谷鳥 正文 ●01 Cuckoos are famous for not making nests. But they still use nests. When it is time to lay their eggs, they just use the nests of other birds. 布谷鳥不筑巢可是出了名的, 但他們?nèi)匀恍枰C巢。 每到要產(chǎn)蛋之時,便開始用起其它鳥的巢來。 ●03 Here comes the cuckoo. See the twinkle in its eye? ‘Here we are! I’ll lay my egg in that nest.’ It flies down to check it out. 布谷鳥來了。 看到它的眼前一亮了么? “我來了!可以在那個巢里產(chǎn)蛋了。” 它撲啦啦地飛了過去。 ●06 The cuckoo is sneaky. It throws out an egg to make a space. Then it lays its own egg inside. 布谷鳥先把別個的蛋扔到外面, 然后它悄悄地在巢里產(chǎn)下了自己的蛋。 ●07 The kingfisher comes back to its nest. It will take care of all these eggs until they hatch. The lazy cuckoo’s job is done. 翠鳥回到了自己的巢內(nèi)。 它會孵出所有的這些蛋。 懶惰的布谷鳥的工作完成了。 ●08 Redstarts make their nests near people. Cuckoos use their nests, too. 紅尾鴝[qú](redstart)把它們的巢筑在靠近人的地方。 布谷鳥也同樣用它們的巢。 Cuckoos invade the nests of kingfishers, redstarts, shrikes and parrotbills. 布谷鳥入侵翠鳥、紅尾鴝、伯勞鳥、雅雀的巢。 This parrotbill is going to care for the cuckoo egg without realising it. 這一只雅雀在渾然不知的情況下,即將照看布谷鳥的蛋。 ●10 Crack! The baby cuckoo hatches from its egg. When it is out of its shell, it pushes the other eggs out of the nest. 咔嚓! 布谷鳥寶寶破殼而出。 當(dāng)它從它的殼里面出來,它把其它的蛋推出巢外。 ●11 Now the baby cuckoo has the nest to itself. It opens its mouth and calls that it is hungry. The other mother feeds it as if it were her own chick. 布谷鳥寶寶獨(dú)自霸占著鳥巢。 它肚子餓了,咕咕大叫。 翠鳥媽媽把銜來的食物,當(dāng)成自己的寶寶喂給它。 ●14 As time goes on, the baby cuckoo grows much bigger than the kingfisher. 時光輾轉(zhuǎn),布谷鳥寶寶長得比翠鳥大得多多了。 ●16 When the kingfisher leaves the nest to find food, the baby cuckoo practises its flying in secret. 當(dāng)翠鳥離巢覓食,布谷鳥寶寶偷偷地練習(xí)飛行。 ●17 The time has come for the cuckoo to leave the nest. 布谷鳥離巢的時間到了。 ●20 Even after the cuckoo has left, the kingfisher still finds it and feeds it. Kingfishers are too caring! Can’t you see, silly kingfisher, that the cuckoo is much bigger than you now! 即使布谷鳥離開了,翠鳥仍然找到它并給它喂食。 翠鳥太呵護(hù)它了! 難道你看不到么,傻翠鳥,布谷鳥現(xiàn)在可比你大太多太多了! ●22 Now the cuckoo is big enough to catch food for itself. It eats insects and will even gobble up caterpillars that other birds avoid. 現(xiàn)在,布谷鳥長得足夠大來靠自己捕食了。 它吃昆蟲,甚至也把其它鳥不吃的毛毛蟲一口吞掉。 ●23 In autumn, the cuckoo spreads its wings and flies south. 在秋天,布谷鳥伸展著翅膀,往南飛。 ●24 When spring comes, the cuckoo returns. Now it needs another nest to steal. 來年春天,布谷鳥回來了。 它又會竄頭竄腦竊取其它鳥的鳥巢了吧? ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Cruel cuckoo babies 殘酷的布谷鳥寶寶 ① A baby cuckoo hatches first. ② It pushes the other eggs out of the nest. ③ It will keep pushing them out until the nest is empty. ① 一只布谷鳥寶寶首先孵出 ② 它把其它的蛋推出巢外 ③ 它不斷地往外推蛋,直到巢被清空 ●26 ④ A baby cuckoo wants to have the nest all to itself. ⑤ The kingfisher takes care of the cuckoo until it is grown up. ① 布谷鳥寶寶想要獨(dú)占窩巢 ② 翠鳥照顧布谷鳥,直到它長大成年 ●27 Cuckoo Facts 布谷鳥二三事 A cuckoo calling... The male cuckoo calls to let other males know to stay away. What does it say? ‘Cuck-oo! Cuck-oo!’ That’s how it gets its name. The female cuckoo makes a different noise. It sounds like bubbling, burbling water. 布谷鳥的叫喚 雄性布谷鳥叫囂著,示意其它雄性都離遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)。 他說些什么呢?“布-谷!布-谷!”這也是它名字的由來。 雌性布谷鳥發(fā)出來的聲音不同。她的聲音就像在冒泡,如潺潺[chán] 水流之聲。 Where do kingfishers go? Kingfishers fly away from their home to get away from bad weather. This is called migration. Kingfishers migrate in the spring. They are useful birds, as they eat pests that are found on farms. 翠鳥去哪啦? 翠鳥為了躲避惡劣的氣候,會離家飛走。 這種情形稱為遷徙。翠鳥在春天遷徙。 它們是益鳥,它們吃害蟲,在農(nóng)地能找到它們。 ●28 Bird | Cuckoo 鳥類 | 布谷鳥 In the nest Kingfishers build a bowl-shaped nest. This one contains a cuckoo egg. Can you tell which it is? (That’s right, it is the biggest one, with a slightly different pattern.) 巢中 翠鳥會筑一個碗形巢。 這一個(圖)包含一顆布谷鳥蛋。 你能分辨誰是誰么? (對了,最大的那一顆,圖案也是相當(dāng)?shù)牟煌?。?Keeping watch A cuckoo will watch a shrike coming and going from its nest. It needs to get the timing just right so the shrike thinks the cuckoo egg is its own. 盯梢 布谷鳥會盯梢[shāo]伯勞鳥從它自己的巢中進(jìn)進(jìn)出出。 它需要找準(zhǔn)時機(jī)來讓伯勞鳥誤把布谷鳥的蛋當(dāng)成它自己的。
