
共63本書 ·60本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
【賓果39牽牛花】來自牽牛花的早安! Good morning from Morning glory! (賓果兒童自然科學第二輯 Go wild) ●導讀頁 The Morning glory There is a very special flower that might live near you. It is a shy soul that slowly unfolds to show its beauty to the world. It only stays for a while and then hides away again. What is its name? Morning glory! The bees and the butterflies love its trumpet-shaped flowers. 牽?;?你生活周邊可能會有一種非常特別的花。 它有著羞澀的心靈,遲遲向世界披露著它的美麗。 它只會停留一會兒,隨后就恢復了羞澀而隱去。 它的名字是什么呢? 牽牛花! 蜜蜂與蝴蝶愛它那喇叭狀的花朵兒。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about Morning glory? 你準備好了,來了解牽?;▎?? Plant | Morning glory 植物 | 牽?;?原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Han Ji-eun 韓智恩 標題:Good morning from Morning glory! 來自牽?;ǖ脑绨?! 正文 ●02 Morning glory greets us early each day with its bright, cheerful colours. 牽?;ㄓ盟髁?、醒神的色彩,在每天清晨向我們問好。 ●03 The flowers spend each night resting, getting ready to bloom the next day. 為了于次日蓄勢綻放,牽?;ㄕD了整整一夜。 ●05 They share their bright welcome with any bees and butterflies that pass by. 牽?;ù淀懶±?,熱情地迎接前來邂逅它的蜜蜂和蝴蝶。 ●06 Welcome! 歡迎! ●07 The butterflies and bees sip nectar from the flowers. Then they help the plant by spreading the pollen to new flowers. 蝴蝶與蜜蜂從花朵中汲取花蜜。 隨后,它們幫助牽牛花傳播花粉到新的花朵上。 TIP Flowers need female parts (called pistils) and male parts (called stamens) to reproduce. Morning glory makes it easy for the insects to pollinate them as they have both parts in one flower. 提示 花需要雌性部分(稱為雌蕊)和雄性部分(稱為雄蕊)來進行繁殖。 一朵牽牛花雌雄同體,所以使得昆蟲很容易幫它們授粉。 ●09 Morning glory isn’t very strong. It begins to droop in the afternoon. 牽?;ú⒉皇呛軋酝?。 它們在下午開始凋謝。 ●11 When its petals fall off, the plant grows another round green bud. 當牽?;ǖ幕ò甑蛑x之后, 花萼里就長出了圓滾滾的花苞。 ●14 As autumn comes, the green bud turns to brown. 到了秋天,這些綠色的花苞漸漸變成了褐色。 ●16 It is filled inside with black seeds. 里面填滿了黑色的種子。 ●17 When the plant has taken root, its stem begins to grow. 當牽?;ㄩ_始生根,它的莖也開始生長。 ●18 The stem wraps itself around a frame. It twists anticlockwise as it grows. 莖圍成一區(qū),相互纏繞交錯。 它逆時針扭曲成長。 ●19 Spring is the time for new plants to grow. The seeds start to sprout in the soil. 春天是新生植物成長的時間。 種子開始從土壤里發(fā)芽。 ●20 As the seed gets bigger, its roots grow downward and its shoot and leaves grow upward. 當種子長大一些,它的根向下生長,它的芽和葉向上生長。 ●22 As summer comes, the buds begin to appear. 夏天到了,開始長出花苞。 ●24 The buds twist anticlockwise, too. Soon, the colours begin to show as the flowers are ready to bloom. 花苞也是逆時針扭曲(生長)。 不久,顏色的變化喻示著花朵即將含苞待放。 ●第25&26頁 Find out more! 了解更多! Morning Glory in bloom ① The bud begins to open from the tip. ② The petals slowly unfold. ③ A beautiful flower opens wide. ④ The trumpet shape appears. ⑤ The flowers shrivel in the afternoon. ⑥ Now the colours wilt and fade. 牽?;ǖ木`放 ① 花苞從頂端開始打開 ② 花瓣慢慢展開 ③ 一朵美麗的花開始綻放 ④ 喇叭形狀出現(xiàn)了 ⑤ 花朵在下午枯萎 ⑥ 顏色此時凋謝與褪去 ●27 Flower Facts 花朵二三事 It starts with a seed The seed splits and a root comes out. The roots slowly spread. A strange leaf breaks through the soil. Then real leaves form alongside. The vines climb up to the sky. 從種子開始 種子撐破外皮長出了根 根慢慢地蔓延 一片奇怪的葉子穿出土壤 隨后,本葉隨其而出。 藤蔓向上攀爬,直沖空中。 ●28 Plant | Morning glory 植物 | 牽牛花 What is a vine? A plant that wraps its thin stems around a frame to support itself is called a vine. Morning glory does this, and so do kidney beans and ivy. 藤本植物 牽?;ǖ奶俾p繞著架子向上爬,像它一樣纏繞著其它物體向上攀緣的植物被稱為“藤本植物”。 除了牽?;?,蕓豆和常青藤也是藤本植物。 常青藤 Ivy 【中文版】 常春藤 Almost the same Some plants look very similar to Morning glory plants. Convolvulus and bindweed have the same flowers, and ivy clings to a frame in the same way. But ivy leaves are a different shape, and the other flowers bloom all day long. 差不多一樣 有些植物和牽?;ㄩL得非常相似。 旋花科類有著同樣的花朵,常春藤也是用同樣方式緊貼著一個撐架。 但常青藤的葉子的形狀長得不同,而其它花朵(不同于牽?;ǎ┮彩侨炀`放。 打碗花 Ivy glorybinds
【賓果40蒲公英】蒲公英:飄向空中 Floating on air: dandelions (賓果兒童自然科學第二輯 Go wild) ●導讀頁 The grateful dandelion It is winter and snow lies on the ground. But what is that brave green plant, fighting through the snow? It is the dandelion, ready and waiting for the spring. It shows us that if we are tough and brave, we can get through the hard days, and the good days will be worth waiting for. 感恩的蒲公英 這是在冬天,雪覆蓋于地面。 但,那個勇敢與雪抗爭著的,是什么綠色植物呢? 它是蒲公英,它正準備著,等待著,春天。 它展示給我們的是,如果我們能堅強勇敢, 我們可以挺過艱難的日子,也值得等到好日子的來臨。 ●扉頁 Floating on air: dandelions 你準備好了,來了解蒲公英嗎? Plant | Dandelion 植物 | 蒲公英 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Heong Min-jing 玄敏京 標題:Floating on air: dandelions 蒲公英:飄向空中 正文 ●01 The wind carries fuzzy white fluff through the air. 風攜帶著白色松軟的絨毛飄向空中。 ●02 The fluff has little seeds attached. They are dandelion seeds. 絨毛上粘附著小小的種子。 它們是蒲公英種子。 TIP Each seed has its own little fluffy parachute. It is called the pappus. It helps the seeds to catch the wind and fly to new places. 提示 每一顆種子都有著屬于它自己毛茸茸的小降落傘。這稱為:冠毛。 它幫助種子乘風飛行,去往新的地方。 ●03 The dandelion seeds fly here, there and everywhere, guided by their little parachutes. 隨著小小降落傘的指引, 蒲公英種子飄落到這里,降落到那里,以及四面八方。 ●06 When the wind drops, the seeds fall to the earth. They bury themselves deep in the ground. Then they grow and spread, taking up goodness from the soil. 隨風飄落的蒲公英種子在土地里深深地扎根發(fā)芽, 隨后它們吮吸著土壤里的養(yǎng)分,不停地蔓延伸展。 ●07 It is winter and the snow has arrived. The dandelion spreads its green leaves across the ground. It knows that it must survive the winter before its bright flowers will come. 冬天了,雪隨之而至。 蒲公英蔓生著它的綠葉穿出地面。 它知道它需要活過冬天,等待明亮的花朵的綻開。 ●10 Spring is here, and the fields are full of dandelion flowers. 春已至,田野間開滿了蒲公英的花朵。 ●11 A dandelion blossom is made up of lots of small flowers. All the small flowers group together to make one large flower. Each tiny flower has its own stamen and pistil. 蒲公英綻放開,由許多小小的花組成。 所有小小的花集結(jié)于一起,組成一朵大大的花。 每一朵小小的花都有它自己的雄蕊(stamen)和雌蕊(pistil)。 ●13 The warm sunshine feels so good! The dandelion stretches to the sun and opens into a beautiful flower. 溫暖的陽光照耀的感覺如此之好! 蒲公英伸展著朝向太陽,開出一朵漂亮的花朵來。 ●14 At night, the flowers close up tightly. 夜至,花朵們緊緊地閉合起來。 ●16 These dandelions are expecting visitors. Welcome, buzzing bees and dancing butterflies! 蒲公英們期待訪客的到來。 歡迎啊,嗡嗡嗡的蜜蜂們,翩翩起舞的蝴蝶們! ●17 The bees and butterflies sip nectar from the dandelion’s flowers. 蜜蜂們和蝴蝶們從蒲公英的花朵中汲取花蜜。 ●18 As they drink, pollen sticks to them and is moved from the stamen to the pistil. 它們飲啜的時候,花粉粘附到它們身上,從雄蕊移到雌蕊上面。 ●20 The dandelions sway their thank you in the breeze. Thanks to the butterflies and bees, they can now grow their seeds. 蒲公英搖曳著,在微風中向它們致謝。 謝謝蝴蝶蜜蜂們,現(xiàn)在,它們能讓它們的種子生長啦。 ●21 Soon, the flowers wilt away and are replaced by small, fluffy white balls. 很快,花朵們凋謝了,小白絨球取而代之。 ●24 With a gust of breeze, the fluffy seeds leave the dandelion stalk and fly into the air. They float on the wind to find new places to take root and grow. 一陣微風吹過,蓬松的種子離開了蒲公英的莖稈飛向空中。 它們隨風飄蕩,尋覓新的地方扎根成長。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Travelling with the wind A small breeze is enough to start the seed’s journey. Any seeds that are left become food for ants. When there is no wind, the seed drops into the water. 隨風旅行 小小的微風足以開始種子的旅程。 任何一顆留到地面的種子,都成為了螞蟻的食物。 無風之時,種子滴入水中。 ●26 Sometimes the seed gets caught in a spider web. Some seeds land on leaves, not soil. Only seeds that fall onto the dirt can take root. 有時,種子被蜘蛛網(wǎng)纏住了。 有些種子落到了葉子上,而非土壤。 只有落入塵土的種子才能生根。 ●27 Dandelion Facts 蒲公英二三事 Bug watch Some bugs look for dandelions to drink their nectar. Others land on the plant to eat the flower itself. All kinds of creatures look for the bright yellow flowers when spring arrives. 蟲子的盯梢 有一些蟲子找到蒲公英,飲啜它們的花蜜。 其它的落到植物上,吃它的花。 各種生物在春天來臨時,都尋找明亮的黃色花朵們。 蜜蜂 Bee 蝴蝶 Butterfly 瓢蟲 Ladybird 蚱蜢[zhà měng] Grasshopper ●28 Plant | Dandelion 植物 | 蒲公英 Sun worship When dandelions see the sun, they fan out their petals and open up wide. During the night-time, or on a cloudy day, they close up. Clover and mimosa also open and close depending on the sunlight. 崇拜太陽 當蒲公英看到太陽的時候,它們會扇動著它們的花瓣,并大大地張開。 在夜間,或是在陰天,它們閉合(它們的花)。 三葉草和含羞草同樣開放或閉合,取決于(有無)陽光。 含羞草 Mimosa 三葉草 Clover Rosette plants Plants such as dandelions grow outwards more than upwards and stay close to the ground. We call them rosette plants. Other examples are primroses, shepherd’s purse, and artichokes. 像蒲公英這樣,向外長多過向上長,且緊貼地面的植物稱為“蓮座植物”。 除此之外的例子還有: 報春花 primrose, 薺菜 shepherd’s purse artichokes, 洋薊[jì] artichokes。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (25.5%), 3-4歲 (24.4%)
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (24.3%), 4-5歲 (23.9%)
【賓果41兔子】 Rabbits on the run (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 41 Rabbits on the run 奔跑中的兔子 ●導讀頁 Run rabbit, run! The rabbit wants to see what’s on the other side of the hill. Puff, puff, puff, up he runs! Then huff, huff, huff, down the other side. It looks much the same, but the running was fun! 奔跑吧 兔子,奔跑! 兔子想看看山的另一邊有些什么。 噗,噗,噗,(吸氣)他往上跑! 然后,呼,呼,呼,(吐氣), 下到另一邊。 看起來差不多一樣啊, 但是奔跑帶來樂趣! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about rabbits? 你準備好了,來了解兔子嗎? Animal | Rabbit 動物 | 兔子 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Kim Eun-kyung 金恩京 標題:Rabbits on the run 奔跑中的兔子 正文 ●01 Shh! I’m trying to sneak up on the rabbit! 噓!我正試著悄悄靠近兔子! ●04 But the bunny can hear me with its sensitive ears. Off it hops! 兔子的耳朵可真敏銳,還沒有等我靠近, 它就一蹦一跳地跑開了。 ●05 Its back legs are so strong. 它的后腿如此有力。 ●06 It leaps and jumps far from me. 它蹦蹦跳跳地離我而去。 ●07 I pick up a carrot to see if that will make it play. 我取出一顆胡蘿卜想看看,會不會讓它動心與我玩。 ●08 The rabbit jumps on the carrot. 兔子跳到了胡蘿卜上。 Bam! 嗙! ●09 The bunny nibbles on the carrot with its sharp front teeth. 兔子用它尖利的門牙啃了啃胡蘿卜。 ●11 Now it wipes its mouth... 現(xiàn)在,它擦了擦嘴巴…… washes its face... 洗了洗臉…… ●12 rubs its floppy ears... and licks its paws. 揉了揉它松軟的耳朵…… 舔了舔它的爪子。 The bunny loves to be clean...and cuddly! 兔子喜愛干凈……喜愛抱抱! ●13 Hopping along, I follow as fast as I can. 我一邊蹦跳,一邊盡可能快的跟著它。 TIP Rabbits love to dig. It helps them to escape from foxes and owls. 提示 兔子喜愛挖洞。這能幫助它們躲避狐貍和鷹。 ●14 Ah! Now all the bunnies are asleep. ??!現(xiàn)在所有的兔子都睡覺了。 ●16 The mother rabbit hops down the hole. Her baby bunnies wake up and rub their eyes. Then they curl up next to mum to drink her milk. 兔子母親蹦到了洞里。 她的兔子寶寶們醒來了,揉著它們的眼睛。 隨后它們依偎在媽媽身邊,吮吸著乳汁。 ●17 A mother rabbit has lots of babies together. The brothers and sisters are called a litter. 兔子母親一次生出很多寶寶。 兄弟姐妹們統(tǒng)稱為:litter (一窩)幼崽。 ●19 Now the babies are bigger, they are exploring outside with their mother. 現(xiàn)在寶寶們都長大一些了, 它們隨著母親進行戶外探索。 ●21 The bunnies are hungry, and sniff for food with their twitchy noses. 兔子們餓了,用它們抽搐的鼻子嗅著食物。 ●22 TIP Rabbits love to eat green leafy plants, such as clover, dandelion, and shepherd’s purse. 提示 兔子喜愛吃綠葉植物,比如:三葉草,蒲公英,薺菜。 ●24 The rabbits play while they eat. They explore the long grass and holes in the ground. They love to run around! 兔子邊吃邊玩。 它們開采長草,發(fā)掘地洞。 它們愛跑來跑去! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Bunny bodies 兔子的身體 A rabbit’s ears are very sensitive. They can hear tiny noises from far away. 兔子的耳朵非常敏感。 它們能聽出遙遠地方的細微聲音。 A rabbit twitches its nose to pick up smells. 兔子在張開鼻孔聞味道呢! ●26 Its long back legs are strong to help it move quickly. 它長長的后腿很強壯,幫助它快速移動。 Its front teeth are large and sharp for slicing food. 它的門牙碩大而銳利,切碎食物很管用。 A rabbit uses its paws to keep itself clean. 兔子用它的爪子來給自己做清潔。 ●27 Rabbit Facts 兔子二三事 Always growing A rabbit’s front teeth never stop growing. They have to grind them down to keep them the right length. If you have a pet rabbit, it needs something tough to chew on. 總在長 兔子的門牙從未停止長長。 它們時常磨牙以讓牙齒保持適當?shù)拈L度。 如果你有一只寵物兔子,需要給它一些堅硬的東西讓它咀嚼。 Two poos! Rabbits poo twice after each meal. The first poo is softer, as the food hasn’t been fully digested. The second poos, after digestion is finished, are small, hard, and round. 便便兩次! 兔子每餐以后排便兩次。 第一次排出的便便軟一些,因為食物并沒有完全被消化掉。 第二次排出的便便,在(食物)消化完結(jié)后,更小,更硬,更圓。 ●28 Animal | Rabbit 動物 | 兔子 Big ears? 大耳朵么? Rabbits have different sized ears depending on where they live. Those in warm places have big ears. Their large size helps get rid of heat. Rabbits in cold areas have small ears to hold on to their body heat. 兔子的耳朵有著不同的尺寸,取決于它們生活在什么地區(qū)。 生活在溫暖地區(qū)的兔子有著大耳朵。 它們大尺寸的耳朵幫助它們散熱。 嚴寒地區(qū)的兔子有著小耳朵,用來幫它們的身體聚熱。 Desert hare or jackrabbit 草兔 或 兔屬 Arctic hare or polar rabbit 北極(野)兔 或 北極兔 Hare or rabbit? Rabbits are smaller than hares. Their ears are usually shorter, too. 野兔還是家兔? 家兔比野兔小一些。它們的耳朵通常也更小一些。 Rabbits can be kept as pets. 家兔能當寵物。 Hares always live in the wild. 野兔總是生活在野外。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (28.3%), 3-4歲 (20.8%)
