
共63本書(shū) ·60本有推薦語(yǔ) 適合男孩 , 中文書(shū)
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (26.9%), 4-5歲 (22.2%)
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (28.1%), 4-5歲 (22.2%)
【賓果01狗】狗的生活 It's a dog's life (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#寵物#狗。 賓果句子真好呀,看扉頁(yè)這排比句這定語(yǔ)從句: 不止是一條狗,早上鬧鐘 下午朋友 時(shí)時(shí)小幫手。 寵物寶寶: 賓果01狗 賓果04貓 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Happy makes us happy. Happy is more than just a dog. He is an alarm that wakes up our family every morning. H is my friend, who welcomes me home each afternoon. And he is our helper, moving things around our house all the time! ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about dogs? ●02 寶寶 Slurp, slurp! Newborn puppies get all of their food from their mother. They drink her milk hungrily. Once they have eaten, they cuddle together to sleep. ●05 戶(hù)外 They go for a walk, staying close to their mummy. They run and jump a lot! ●07 長(zhǎng)大 Puppies grow bigger and bigger, until they are as big as their mother. ●09 聽(tīng)覺(jué) "I can hear footsteps! Who can it be?" A dog cocks its ears to hear who is coming. "Woof! Woof!" Is it a stranger or a friend? ●10 嗅覺(jué) Sniff, sniff. A dog has a very good sense of smell. ●11 尾巴→心情 A dog's tail can show you what mood it is in. Wagging. A happy dog wags its tail. An angry dog's tail stands up straight. A frightened dog puts its tail between its legs. ●14 撒尿→領(lǐng)地 A dog will warn others to stay away by weeing on its territory. ●15 舌頭散熱 Pant, pant! Does a dog stick out its tongue because it is out of breath? No, it is to help it cool down when it is hot. ●18 A male dog and a female dog will sniff each other. Do they like each other? Yes! When they mate, the female becomes pregnant. She will have her own puppies soon. ●19 為人類(lèi)提供幫助 Dogs provide a lot of help for people. They lead blind people, and can be used to sniff for danger, or to find people who are missing. Dogs can save people who are drowning, or guide people who have got lost in the snow. In cold areas, dogs pull sleds across the snow. ●22 Jindo Dog 金多犬 Lion Dog 獅子狗 Jindo and Sapsaree (Lion dogs) are Korean species. Tip Jindo dogs are loyal and make good guard dogs. Sapsarees are very brave and were once thought to frighten away ghosts. ●24 品種 Many people love dogs. Which breed do you like? Find out more! Dogs come in all shapes and sizes! Different breeds are popular in different parts of the world. Korea 韓國(guó) Jindo Dog 金多犬 Sapsaree (Lion Dog) China 中國(guó) Chow Chow 松獅狗 Japan 日本 Japanese Chin 日本狆犬 Akita 秋田犬 France 法國(guó) Poodle 貴賓犬 Germany 德國(guó) German Shepherd 德國(guó)牧羊犬 Dobermann 杜賓犬 Mexico 墨西哥 Chihuahua 吉娃娃 America 美國(guó) American Cocker Spaniel 美國(guó)可卡犬 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 Britain 英國(guó) Yorkshire Terrier 約克夏梗犬 ●27 Canine Facts ○Wolf-like 狼性 Dogs are related to wolves. A long, long time ago, people domesticated wild animals and raised them as pets. Over time, they mixed different types to get the breeds of today. ○Shake, shake! A dog shakes its body to dry its fur when it is wet. Stand out of the way or you will get wet when your dog is drying itself! ○B(yǎng)ig and Small There is a huge difference in size between the biggest and smallest breeds. A Chihuahua is tiny, smaller than most cats. A Saint Bernard is big and heavy, but not as tall as a Great Dane, which can be nearly a metre high! Saint Bernard 圣伯納犬 Chihuahua 吉娃娃 ○Dog in space In 1961, the former Soviet Union (now Russia) cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to go into space. But a dog called Laika was on a much earlier space flight. This stray dog went up in Sputnik 2 in 1957, and was the first creature to orbit the Earth.