【賓果34鴨子】搖搖擺擺的鴨子家族 Waddling ducks (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Ducks and boats The duck family is having a day out. They paddle across the lake and look at all the other birds. Our family is having a day out, too. We are in a duck boat, paddling across the lake! 鴨子與船 鴨子一家在這一天中出游。 它們在湖面劃水,觀望著其它的鳥類。 我們家在這一天也外出呢。 我們在一艘鴨子船上,劃著槳淌過湖面! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about ducks? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解鴨子嗎? Bird | Duck 鳥類 | 鴨子 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Shin Zong-a 申鐘兒 標(biāo)題:Waddling ducks 搖搖擺擺的鴨子家族 正文 ●01 The duck family are going for a walk on this fine and sunny day. 在這陽光燦爛的一天,鴨子一家出來散步了。 ●02 Daddy duck waddles in front. His ducklings and their mummy waddle behind him. 鴨爸爸在前面搖擺著。 他的小鴨崽們與它們的媽媽一起,在他的后面蹣跚著。 ●04 Then they jump in the water. It is their favourite place to be on a day like this. 隨后它們跳到水里。 這可是一天當(dāng)中像這樣,它們最喜歡的去處。 ●05 The ducks’ feathers stay dry, even in the water. They have a special oil on them that makes them waterproof. The oil comes from a preen gland by their tail. 鴨子的羽毛即使在水里,也是干的。 它們的身上有一種特別的油,能讓它們防水。 這種油從它們尾巴處的尾脂腺中分泌而來。 ●08 Out they come! With a quick wiggle and a shake of their feathers, they are dry. 它們來啦! 它們快速擺動身體,搖晃羽毛,干干爽爽。 ●10 Off they go again, waddling in a line to get to their next destination. 離開岸邊,它們搖搖擺擺地排成一排,前往它們的下一個目的地。 ●11 TIP Ducks use their wide beak to grab food, underwater and on the land. 提示 鴨子們用它們寬寬的喙[huì],在水下或陸地,攫[ jué]住食物。 ●12 Ducks are not fussy eaters. They eat anything! 鴨子不挑食,什么都愛吃。 ●13 It is time for another waddle. This time, they find their neighbour. She is waiting for her eggs to hatch. ‘How long to go?’ they ask. 是時候又來一場閑逛了。 這一次,它們發(fā)現(xiàn)了它們的鄰居。 她正等著她的蛋孵化出殼。 “還有多久呀?”它們問道。 ●15 No time at all! They hear a cracking noise, and the baby ducks begin to come out of their eggs. 就在這時, “咔嚓!” 鴨寶寶脫殼而出來到了世上。 ●17 The ducklings are tiny at first, but soon grow up. 鴨崽崽們一開始很小,但不久后就會長大。 ●18 After a few days, they can swim and find food on their own. 數(shù)日過后,它們就能游泳了,也能自己覓食。 ●19 ‘Quack!’ The young duck sees a group of wild mallards fly past. “嘎嘎!” 幼鴨看到一群野鴨結(jié)伴飛過空中。 ●20 This duck is too heavy to fly, as it is a farm duck. 作為農(nóng)場鴨,它太重了,飛不起來。 ●21 The ducks take a trip to the rice paddies. They swim around and eat all the pests. 鴨子們到稻田中旅行。 它們在四周劃水,吃害蟲。 ●24 ‘Quack! Quack! Quack!’ The ducks chatter as they make their way home. Waddle, waddle, waddle! These are happy ducks. “嘎嘎!嘎!” 鴨子在歸途中一路喋喋不休。 搖啊搖,擺啊擺,搖搖擺擺! 這些鴨子多么快樂哪。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Sticking together 成群結(jié)伴的出行 Ducklings stay close to their mother. Wild ducks gather in groups to look for food. 鴨崽崽們緊緊跟著它們的母親。 野鴨聚成一群,尋找食物。 ●26 They often huddle together in a group when they want to swim. Curious baby ducks even go exploring in groups! 鴨子入水時,也會成群結(jié)對。 好奇心滿滿的鴨寶寶們成群結(jié)對地出行。 ●27 Duck Facts 鴨子二三事 Ducks at home Ducks used to live in the wild, and were domesticated at least 4,000 years ago. That means that people trained them to live with humans. The humans could easily get meat, eggs, and feathers from these tame ducks. 