【賓果42松鼠】 A squirrel's tale (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) #stump 樹樁。 When rain is coming, these squirrels run up a tree stump to warn other squirrels that rain is on its way. 42 A squirrel’s tale 松鼠的傳說 ●導讀頁 Cheeky! A squirrel’s cheeks are full of treasures. They are stuffed to bursting with nuts, acorns, and chestnuts! Squirrels are great at hiding food. They bury their extra nuts underground or under leaves. 大頰囊! 松鼠頰囊藏寶藏, 塞滿堅果與栗橡! 松鼠擅于藏食糧。 盈余堅果有地放, 地底葉下悄悄藏。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about squirrels? 你準備好了,來了解松鼠嗎? Animal | Squirrel 動物 | 松鼠 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:An Jun-seok 安俊石 標題:A squirrel’s tale 松鼠的傳說 正文 ●01 When the autumn wind blows through the trees... 當秋風吹過樹梢…… ●02 the squirrel runs down from the branches and cracks open an acorn to eat. 松鼠從樹干上跑下來,鑿開一顆橡子來吃。 ●03 A squirrel’s teeth are very strong. They can crack open the toughest nuts easily. 松鼠的牙齒非常堅強。 它們能輕易地鑿開最硬的堅果。 ●04 TIP When rain is coming, these squirrels run up a tree stump to warn other squirrels that rain is on its way. 提示 雨將來襲,這些松鼠們爬上一棵殘樹樁, 提醒其它松鼠,快下雨了。 ●05 EAT 吃 ●06 A squirrel will eat and eat and eat. It just can’t stop! It is a greedy little creature. 松鼠會吃啊吃啊吃。 就是停不下來! 它們是貪吃的小生物。 ●07 Why does a squirrel have such bulging cheeks? 松鼠的臉頰為什么是鼓鼓的? Because they are always full of food! 因為它們總讓臉頰填滿食物! ●09 The squirrel will take the food from its cheeks and store it somewhere. Sometimes it puts it under a rock, or in a crack, or buries it, so it can enjoy it later. 松鼠用它的臉頰運送食物,然后把食物儲存于某一處。 有時它把它放在巖石下,或是裂縫間,或把它埋起來, 那么它就能遲些享用了。 ●10 It has a good memory to find the food again. 它有著良好的記憶來再次找到食物。 ●12 Look out! The squirrel senses danger and disappears. It knows that a weasel is here, and that means trouble. 當心了!松鼠感知到危險然后消失了。 它感知到黃鼠狼就在這兒,那可會攤上麻煩。 TIP Squirrels have lots of predators. They are afraid of weasels, raccoons, owls and eagles. 提示 松鼠有許多侵略者。 它們害怕黃鼠狼,浣熊,貓頭鷹和老鷹。 ●14 A squirrel’s tail is important. It helps it to balance as it climbs up and down trees. 松鼠的尾巴很重要。 用來幫它在樹上爬上爬下時保持平衡。 ●15 Winter is coming, and the squirrel is very busy. It rushes backwards and forwards from its hole. 冬天來了,松鼠很忙啊。 它從洞里匆匆忙忙進進出出。 ●16 It is getting ready to hibernate. 它在做冬眠的準備了。 ●17 The squirrel will curl up in its hole and cover itself with its fluffy tail. Hibernation is like a long, deep sleep. 松鼠蜷縮在洞中,用毛茸茸的尾巴蓋住它自己的身體。 冬眠就像是一場漫長的深度睡眠。 ●19 During hibernation, the squirrel might feel hungry and wake up. But that’s fine, as it has stored plenty of food in its home. 冬眠期間,松鼠可能會感到饑餓然后醒來。 無關(guān)緊要,因為它早已在家里儲滿了大量食物。 ●21 Whoosh! The squirrel dives into its hole. Hibernation time has arrived. 嗖!松鼠躍入它的洞中。 冬眠時間已經(jīng)來臨。 ●23 When the squirrel wakes up in spring, love is in the air. It will look for a partner to have babies. 當松鼠在春天醒來,愛彌漫在空氣中。 它需要尋找伴兒,孕育寶寶。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! A busy life 忙碌的生活 Guess what is in my cheeks? 猜猜我的頰囊里是什么? Tasty acorns! 美味的橡子。 ●26 Squirrels need to look out for predators. 松鼠需要觀察四周是否有侵略者。 They need to prepare for hibernation. 它們需要為冬眠做準備。 Don’t wake me until spring! 沒到春天,別喊醒我! ●27 Squirrel Facts 松鼠二三事 In the trees Snow squirrels look and behave almost the same as regular squirrels. However, snow squirrels nearly always stay in the trees. They only run down to the ground to get food if they really have to. 在樹上 雪地松鼠的外觀和行為大體和常規(guī)的松鼠一致。 不過呢,雪地松鼠幾乎總是待在樹上。 如非必要,它們只在需要獲取食物時,才從樹上跑下地面。 Thick fur Snow squirrels don’t hibernate. Their fur grows much thicker and keeps them warm so they can stay awake in winter to run around. They find the food that they have hidden during autumn. 厚厚的皮毛 雪地松鼠并不冬眠。 它們的皮毛會(比常規(guī)的松鼠)長得更厚實一些, 能讓它們保持溫暖,所以它們能在冬天保持清醒,跑來跑去。 它們尋找在秋天就已藏好的食物。 ●28 Animal | Squirrel 動物 | 松鼠 The squirrel family Several types of squirrel live in Asia. They include chipmunks, snow squirrels, and flying squirrels. 松鼠家族 亞洲生活著許多種種類的松鼠。 它們包括:金花鼠,雪地松鼠,小飛鼠。 金花鼠 Chipmunk Chipmunks live on the ground and only run into the trees to hide from danger or look for food. 金花鼠生活于地面上,只在躲避危險或?qū)ひ捠澄飼r跑到樹上。 雪地松鼠 Snow squirrel While most squirrels’ favourite food is acorns, snow squirrels prefer chestnuts and pine nuts. 當大多數(shù)松鼠最喜歡的食物是橡子時,雪地松鼠更喜歡栗子和松子。 小飛鼠 Flying squirrel These creatures can’t actually fly, but can glide from tree to tree. Flying squirrels have a flap of skin, like furry wings, that help them soar through the air. 它們的腿中間的皮膚稱為翼膜。 用以連接它們身體兩邊的腕關(guān)節(jié)與踝關(guān)節(jié)。 大鼯[wú]鼠 Giant flying squirrel The skin between their legs is called the patagium. It connects their wrist and ankle on each side. 這種生物并非真的能飛,但能從一棵樹滑翔到另一顆樹。 大鼯鼠有一對翼膜,就像毛茸茸的翅膀般,幫助它們沖向空中。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (24.7%), 3-4歲 (23.6%)
【賓果43袋鼠】 Kangaroo, the long jump champion (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 43 Kangaroo, the long jump champion 袋鼠,跳遠冠軍 ●導讀頁 Hide and seek What animal can play hide and seek in its own mum’s pouch? A baby kangaroo can! Out it jumps, and hides behind the rocks. Then 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, back to its mummy, to hop inside. Now it feels safe from everything. 躲貓貓 哪一種動物可以在它的媽媽的育兒袋里玩躲貓貓呢? 袋鼠寶寶能! 跳出來, 藏到巖石后邊。 然后呀,1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, 再回到媽媽身上,跳到育兒袋里邊。 現(xiàn)在,可是安全感滿滿了。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about kangaroos? 你準備好了,來了解袋鼠嗎? Animal | Kangaroo 動物 | 袋鼠 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 插畫師:Ju Yeong-min 朱英敏 標題:Kangaroo, the long jump champion 跳遠冠軍袋鼠 正文 ●01 The best long jumper in the world lives on the grasslands of Australia. 澳大利亞的草原上生活著一群跳遠冠軍—— ●02 It is the kangaroo. 袋鼠。 ●03 ‘Let me show you how far I can jump!’ “讓我在你面前露一手,看看我能跳多遠!” ●04 Its powerful legs push off the ground. 它強而有力的腿向后一蹬。 It leaps through the air. 躍向空中。 Thump! Back down to solid ground. 砰!穩(wěn)穩(wěn)落地! ●05 These kangaroos stick together, looking for food. 這些袋鼠們緊密相連,尋覓食物。 ●06 Hopping is the best way to travel. 蹦來蹦去是行游最好的方式。 ●08 Kangaroos graze on grass. Some of them eat leaves and branches. 袋鼠們在吃草。 有一些也吃樹葉和樹枝。 ●09 After they have eaten, the kangaroos rest in the shade. It is very hot on the Australian grasslands. 袋鼠們吃完后,便在蔭蔽處休息。 澳大利亞大草原真的是好熱啊。 ●11 Why are these kangaroos boxing? The males fight to see who can win a mate. They have to prove who is the strongest and bravest. 為什么這些袋鼠在打斗呀? 雄性們搏斗以目睹誰能獲得一位伴侶。 它們需要證明誰最強壯,誰最勇敢。 ●13 ‘I win!’ One male beats the other one in their boxing match. Now he can hop over to claim his mate. “我贏了!” 在搏擊競賽中,當中一位雄性擊倒了另一位。 現(xiàn)在他可以蹦到他的伴侶面前“宣誓主權(quán)”了。 ●15 The female kangaroo gives off a smell when she is ready to make a baby. 雌性袋鼠如果打算要寶寶,就會釋放出氣味(傳遞信號)。 ●17 When the baby is born, it is too small to live on its own. It crawls inside its mother’s pouch and feeds on her milk. 寶寶出生了,它太小了,無法獨立生活。 它蜷縮到母親的育兒袋內(nèi),靠她的乳汁養(yǎng)活。 ●19 The baby kangaroo is called a joey. 袋鼠寶寶稱為 joey:幼袋鼠。 ●20 It grows bigger and stronger inside the pouch. It pokes its head out to see the world outside. 它在育兒袋內(nèi)長大了,變強了。 它掏出它的頭,看看這個外部世界。 ●21 The joey stays in the pouch for about half a year. Then it climbs out to explore and eat grass. 幼袋鼠會在育兒袋中待上半年。 然后爬出來,探索,食草。 ●22 A joey stays very close to its mother. It hops back in the pouch at the first sign of danger. 幼袋鼠緊緊跟著媽媽。 一旦看到危險,就會馬上跳回育兒袋。 ●23 In a couple more months, it is ready to leave the pouch for good. 半月過后,也是時候訣別育兒袋了。 ●24 Some joeys stay with the group. The group is called a mob. Often, male joeys leave to find a new mob. 有一些幼袋鼠會待在集體里。 這樣的集體 group 稱為(袋鼠)群 mob。 通常,雄性幼袋鼠離開育兒袋去尋找新的群體。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Jump and hop 跳與躍 A kangaroo’s back legs are very strong. 袋鼠的后腿非常有力。 They push the kangaroo into the air. 后腿把袋鼠推向空中。 ●26 Each jump carries the kangaroo a long way. 袋鼠每一次的跳躍都能去到很遠。 A kangaroo’s tail helps it move and balance. 袋鼠的尾巴輔助它們移動與保持平衡。 Kangaroos can hop very fast if they need to escape. 袋鼠在需要逃生時能極其飛速地跳躍。 ●27 Kangaroo Facts 袋鼠二三事 Predators Not many creatures hunt for kangaroos. They are too big, strong, and quick to catch. But kangaroos have to watch out for dingos. A dingo is a wild dog, smaller than a wolf. 侵略者 捕食袋鼠的生物并非太多。 它們太大了,太強了,太快了,不易捉住。 但是袋鼠必須警惕丁狗。 丁狗是(澳洲)野狗,比狼小一些。 Kinds of kangaroo The red kangaroo is the largest species of kangaroo, but there are several smaller species, too. 袋鼠的種類 紅袋鼠是最大品種的袋鼠,但是也有許多小一些品種的袋鼠。 Grey kangaroo Grey kangaroos are seen most often as they live the nearest to people. 灰袋鼠 灰袋鼠最為常見,它們鄰人類而居。 Red kangaroo Only male red kangaroos have red fur; females are grey. 紅袋鼠 只有雄性紅袋鼠的皮毛是紅色的,雌性的是灰色的。 Rat- kangaroo Rat-kangaroos are tiny and only come out at night. 鼠袋鼠 鼠袋鼠很小,只在夜間出來。 Wallaby A wallaby looks the same as a kangaroo but is smaller. 沙袋鼠 沙袋鼠看起來和袋鼠一樣,但更小一些。 ●28 Animal | Kangaroo 動物 | 袋鼠 How did kangaroos get their name? When Captain Cook first landed in Australia, he was amazed to see these large, hopping animals. He asked the locals what the animal was called. According to the story, they answered ‘Kangaroo,’ so he thought that was the name. But the locals were actually saying, ‘I don’t know!’ in their language. However, the name really comes from the Australian Aboriginal name ‘gangurru’. 袋鼠因何得名? 當庫克船長首登澳洲大陸時,它被這些巨大、跳躍著的動物迷住了。 他問當?shù)厝诉@些動物叫什么。故事的說辭是,他們的回答是“袋鼠”,所以他便認為這就是名兒了。 但是,當?shù)厝舜_切地用他們的語言說的是,“我不知道!” 甚而,名字是真的來自于澳大利亞人原住民的名字:“gangurru”(辜古依密舍族)。 James Cook 詹姆斯 庫克 Kangaroo Island There is an island to the south of Australia that is named after the kangaroo. It is home to all kinds of other native Australian animals, including sea lions, wallabies, and koalas. 袋鼠島 在澳大利亞南部,有一個島因袋鼠而得名。 它是所有其它澳大利亞原生動物們的家園。 包括海獅,沙袋鼠,考拉。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (22.4%), 4-5歲 (22.4%)