家鴨 鴨子以前生活在野外,至少有 4000 年的時間,它們被馴化了。 那就是說,人們訓(xùn)練它們與人類共同生活。 人類能夠從這些被馴化的鴨子中,輕易獲取到肉,蛋,羽毛。 Mallard 野鴨 Ducks and drakes A male duck is called a drake. They are bigger than females, and their tails turn upwards. Listen to them talk. The males sound very different from the females. 鴨子&公鴨 雄性的鴨稱為公鴨。他們比雌性更大,他們的尾巴向上翹。 聽聽它們的對話。雄性與雌性的聲音極其不同。 Drake A drake may have a curled feather in his tail. 公鴨 公鴨尾巴上的羽毛也許是卷曲的。 Female duck A duck makes a proper‘quack’ sound. 母鴨 母鴨發(fā)出中正的“嘎嘎”之聲。 ●28 Bird | Duck 鳥類 | 鴨子 Geese and ducks Geese look a lot like ducks, and behave the same as well. Both creatures love the water, and do nearly everything in groups. Ducks and geese both follow a leader in their group. Ducks are usually smaller than geese, though. 鵝與鴨 鵝不僅長相像鴨子,性情也與鴨子相似。鵝也喜歡水和群居生活。 鵝們?nèi)后w活動時,也像鴨子一樣,頭鵝走在前面。鴨通常比鵝更小一些。 Webbed feet A duck may have a funny waddle on dry land, but in the water they are great swimmers. Their toes are joined together to give them webbed feet. This, and the shape of their body, helps them move easily through the water. 長有腳蹼 鴨子雖然在陸地上搖搖擺擺地走路, 但在水中游泳卻游得很好哦。 它們的腳趾連在一起,形成腳蹼[pǔ]。 它們身體的形狀與腳蹼一起,幫助它們在水中隨意移動。
【賓果35麻雀】 Sparrows love spring (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 35 Sparrows love spring 麻雀愛春天 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 When will the scarecrow sleep? The sparrows can’t eat until he falls asleep. They are too scared to go close while he is awake. The sparrows wait and wait, but he never goes to sleep, not even at night. The scarecrow is very good at his job. 稻草人什么時候睡覺呀? 麻雀吃不到東西,唯有等到他睡覺之時。 在他醒著的時候,它們太害怕靠近。 麻雀們等啊等,但他從不睡覺,哪怕黑夜。 稻草人對他的工作太盡責(zé)了。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about sparrows? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解麻雀嗎? Bird | Sparrow 鳥類 | 麻雀 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Jang Hyeon-jin 張璇鎮(zhèn) 標(biāo)題:Sparrows love spring 麻雀愛春天 正文 ●01 Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! The sparrows are saying good morning. They make happy sounds, and are one of our friendliest birds. 吱喳喳!吱喳喳!吱喳喳! 麻雀在說早上好呢。 它們發(fā)出快樂的聲音,是我們在鳥類中最好的朋友。 ●03 Spring has arrived and there is plenty of food. In fact, there is more food than these sparrows can eat! The spring feast is one of the reasons they are so happy. 春天來了,帶來大量的食物。 事實(shí)上,麻雀有多得吃不完的食物。 春日盛宴是它們?nèi)绱碎_心的其中一個原因。 ●04 TIP Sparrows also look for a mate during spring. Love is in the air! 提示 麻雀也在春天尋覓伴侶。 愛彌漫在空氣中! ●06 Chirp! Chirp! The male sparrow has left the group. He wants to find a mate to call his own. He sings her his special song. 吱喳喳!吱喳喳! 雄性麻雀離群了。 他想要找到屬于他自己的伴侶。 他唱著屬于她的特別歌兒。 ●08 The female hears his song, but she pretends not to listen. He sings and sings. If she likes what she hears, she will eventually turn around. Then he will know that his singing has worked and he has found a mate. 雌性聽到了他的歌, 但她假裝沒有聽到。 他唱了又唱。 如果她喜歡她聽到的, 她最終會掉轉(zhuǎn)頭。 其后,他就知道他的歌唱起效果了,他找著了伴。 ●09 The sparrows work together to build a nest. They like to live in cracks in a wall, or under the edge of the roof. 麻雀一起工作砌巢。 它們喜歡把巢砌在墻壁的裂縫處,或是屋檐下。 ●10 They decorate their new home with feathers, hay, and pieces of bark. 它們用羽毛、干草、或是樹枝,裝飾它們的新家。 ●11 Once the nest is finished, the female lays her eggs. Sparrows are helpful birds, so both the mummy and the daddy take turns to look after the eggs. 巢一砌好,雌性麻雀在鳥巢中產(chǎn)蛋了! 麻雀夫婦的感情可真好,它們會輪流孵蛋。 ●12 Not long now... 不久后…… ●13 The eggs have hatched! The baby sparrows have arrived. The parents fly back and forth with food for their babies. 麻雀寶寶們破殼誕生了, 父母來來回回往返,尋覓食物給它們的寶寶。 ●14 The babies look strange at first. They are pink and naked, with no feathers! 一開始,寶寶們看起來很奇怪。 它們周身裸露著,粉紅粉紅的,沒有羽毛! ●16 After twenty days, the baby sparrows can fly from their nest. They follow their mother to learn how to fly. She teaches them how to find tasty food. 二十天后,麻雀寶寶們飛出鳥巢,它們跟隨母親,學(xué)習(xí)飛行術(shù)。 她教它們怎樣找到可口的食物。 ●17 Chirr! Chirr! Summer has come and the cicadas are making their noise. The baby sparrows are bigger now. They sit with the grown-ups in a line, and do acrobatic flying tricks. They like to sing with their friends. 知了!知了! 夏天來了,蟬兒們轟鳴。 麻雀寶寶們現(xiàn)在長大好些了。 它們與成年麻雀一起蹲在一條線上, 做一些雜耍飛行的小把戲。 它們喜歡與朋友們一起唱歌。 ●19 Sometimes the sparrows enjoy a bath in a puddle. 有時,麻雀們在泥沼[zhǎo]里享受著沐浴。 ●20 When their feathers have dried, they roll around in the soft, warm dust. 等羽毛干了,它們在軟軟的,暖暖的塵土中打滾。 ●21 Autumn arrives, and with it comes a feast. There are enough seeds and grubs for everyone. 秋天來了,盛宴隨之而來。 充足的種子和幼蟲供每只麻雀吃食。 ●22 A sparrow eats as much as it can before the winter. It stores up its strength against the winter cold. 麻雀在冬天到來時盡可能的多吃。 它在儲備能量以抵御寒冬。 ●23 Now that winter is here, the sparrows have to work harder. Their food is hidden, the wind is cold, and they can get lonely, too. 現(xiàn)在冬天來了,麻雀們要更努力工作了。 藏好了它們的食物,冬天冷颼颼[sōu]的, 它們也感到好孤獨(dú)呢。 ●24 Keep going, little sparrows! Fight on until the spring, and it will be worth it. Remember how much you love it! 挺住啊,小麻雀們! 奮戰(zhàn)著直到春天,這是值得的。 可別忘了你有多愛春天呢! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Sparrows and the seasons Chirp! Friends spread the news that winter is nearly over. The weather is so warm in the summer that a nest is too hot. Sparrows sit high up on the wires. A lonely sparrow didn’t find a partner, so spends the summer on its own. 麻雀與季節(jié) 吱喳喳!朋友們傳來消息,冬天快要過完了。 夏天的氣候也太溫暖了,巢內(nèi)太熱了。麻雀們蹲坐在高高的電線桿上。 一只孤單的麻雀沒有找到伴兒,所以只能自個兒過夏天了。 ●26 Just before the harvest, the farmers begin to worry. Huge groups of sparrows arrive to eat at the rice paddies. If they are lucky, the sparrows will find a little bit of winter sunshine. 快要豐收了,農(nóng)民們開始擔(dān)憂起來。 一大幫子麻雀飛過來,搶食稻米。 幸運(yùn)的話,麻雀們會在冬天享受絲絲煦日。 ●27 Sparrow Facts 麻雀二三事 Easy to find Sparrows live in countries all around the world. They are the most commonly found bird on the planet. They are happy living near people, and can learn how to open automatic doors to find food inside! 容易找到 麻雀生活在世界各國。它們是地球上最為常見的鳥類。 它們樂意鄰人類而居,也能學(xué)會如何飛溜進(jìn)智能門內(nèi)覓食! Home sweet home Sparrows make nests near towns. Sometimes their nests are in houses, or in trees, or even in street lamps and road signs. 家,甜蜜的家 麻雀們在城鎮(zhèn)附近筑巢。有時候,它們的巢砌在房子里, 或是樹上,甚至于街燈或路標(biāo)上。 ●28 Bird | Sparrow 鳥類 | 麻雀 Hopping around A sparrow doesn’t walk, it hops with both feet off the ground. Most small birds move in this way. A sparrow’s stubby beak is designed for eating seeds. 跳來跳去 麻雀不走路的,它用雙腳蹦跳著觸地起飛。 大部分小型鳥類都用這種方式行動。 麻雀短而粗的喙匹適于吃種子。 People lovers Pigeons and doves are also very common birds that live near people. A dove is often drawn as a sign for peace. Pigeons can be trained to return to their home from a long way away, and have been used to carry messages for people. Very strangely, pigeons can make milk to feed their young. Only three birds do this: pigeons, flamingos and emperor penguins. 受人喜愛 灰鴿與白鴿同樣也是鄰人類而居的,是極為常見的鳥類。 白鴿通常被描繪成和平的象征。 灰鴿能訓(xùn)練成從很遠(yuǎn)的距離返回到家,用以給人類傳遞信息。 嘖嘖稱奇的是,灰鴿能產(chǎn)奶,養(yǎng)育幼小。只有三種鳥類是這樣:灰鴿,火烈鳥,帝王企鵝。 White dove 白鴿 Flamingo 火烈鳥