【賓果44狐貍】 A family of foxes (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 44 A family of foxes 狐貍家族 ●導讀頁 Poor old fox Foxes have a hard time in fairy tales. They’re always the bad guys. They get picked on a lot. But times are changing. Now they get to help their fairy tale friends, and others look after them. Cheer up, fox! 舊時光可憐的狐貍 在童話故事中,狐貍們熬過了一段艱難的歲月。 它們總被篤定成壞家伙。 它們常被挑剔指摘。 但是與時俱變。 它們在當代的童話故事中幫助它們的朋友們, 同時它們的小伙伴也照顧它們。 振作起來吧,狐貍! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about foxes? 你準備好了,來了解狐貍嗎? Animal | Fox 動物 | 狐貍 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Kim Min-hye 金敏慧 標題:A family of foxes 狐貍家族 正文 ●01 Spring arrives, and brings warmer weather. The mother fox gives birth to babies in her den. 春已至,帶來溫暖的氣候。 狐貍媽媽在她的洞穴里產(chǎn)下了寶寶們。 ●04 The father fox helps his family. He brings food from outside 狐貍爸爸照顧家小。 他從外邊帶回食物。 ●05 Now the fox cubs leave their den. It is the first time they have seen the sun, or the outside world. It is so exciting! 現(xiàn)在,狐貍崽崽們離開了它們的窩。 這是它們第一次見到太陽,以及戶外世界。 這可把它們高興壞了! ●08 Suddenly, the father raises the alarm. ‘Hunter! Quick! Back into the den!’ In the distance, he can hear the hunter and his hound. 忽而,父親鳴起了警報:“獵人!快!快回洞里去!” 他能聽到不遠處獵人(的腳步聲)與他的獵犬的聲音。 ●09 The fox cubs rush back towards the den. Will they be fast enough? 狐貍崽崽們猛沖回洞中。 它們夠快么? ●10 One cub is trapped! He calls for help. 一只崽崽被困住了! 他呼喊著求救。 ●11 The mother fox rushes to the rescue. 狐貍媽媽沖過來營救。 ●12 She grabs her baby by the back of its neck and carries it home to the den as fast as she can. 它叼住寶寶的后頸,以最快速度把它帶回自家窩穴。 ●13 Now the cubs are restless. ‘Please can we go outside?’ ‘Okay, but you have to stay close by.’ ‘Okay! Okay!’ 現(xiàn)在崽崽們坐立不安了。 “求求了,我們能到外邊去么?” “好吧,但你們一個個得相互緊挨著對方?!?“好呢!好呢!” ●15 The cubs leave the den and run around. They smell the flowers and jump up to catch butterflies. 崽崽們離開窩,在四周跑跑轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)。 嗅嗅花香,追追蝴蝶。 ●16 They chase the birds and mice. They want to play! 它們趕鳥,捕鼠。 它們那么愛玩! ●17 Autumn is here and the forest is full of colours. 秋天到了,森林披上了五彩繽紛的外衣。 ●18 The cubs leave home, one by one. It is time for them to live on their own. 崽崽們離家了,一個接著一個。 是它們開始獨立生活的時候了。 TIP The cubs grow up at different speeds, and the biggest leave home first. They are usually all gone by late winter. 提示 狐貍崽崽以不同的速度成長, 最大的最先離家。 它們通常在晚冬時全部離開。 ●19 Winter has come and there is snow on the ground. The fox stops to pee on the ground and the trees. It will let other animals know that it lives here. 冬天已到,大地被蓋上皚皚白雪。 狐貍停了停,在地上,樹上,尿尿。 這是讓其它動物知道它住在這兒。 ●22 A male fox and a female fox meet up. If they get together as a couple, they will keep each other warm through the winter. 雄狐貍與雌狐貍相遇了。 如果它們結(jié)成一對,它們會相互取暖,抵御寒冬。 ●23 Who knows, this time next year, they might have cubs of their own? 誰知道呢,來年此時, 它們也許會有屬于它們自己的崽崽? ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! The cub grows up 狐貍崽崽的成長 Young cubs are very nosy when they leave the den. 年輕的崽崽們在離窩時相當吵鬧。 They want to roam farther from home, but mum says no. 它們想去離家遠一點的地方漫游,但是媽媽說,不可。 The mother fox keeps her babies close to protect them from predators. 狐貍媽媽為了防御侵略者,貼身保護著她的寶寶們。 ●26 The cubs love to play and wrestle. 狐貍寶寶們在嬉戲打鬧。 When the cubs are big enough, they leave home. 狐貍寶寶成年后就會離開娘家。 Now they can hunt for food by themselves. 現(xiàn)在它們能自己獵食了。 ●27 Fox Facts 狐貍二三事 House thieves Even though foxes can dig their own dens, they sometimes steal a home from another animal, such as a rabbit or a badger. When the badger leaves its home, the fox creeps in and pees and poos. The badger likes its home to be clean, so when it returns and finds a mess, it leaves again. The fox has gained a home! 偷家的賊 即使狐貍能自己挖洞筑穴,有時它們也會從其它動物那偷來一個家, 比如偷兔子或獾[huān]的家。當獾離家時,狐貍匍匐著進去,在里面拉屎拉尿。 獾喜歡自己的家保持清潔,所以當它返回來看到里面亂糟糟的,就會棄家而走。 狐貍獲取到了一個家! Hiding their scent If the fox is being chased, it will try to run through water to cover its scent. When the predator loses the smell of the fox, it is likely to give up and leave it alone. Once that happens, the fox runs back to its den as quickly as it can. 隱藏它們的氣味 如果狐貍被追蹤了,它們會嘗試跑到水里面覆蓋它們的氣味。 當侵略者失去狐貍的氣味蹤跡時,就很可能放棄或是離它們而去。 一旦如狐貍所料,它們就會盡自己最快的速度跑回窩穴中。 ●28 Animal | Fox 動物 | 狐貍 Fox relatives Foxes are related to wolves. Both of them are canines, like dogs. Wolves live in large packs. The smartest, strongest, fastest wolves will be the leaders. We call them the alpha wolves. The alphas lead the rest of the pack to look for and catch food. 狐貍的親戚 狐貍與狼是親戚。它們都和狗一樣屬犬科。 狼集大群而居。最聰明,最強壯,最快速的狼會成為領袖。 我們稱它們?yōu)轭^狼。頭狼會帶領族群里的狼伙伴們勘察以及獵食。 Arctic fox and fennec fox 北極狐與耳廓狐 Arctic fox One type of fox lives in the far north. Its fur changes with the seasons. In summer its fur is brown, but in winter it turns as white as the snow, to hide. 北極狐 遠北地區(qū)生活著一種狐貍。它的皮毛隨季節(jié)而變。 在夏天,它的皮毛是棕色的,但在冬天,它的皮毛就如白雪般轉(zhuǎn)變,用以偽裝。 Fennec fox The fennec fox lives in the desert. It hides in its underground den to stay cool. Once the sun sets, the fennec fox leaves its home to hunt for mice, birds, and lizards. 耳廓狐 耳廓狐生活在沙漠中。它藏在地下的洞穴內(nèi)納涼。 一旦太陽落山,耳廓狐就離穴獵鼠,鳥,蜥蜴。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (23.3%), 5-6歲 (20.1%)
【賓果45梅花鹿】 The beautiful sika deer (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 45 The beautiful Sika deer 美麗的梅花鹿 ●導讀頁 A pattern for everyone Some deer are plain, while others have spots along their back. These deer love their patterns so much. They have flower patterns beneath their spots! The patterned deer are very happy. They sleep soundly beneath the spotted sky, on a blanket of flowers on the ground. 人見人愛的圖案 有一些鹿平平常常, 而其它有一些鹿,后背上長著斑斑點點。 這些鹿是如此喜愛它們身上的圖案。 它們的斑點之下映襯著花般的圖案! 有著圖案的鹿非常開心。 它們在斑駁的天空下酣睡, 給大地留下一幅鮮花狀的地毯。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about Sika deer? 你準備好了,來了解梅花鹿嗎? Animal l Sika deer 動物 | 梅花鹿 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Hong Seong-yeong 洪善京 標題:The beautiful Sika deer 美麗的梅花鹿 正文 ●02 A gorgeous Sika deer has been born. It is called a calf or a fawn. 一只華麗的梅花鹿出生了。 它被稱為犢[dú] calf,或是(未滿一歲的)幼鹿 fawn。 ●03 Sika deer have different names. Sometimes they are called spotted deer or plum blossom deer, because of their pattern. 梅花鹿名兒眾多。 有時它們被稱為斑點(spotted)鹿,或是梅花(綻放)(plum blossom)的鹿,皆因它們身上的圖案。 ●04 TIP A Sika deer’s white spots look like plum blossoms. A baby Sika deer is born with the same spots as its mother. 提示 梅花鹿身上白色的斑點看起來就像綻放的梅花。 梅花鹿寶寶一出生時,身上的斑點就和母親的一樣。 ●05 Sika deer calves stay with their mother the whole time, even while they are drinking or looking for food. 梅花鹿寶寶一天到晚都緊貼母親,無論是在飲水或是在覓食。 ●07 This Sika calf is having problems. ‘What is the matter?’ 梅花鹿寶寶遇到問題了。 “發(fā)生什么啦?” 【注】calf 精準的翻譯應該是 犢兒,區(qū)別于 baby;但這里都按照中思維換成了“寶寶”一詞的表達。 ●08 The bugs are biting and the baby is itchy. ‘Just copy what I do and it will keep the bugs away.’ 蟲子叮咬它,寶寶癢癢的。 “跟著我做,趕跑蚊蟲?!?●09 The mother deer licks her body to get rid of the bugs. The calf copies her. 梅花鹿母親舔舐著她的寶寶,驅(qū)趕蟲子。 梅花鹿寶寶有樣學樣。 ●10 ‘Yay! It isn’t itchy any more!’ “哇!再也不癢啦!” ●12 In summer it is very hot. The sun is scorching the ground. The Sika deer lie under a tree to rest in the shade. 夏天,酷暑難當。 太陽炙烤著大地。 梅花鹿躺在一顆樹下,在樹蔭處歇息。 TIP Sika deer often graze at the start and end of the day, when it is cooler. This behaviour is known as crepuscular. 提示 梅花鹿通常在氣溫涼爽的日升日落之時放牧。 這種行為,通常被冠名為:crepuscular,黃昏活動。 ●14 Sika deer use their sense of smell to check for predators. They sniff to see if there is anything nearby. 梅花鹿通過聞氣味來覺察侵略者。 它們嗅了嗅,看看是不是有什么異情逼近。 ●15 This Sika calf wonders why it has no antlers on its head. Only adult male deer grow antlers. 梅花鹿寶寶想知道為啥它的頭上沒有鹿角。 僅僅只有成年公鹿才長鹿角。 ●18 This calf has grown into a beautiful male Sika deer. Its antlers have six or eight points. 這一頭犢兒長成了一只漂亮的雄性梅花鹿啦。 它的鹿角上有 6 至 8 個點點。 ●19 The males fight with their antlers. It is known as rutting, and happens in the autumn. 雄性用它們的鹿角進行搏斗。 這是為了獲得雌性的青睞,這通常發(fā)生在秋天。 ●22 The winning male gets to choose a female as a mate. 雄性獲勝者能挑選一位雌性,結(jié)成伴侶。 ●23 A year later, the pair have their own baby. It is helpless at first, and needs to be looked after. Soon it will walk and run on its own. 一年以后,這一對兒有了它們自己的寶寶。 寶寶最開始很無助,需要被照顧。 不久它就能自己走走跑跑了。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Antlers attract! 來自鹿角的攻擊! Antlers change as the deer get older. They get bigger, sometimes with more points. 鹿角隨著鹿的年齡增長而發(fā)生改變。 它們會變得更大,有時會有更多斑點在上面。 Females are attracted to the males with the biggest antlers. 雌性會被鹿角最大的雄性吸引。 Sometimes the antlers help to defend against predators. 鹿角有時用來幫助它們抵御侵略者。 ●26 The deer use their antlers to fight over a female. 為了爭奪雌性鹿,雄性鹿們在用鹿角打架。 Most female deer do not have antlers. 大部分雌性鹿沒有鹿角。 Some newly grown antlers are covered in a soft coating, called velvet. 有一些新長出的鹿角覆蓋在軟膜之下,稱為鹿茸 velvet。 ●27 Deer Facts 鹿二三事 Types of deer There are over 60 kinds of deer around the world. In Asia, the most common types are roe deer, musk deer, water deer, and the Wapiti. 鹿的種類 全世界范圍內(nèi)有 60 多種鹿。在亞洲,最常見的種類是狍[páo]子 roe deer, 麝[shè](也稱香獐[zhāng])musk deer,水鹿 water deer,和馬鹿(也稱麋[mí]鹿)Wapiti。 Smell something? Deer always open and close their nostrils, even while they are eating. They use their sense of smell to check what is nearby. Their nose is very important for them to check for predators. If there are any strange smells, they will run away. 聞到了什么? 鹿即使正在吃東西,鼻子也會不停地一張一合。 它們通過嗅覺覺察臨近的敵情。 它們的鼻子于它們而言非常重要,用以偵查侵略者。 如果聞到了任何奇怪的味兒,它們就會逃跑。 ●28 Animal l Sika deer 動物 | 梅花鹿 What do deer eat? They eat different food, depending on the season. As the seasons change, the foods they can find change too. In spring and summer, they eat fresh grass. In autumn and winter they eat fruit. In winter, if there is not enough food, they strip the bark off trees to eat. 鹿吃些什么? 它們吃不同的食物,取決于季節(jié)。 季節(jié)一變,它們能找到的食物也跟著變了。 在春夏,它們吃新鮮的草。在秋冬,它們靠果實而生。 在冬天,如果沒有足夠的食物,它們從樹上剝開樹皮而食。 Water deer Instead of antlers, these animals have tusks pointing down from their mouth. 水鹿/獐[zhāng] (水鹿也就是獐)沒有鹿角,這些動物卻有著從它們的口中齙[bāo]凸出來的長牙。 Roe deer If Roe deer spot a predator, they bark like a dog. 狍[páo]子 如果袍子偵測到了一個侵略者,它們會像狗一樣吠[fèi]叫。 Moose These animals (sometimes called elk) have large antlers that look like giant hands. 駝鹿 這種動物(有時也稱麋鹿 elk)長著大大的鹿角,恰如巨大的手掌。 Big deer Reindeer live in the far north of Europe, Asia, and North America (where they are called caribou). They can be used to pull heavy loads. 大大鹿兒 馴鹿 Reindeer 生活在歐洲的遠北一帶,亞洲和北美地區(qū)(它們稱其為北美馴鹿 caribou)。 它們能被用來拉重物。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (24.1%), 4-5歲 (23.0%)
【賓果46豬和牛】 cows and pigs (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 46 Farm friends: cows and pigs 農(nóng)場的朋友們:牛與豬 ●導讀頁 Are you a cow or a pig? Cows have such sad eyes. They chew and chew and seem so sorry for themselves. Pigs look full of fun. They snort and snuffle in the dirt and wag their curly tail. Which would you be? 你是一頭牛還是一只豬? 牛有著如此憂傷的雙眼。 它們嚼著嚼著,顧影自憐。 豬看起來滿是樂趣。 它們在污泥中哼哼唧唧,搖擺著它們卷卷的尾巴。 你會做當中的哪一個? ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about cows and pigs? 你準備好了,來了解牛和豬嗎? Animal | Cow and pig 動物 | 牛與豬 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Lee Ji-min 李智敏 標題:Farm friends: cows and pigs 農(nóng)場的朋友們:牛與豬 正文 ●01 Moo! Swish! 哞[mōu]!唰! ●02 Which is the cow and which is the pig? Can you tell from their tail, or the noises they make? 誰是牛?誰是豬? 你能從它們的尾巴,或是它們發(fā)出的聲音,說出誰是誰嗎? Oink! Wiggle! 哼唧!扭擺! ●03 Cows seem to be eating all the time. ??雌饋砜偸浅詡€不停。 Moo! Moo! 哞!哞! ●04 Chew! Chew! 嚼?。〗腊?! ●05 Cows are ruminants. They are animals that chew their food more than once. 牛是反芻動物。 它們是把食物咀嚼超過一次的動物。 ●06 The cow chews its food for the first time and swallows it. Then the food comes back up and the cow chews it again. It helps the cow get its goodness from the food. 牛在第一次咀嚼食物時一口吞下去。 然后食物返回嘴里,牛再次咀嚼它。 這能幫助牛從食物中獲取營養(yǎng)。 ●08 ‘Mum! I’m itchy!’ The calf has bugs flying around it and biting it. The mother cow uses her tongue to keep the bugs away. “媽媽!我癢!” 牛犢子身邊有蟲子飛舞,叮咬它。 牛媽媽用它的舌頭趕走蟲子。 ●09 The bugs are annoying the grown-up cows as well. They try to keep them away by flicking their tail. 于成年牛而言,蟲子也是討厭得很。 它們試圖揮舞它們的尾巴把討厭鬼趕走。 ●11 ‘Thanks, egrets ! ’ “謝謝啊,白鷺鷺!” ●12 These birds are egrets. They see the pesky bugs and land on the cow’s back. Peck, peck, peck! They eat the bugs and help the cows. 這些鳥兒們是白鷺(鷺鷥 [lù sī])。 它們看到了討厭的蟲子粘在了牛的背脊上。 啄啊,啄啊,啄! 它們吃這些蟲子,同時幫助牛兒們。 TIP The egrets stop the cows from feeling itchy. In return, they get a free meal. The cows and egrets both get something good from this ‘symbiotic’ relationship. 