【賓果36樹】為樹喝彩三聲! Three cheers for trees! (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Such a cool guy This tree is a handsome chap. He changes his clothes with the seasons: green for spring and summer, and then yellow, red, orange and brown. He stays calm and still even when squirrels run up and down his jacket, and when birds build nests in his arms. He’s just an amazing guy! 這么酷的一個家伙 這棵樹是位帥小伙。 他隨著季節(jié)進(jìn)行換裝: 春夏是綠色, 隨后是黃色,紅色,橘色,棕色。 他保持著冷靜,即使: 松鼠在他的夾克上跑上跑下, 鳥兒在他的臂彎里筑巢。 他真是一個迷人的家伙! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about trees? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解樹嗎? Plant | Tree 植物 | 樹 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Eun Mi 恩美 標(biāo)題: Three cheers for trees! 為樹喝彩三聲! 正文 ●02 There are so many types of tree in the forest. 森林里各種各樣的樹可真多呀! ●03 A tree’s branches reach up towards the sky. Its roots spread underground, reaching deep into the soil for goodness so the tree can grow. 樹的枝干伸向空中。 它的根部蔓延到地下,扎入土壤的深處,吸取養(yǎng)分,得以生長。 ●05 A tree cannot walk, or jump, or run, or fly. It must stay still in its chosen spot. 樹,不能走,不能跳,也不能飛。 它只能靜靜地矗[chù]立在被選擇好的一隅[yú]。 ●06 A tree can only move its branches when the wind blows. But we know it is alive, even when it is still. 起風(fēng)時,只有樹枝在搖搖晃晃。 但我們知道它是活生生的,即使它是靜靜的。 ●08 The tree is very generous. He lets insects lay their eggs in his branches. His leaves are food for the larvae so they can eat and grow. 樹很慷慨。 它任由昆蟲在它的枝干上產(chǎn)卵。 它的葉子是幼蟲的食物,所以它們能食用并成長。 ●10 The tree lets the birds make their nests, and gives the animals a place to have their fun. On hot summer days, the tree provides shade to keep everyone cool. 樹任由鳥兒在它身上筑巢,給動物們提供玩耍的場所。 炎炎夏日,樹給人遮陰納涼。 ●12 In spring, beautiful flowers sprout among the pale green leaves. 春天,美麗的花兒在蒼白的綠葉的掩映之下,發(fā)出芽來。 ●13 In summer, the tree really comes alive. It has fruit on its branches, and luscious green leaves. It is in its prime. 夏天,樹真的復(fù)蘇了。 蒼翠欲滴的綠葉掛滿樹枝,枝干上結(jié)著果實(shí),這是它的鼎盛時期。 ●15 In autumn, the tree’s leaves turn from green to red. Before long, they fall to the ground. 秋天,樹葉由綠轉(zhuǎn)紅。 不久后,它們落入地面。 ●18 In winter, the tree shivers in the cold. Its branches are bare. 冬天,樹在寒冷中瑟瑟發(fā)抖。 它的枝干光禿禿的。 ●19 Sometimes the snow builds up and covers the branches. It forms a beautiful white blanket draped over the forest. 有時,雪會裝點(diǎn)樹并蓋滿它的枝干。 雪覆蓋著森林,給它鋪上美麗的白毯。 ●21 Trees are so generous. They provide us with fresh air, breathing out oxygen as their gift to us all. We benefit from their fruit, and they give us the materials to make paper, pencils and furniture. 樹是如此的慷慨。 它給我們帶來清新的空氣,它呼出氧氣作為禮物送給我們大家。 我們從它們的身上獲取果實(shí),它們給我們提供制作紙張、鉛筆、家具的材料。 ●24 We should all say a huge thank you to the trees. 我們都應(yīng)該對樹說一聲: 非常感謝你! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! A closer look at a pine tree 近距離看松樹 A pine tree stays green through every season. We call them ‘evergreens’. 松樹在一年四季都是綠色的,我們稱它們?yōu)椤俺G鄻洹薄?Their leaves are thin and sharp like needles. 它們的葉子薄薄的,尖尖的,像針。 The insides of the tree are protected by thick, heavy bark. 厚厚重重的樹皮保護(hù)著樹的內(nèi)部。 ●26 They hide their seeds inside fruits called pine cones. Pine mushrooms grow at the base of the pine tree. 它們把種子藏在果實(shí)之內(nèi),稱為松果。 松菇長在松樹的邊上。 Little pale green pine cones Brown, fully grown pine cones 小淡綠色的青松果 成熟后的棕色松果 ●27 Tree Facts 樹二三事 Different types of tree 不同種類的樹 Leaves or needles? We can separate trees by their leaves. Some have needle shaped leaves. Others have broad, flat leaves. Some remain evergreen, while others lose their leaves in the autumn and winter. 樹葉還是針呢? 我們可以通過樹葉對樹進(jìn)行區(qū)分。 有一些樹有著針狀的葉子。 其它的樹有著寬寬的、扁扁的葉子。 有一些樹(的葉子)保持常綠,而其它的一些樹在秋冬落葉。 Oaks are broad leaves. 櫟[lì]樹有著寬寬的葉子。 Pine leaves are like needles. 松樹的葉子像針。 The Zelkova leaves fall off for winter. 櫸樹是冬天落葉樹。 Pine trees are evergreens. 松樹是常綠喬木。 ●28 Plant | Tree 植物 | 樹 Tall or small? Some trees grow very tall, with a single trunk. Others are medium height, with more than one section of their trunk. Some trees stay low to the ground and are often called shrubs. 高還是矮? 有些樹可以長得非常高,只有一顆主樹干。 其它的一些樹中等高,從它們的樹干中分出很多枝丫。 而有一些樹貼著地面,長得矮,通常被稱為灌木。 Tall pine tree 一顆高高的松樹 A short winter jasmine 一株矮矮的迎春花 How old is that tree? When a tree has been cut down, you can see rings inside the trunk. A new ring forms each year, so if you count the rings, you can tell how old the tree was. 那顆樹幾歲了? 當(dāng)一顆樹被砍下來,你能看到樹干內(nèi)部的圓環(huán):年輪。 年輪一年長一圈,如果你數(shù)一數(shù)年輪有多少,就可以知道大樹的年齡有幾何了。
【賓果37向日葵】向日葵:崇拜太陽! Sunflowers: worshipping the Sun! (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Please, say hello to the little flowers The mighty sunflowers feel beautiful and proud. They look down on the smaller flowers from their tall stems. Sometimes they bow their heads gracefully, like a king or queen. The little flowers look up to them. Smile and say hello, sunflowers! Don’t be too proud! 請向小花兒們問聲好吧 清高的向日葵自嬌自傲。 它們從高高的莖中俯視那些比它們小的花朵兒。 有時它們優(yōu)雅地鞠著它們的頭,就像一位國王或王后。 小花兒們仰望著它們。 微笑吧,問聲好,向日葵們! 可不要太傲慢喔! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about sunflowers? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解向日葵嗎? Plant | Sunflower 植物 | 向日葵 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Lee Hyeon-jeong 李玄靜 標(biāo)題: Sunflowers: worshipping the sun! 向日葵:崇拜太陽! 正文 ●02 All flowers love the sun, but sunflowers love it so much that they copy the way it looks! 所有的花兒都愛太陽,但是向日葵尤為愛,以至于它們的樣子照著太陽的樣子長! ●03 A sunflower spreads its leaves as wide as possible to catch as much sunlight as it can. 為了能讓葉子多吸收一些陽光,向日葵努力地向四周伸展著枝葉。 ●05 The new plants grow up, up, up. They stretch to the sky to reach the sun. Before they bloom, the buds even turn to follow the sun’s path across the sky. 新的植物長啊,長啊,長。 它們伸向空中,靠近太陽。 在它們綻放之前,花苞也伸向空中,沿著太陽的路徑亦步亦趨。 ●07 It is time to flower! 向日葵花盛開了! ●08 A sunflower has two parts. It has large petals around the outside. Inside, it has lots of tiny flowers in rows. 向日葵分為兩個部分。 外部環(huán)繞著大大的花瓣(:“舌狀花”) 內(nèi)部,有著許多排成排的細(xì)小花朵(:“管狀花”) ●10 The large petals act as a sign to attract insects. They fly to the small flowers in the middle. 大大的花瓣扮成用來招徠昆蟲的妝容。 它們(昆蟲)飛到合瓣花中。 ●11 Butterflies and bees both love sunflowers. 蝴蝶與蜜蜂都愛著向日葵呢。 ●13 The insects collect nectar from the tiny flowers. As they work, they pick up pollen on their body and carry it with them. 昆蟲從細(xì)小的(管狀花)花朵中采蜜。 它們工作時,身上沾滿向日葵的花粉,并攜帶走。 ●15 The pollen rubs off onto the next sunflower and helps it to grow new seeds. 花粉蹭到了另一顆向日葵的身上,并幫助它長出新的種子。 ●18 In autumn,the sunflowers wilt and wither away. 到了秋天,向日葵就枯萎了。 ●19 Now we have a new visitor. 現(xiàn)在我們有新拜訪者了。 What does the bird have in its beak? 小鳥嘴里叼的是什么? TIP One by one, the tiny flowers turn into seeds. 提示 合瓣花的花一個一個全部變成了種子。 ●20 It is a sunflower seed! 是向日葵的種籽呀! ●22 Each seed falls to the ground. Every one of them has the chance to grow into a big, beautiful sunflower one day. 種籽一個接一個地掉到了地上。 每一顆散落在地上的種子都有著機(jī)會:長成一株高大美麗的向日葵。 ●23 泰迪熊向日葵 Teddy Bear sunflower 墨西哥向日葵 Mexican sunflower ●24 菊芋 Sunchoke 大微笑向日葵 Big Smile sunflower 瓜葉葵 Oxeye sunflower 天鵝絨皇后向日葵 Red sunflower There are lots of types of sunflower in the same family. They can be many sizes and different colours, but they are all sunflowers. 