提示 白鷺能幫牛止癢。作為回報,它們能享用免費餐食。 牛與白鷺雙方之間互利,這種關(guān)系稱為“共生”。 ●13 Pigs have small eyes that look like buttons. A pig has a fat body. What else? 豬有著小小的眼睛,看起來就像紐扣。 豬有著肥胖的軀體。其它呢? ●14 Short legs. Curly tail. 短短的腿。 卷曲的尾巴。 Looking at a pig just makes you want to smile. 看著一只豬能讓你不禁發(fā)笑。 ●15 Oink! Oink! 哼唧!哼唧! Pigs can be very noisy. 豬很能吵鬧。 ●16 Oink! Oink! 哼唧!哼唧! They are always calling for food. 它們總是鬧著要東西吃。 ●17 When a pig has a full tummy, it is in a good mood. 如果一只豬的肚皮飽凸凸,它的心情超棒棒。 ●18 Pigs love to smell things, including each other. 豬愛聞東聞西,包括互聞。 They spend some of the day asleep. 它們睡覺打發(fā)日子。 ●19 Pigs can’t sweat, so they need help to cool down. 豬的身體不能流汗,所以它們需要外部幫助進行降溫。 ●20 In the wild, they roll in mud. On a farm, they can take a shower! 在野外,它們滾入泥中。 在農(nóng)場,它們能進行淋浴。 ●21 This mother pig has a new litter of piglets. They are different sizes, and the big ones push their little brothers and sisters out of the way. 豬媽媽新生了一窩豬幼崽。 它們身材各不相同,大的那只把它的小兄弟姐妹們踢翻出去。 TIP A newborn piglet’s eyes are closed, but it can find its mother’s milk by its smell. 提示 新生小豬崽的眼睛閉著,但它能通過母親身上的氣味找奶喝。 ●24 After they have drunk lots of milk, they are sleepy again. Sweet dreams, piglets! 吮吸過大量乳汁后,它們又昏昏睡去。 美夢啊,小豬崽崽們! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! More farm animals 更多農(nóng)場動物 Sheep provide wool and meat. 綿羊提供給我們羊毛與肉。 Goats give us milk and fur. 山羊給我們(羊)奶與(羊)皮。 Different cows are kept for milk or meat. 不同的牛,能供給奶或肉。 Rabbits make great pets but can be farmed for meat. 兔子是非常棒的寵物,但也能被牧養(yǎng)給我們提供兔肉。 ●26 Pigs give us pork, bacon and ham. 豬給我們帶來豬肉,培根(熏肉),火腿。 Chickens provide eggs and meat. 雞能提供給我們蛋和肉。 We eat ducks’ eggs and duck meat. 我們吃鴨蛋和鴨肉。 Horses are used for riding and pulling carts. 馬被用來騎乘和拉車。 ●27 Cow Facts 牛二三事 Cow poo This dung beetle is working hard to roll cow poo into a big ball. It lays its eggs inside. The poo provides food for the babies that hatch from the eggs. 牛的便便 這一只屎殼郎正努力工作著把牛便便滾成一個大球呢。 它在里面孵蛋。牛便便為它從蛋中孵化出來的寶寶們提供食物。 Cattle Cattle is another name for cows. Different breeds are kept for meat, milk, or farm work. 牛 Cattle 是牛 cow 的另一稱謂。不同種類的牛用以提供肉,奶,或干農(nóng)活。 [知識拓展:這個書里面沒有] 相較而言,Cattle 不分雌雄,但 dairy cattle 指乳牛; 但 cow 通常帶性別,偏指雌性,如乳牛;加前綴也會淡化這點,如 sea cow 海牛。 Holstein or Friesian cows provide lots of milk. 荷蘭?;蚝诎谆ㄅ#ǎ汉伤固古;蚋ダ锷#┕┠特S富。 Hereford cows are famous for their beef. 赫里福種的食用牛以它們的牛肉著名。 Water buffalo are strong enough to help with farm work. 水牛足夠強壯,用以協(xié)助農(nóng)活。 ●28 Animal | Cow and pig 動物 | 牛與豬 Changing roles Cattle used to be used in the fields to pull machinery. Nowadays, many of them are kept for their meat instead. 角色的改變 牛過去被用來在田地中推動器械,耕犁[lí]。 現(xiàn)今不復,它們大多數(shù)被用來養(yǎng)肉(而食)了。 Related to pigs Wild boars are related to farm pigs. Long ago, people domesticated them to keep them for their meat. We can still find wild boars. They often live in the mountains, and will come close to villages in the winter to look for food. 豬的親戚 野豬與農(nóng)場豬有親戚關(guān)系。許久之前,人們馴養(yǎng)它們,用來獲取它們的肉。 我們?nèi)匀荒苷业揭柏i。它們通常生活在山上,或者于冬天潛入村莊覓食。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (25.4%), 3-4歲 (22.6%)
【賓果47龜】 super turtles and tortoise (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 47 Super shells: turtles and tortoises 超級龜甲:海龜與烏龜 ●導讀頁 They’re the winners! The tortoise and the snail are having a race. The tortoise is very slow. The snail is even slower. All the spectators have gone home. Only the moon and stars are left. But tortoise and snail don’t mind. They have their homes with them all the time! 它們是贏家! 烏龜與蝸牛競賽賽跑。 烏龜相當?shù)穆?蝸牛比它還慢。 所有的觀賽者都回家了。 只有月亮和星星留了下來。 但是烏龜和蝸牛毫不在意。 它們的家無時不刻不在陪著它們呀! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about turtles? 你準備好了,來了解龜嗎? Animal | Turtle 動物 | 龜 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Ji Gyeong-og 池景玉 標題:Super shells: turtles and tortoises 超級龜甲:海龜與烏龜 正文 ●02 Sea turtles are excellent swimmers. They spend most of their life in the ocean. 海龜是優(yōu)秀的泳者。 它們終其一生,幾乎都在海洋里度過。 ●03 Their front flippers pull them easily through the water. 它們的前掌蹼讓它們在水里輕松地劃拉。 ●04 Their shell is long and light, which helps as well. 狹長而又輕巧的龜殼也助了它一臂之力。 ●05 This turtle has seen a snack. Yum! A jellyfish. 這只海龜看到了它的小點心。 美食呀!一只海蜇[zhé]。 ●06 Different types of turtle eat different things. Some of them feed mostly on plants. 不同的龜吃不同的東西。 它們中的大多數(shù)以植物為食。 ●07 The weather is getting warmer and it is time to find a mate. 天氣變暖了,是時候找一個伴了。 ●08 The male turtle nips gently at the female’s flippers to attract her attention. 雄海龜輕點雌海龜?shù)哪_蹼,用來吸引她的注意。 ●09 He climbs on her back and she carries him like this for hours. 他攀爬到她的后背上,她背著他數(shù)幾小時。 ●10 TIP Tortoises mate in the same way, with the male climbing on the female’s back. 提示 (陸地)烏龜和海龜繁衍后代的方式一樣,雄性爬上雌性的后背。 ●11 The female swims to shore. 雌性游到岸邊。 She doesn’t just go to the nearest beach. 她也并不局限于只是在最近的海灘打轉(zhuǎn)。 ●12 Female turtles swim long distances to return to the beach where they were born. 雌海龜游到很遠的地方,然后再回到它們出生的海濱區(qū)域。 ●13 Now the turtle uses her flippers like spades. She digs a hole in the sand. 現(xiàn)在海龜用起她的蹼就像鏟子一樣。 她在沙子上挖了一個洞。 ●14 Then she lays lots of eggs in the hole. 隨后她在洞里產(chǎn)了許多蛋。 ●16 When she’s done, she slowly crawls back to the ocean. 產(chǎn)完蛋,她慢悠悠地爬回海里。 ●18 Crack! The tiny turtles hatch out of their eggs. They take their first look at this strange new world. 咔嚓! 小海龜從它們的殼里孵出來了。 它們第一次看到這個新奇的世界呢。 ●20 Now they head towards the water. Thousands of them race together to the waves. 現(xiàn)在它們的頭朝向水中。 數(shù)以千計的它們逐相掀起波浪。 ●21 Not all of the babies make it to the ocean. 并非所有的海龜寶寶都能去到海里。 Many of them become food for seagulls or crabs. 它們當中的有一些成為了海鷗或螃蟹的食物。 ●24 The lucky ones dive into the water and begin to swim. They will travel a long, long way. 它們當中幸運的那些潛入水中,開始游泳。 它們將會游上很長,很長的一段路。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Different homes 不同的家 Freshwater turtles 淡水龜 Some freshwater turtles live near ponds and streams and eat small fish. 有一些淡水龜靠近池塘,溪流生活,吃小型魚類。 Grass tortoises live near ponds and streams and eat small fish. 草龜生活在池塘,溪流附近,吃小魚。 The Brazilian slider lives near ponds or lakes, and feeds on small fish. 巴西龜(滑龜屬)生活在靠近池塘,湖泊的地方,以小魚為食。 Soft-shelled turtles are dark green with a long tail. 甲魚(鱉[biē]),呈暗綠色,長有長尾。 ●26 Land tortoises 陸地龜 A land tortoise has very thick, strong legs and a shell with many ridges. 陸地龜腿部粗壯有力,殼上面有很多脊線。 Leopard tortoises are named after the spots on their shell. 豹龜因其殼上斑點而得名。 The Galapagos tortoise is bigger than any other land tortoise. 象龜比其它任何一種陸地龜都要大。 Sea turtles There are several species of turtle that live in the ocean. 海龜 海洋里生活著許多不同種類的龜。 Loggerhead turtles have a more varied diet than any other sea turtle. 靈龜相比起其它海龜,有著更為寬泛的飲食習性。 Hawksbill turtles live near coral reefs and eat sea sponges. 玳瑁龜生活在靠近珊瑚礁的地方,吃食海綿生物。 ●27 Turtle Facts 龜二三事 Feeding time Tortoises love to eat grass, leaves, flowers, and some fruits. Fresh water turtles also eat plants, together with worms, snails, insects, and some small crabs and fish. Sea turtles gulp down soft foods such as jellyfish, sponges, or algae. Turtles and tortoises have no teeth so they cannot chew, but have to swallow things whole. 進食時間 龜愛吃草,葉,花,和一些水果。 淡水龜同樣也愛吃植物,同時也有蠕蟲,蝸牛,昆蟲,以及一些小螃蟹和小魚。 海龜能一口吞下軟軟的食物,如海蜇,海綿生物,或是水藻。 烏龜與海龜都沒有牙齒,所以它們不能咀嚼,但能一口全吞食物。 How old? Turtle shells can tell you how old the creatures are. More layers grow over the years (like the rings of a tree). If you look at their shell from the side, you can count the layers to work out their age. 多大了? 龜殼能告訴你,該生物的年齡。 殼上的層紋隨著歲月與日俱增(就像樹上的環(huán)狀一樣)。 如果你從一邊觀望它們的殼,然后你能一層層數(shù)層紋,隨后計算出它們的年齡。 ●28 Animal | Turtle 動物 | 龜 Sitting in the sun Freshwater turtles can live in water or on the land. If their body temperature falls too low, they climb out of the water to sunbathe. The sunshine helps them get warm and keeps parasites away. 享受日光浴 淡水龜能生活在水中或是陸地上。 如果它們的體溫降得太低,它們爬出水面,享受日光浴。 日照幫助它們變暖,驅(qū)趕走寄生蟲。 When winter comes Freshwater turtles and tortoises will hibernate to survive harsh winters. Sea turtles don’t hibernate, but migrate instead. Migration is where a creature moves to a warmer place until winter has passed. 當冬天來了的時候 淡水龜和烏龜為了活過嚴冬,會進行冬眠。 海龜不需冬眠,但會進行遷徙。 遷徙指的是,生物搬到更溫暖的地方,直到冬天過去。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (26.6%), 3-4歲 (19.3%)
【賓果48鯨】 whales aren't fish (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 48 Whales aren’t fish 鯨魚不是魚 ●導讀頁 The big blue A blue whale has the whole ocean as its playground. But what if it were a playground itself? It is so long and wide you could run and jump and flip. You could slide down its tail and fly in the air above its blowhole! But you would have to jump off when it dived deep down beneath the waves. 大藍 藍鯨把整個海洋當成它的游樂場。 但是假如它自己就是一個游樂場呢? 它是如此之長,如此之寬,你能在上面跑啊,跳啊,翻滾啊。 你能滑到它的尾巴下,或是被它的氣門(呼吸孔)沖飛到天上! 但是當它潛入水深處,卷起波濤時,你可得趕緊跳下來! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about whales? 你準備好了,來了解鯨魚嗎? Animal | Whale 動物 | 鯨魚 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Choe Yeong-nan 催英林 標題:Whales aren’t fish 鯨魚不是魚 正文 ●01 Do you know the biggest animal in history? It isn’t a giant dinosaur. It is an animal that is still alive today: the blue whale. Its body can grow up to 30 metres long. 你知道歷史上最大的動物是誰嗎? 不是那巨大的恐龍。 是現(xiàn)在仍然活著的一種動物:藍鯨。 它的身型能生長到長達 30 米。 ●03 Whales swim in the ocean but they aren’t fish. They are mammals. They have live babies and feed them on milk as they grow. 鯨魚徜徉于海洋但它們不是魚。 它們是哺[bǔ]乳動物。 它們產(chǎn)出活生生的寶寶,然后用乳汁哺育它們,使它們長大。 ●04 TIP Most mammals are born head first, but whales are born tail first. 提示 大多數(shù)哺乳動物出生時都是頭先出來,然而鯨魚是尾巴先出來。 ●05 Fish use gills to breathe underwater. Whales cannot breathe underwater as they have lungs, not gills. 魚用它們的鰓在水下進行呼吸。 鯨魚不能在水下呼吸,它們的呼吸器官是肺,而非鰓。 ●07 When a whale needs to take a breath, it comes to the surface. 當一只鯨魚需要呼吸時,會浮到水面。 ●08 As it breathes out, a spurt of water vapour blows out of the blowhole on its head, like a fountain. 當它呼出時,一陣水汽從它頭上的氣門噴涌出來,恰如噴泉。 ●09 Baleen whales swallow all their food and water together. They use the baleen in their mouth to filter out the water but keep the food inside. 長須鯨一口氣連同水一起,把食物通通吞下。 它們用它們嘴中的鯨須把水濾出來,把食物留在嘴內(nèi)。 ●10 TIP A baleen whale’s favourite food is krill. They are tiny little shrimps that live in the ocean. 提示 長須鯨最愛的食物是磷蝦。 它們是生活在海洋中的細小蝦類。 ●12 Another group of whales are toothed whales. They mostly feed on fish, shrimp, octopus and squid. They gulp them down in one big bite. 另一組鯨類是有齒鯨。 它們大多以魚,蝦,章魚(也稱八爪魚)和魷魚(也稱烏賊和墨魚)為食。 它們一大口就能把它們吞進去。 ●13 Dolphins are a type of toothed whale. They don’t grow as large as many other whales. 海豚也屬于有齒鯨中的一種。 它們不像其它鯨魚那樣,長得那么大。 ●14 They love to leap... 它們喜愛跳躍… ...hello! …你好! ●15 Dolphins and other whales flick their tail up and down to move through the water. They swim very fast. 海豚與其它鯨魚上下擺動它們的尾巴,在水中移動穿梭。 它們游得非???。 ●18 A dolphin’s favourite food is fish. They sometimes work together in groups to catch them. 海豚最愛的食物是魚。 它們有時候聚在一起工作,捕食它們。 ●19 Dolphins are very clever. This makes them smart enough to learn tricks to show off to humans. 海豚相當聰明。 它們的機靈勁足以使它們學習戲法,在人類面前炫技一番。 ●21 A trainer rewards the dolphins with fish for doing tricks. The tricks are natural behaviours, such as leaping and balancing. 做完把戲,訓練員用魚對海豚進行獎賞。 這些戲法隸屬天性,如:跳躍與保持平衡。 ●24 When a whale leaps from the water, it is called breaching. Some jump up and simply splash back down. Others twist and roll and somersault before they land. 當一只海豚躍出水面,(這種行為)稱為突圍。 有一些躍上來,簡潔地噗通一下又跳回水里。 其它的一些在著陸前,扭擺著,滾動著,翻著筋斗。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Super swimmers 超級泳者 A dolphin’s mouth opens wide and looks like a smile. 海豚的嘴大張的時候,看起來像是發(fā)出微笑。 Dolphins love to leap, and can be trained to do tricks. 海豚喜愛跳躍,能被用來訓練做戲法。 ●26 In the wild, they use ultrasound (echoes) to find food. 野生的海豚使用超聲波(回聲)尋找食物。 They jump out of the water as they swim. 它們?nèi)缬斡景闾鏊妗?A group of dolphins is called a pod. 一群海豚(英文專有名詞)稱為 pod。 ●27 Whale Facts 鯨二三事 Blowholes When a whale breathes out, water vapour forms a fountain above its head. Most baleen whales have two blowholes, while toothed whales have just one. 呼吸孔 當一只鯨魚呼氣時,水汽從它頭頂噴射出來,形成噴泉狀。 大多數(shù)長須鯨有兩個呼吸孔,而有齒鯨魚只有一個。 Vanishing whales 27 Ancient rock carvings in a South Korean museum show images of ancient grey whales. These whales are also called greyback whales, and reach half the size of a bluewhale. Their numbers are decreasing and they may disappear altogether. 消逝的鯨魚 南韓某博物館當中的一個古石雕,展現(xiàn)了古代灰鯨的印記。 這些鯨魚也被稱為灰背鯨,差不多是藍鯨的一半尺寸。 它們的數(shù)量正在減少,也許正瀕臨消失。 Rock carvings 巖雕 Grey whale with barnacles on it 帶鼻鉗的灰鯨 ●28 Animal | Whale 動物 | 鯨魚 More sea mammals Whales and dolphins aren’t the only mammals found in the sea. 海洋哺乳動物拓展 在已知的海洋哺乳動物中,并不僅僅只有鯨魚與海豚。 Dugong Dugongs live in warm, shallow waters near the coast. 儒艮[gèn](美人魚) 儒艮生活在溫暖的,靠近海岸的淺水區(qū)。 Manatee The manatee is sometimes called the sea cow. 海牛 海牛有時也被稱為海里面的牛。 Walrus Walruses have a huge mouth and large tusks. 海象 海象有著巨大的牙齒與大大的獠牙。 Harp seal Harp seals swim fast but have to crawl on their tummy on land. 豎琴海豹 豎琴海豹游得很快,但在著陸時會把肚皮貼著地面爬行。 Sea lion Sea lions swim with their back flippers but can twist them round to walk on land. 海獅 海獅用它們的后蹼游泳,但走上地面時,能把蹼收攏扭圓。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (23.5%), 3-4歲 (22.5%)