在同一家族中,有許多種不同的向日葵。 雖然大小、顏色各有不同,但它們可都是向日葵哦。 ●第25&26頁 Find out more! 了解更多! Watch it grow... 關(guān)注它的成長... ① The sunflower seed breaks out of its shell. ② A shoot pushes up from the ground. ③ The first tiny leaves appear. ④ A bud grows at the top. ⑤ The bud begins to open. ⑥ It spreads its petals wider. ⑦ The sunflower has bloomed! ① 向日葵種籽從殼中爆破而出 ② 沖出地面,發(fā)出芽來 ③ 第一片細(xì)葉長出 ④ 花苞開始從頂部長出 ⑤ 含苞待放 ⑥ 不斷蔓生它的花瓣 ⑦ 向日葵綻放了! ●27 Sunflower Facts 向日葵二三事 The same as sunflowers 與向日葵一樣 Other types of flower have the same growing pattern. Their outer petals have no seeds, and the inner part has seeds and pollen. Coreopsis, China aster and Jerusalem artichokes are all like this. 其它類型的花兒也有著同樣的成長模式。 它們外部的花瓣沒有種子,內(nèi)部有著種子和花粉。 波斯菊,翠菊,菊芋都是這個樣子的。 波斯菊 Coreopsis 翠菊 China aster 菊芋 The Jerusalem artichoke The Jerusalem artichoke has different roots from most flowers. They are called tubers and can be eaten. 相較大多數(shù)花兒,菊芋的根長得不同。 菊芋的根被稱為塊莖,能被食用。 ●28 Plant | Sunflower 植物 | 向日葵 The sunflower spreads Sunflowers first came from North America. Then they were taken to many other countries. Now you can find all kinds of sunflowers all around the world. 向日葵的傳播 向日葵最開始來自北美。 隨后它們被帶到許多其它國家。 現(xiàn)在,你能找出世界各地的各種向日葵了。 Teddy Bear sunflower Teddy Bear sunflowers have a fluffy head made of thick yellow petals. 泰迪熊向日葵 泰迪熊向日葵有著毛茸茸的頭,由厚厚黃黃的花瓣組成。 Red sunflower Red sunflowers have a dark centre and gorgeous red outer petals. They are smaller than the yellow sunflowers grown on farms. 天鵝絨皇后向日葵 天鵝絨皇后向日葵的花心暗暗的,外部有著華麗的紅色花瓣。 它們比黃色向日葵更小一些,長在農(nóng)場。 Pretty and tasty At first, sunflowers were grown for decoration. Then in Russia the flowers were grown as a crop and used for food. Sunflower seeds can be eaten, or made into oil and flour. The leftover parts can be used as animal food. 美麗美味 初期栽培的向日葵作為觀賞用,后來俄羅斯將向日葵改良為可食用向日葵。 向日葵種籽可被食用,或者用來榨油或制成面粉。剩下的渣滓可作為動物飼料。
【賓果38食肉植物】嘎吱嘎吱!好胃口的植物 Chomp! Plants with an appetite (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) ●導(dǎo)讀頁 YUM! YUM! Eating bugs 好吃!蟲子,好好吃! These flies and mosquitoes are buzzing around. They are actually quite annoying. The plants don’t want to be pestered. Oh! They have gone. Where did they go? Aha! The plants ate them! 蒼蠅和蚊子在四周嗡嗡作響。 它們真是相當(dāng)?shù)挠憛挕?植物們不以為然。 喔!它們走了。 它們?nèi)ツ牧耍?啊!植物們把它們吃了。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about carnivorous plants? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解食肉植物嗎? Plant | Carnivorous plants 植物 | 食肉植物 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Lee Min-a 李敏兒 標(biāo)題:Chomp! Plants with an appetite 嘎吱嘎吱!好胃口的植物 正文 ●02 The butterfly is enjoying a flight in the morning sun. It spies some smooth green grass and some flowers. It stops to take a break... 蝴蝶在晨曦中翩翩起舞。 它瞥見一些柔美的綠草與花朵。 它停下小憩…… ●04 No! The plant has covered it with a sticky liquid. The butterfly can’t move. In the blink of an eye, the butterfly is gone. 不!這株植物用黏糊的液體把它包裹住。 蝴蝶不能動了。 只一眨眼,蝴蝶就沒了。 ●06 This plant is a sundew. It is sneaky. It looks soft and green but it isn’t safe for insects. 這株植物的名字叫茅膏菜。 它并不光明正大。 它看起來軟軟綠綠的,但對昆蟲們來說,并不安全。 TIP Some of the sundew’s tendrils produce a sweet substance that tempts bugs to get closer. 提示 有一些茅膏菜的卷須分泌一種甜甜的物質(zhì),用來引誘昆蟲靠近它。 ●07 The sundew has sparkling drops on the ends of its tendrils and on its leaves. 茅膏菜葉子上長著的卷須末梢,呈閃閃發(fā)光的水滴狀。 ●08 They trap any insects that come too close, and digest them. 它們給任何靠近它們的昆蟲都設(shè)下陷阱,然后吸收消化它們。 ●09 The leaves of the butterwort make a sticky liquid as well. It uses its beautiful flowers and sweet smell to attract all kinds of insects. Then it traps them and eats them. 