【賓果49虎】 Mighty tiger: king of the jungle (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 49 Mighty tiger, king of the jungle 威武的老虎,叢林之王 ●導讀頁 The lonely tiger 孤獨的老虎 The tiger lives alone in the jungle. Sometimes, it just wants company, and moans in the night. All the animals can hear the tiger’s cries. They quake and hide. The poor tiger is too frightening to have friends. It is doomed to be on its own. 老虎獨居于叢林中。 有時,它也需要伙伴兒,便在夜色中哀嚎召喚。 所有的動物都能聽到老虎的哭聲。 它們戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)兢兢,藏匿起來。 可憐的老虎太有震懾力了,難有朋友。 它注定成為孤家寡人。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about tigers? 你準備好了,來了解老虎嗎? Animal | Tiger 動物 | 老虎 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Jeon Yeong-mun 鄭京文 標題: Mighty tiger, king of the jungle 威武的老虎,叢林之王 正文 ●01 Whose face is this? 這是誰的臉? ●03 That’s right. It is tiger, the king of the jungle. All the animals are afraid of this mighty hunter. 對了。 它是老虎,叢林之王。 所有的動物都害怕這位威武的獵食者。 ●06 The mother tiger has given birth to two cubs. Their father prowls outside to keep them safe. 老虎媽媽生下兩只小虎崽。 它們的爸爸在外徘徊,以保它們安全。 ●07 As they grow bigger, the tiger cubs play and fight. 當它們長得更大一些的時候, 老虎崽崽們一起玩耍,一起爭斗。 ●08 One cub bites its brother’s tail to practise its hunting moves. 一只老虎崽崽咬住它兄弟的尾巴,進行獵食位移的練習。 TIP A newborn cub is about the size of a cat. When the mother goes hunting for food, she hides her babies behind a rock. 提示 新生的老虎崽子和貓的體型差不多。 當母親外出獵食時,她把她的寶寶們藏到巖石后邊。 ●09 Now they are bigger, their mother will teach the cubs how to hunt. They run after her excitedly. 現(xiàn)在它們長大很多了,它們的母親將教授崽崽們?nèi)绾潍C食。 它們興奮地跟在她的后面跑著。 ●12 They have spotted their prey. The mother tiger creeps up, silently. 它們偵查到了它們的獵物。 老虎母親悄無聲息地匍匐而上。 ●13 She pounces, and bites the deer on its neck. ‘Mum, you are awesome!’ 她猛撲過去,咬住鹿的頸部。 “媽媽,你好棒??!” ●15 The tigers are splashing around in the river. Tigers love the water, and are excellent swimmers. 老虎在河中撲騰來撲騰去。 老虎愛水,是優(yōu)秀的泳者。 ●18 When the tigers are fully grown, they leave their mother to live on their own. 當老虎們長成年,它們離開母親,獨立生活。 ●20 A male tiger marks trees by scratching them or peeing on the trunks. It means, ‘This is my territory.’ 雄性老虎刮擦著樹,在上面做標記;或是在樹干上撒一泡尿。 它的意思是,“這是我的地盤?!?●21 These two tigers have paired up to mate. They smell and lick each other, and make purring noises. 這兩只老虎配對在一起了。 它們互相嗅和舔?qū)Ψ?,發(fā)出咕嚕咕嚕聲。 TIP When a female is ready to mate, she pees in the part of the jungle where she lives. The male can follow her scent. 提示 當雌性打算孕育時,她在自己居住的叢林區(qū)域撒一泡尿。 雄性就能追隨她的氣味。 ●24 Long ago, hunters killed tigers just for their fur. Many tigers were taken to zoos to protect them. Now, more tigers live in the zoo than in the jungle. These days, tiger hunting is illegal. 很久之前,獵人獵殺老虎,只是為了獲取它們的皮毛。 許多老虎被帶去動物園進行保護。 當代,更多的老虎生活在動物園而非叢林中。 現(xiàn)今,獵虎是違法的。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! How tigers hunt 老虎是如何獵食的 Tigers hunt in different ways, depending on the size of their prey. 老虎采取不同的方式獵食,取決于它們獵物的體型。 The tiger spots its prey. It creeps up close. 老虎盯梢上它的獵物。它匍匐向前靠近。 Bam! It grabs the rabbit. 嗙!它擒住了一只兔子。 ●26 Tigers pounce on small animals with their front paws. 老虎用它的前爪朝小動物猛撲過去。 With larger prey, like a deer, the tiger bites or snaps the neck. 大一些的獵物,如:鹿,老虎會咬住或卡住它的頸部。 ●27 Tiger Facts 老虎二三事 Family facts After mating, the male tiger will stay with the mother until the cubs are born. Then he will leave the female to bring up the cubs. When they are grown up, they will live alone, like their parents. 家族真相 在一起繁衍以后,雄虎會陪伴在雌虎身邊,直到它們的崽崽降世。 其后,他便離開雌虎,由她養(yǎng)育虎崽。 虎崽們長大以后,它們也會像它們的父母一樣,獨立生活。 Too hot Tigers don’t like the full heat of summer. They prefer to stay in the shade and keep still. They often cool down with a swim. 太熱了 老虎們不喜歡熱嗖嗖的夏天。 它們偏愛待在蔭蔽處,靜矗。 它們通常通過游泳來降溫。 ●28 Animal | Tiger 動物 | 老虎 Naughty cubs Tiger cubs bite and fight and wrestle and chase one another. They aren’t really behaving badly. It is all practice for when they have to hunt on their own. 淘氣的崽崽們 老虎崽崽一個接著一個咬、斗、摔、追對方。 它們并非那般表現(xiàn)不好。 這一切全是它們?yōu)榱四塥毩C食而進行的練習。 Big cats Tigers, lions, leopards and jaguars are all big cats. 貓科家族 老虎,獅子,金錢豹,美洲虎,全屬貓科家族。 Lion Lions are the only big cats that live in large groups. 獅子 獅子是唯一進行大型群居生活的貓科家族動物。 Leopard Leopards carry their prey into trees to keep it safe. 金錢豹 金錢豹把它們的獵物叼到樹下,以確保食物的安全(不被更強者奪走)。 Cheetah Cheetahs are the fastest big cats and hunt in daylight. 獵豹 獵豹在貓科家族中跑得最快,并在日間獵食。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (27.3%), 3-4歲 (22.4%)
【賓果50河馬】 Hungry hippo and her huge mouth! (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 50 Hungry hippo and her huge mouth! 饑餓的河馬和它的巨嘴! ●導讀頁 Mum, I’m hungry! I’m as hungry as a hungry hippo! Mum makes me the best sandwiches. They have big mouths with big teeth inside. I have to open my mouth really wide to eat them! 媽媽,我餓了! 我和河馬一樣餓! 媽媽給我做了最棒的三明治。 它們大大的嘴里有大大的牙。 我可真得大張我的口來吃掉它們! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about hippos? 你準備好了,來了解河馬嗎? Animal | Hippopotamus 動物 | 河馬 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Lee Jung-sun 李晶善 標題:Hungry hippo and her huge mouth! 饑餓的河馬和它的巨嘴! 正文 ●01 Who is this, peeping out from the water? 這是誰呀? 從水中探出來偷窺? ●03 It is the hippo! Hippos shelter in the water to keep out of the sun. 它是河馬! 河馬掩蔽在水中,躲開太陽。 ●04 TIP Strong sun can burn a hippo’s sensitive skin. Hippos prefer to stay in the water during the daytime. 提示 強烈的日光能灼傷河馬敏感的皮膚。 河馬喜愛在日間待在水里。 ●06 These hippos are having a mud bath. It stops them getting sunburnt, and keeps away annoying bugs. ‘We love the mud!’ 這些河馬正在進行泥浴。 這能幫它們防止日曬,趕走討厭的蟲子。 “我們愛泥沼!” ●08 Two male hippos dive at each other with their huge mouths wide open. They are fighting to see who will win a mate. 兩只雄性河馬張開它們巨大的嘴,相互間競技潛水。 它們在爭斗,看看誰能贏得伴侶。 ●09 The winner snuggles up to his new partner. Soon, they will have a baby of their own. 獲勝者與他的新伴兒依偎在一起。 不久后,它們將迎來屬于自己的寶寶。 ●10 The baby hippo is born in the water. 河馬寶寶在水中出生了。 It grows big and strong by drinking its mother’s milk. 河馬寶寶喝著媽媽的乳汁茁壯成長。 ●11 Mother hippo doesn’t let her baby out of her sight. 河馬媽媽不會讓她的寶寶超出她的視線范圍。 ●12 She loves her baby so much! 她是如此愛她的寶寶! ●14 The baby hippo is learning how to dive. It follows its mother. ‘Don’t be scared! Just do what I do. First, hold your breath and go under the water.’ 河馬寶寶正在學習如何潛水。 它跟著媽媽。 “不要害怕!跟著我做。 首先,屏住呼吸,潛入水下?!?●15 Splash! 啪! Now the baby practices everything it has learned. 現(xiàn)在寶寶練習所學的每一項操作。 Splash! Splash! 啪!啪! ●16 ‘You can do it! My clever baby!’ “你能做好的!我的聰明寶貝!” ‘You can do it!’ “你能行!” ●17 The baby hippo is at home in the water, just like its parents. 河馬寶寶以水為家,就像它的父母一樣。 ●18 A baby hippo is called a calf. 河馬寶寶被稱為 calf,崽子,犢子。 ●19 When night comes, the hippos leave the water. They roam across the land, looking for tasty grass to eat. 夜至,河馬們離開水里。 它們游蕩穿越于陸地上,尋找可口的草來吃。 ●21 When the hippos have eaten, they need to poo. 河馬吃飽后,它們就要拉便便了。 ●22 They spin their tail round to spray the poo everywhere. Yuck! But this shows all the other hippos that someone lives here. 它們把尾巴旋成圈,把便便噴得到處都是。 好惡心??! 但是這能讓其它河馬知道,這里已經(jīng)有主啦。 ●23 Hippos like to spend time with their friends. They live in large groups. They sleep together on land, but can also fall fast asleep in the water! 河馬愛與它們的朋友們共度時光。 它們共同生活在一個大群體里。 它們一起在陸地上睡覺, 但也能在水中快速入眠! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Hey, big mouth! 嘿,大嘴! Giraffes have no front teeth. Their tongue is very long for grabbing food. 長頸鹿沒有門牙。它們的舌頭非常長,利于攫取食物。 Snakes can swallow a whole animal in one gulp! 蛇能一口就把一整只動物全吞下去。 When the lion opens its mouth to roar, all the other animals run! 當獅子張口咆哮時,其它所有的動物都跑光光。 ●26 A tiger uses its strong jaws to snap the bones of its prey. 老虎用它強壯的頜,在獵物身上拆骨解肉。 Once a crocodile clamps down, nothing can escape from its jaws. 一旦鱷魚合上它的嘴,沒有東西能從它的頜中逃脫。 A hippo yawns to tell other hippos to stay away. 河馬裂開大口,是告訴其它河馬,閃遠點。 ●27 Hippo Facts 河馬二三事 Diving down 潛到水下 Hippos can’t swim, but bounce along the bottom of the river. They can stay underwater for a long time before they have to come up to take a breath. They can close their nostrils and ears tightly so no water gets in. 河馬不會游泳,但能讓自己沉到河底。 在它們浮出水面進行呼吸前,它們能在水面下待很長時間。 它們能閉緊它們的鼻孔和耳朵,所以水進不去。 Red sweat The hippo’s skin is very sensitive and can burn easily in the sun. Their skin produces a red, gooey substance that acts like sunblock and stops their skin from cracking. 紅色的汗液 河馬的皮膚相當敏感,很易被太陽灼傷。 它們的皮膚分泌出紅色的,黏糊的物質(zhì), 就像防曬霜一樣,能防止皮膚開裂。 ●28 Animal | Hippopotamus 動物 | 河馬 Breaking the surface 不離水面 A hippo’s eyes, ears and nose are all near the top of its head, so they stick up above the surface. A hippo can keep almost all of its body underwater and still breathe and take notice of what is going on. 河馬的眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,全都靠近頭頂部,所以它們能向上凝視。 河馬幾乎能把它的身體全都浸入到水面下,而不影響呼吸,也能關(guān)注水面上的動靜。 Hairy hippo 河馬是有毛的 Hippos might look bald, but they have hair at the end of their tail and the edges of their ears. They also have sensitive hairs around their mouth to test what grass is good to eat. 河馬也許看起來光禿禿的,但它們在尾巴末梢和耳朵邊上也有毛發(fā)的。 它們的嘴巴周圍也長著敏感的毛發(fā),能測試草好不好吃。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (26.7%), 3-4歲 (24.2%)
【賓果51貓頭鷹】 Night hunters: owls (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 51 Night hunters: owls 黑夜獵手:貓頭鷹 ●導讀頁 Waiting for darkness 等待黑夜 In the bright light of day, the owl hides in her nest. She sleeps soundly until the sun sets. 明亮的白天,貓頭鷹躲于巢內(nèi)。 她酣然入睡直到日落時分。 When the shy moon rises in the sky, the owl is ready for action. She is wide awake and will hunt through the night. 當嬌羞的月亮升入空中,貓頭鷹打算行動了。 她異常清醒,預備在黑夜中捕食呢。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about owls? 你準備好了,來了解貓頭鷹嗎? Bird | Owl 鳥類 | 貓頭鷹 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Shin Hyeon-yeong 申玄英 標題: Night hunters: owls 黑夜獵手:貓頭鷹 正文 ●01 There are many types of owl. They have lots of things in common, but some features that make them look different. 貓頭鷹有許多種。 它們在很多方面頗為相似,但是一些特征造就它們看起來不同。 ●03 Some owls have feathers that stick up like ears. They aren’t real ears, though. 有一些貓頭鷹身上的羽毛緊粘一起,就像耳朵。 即使它們并非真正的耳朵。 Some owls have no ear tufts, but have a round head and a heart-shaped face. 有一些貓頭鷹沒有耳羽, 卻有著圓圓的頭,心型的臉。 ●05 Owls are birds of prey. They eat meat instead of seeds and plants. Birds of prey have sharp beaks and claws to hunt for small animals. 貓頭鷹是鳥類中的獵食者。 它們吃肉,而非種子和植物。 猛禽(鳥類中的獵食者)有著尖利的喙和爪,捕食小型動物。 Some hunt during the day, such as eagles. Most owls are night creatures. 有一些在日間獵食,如:老鷹。 大多數(shù)貓頭鷹都是夜行生物。 ●07 Owls snooze all day and let the eagles rule the skies. When night comes, the owls take over as the hunters. 貓頭鷹全天都在打盹,任由老鷹統(tǒng)領天空。 夜幕垂臨,作為獵食者,貓頭鷹接管掌權(quán)了。 ●08 Creatures that are active at night are called nocturnal. 在夜間活躍活動的生物,被稱為 nocturnal:夜行動物。 ●10 Owls have excellent hearing, so they can hunt in the dark. They can find prey with even the tiniest sound. 貓頭鷹有著卓越的聽力,所以它們能在昏暗中獵食。 即使是最為細微的聲音,它們也能據(jù)此找到獵物。 ●11 ‘Squeak! Squeak!’ There it is! The owl knows exactly where the mouse is. “吱!吱!” 就在那兒! 貓頭鷹能確切知道老鼠在哪兒。 ●12 It swoops down and carries off the mouse in the blink of an eye. 它猛沖下去,一眨眼功夫就把老鼠擒住了。 ●13 Owls have special feathers to help them fly silently. They are soft and have fluffy edges to make less noise. The owl can hear sounds on the ground, but the mice, squirrels and moles can’t hear the owl coming. 貓頭鷹的羽毛很特別,幫助它們在飛行時悄無聲息。 它的羽毛很軟,邊沿蓬松,能降噪音。 貓頭鷹(在空中時)能聽到地面的聲音, 但老鼠,松鼠,鼴鼠,卻聽不到貓頭鷹來襲的聲音。 ●15 There is a whole lot of noise in the owl’s nest. Its eggs are hatching! The baby owls don’t look like their parents, but have grey fluff instead of brown feathers. 貓頭鷹巢中的吵鬧聲不絕于耳。 它的蛋被孵出來啦! 貓頭鷹寶寶長得不像它們的父母, 它們有著灰色的絨毛,而非棕色的羽毛。 ●18 The father catches a mouse and brings it home. The mother rips it into pieces and feeds them to the chicks. 爸爸(父親)捉住了一只老鼠并把它帶回家。 媽媽(母親)把它撕成一小片一小片,喂崽崽吃。 ●19 Before long, the chicks have grown in size, and have feathers. 不久后,崽崽們的身型長大了很多,也長出羽翼。 ●20 Soon they can leave home and live on their own. 很快,它們就能離家,并且自己謀生了。 ●21 Let’s meet some special owls. The one with no ear tufts is a brown hawk-owl. It hunts in the daytime. The other is the Eurasian eagle-owl. It is one of the largest owls of all. 讓我們來會一會一些特別的貓頭鷹。 那只沒有耳羽的是鷹鸮[xiāo] 。它在白天獵食。 另一只是雕鸮。它在所有貓頭鷹中體型最大。 Brown hawk-owl 鷹鸮 ●22 Eurasian eagle-owl 雕鸮 ●23 Long-eared owl 長耳鸮 ●24 Short-eared owl 短耳鸮 Some owls migrate in the winter. Both long-eared and short-eared owls fly south to find more food. 有一些貓頭鷹在冬天進行遷徙。 長耳鸮和短耳鸮都會飛往南方尋找更多的食物。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! In the dark 在黑暗中 This owl sleeps in the daytime. 貓頭鷹在日間睡覺。 This owl’s dark feathers help it to hide. 貓頭鷹暗色的羽毛有助于它藏身。 ●26 An owl hardly flaps its wings as it hunts. 貓頭鷹在獵食時幾乎很少扇翅膀。 The fluffy edges make less noise. 羽毛邊沿毛茸茸的,能輔助消音。 Its sharp claws are called talons and hold tight to its prey. 它那銳利的爪子稱為利爪,能把獵物緊緊扣住。 ●27 Owl Facts 貓頭鷹二三事 Owl families 貓頭鷹家族 Owls can be divided into two groups: true owls and barn owls. There are around 200 types, and most of them are nocturnal. Many hunt for small mammals and birds, but some are fish eaters. 貓頭鷹被分為兩大類:鴟鸮[chī xiāo]科(俗稱貓頭鷹)和倉鸮。 貓頭鷹大概有 200 來種,大多數(shù)都是夜行動物。 許多貓頭鷹獵食小型哺乳動物和鳥類,但是也有一些是食魚者。 Collared scops owl 領角鸮 Snowy owl 雪鸮 Brown hawk-owl 鷹鸮 Eurasian eagle-owl 雕鸮 Owl or moth? 貓頭鷹還是飛蛾? One type of moth uses an owl disguise to frighten away predators. Its wings have a pattern that look like the eyes of an owl. 有一種飛蛾偽裝成貓頭鷹,用來嚇走捕食者。 它翅膀的圖案看起來很像貓頭鷹的眼睛。 ●28 Bird | Owl 鳥類 | 貓頭鷹 Birds of prey 猛禽 Eagles and hawks are daytime predators. They circle in the sky looking for prey. They have exceptionally good eyesight. Once they spot their target, they swoop down and grab it. 老鷹和隼[sǔn]都在日間捕食。 它們在天空中盤旋,搜尋獵物。 它們的視力尤其之好。一旦盯上目標,它們猛沖下去,一把攫住。 Black kite 黑鳶[yuān] The black kite is found in many countries around the world. 黑鳶在全世界許多國家中都有被發(fā)現(xiàn)。 Goshawk 蒼鷹 Goshawks eat small birds and grasshoppers. 蒼鷹以小型鳥類和蚱蜢為口糧。 Stellers sea eagle 虎頭海雕 This bird has large talons for catching fish and sea birds to eat. 這一種鳥類有著大大的利爪,捕食魚類和海洋鳥類。 Bald eagle 白頭海雕 The bald eagle has a pure white head. It builds an enormous nest. 白頭海雕長著純白色的頭。它筑的巢極其大。 Osprey 魚鷹 Ospreys nest near water and hunt for fish. 魚鷹的巢近水,它捕食魚類。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (27.7%), 3-4歲 (19.7%)
【賓果52燕子】 Swallows in the spring (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 52 Swallows in the spring 春來燕兒 ●導讀頁 ‘Chirp! Cheep! Wake up!’ “嘰嘰!喳喳!醒醒!” The swallows swoop through the air with their long, graceful wings. They call to all the hibernating animals to let them know that spring is here. 燕子活動著它那悠長而優(yōu)雅的翅膀掠過天空。 它們想要告訴所有冬眠的動物們,讓它們知道:春天來啦。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about swallows? 你準備好了,來了解燕子嗎? 鳥類 | 燕子 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Shin Jue-un 申珠恩 標題: Swallows in the spring 春來燕兒 正文 ●02 As spring arrives, the sun touches the ground. It warms the earth and wakes the animals that have been hibernating. One by one, they wake up and stretch up. 春已至,太陽普照著大地。 大地被照暖了,喚醒了那些冬眠有些時日的動物們。 一個接一個,它們醒過來,伸著懶腰。 ●03 ‘Chirp! Cheep!’ The swallows that flew south for the winter sing as they return home. 去南國旅行的燕子“嘰嘰喳喳”地唱著歌飛回來了。 ●05 The swallows have no time to rest after their journey. They need to find a mate and build a nest. 旅途過后,燕子們無暇休息。 它們需要找一個伴兒,并且筑巢。 Chirp! Cheep! “嘰嘰!喳喳!” ●06 Chirp! Cheep! “嘰嘰!喳喳!” A female swallow sits on the wire and waits for a male to land next to her. 一只雌性燕子蹲坐在電線上, 等待一名雄性降臨到她身邊。 ●07 They have found their mate! They make a nest out of mud mixed with dry straw. 它們找到伴兒啦! 它們用泥巴混合著干稻草筑巢。 ●09 Once the nest is built, the female swallow lays her eggs inside. 一旦它們的巢被筑好,雌性燕子便窩在巢內(nèi)下蛋。 ●10 TIP After the swallows have built their nest, they line it with feathers and dry straw to make it soft and comfortable. 提示 當燕子們筑好它們的巢后,它們用羽毛和干稻草排列到巢內(nèi),使巢變得柔軟而舒適。 ●12 Before long, the female swallow lays her eggs. She is going to be a mum! The parents take turns caring for their eggs. 不久后,雌性燕子孵下她的蛋。她要做媽媽啦! 燕子父母輪流照看它們的蛋。 ●13 Crack! Crack! The little swallows hatch out of their shells. 咔嚓!咔嚓! 小燕子們破殼而出。 TIP Swallows use the warmth of their body to help their eggs hatch. Once they have hatched, the parents will throw out the empty shells. 提示 燕子用自己的體溫來幫助孵蛋。 一旦小燕子被孵出,燕子父母就會把空殼從巢內(nèi)扔出去。 ●14 The newborn baby swallows are naked and look nothing like their mum and dad. 新生的燕子寶寶光禿禿,和它們的媽媽和爸爸一點也不像。 ●15 After only a few days, the babies have feathers and look much more like their parents. 僅僅只是過后數(shù)日,寶寶們長出了羽毛,看起來更像它們的父母一些了。 ●16 But... 但是啊…… ●17 They are greedy babies! The parents don’t get a moment’s rest while they are feeding them. 它們是貪婪的寶貝們! 它們的父母一刻也不得閑地給它們喂食。 ●20 The parents begin to teach their little ones how to hunt for food. They also teach them how to use water and sand to bathe in. 父母開始給它們的小不點們教授如何獵食。 父母也同樣教授它們?nèi)绾斡盟蜕尺M行沐浴。 ●21 Now the swallows are fully grown. It is a warm day in the middle of summer, and the birds can hunt by themselves. They can even swoop past the water and grab a drink as they go. 現(xiàn)在小燕兒長成大燕子了。 這是仲夏中溫暖的一天,這些鳥兒可以靠它們自己覓食了。 它們甚至能在掠過之地,攫上一口水喝。 ●23 Winter is coming, and it is time for the swallows to fly south again to avoid the cold. Will they return next spring to build a nest and lay eggs? 冬天到了,是燕子們再次飛往南方避寒的時候了。 來年春天,它們歸來之時,會筑巢,會下蛋么? TIP Swallows stay in the north during spring and summer, like other migratory birds. When autumn comes they head back down south towards the Philippines, Thailand, or Myanmar. 提示 和其它候鳥一樣,燕子們在春夏待在北方。 到了秋天,它們齊刷刷地朝菲律賓、泰國、緬甸這樣的南邊飛。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! We’re back! 我們回來啦! ‘Cheep! Chirp!’ When warm spring returns, so do the swallows. “嘰嘰!喳喳!” 溫暖的春天到了,燕子飛回來了。 Swallows are very neat and tidy birds. They clean their feathers whenever they can. 燕子是喜愛干凈整潔的鳥,所以有空就會梳理自己的毛。 During their long flight they will take short rests on power lines. 在它們的長途飛行中,它們會在電線桿上做短暫歇息。 ●26 A swallow takes a sip as it swoops past the water. 一只燕子在掠過水面時,會呷[xiā]上一小口水。 Swallows hunt for flies, mosquitoes, and all sorts of pests. They are very helpful birds. 燕子們捕食蒼蠅,蚊子,以及各種害蟲。它們是益鳥。 ●27 Swallow Facts 燕子二三事 Long wings A swallow’s wings are much longer than its body, and its tail is long and pointed. This body shape helps them when they are flying through the air as they can turn quickly. But its legs are quite short, so it struggles to walk along the ground. 長長的翅膀 燕子的翅膀比自己的軀體稍長,它的尾巴長而突起。 它們軀體的形狀幫助它們在飛越天空時,快速轉(zhuǎn)身。 但是它們的腿相當?shù)亩蹋栽诘孛嫔闲凶邥r有點掙扎。 Fair share As baby swallows are fed by their parents, the ones that have had enough to eat will move to the back of the nest. Those that haven’t eaten move to the front. The parents feed the smaller swallows by putting food directly into their beaks. That way, all the babies get an equal share of food. 公平地分享 當燕子寶寶們被它們的父母哺育時,吃飽的寶寶會挪到巢的后方。那些沒有吃飽的挪到前方。 父母在喂食稍小的燕子時,會直接把食物喂到它們的喙內(nèi)。 就是那樣,所有的寶寶們平等分享到了食物。 ●28 Bird | Swallow 鳥類 | 燕子 Clearing out 清除得徹徹底底 Swallow parents take great care to throw out the poo of the newborn swallows. They carry it far from the nest. They do this to try to keep snakes, yellow weasels and wolves away, as these predators all follow the smell to find the nests. 燕子父母非常留意扔出新生燕子們的便便。 它們把它(便便)帶到巢以外很遠的地方。 它們這樣做是為了趕走蛇,黃鼠狼和狼。 而這些掠食者們都是循著氣味找到鳥巢的。 Northern birds 北部鳥兒 In the north, we see different types of swallow, including red-rumped swallows, barn swallows, and sand martins. 在北方,我們能見到不同種類的燕子,包括金腰燕,谷倉燕子和崖沙燕。 Red-rumped swallow 金腰燕 Red-rumped swallows use mud and dry straw to build their nest in a tunnel shape. 金腰燕用泥和干稻草在類似隧道一樣的地方筑巢。 Sand Martin 崖沙燕 Sand martins dig a hole in cliffs and river banks to use as their nest. 崖沙燕在懸崖和河岸中挖洞筑巢。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (29.1%), 3-4歲 (20.5%)