葉子上的捕蟲堇[ jǐn ]也同樣分泌出黏糊的液體。 它用它漂亮的花朵和甜甜的氣味來吸引各種昆蟲。 旋即困住它們,吞食它們。 ●10 Butterwort’s favourite foods are mosquitoes and mayflies. 捕蟲堇最愛的食物是蚊子與蜉蝣。 ●11 The bees are buzzing around this pitcher plant. Buzz…buzz. They love this nectar. 蜜蜂在這株豬籠草周圍嗡嗡作響。 嗡嗡…嗡嗡, 它們喜歡這種花蜜。 ●14 The bee perches on the edge of the pitcher plant. No! It is too close to the edge and it slips inside. The bee can’t climb out and drowns in the bottom. 蜜蜂棲息在豬籠草的邊緣。 不! 它靠邊緣太近了,然后滑了進(jìn)去。 蜜蜂無法爬出來,淹死在了底部。 ●16 The plant digests the bee. Some of the largest tropical pitcher plants can even eat mice and frogs. That is why these two are trembling with fright! 豬籠草消化掉蜜蜂。 一些最大的熱帶豬籠草甚至可以吃掉老鼠和青蛙。 這就是為什么這倆(老鼠和青蛙)感到戰(zhàn)栗,并撕扯的原因。 ●17 The Venus flytrap has pairs of leaves with little sharp thorns along the edges. They look like eyelashes. (維納斯)捕蠅草有成對的葉子,葉子的邊緣長著小尖刺。 它們看起來像睫毛。 ●18 Passing flies smell the delicious nectar. They can’t resist, and land softly on the leaves. But maybe it will be okay? The Venus flytrap doesn’t spring. 途經(jīng)它們的蒼蠅聞到了美味的花蜜氣息。 它們無法抗拒,輕巧地落在它們的葉子上。 或許它會安然無恙呢? 捕蠅草并未動彈。 ●19 The fly resettles and still the flytrap stays open. 蒼蠅安心踏到捕蠅草上,而捕蠅草靜靜地保持敞開。 Chomp! Then suddenly the flytrap closes its mouth. 嘎吱嘎吱!旋即,捕蠅草猛地關(guān)上了它的嘴。 ●20 ‘Ha! I like to fool those flies! When they land on me the first time, I just wait. Then when they come back a second or third time, I snap my leaves shut!’ The Venus flytrap uses juices like a person’s stomach, to digest the bugs. “哈!我喜歡愚弄那些蒼蠅! 當(dāng)它們一開始觸到我身上,我只需等待。 隨后,當(dāng)它們第二或第三次,放心的踏上來,我倏的一下合上我的葉子!” 捕蠅草用它的汁液,就像人的胃(液)一樣,消化蟲子。 ●21 There are even some plants living in the water that eat bugs. They are waterwheels and bladderworts. 甚至連生活在水里的一些植物也吃蟲子。 這當(dāng)中包括水輪草和貍藻。 Waterwheel 水輪草 ●22 Bladderwort 貍藻 The waterwheel likes to snap up any water fleas that pass by. The bladderwort uses sacs on its roots to eat mosquito larvae. 水輪草喜歡吞噬任何經(jīng)過它的水蚤。 貍藻用它們根部的囊來吃蚊子和幼蟲。 ●24 It is cool to keep carnivorous plants at home. You can study them and see how they catch their prey. 在家養(yǎng)食肉植物是一件很酷的事。 你能研究它們,并觀察它們是如何捕食獵物的。 ●第25&26頁 Find out more! 了解更多! How to catch a bug Part 1 ① The Venus flytrap opens its leaves wide. ② The fly taps the middle with its leg. It seems safe. ③ The fly risks going a little bit further. ④ The Venus flytrap suddenly closes. ⑤ The leaves shut tightly and the fly is trapped. ⑥ The plant uses its juices to digest the fly. 如何捕蟲——第 1 部分 ① 捕蠅草大大敞開它的葉子 ② 蒼蠅用它的腿按了按葉子中間,看起來安全。 ③ 蒼蠅冒著險,觸到葉子更多的地方。 ④ 捕蠅草倏地關(guān)上。 ⑤ 葉子緊緊關(guān)閉,蒼蠅被困住了。 ⑥ 捕蠅草用它的汁液來消化蒼蠅。 ●27 Plant Facts 食蟲植物二三事 How to catch a bug – Part 2 ① The bug lands. ② The sundew clamps down tightly. ③ The sundew completely covers the bug. ④ The bug is digested. 如何捕蟲——第 2 部分 ① 蟲子踏上去 ② 茅膏菜緊緊把它夾住 ③ 茅膏菜完全把蟲子包裹住 ④ 蟲子被消化掉了 ●28 Plant | Carnivorous plants 植物 | 食肉植物 How to catch a bug – Part 3 Pitcher plants give off a sweet smell to attract their prey. The top edge is very slippery, so their victims fall into the bowl of the plant. It is too slippery to climb out again, and the prey drowns in the special liquid at the bottom. 如何捕蟲——第 3 部分 豬籠草散發(fā)出甜味,用來吸引獵物。 它們頂部的邊緣非常的滑,所以它們的受害者能掉進(jìn)它們的碗里。 太滑了,根本就爬不出來,獵物被淹死在植物底部的特殊液體里。 Large pouches grow near the ground. 植物上的捕蟲囊大得長到貼近地面。 Some pitcher plants grow in cold areas. 一些豬籠草在寒冷地區(qū)生長。 They use tendrils that cling on to support the trap. 它們用卷須緊緊貼住,設(shè)下陷阱。 Smaller pouches grow high on the plant. 植物上的捕蟲囊,小一些的會長得很高。 Some live in dark, wet places. 有一些生活在陰暗潮濕的地方。