【賓果53候鳥】 Birds on the move (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 53 Birds on the move 遷徙中的鳥類 ●導讀頁 Here and there 這兒和那兒 Birds are always moving around. Flying, flapping, fluttering, swooping, waddling, diving...but that’s not all. Some of them leave town for a while, and head where the weather suits them better. Some of them travel a long way from home. They have super satnav, though. They always find their way back! 鳥類總是隨處晃悠。 飛行,拍打,振翅,俯沖,搖擺,下潛…… 不止于此。 它們有的離開城鎮(zhèn)一陣,朝氣候更適合它們的地方飛去。 它們有的離家進行長途旅行。 它們自帶超級導航系統(tǒng)。 它們總是能找到歸途! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about migrating birds? 你準備好了,來了解候鳥嗎? Bird | Migratory birds 鳥類 | 候鳥 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:An Jun-seok 安俊石 標題: Birds on the move 遷徙中的鳥類 正文 ●02 Green shoots... bursting buds... dancing butterflies... Spring is here! 煥發(fā)的綠意…… 萌生的嫩芽…… 起舞的蝴蝶…… 春天在這里! ●04 With an elegant flap of their wings, the swallows arrive. Spring has come, and brings the swallows with it. 優(yōu)美地撲扇著它們的翅膀,燕子駕臨。 春天到了,燕子也隨春而至。 ●06 Swallows swoop back and forth to make their nests. They are very good at building a nest from mud and straw. 燕子們撲扇著翅膀忙前忙后,它們在筑巢呢。 它們非常擅長用泥和稻草筑巢。 ●07 Springtime also brings the snowy white egrets. 隨春而至的還有雪白雪白的白鷺。 ●09 ‘Cuckoo! Cuckoo!’ Summer brings the cuckoos. “布谷!布谷!” 夏天帶來了布谷鳥。 ●10 Cuckoos don’t build their own nest. Instead, they find a reed warbler’s nest and lay their eggs inside. 布谷鳥自己不筑巢。 它們另辟蹊徑,找到葦鶯(reed warbler)的巢,去它們窩里下蛋。 ●11 Kingfishers are excellent fishermen. They are most often seen in the late spring and summer. That’s the best time to catch fish, and to start their family. 翠鳥是優(yōu)秀的捕魚手。 最常在晚春和夏天時節(jié)看到它們。 那是捕魚的最佳時節(jié),也是它們(組建)家庭的開啟時間。 ●13 When the autumn comes, the summer birds leave. 秋天到來,夏候鳥們離開。 ●14 But autumn brings new birds with it. Snow cranes, wild geese and red-crowned cranes all arrive for the coming winter. 但是秋天也帶來了新的一批鳥兒。 雪鶴(snow cranes),野鵝( wild geese) 和丹頂鶴(red-crowned cranes)都來了, 抵御即將而來的冬天。 ●16 A pair of swans glides smoothly along the water. They look so graceful. One of them flaps its wings and takes off into the air. 一對天鵝在水中流暢地滑翔。 它們看起來是如此優(yōu)雅。 它們當中的一只扇了扇翅膀,升騰到空中。 ●18 A group of wild geese flaps across the autumn sky. They fly in a V shape to save energy. When the leader grows tired, a goose from the back will move up and take the leader’s place to allow it to rest. 一隊野鵝飛躍于秋日的空中。 它們飛成一個 V 字形以節(jié)省能量。 當領航者有了倦意,后面的鵝就會移到前面,取代領航者的位置,讓它休息。 ●20 These red-crowned cranes love to raise their head, flap their wings, and show off their dance moves. 這些丹頂鶴愛昂起它們的頭,撲扇著它們的翅膀,炫耀著它們的舞動之姿。 ●21 The summer birds return in spring and leave in autumn. 夏候鳥于春季回歸,秋季離開。 ●22 Winter birds come back in autumn and leave in spring. 冬候鳥于秋季回歸,春季離開。 Both groups of birds are called migratory birds. 這倆組鳥類統(tǒng)稱為候鳥。 ●24 The birds that don’t leave are called residents. They stay all year round, and include sparrows, pigeons and magpies. 那些不離開的鳥類稱為留鳥。 比如麻雀,鴿子,喜鵲,它們?nèi)甓疾贿w徙。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Migrating with the seasons 隨著季節(jié)遷徙 Summer birds 夏候鳥 They come in spring and leave in autumn. 它們于春季到來,秋季離開。 Hoopoe 戴勝 Hoopoes have beautiful feathers on their head. They bang creatures against a stone or the ground before eating them! 戴勝鳥的頭頂長著漂亮的羽冠。 它們在吃食生物前,會先在石頭上敲擊它們。 Waterhen 黑水雞 Waterhens prey on small fish and bugs near lakes and ponds. 黑水雞在靠近湖泊和池塘附近,獵食小魚小蟲。 Cattle egret 牛背鷺 Cattle egrets build their nest in the treetops. They eat frogs and bugs. 牛背鷺在樹梢上筑巢。它們吃青蛙和蟲子。 ●26 Winter birds 冬候鳥 They come in autumn and leave in spring. 它們于秋季到來,春季離開。 Wild duck 野鴨 Male wild ducks have beautiful feathers, while the females are quite plain. 雄性野鴨有著美麗的羽毛,而雌性卻很樸素。 Mute swan 白天鵝 Mute swans live near rivers and lakes through the winter. 白天鵝鄰河流和湖泊而居,直到冬季。 白枕鶴 White-naped crane White-naped cranes live near water and hunt for small fish and water snails. 白枕鶴生活在水邊,獵食小魚和田螺。 ●27 Bird Facts 候鳥二三事 On one leg 單腿站立 When winter birds want to sleep, they curl one leg close to their body, and stand on the other leg. It stops them losing body heat and so helps to keep them warm. 當冬候鳥想要睡覺時,它們把一條腿蜷曲到身體上,用另一條腿站立。 這能防止它們的身體散熱,也幫助它們保溫。 Red-crowned crane 丹頂鶴 No nests 不筑巢 Summer birds like cuckoos don’t make nests. Instead, when it is time to lay their eggs, they use the nest of other birds, such as chestnut-crowned bush warblers and wrens. 像布谷鳥一樣的夏候鳥并不做窩。取而代之的是,到了它們要下蛋的時候,它們用其它鳥的巢, 比如大樹鶯(chestnut-crowned bush warbler)的和鷦鷯[ jiāo liáo](wren)的。 ●28 Bird | Migratory birds 鳥類 | 候鳥 In formation 排成隊列 When birds migrate over long distances, they travel in formation. Flying in this special pattern uses the airflow in a way that saves energy and makes moving easier for the birds. 當鳥類進行長距離遷徙時,它們以隊伍的形式旅行。 組成這種特別的圖形飛行,是利用氣流的一種方式,能節(jié)省能量, 對于鳥類而言,遷徙起來也更容易些。 Stop and rest 停留與休憩 Some migratory birds are seen for only a short time, as they stop over on the way to their final destination. 有一些候鳥只能在很短的一段時間被見到,因為它們花太多的時間在路上,直到到達目的地。 Siberian rubythroat 紅喉歌鴝[qú]
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (27.9%), 3-4歲 (23.8%)
【賓果54甲殼蟲】 Beetle battle (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 54 Beetle battle! 甲殼蟲的較量! ●導讀頁 Charge! The beetles are ready for battle. They have their armour on and their weapons to hand. The stag beetle has giant jaws that act like pincers. The horned beetle is like a rhinoceros, with a mighty horn on its helmet. They wave their weapons to start the fight. Who will win? 沖?。?甲殼蟲們都在備戰(zhàn)。 它們身披甲胄[zhòu],手握武器。 鹿角蟲有著巨大的頜,裝成螯一樣。 角甲蟲就像犀牛,頭盔上豎著威武的角。 它們揮舞著它們的武器,開始較量。 誰會贏呢? ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about beetles? 你準備好了,來了解甲殼蟲嗎? Insect | Beetle 昆蟲 | 甲殼蟲 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Lee Jur-og 李珠露 標題: Beetle battle! 甲殼蟲的較量! 正文 ●01 Look closely at the fallen leaves. Can you see a horn poking out? What could it be? 緊緊盯著落下來的葉子。 你能看到有一個洞被戳出來了么? 那會是什么呢? It is a horned beetle! 是角甲蟲! Rustling 沙沙 Rustling 沙沙 Creeping 爬啊爬 Creeping 爬啊爬 ●04 The horned beetle climbs up the oak tree. Why does it do that? 角甲蟲爬上了櫟樹。 它為什么要這么做呢? It is because oak trees give off a smell of the beetle’s favourite thing to eat: sap. 那是因為橡樹散發(fā)出甲殼蟲們最愛的一種味兒:樹液。 ●05 The horned beetle is drinking the sap on this side of the tree. Around the other side, the stag beetle is enjoying the sap as well. 角甲蟲在樹的一側(cè)吸食樹液。 樹周圍的另一側(cè),鹿甲蟲也能享用它的汁液。 ●07 As the two beetles move around the tree, they bump into each other. 當兩只甲殼蟲往同一顆樹移動時,它們相互間會碰碰撞撞。 ●08 The horned beetle moves its head from side to side. The stag beetle gnashes its big jaws together. They stare at each other. 角甲蟲從一邊到另一邊移動著它的頭。 鹿角蟲咬緊它巨大的上下頜。 它們相互之間怒目而視。 ●09 The battle begins! They tumble and they roll. They wrestle and they thrash around. Who will win? 較量開始了! 它們翻翻滾滾。 它們摔打拉扯,它們在周圍跌跌撞撞。 誰會取勝? ●12 Suddenly, the horned beetle makes its move. It lifts the stag beetle off its feet and throws it from the tree! 忽然,角甲蟲移動了步子。 它舉起鹿角蟲的足,并把它扔出樹外! ●13 Now the horned beetle can slurp up all the sap on its own. Although soon, he is joined by another horned beetle. It is a female, and she loves the smell of the sap too. 現(xiàn)在角甲蟲能咕嚕咕嚕獨享所有樹液了。 不多會兒,另一只角甲蟲加入了他的隊列。 她是一只雌性,她也愛這樹液的氣味呢。 ●15 The male beetle is very happy. He has found a mate. They enjoy a feast of tree sap together. 雄性甲殼蟲非常高興。 他找到伴兒啦。 它們一起享受樹上汁液的盛宴。 TIP Only male horned beetles have a horn. 提示 只有雄性角甲蟲才有角。 ●17 The stag beetle finds another oak tree. He quickly scrambles up its trunk. 鹿角蟲找到了另一顆櫟樹。 他飛快地爬上了樹干。 ●20 ‘Excellent! There is so much sap for me!’ The stag beetle uses its brush-like mouth to slurp up the tree sap. “太棒了!這兒有這么多樹液讓我喝呢!” 鹿角蟲用它刷子一樣的嘴,咕嚕咕嚕汲取著樹上的汁液。 ●22 Suddenly, the stag beetle gets a twinkle in its eye. He has spotted a beautiful female! The female beetle is enjoying the sap as well. The male scuttles closer. 旋即,鹿角蟲眼前一亮。 他瞅見了一只漂亮的雌性! 雌性甲殼蟲也在享用著樹液呢。 雄性連忙向她靠攏。 ●23 Now he has found a mate. The stag beetles are just as happy as the horned beetles. 現(xiàn)在他找到伴兒了。 鹿角蟲也和角甲蟲一樣開心了。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! The life cycle of a horned beetle 獨角蟲的生命周期 ① Horned beetles lay their eggs on the ground. 獨角蟲在地面上下蛋。 ② The larvae hatch from their eggs. 幼蟲從蛋里孵出。 ③ Each larva makes a cocoon. 每一個幼蟲都做一個繭。 ④ It comes out of the cocoon as a beetle, complete with its horn. 長全它的角后,它從繭里出來,長成了一只甲殼蟲。 ●26 The life cycle of a stag beetle 鹿角蟲的生命周期 ① Stag beetles lay their eggs in the holes of a tree. 鹿甲蟲在樹洞里下蛋。 ② The larvae hatch from their eggs. 幼蟲從蛋里孵出。 ③ Each larva makes a cocoon. 每一個幼蟲都做一個繭。 ④ It comes out as a fully formed 它從繭里出來,長成一只完全成型的鹿甲蟲。 ●27 Beetle Facts 甲殼蟲二三事 The Oak Tree café 櫟樹咖啡吧 Oak trees give off lots of resin or sap. It is loved by many kinds of bugs. They flock to the oaks to feed on this lovely food. 櫟樹分泌出許多樹脂與樹枝。 它(的這些分泌物)被許多種蟲子所喜愛。 它們成群結(jié)伴般地擁到櫟樹下,吃食這討喜的食物。 Friends of the Japanese horned beetle 日本角甲蟲的朋友們 Coconut rhinoceros beetle 椰子犀牛甲蟲 [中文版] 犀角金龜 Elephant beetle 橡膠木犀金龜 Hercules beetle 獨角仙 [中文版] 長戟大兜蟲 Five-horned rhinoceros beetle 五角犀甲蟲 [中文版] 細角疣犀金龜 ●28 Insect | Beetle 昆蟲 | 甲殼蟲 Friends of the Japanese stag beetle 日本鹿角蟲的朋友們 Rosenberg scarab 黃金鬼鍬 Cyclommatus 美他力弗細身赤鍬甲 Giant stag beetle 大型雄鹿甲蟲 [中文版] 巨陶鍬甲 Common stag beetle 深山鍬甲 [中文版] 歐洲深山鍬甲 Bugs with armour 帶甲胄的蟲子 Horned and stag beetles both have hard front wings called elytra, and another set of softer wings underneath. The softer wings show when they are flying. These types of insect, with elytra, are called beetles. 帶角的,雄性的甲殼蟲,都有著硬硬的前翅,稱為:翅鞘[ qiào ], 而另一對稍下的翅膀,更軟一些。稍軟的下翅在它們飛行時可見。 這些帶翅鞘種類的昆蟲,被稱為甲殼蟲。 Longhorn beetle 天牛 [中文版] 大山鋸天牛 Firefly 螢火蟲
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (28.3%), 3-4歲 (22.1%)
【賓果55螳螂】 Hidden hunter praying mantis (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 55 Hidden hunter: praying mantis 神秘獵手:螳螂 ●導讀頁 Mantis the magician 螳螂音樂家 The mantis is so well camouflaged it almost seems invisible. It is like a magician with a clever trick. The other bugs in the grass don’t hang around to watch this magic show! 螳螂太會偽裝了,以至于幾乎看不到。 它就像一個在玩聰明把戲的音樂家。 草叢里其它的蟲子可不會閑待著看這場魔術(shù)表演! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about mantises? 你準備好了,來了解螳螂嗎? Insect | Praying mantis 昆蟲 | 螳螂 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Son Maun-jing 樸昌玄 標題:Hidden hunter: praying mantis 神秘獵手:螳螂 正文 ●01 The branches sway and the grass waves in the breeze. Something is hiding... 微風拂來,枝葉搖曳,草兒晃動。 某物正躲躲藏藏…… ●03 A brown mantis hides on a twig. It climbs up and uses its big eyes to search for something. 一只棕色的螳螂藏在了細枝上。 它攀爬上去,用大大的眼搜尋著什么。 ●04 A green mantis is designed to hide in the grass. It turns its head from side to side, looking for prey. 一只綠螳螂精心地藏身于草中。 它把頭轉(zhuǎn)來轉(zhuǎn)去,尋覓獵物。 ●06 This mantis has spotted a dragonfly. Snap! It uses its long pincers to grab the insect from the air. 這只螳螂偵查到了一只蜻蜓。 啪嗒! 它用它那長長的鉗子,從空中把此昆蟲攫住。 ●08 Chomp, chomp! The mantis is having a feast. After it has eaten, it cleans its antennae and pincers. 嘎嘣,嘎嘣! 螳螂美餐一頓。 當它吃完以后,它給觸角和鉗子做清潔。 I’m a very clean and tidy kind of mantis! 我可是一只非常愛干凈愛整潔的螳螂! ●10 The male mantis pairs up with a female mantis. She is much bigger than he is. 雄性螳螂與一只雌性螳螂配對。 她(的體型)比他大多了。 ●11 The male has to be alert. After they have mated, the female will turn and try to eat him! If he is lucky, he will make a quick getaway. 雄性可得警惕。在它們完成繁衍后代后,雌性態(tài)度一變,打算把他吃掉! 如果他幸運的話,他便可以迅速地逃之夭夭。 ●13 Now, the female makes balls of foam on the branches and grass. She lays her eggs inside the white froth. 現(xiàn)在,雌性在樹枝和草上吐出了泡沫球。 她把蛋下在了白泡沫里。 TIP A female mantis will lay eggs under rocks, in cracks, or on branches. It protects the eggs from the weather and makes them harder for predators to find. 提示 雌性螳螂會把蛋下在巖石下,裂縫里,或是枝干上。 它讓蛋在惡劣天氣中受到保護,也使它們更難被掠食者找到。 ●15 With the eggs safely inside, the foam hardens to become an egg sac. 蛋被安全的藏于里面,泡沫硬化,變成了卵囊。 ●16 On cold winter days, the egg sac keeps the eggs warm and safe. After the mother mantis has laid her eggs, she lies down and waits to die. 嚴寒的冬日,卵囊能讓蛋保持溫暖與安全。 螳螂母親下完蛋以后,她就躺著然后等死。 ●18 One spring day, the egg sac breaks. A bunch of baby mantises pop out of the egg sac, hanging from threads. 春季某日,卵囊破裂了。 一群螳螂寶寶從卵囊里彈跳著出來了,被懸吊在線上。 TIP Baby mantises can live alone as soon as they leave the egg sac. 提示 螳螂寶寶在離開卵囊后,很快就能獨立生活。 ●19 The babies reach the ground and begin to look for food. They shed their skin, or ‘moult’, as they grow. After several moults, they are fully grown, and look the same as their parents. 寶寶們摸到地上,開始尋找食物。 它們蛻殼,或“脫皮”,這是它們在成長。 多次蛻化后,它們長成了,看起來也和它們的父母一樣。 Baby mantises change colour as they moult. 螳螂寶寶在脫皮時顏色也會變化。 Their wings finally appear after their last moult. 經(jīng)過最后一次蛻皮,它們的翅膀長出來了。 ●20 The baby mantis is all grown up. 螳螂寶寶長成年了。 ●21 A mantis has some scary predators: birds, spiders, and salamanders. 螳螂也有一些令它恐懼的掠食者: 鳥類,蜘蛛,和蠑螈(火蜥蜴)。 Spider 蜘蛛 Salamander 蠑螈(火蜥蜴) TIP When it meets a predator, a mantis opens its wings and raises its pincers to look more threatening. 提示 當它碰到掠食者,螳螂會張開它的翅膀,揮舞起它的鉗子,讓侵略者看起來覺得它不好惹。 ●22 Bird 鳥 ●23 Today, the mantis climbs up the grass, looking for lunch. ‘I spy a dragonfly with my big eyes!’ It folds its arms together in prayer and then... BAM! The dragonfly is a prisoner. 今天,螳螂爬到草上,尋覓午餐。 “我用我的大眼偵查到了一只蜻蜓!” 它用它的雙臂朝獵物伏擊而去,然后…… 磅!蜻蜓被囚住了。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Watch it grow 看一看它的成長歷程 ① The head and chest come out. 頭和胸腔出來了。 ② The mantis’s wings appear. 螳螂的翅膀出現(xiàn)了。 ●26 ③ It turns its body the right way up. 它把軀體朝右上方轉(zhuǎn)去。 ④ Finally, a grown-up mantis appears and begins to search for food. 最后,一只成年螳螂出現(xiàn)了,開始搜尋食物。 ●27 Mantis Facts 螳螂二三事 Hunting skills 獵食技能 Once the mantis spots its prey, it might sway back and forth, like the wind blowing a leaf. As the prey moves past, the mantis strikes and grabs it with its big front pincers. 一旦螳螂偵查到獵物,它可能會像風襲卷葉子般來來回回地搖擺。 當獵物移動而過,螳螂就用它的大前鉗子夾攻把它擒拿住。 Finding a mate When it is time to mate, the female mantis makes a special smell to attract a male. He gets closer very carefully and jumps on her back. He must run away as soon as mating has finished, to avoid being eaten. 找伴兒 到了找伴兒的時間,雌性螳螂分泌出一種特殊的氣味來吸引雄性。 他小心翼翼地朝她靠近,跳到她的背上。 一旦繁衍完畢,他有多快就要跑多快,以免被她吃掉。 ●28 Insect | Praying mantis 昆蟲 | 螳螂 Prey and predators 獵物和獵食者 Grass mantises have their own predators to be afraid of. Ants and spiders eat them when they are babies. As adults, they must watch out for frogs, salamanders and lizards. 草螳螂也有著它們害怕著的獵食者。 在它們還是寶寶的時候,螞蟻和蜘蛛吃它們。 長成年后,它們就要警惕青蛙,蠑螈和蜥蜴。 Life cycle 生命的循環(huán) The female mantis will die once it has finished making the egg sac. When spring comes, the tiny mantises crawl out. They look like little shrimps. 一旦卵囊制成,雌性螳螂就會死去。 春季到來,小螳螂匍匐而出。 它們看起來就像小蝦子。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (28.1%), 3-4歲 (24.6%)
【賓果56地球】 Earth: our precious planet (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 56 Earth: our precious planet 我們珍貴的行星:地球 ●導讀頁 Don’t stop! Our Earth is always turning. It spins in space very, very fast. Earth is a very special planet to live on. It gives us day and night, summer and winter, and all the precious things we need to survive. 可別停啊! 我們的地球總是在轉(zhuǎn)個不停。 它自轉(zhuǎn)得非常,非常的快。 它帶來了白天與黑夜,夏天與冬天, 和所有我們賴以生存的珍貴事物。 ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about the Earth? 你準備好了,來了解地球嗎? Science | The Earth 科學 | 地球 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Son Maun-jing 孫滿珍 標題: Earth: our precious planet 我們珍貴的行星:地球 正文 ●01 Earth is round, like a ball. Long ago, people thought that the Earth was flat, or maybe even shaped like a cube. They believed that the edge of the world was far out to sea, like a big cliff or waterfall. 地球是圓的,像一個球。 很久以前,人們認為地球是平的,甚而可能是方形。 它們篤信世界的邊際遠在海邊,就像一個大懸崖或是瀑布。 ●04 Earth looks very blue when you see it from space. That is because the atmosphere reflects blue light from the Sun. It makes our precious planet look like a shining blue jewel. 假如你從太空看,地球看起來非常藍。 這是因為從太陽回饋出的空氣,反射成了淡藍色。 它使得我們這顆珍貴的行星,看起來像一顆閃亮的藍寶石。 ●05 Why don’t we fall off the Earth and fly into space? That is because of gravity. Earth’s gravity is strong enough to pull things towards it. If there was no gravity, everything on Earth would float into space: mountains, houses, people…everything. 為什么我們不會從地球上掉下來,飛向太空呢? 那是因為萬有引力。地球的重力足夠強大到,讓事物拉向它。 如果沒有重力,地球上的每一件事物將會飄到太空: 山脈,房子,人類……每一件事物。 ●07 The Earth spins around and around. It takes one day to spin around one time. We call this spin a ‘rotation’. It is what gives us our day time and night time. 地球轉(zhuǎn)啊轉(zhuǎn)啊轉(zhuǎn)。 一次轉(zhuǎn)一圈需要一天。 我們稱這種旋轉(zhuǎn)為“自轉(zhuǎn)”。 這給我們帶來了白天與黑夜。 ●10 Why don’t we feel dizzy as the Earth spins? That’s because the mountains, oceans, forests and everything else on Earth is spinning with us. 當?shù)厍蛟谛D(zhuǎn)的時候,我們?yōu)槭裁锤杏X不到暈眩呢? 那是因為山脈,海洋,森林,地球上的每一件其它事物,都在隨著我們快速地旋轉(zhuǎn)。 ●11 The Earth also moves around the Sun. It takes one year to move completely around the Sun. This is called a ‘revolution’. It gives us the four seasons. 地球也同樣環(huán)繞太陽移動。 繞太陽一周需要花上一年時間。 這被稱為“公轉(zhuǎn)”。 它給我們帶來了四季。 ●12 Spring 春 | Winter 冬 Summer 夏 | Autumn 秋 ●13 Let’s see how the rotations and revolutions work. I will be the Earth, and my mummy is the Sun. 現(xiàn)在讓我們來看看自轉(zhuǎn)(rotations)和公轉(zhuǎn)(revolutions)的原理。 假設我是地球,我的媽媽是太陽。 ●15 Mummy stands next to me. Then, I start to spin myself around on the spot. This is like the rotation of the Earth. Then I walk around her in circles. This is like the revolutions of the Earth. 媽媽站在我的旁邊。 然后,我立在一個點上,開始自行旋轉(zhuǎn)。這就像地球的自轉(zhuǎn)了。 隨即,我圍著她打圈行走。這就像地球的公轉(zhuǎn)了。 ●17 On Earth, the oceans cover much more space than the land. 在地球上,海洋比陸地所占據(jù)的空間要多多了。 ●19 The Earth is getting warmer because of climate change. 地球因為氣候的改變,而正變得越來越溫暖。 At the North Pole, the ice is melting. Polar bears have much less space to live and find their food. 在北極,冰正融化。 北極熊的生存空間和所覓之食都越來越少。 ●22 Pollution and waste are ruining parts of our precious planet. 污染與浪費正逐漸破壞著我們這珍貴的行星。 ●24 Scientists can tell us about the problems on our planet, but everyone needs to protect it. We have to take great care of it. It is the most precious thing we have! 科學家雖能告訴我們,我們的行星面臨著的問題,但每一個人都需要保護它。 我們需要大力呵護它。 它是我們所擁有的最珍貴的東西! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Earth is always moving. 地球總是在移動。 As it rotates, we get light and darkness. One full rotation is a whole day and night. 當它轉(zhuǎn)動的時候,我們獲得了明與暗。 一次完整的旋轉(zhuǎn)就是完整的一次日與夜。 Day 日 Night 夜 ●26 As Earth revolves around the Sun we get our four seasons. It takes one year. 當?shù)厍驀栃D(zhuǎn)的時候,我們獲得了四季。這是一年。 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 ●27 Earth Facts 地球二三事 Mysterious space 神秘的太空 Earth revolves around the Sun, which is a star. In the vast universe, there are countless stars. 地球圍著太陽繞圈,它是一顆星星。 在浩瀚的宇宙中,有著數(shù)不盡的星星。 The Solar System 太陽系 There are eight planets revolving around the Sun. Mercury is the closest to the Sun, and then Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. The biggest of these is Jupiter. 有八顆行星繞太陽旋轉(zhuǎn)。水星 Mercury 最靠近太陽, 隨后是金星 Venus,地球 Earth,火星 Mars, 木星 Jupiter,土星 Saturn 天王星 Saturn Uranus,海王星 Neptune。這當中最大的是木星。 ●28 Science | The Earth 科學 | 地球 The round Earth 圓形的地球 When a ship leaves port, it sails so far away that we cannot see it from the shore. When it sails back, the first thing we see on the horizon is the flag on the mast. Then the rest appears. It is sailing into view around the curve of our round planet. 當一艘船離港,它航行得如此之遠,以至于我們從海岸上看不到它。 當它返航,從浩瀚的地平線 horizon 上,首先印入我們眼簾的是船上面的旗幟。 隨后,它就出現(xiàn)了。它是沿著我們這圓形行星的弧線 curve 在環(huán)行呢。 Earth in pain 受難的地球 We are causing great pain to our planet. The forests are disappearing. The rivers and oceans are being polluted by chemicals and rubbish. The trash piling up everywhere is making it hard for Earth to even breathe. We must try to help and protect our planet. People join together on April 22nd each year to celebrate and care for the Earth on Earth Day. 我們給我們的行星造成了巨大的痛楚。 森林正在消失。河流,海洋被化學物質(zhì)和垃圾污染。 隨處傾倒垃圾使得地球難以透氣。我們要嘗試著來幫助和保護我們的行星。 人們在每年的 4 月 22 日,地球日,集結(jié)于一起慶祝和關(guān)注地球。
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【賓果57地下】 Living under ground (賓果兒童自然科學第三輯 Go wild) 57 Living underground 生活在地下面 ●導讀頁 Mother Earth 地球母親 Mother Earth looks after nature and all its living things. She gives them a place to live and grow, and somewhere to shelter through the cold winter months. Mother Earth’s embrace makes seeds sprout, flowers bloom, and supports the mighty trees in the ground. She is a loving mother to everything! 地球母親照顧著自然與存在在它上面的所有活物。 她給它們提供生活,生長的地方, 給它們提供庇護所,以挺過嚴冬日月。 地球母親的懷抱使種子發(fā)芽,使花朵綻放, 使強大的樹林聳立于地面之上。 她是一位博愛之母! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about living underground? 你準備好了,來了解地下世界嗎? Science | Life underground 科學 | 地下世界 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Hong Si-yeong 洪詩英 標題: Living underground 生活在地下面 正文 ●01 Scratch, scratch, scratch. The mole uses its front claws like shovels to dig its holes. ‘No one is as fast as me when it comes to digging a home underground!’ 扒啊扒,扒啊扒,扒啊扒。 鼴鼠用它的前爪,如鏟子般挖著它的洞呢。 “在地下挖洞做窩,沒有誰能快過我!” ●03 A mole’s eyesight is not good at all. ’ So how can it see to build its home? ‘I use my sensitive nose to show me the way, instead of my eyes. 鼴鼠的視力一點也不好。 那么,它是怎樣看清楚路數(shù)來建造它的家的呢? “我用我靈敏的鼻子代替我的眼睛,來帶路?!?●06 Tug! Tug! ‘Mmm, my favourite: a worm.’ The mole pulls the earthworm out of the ground to take it back home. 拉啊拉!拉啊拉! “嗯,我的最愛:蠕蟲?!?鼴鼠把蚯蚓從地面拖回了它的家。 ●08 A mole’s house has bedrooms, and a pantry where it stores its food. It even has a bathroom! 鼴鼠的房子里有臥室,用來存放食物的儲藏室。甚至還有盥[guàn]洗室! ●10 The ants are carrying food back to their colony through very tiny holes. 螞蟻們攜帶著食物穿入非常小的洞中,回到它們的領地。 ●11 Ants make their home underground too. Their home has rooms for the queen as well as for the eggs. 螞蟻同樣也在地下做窩。 它們的家有蟻后的房間,也有蟻卵的房間。 ●12 Ants have another special room for babysitting. They take care of their young here. They have a pantry as well. 螞蟻有著另外一個照顧寶寶的特別房間。 它們在這兒照看它們的小家伙們。 它們同樣也有儲藏室。 ●13 This ant is scurrying home with some food when it falls down another hole. 這只螞蟻帶著些食物急匆匆地回家,隨后卻跌入了另一個洞中。 ●14 It calls for help, but no one can hear its cries. 它呼救,但沒有誰聽到它的哭泣。 ●16 Before long, an antlion appears from under the ground. ’ ‘Yes! This hole catches them every time. It is an ant’s nightmare! 不久,一只蟻獅從地下面出現(xiàn)。 “是??!這個洞每次都能捉住它們。 它可是螞蟻的噩夢!” ●17 Sweet potato 甘薯 (紅薯) Carrot 胡蘿卜 Underground, these plants are growing fast. There are sweet potatoes and tasty orange carrots. 在地下,這些植物長得很快。 它們是甘薯和美味橘色的胡蘿卜。 ●18 Turnip 蘿卜(蕪[wú]青) (白蘿卜) Peanut 花生 The turnips are enormous, and the peanuts smell so good. 蘿卜超大,花生的味兒好聞。 ●20 The squirrel hops down from a tree and into a hole in the ground. ‘This is where I store my food for the winter.’ 松鼠從一棵樹上躍下來,鉆入地下的洞中。 “這是我為了冬天而儲存的食物?!?●21 As the coldest winter days arrive, the squirrels, bears and lizards have disappeared. Where did they all go? 冬季最寒冷的日子到來了,松鼠,熊,蜥蜴都消失了。 它們?nèi)ツ膬毫四兀?●24 It turns out they are all hibernating underground, waiting for spring. 原來它們都在地底下冬眠呢,等待春天的來臨。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! It’s a party! The foods that grow underground. 地下的植物聚會了! Fried or steamed potatoes are delicious. 油煎和蒸煮土豆都很美味。 Sweet potatoes are very good for you. 甘薯于你而言,非常有益。 ●26 Carrots taste great in a curry! 胡蘿卜加上咖喱,吃起來很棒! Kimchi tastes so good with radishes. 蘿卜用來做朝鮮泡菜很好吃。 Peanuts grow in hard shells underground. 花生生長著硬殼,長在地面下。 ●27 Underground Facts 地下世界二三事 Follow your nose 跟著嗅覺走 A mole’s favourite food is worms. Moles dig constantly, building long underground tunnels as they search for food. If an earthworm falls out of the earth and into an open tunnel, the mole will track it down using its smell. 鼴鼠最愛的食物是蠕蟲。 鼴鼠不停地挖啊挖,在地下筑起長長的隧道,用來覓食。 如果一只蚯蚓從地面上掉了下來,進入到敞著的地道里, 鼴鼠會用它的嗅覺尋找蚯蚓跌落的蹤跡。 Fascinating creatures 神奇的生物 Earthworms are both male and female at the same time. They eat waste in the soil, and after it is digested, they poo it out and make the soil more fertile. A worm breathes through its skin. 蚯蚓是雌雄同體。它們吃土壤中的廢物,當進食被消化后,它們拉出來的便便能使土壤更肥沃。 此蠕蟲(蚯蚓)用它的體表(皮膚)呼吸。 ●28 Science | Life underground 科學 | 地下世界 Ant trap 被設圈套的螞蟻 Young antlions, called larvae, dig holes underground and wait for ants to fall into them. The ants cannot escape this ‘a(chǎn)nt hell’ no matter how hard they try. Then the antlions eat them. 未成年的蟻獅,稱為幼蟲,在地下挖洞,等待螞蟻落入它們的洞中。 螞蟻不能逃離這個“螞蟻的地獄”,無論它們多么努力求生。 隨后,蟻獅會吃了它們。 Antlion fly 蟻蛉,俗稱倒退蟲 Antlion 蟻獅 Family underground 生活在地下面的家庭 Prairie dogs make a barking noise similar to a dog. They live in burrows with their families. Their homes have several entrances to help them escape from predators. When they sense danger, they will bark as a warning, and dive underground. 草原土撥鼠的吠聲與狗的相似。 它們與家庭成員一起住在地洞里。 它們的家有著很多出入口用來幫助它們逃離掠食者。 當它們感知到危險時,它們會吠叫,拉起警報,潛入地下。