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (29.1%), 4-5歲 (20.4%)
【賓果02熊貓】熊貓們?cè)谕嫠?The pandas are playing (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#熊貓。 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Winter is here! The air is cold and the snow is falling. Lots of bears are hibernating. But not the pandas! They just move down from the mountains and keep on eating and sleeping. They don’t need to miss the winter wonderland! 凜冬已至 空氣冷了,雪下起來(lái)了。 好多熊在冬眠。 熊貓卻沒(méi)有。 熊貓們從山上搬下來(lái), 一直吃著睡著, 它們不必錯(cuò)過(guò)這片冬日幻地! ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about pandas? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解熊貓嗎? Animal | Panda 動(dòng)物 | 熊貓 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Park A-lam 標(biāo)題:The pandas are playing 熊貓們?cè)谕嫠?正文 ●02 White and black? Black and white? Who knows? A panda’s pattern is very unusual. No other bear has this colouring on its body. But pandas seem to like it! 白還是黑? 黑還是白? 誰(shuí)知道呢? 熊貓身上的圖案很特別。 其它的熊身上都沒(méi)有這樣的色彩搭配。 但是熊貓們看起來(lái)很喜歡這一點(diǎn)! ●03 ‘Ahhhh, wake up!’ Lang Lang and Ling Ling have been asleep. When they wake, they begin to eat. 啊~~~,起床啦! 朗朗和靈靈在睡覺(jué)。 等它們睡醒,它們就開(kāi)始進(jìn)食了。 Tip Pandas love to eat bamboo. The shoots and leaves make up most of their diet. 提示 熊貓們愛(ài)吃竹子。 竹筍和竹葉構(gòu)成了它們的主食。 ●05 Lang Lang and Ling Ling take a walk through the forest. Lang Lang stops to rub up against a tree trunk. If other animals smell the trunk later, they will know Lang Lang was here and will stay away. 朗朗和靈靈在森林中散步。 朗朗停下來(lái),在一顆樹(shù)干上蹭蹭。 如果其它動(dòng)物在后面聞到這顆被朗朗蹭過(guò)的樹(shù)干,它們就會(huì)知道朗朗來(lái)過(guò),而且躲開(kāi)這顆樹(shù)干。 ●08 Ling Ling’s poo is green and full of leaves. It doesn’t smell as bad as other types of poo. 靈靈的大便是綠色的,滿(mǎn)是葉子。 并沒(méi)有其它大便那么難聞。 Tip Pandas eat a lot, so they poo a lot, too. They can even poo while they are eating! 提示 熊貓們吃很多,也會(huì)拉大量的粑粑。 它們甚至能一邊吃一邊拉。 ●09 Lang Lang and Ling Ling are exercising. They can climb and do somersaults! 朗朗和靈靈在做訓(xùn)練。 它們能攀爬和翻筋斗! ●12 ‘It’s so hot!’ After their exercise, Lang Lang and Ling Ling swim in the river. “好熱呀!” 做完訓(xùn)練后, 朗朗和靈靈在河里邊游泳。 ●14 ‘Ah! Much cooler!’ Lang Lang and Ling Ling shake the water from their beautiful fur. “??!涼快一些啦!” 朗朗和靈靈從它們漂亮的皮毛上抖落出水來(lái)。 ●16 Lang Lang and Ling Ling follow their scent trail back home. 朗朗和靈靈循著它們的氣味蹤跡回家了。 ●17 ‘Hey! Panda!’ Lang Lang and Ling Ling see their friend, red panda. “嘿!熊貓!” 朗朗和靈靈看到了它們的朋友,紅熊貓(小貓熊)。 ●18 Tip Red pandas also eat bamboo, but they aren’t related to the giant panda. They are more like a raccoon. 提示 紅熊貓也吃竹子,但它們不屬于大熊貓科。 它們更像浣熊。 ●19 Lang Lang and Ling Ling are tired now. They fall asleep as soon as they reach home. 朗朗和靈靈現(xiàn)在累了。 一到家,它們馬上就睡著了。 ●20 Pandas sleep a lot. Half of their day is spent asleep. 熊貓們老是睡覺(jué)。 一天當(dāng)中有半天時(shí)間都在睡覺(jué)。 ●22 Lang Lang and Ling Ling sleep on their tummy, curled up, or on their back. They just love to sleep! They snore sometimes, too. 朗朗和靈靈躺在(對(duì)方的)肚皮上、蜷曲著、或是躺在(對(duì)方的)后背上睡覺(jué)。 它們很愛(ài)睡覺(jué)的! 它們偶爾也打瞌睡。 ●23 Pandas don’t need to worry about predators. They can sleep peacefully without being afraid. 熊貓們并不需要擔(dān)心侵略者。 它們能平靜地安然入睡。 ●24 Lang Lang and Ling Ling sleep... 朗朗和靈靈睡著覺(jué)... ...and eat... ...吃著... ...and play. That’s what pandas do! ...玩著。 熊貓們干的就是這些! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! China’s national treasure 中國(guó)國(guó)寶 Pandas are comical characters. 熊貓是搞笑角色 They do acrobatics in the trees. 它們?cè)跇?shù)上玩雜耍 They tumble and roll. 它們滾來(lái)滾去 ●26 They eat a LOT of bamboo. 它們吃很多竹子 They take lots of naps. 它們打很多盹 Red pandas share a lot of the same characteristics. 紅熊貓(小貓熊)也有很多相同的特征 ●27 Panda Facts 熊貓二三事 Black and white bodies 黑白相間的身體 Teeth A panda’s teeth are very sharp for breaking tough bamboo stalks. 牙齒 熊貓的牙齒非常鋒利,能咬斷非常堅(jiān)硬的竹莖。 Ears Panda ears are small, but their hearing is excellent. 耳朵 熊貓的耳朵很小,但它們的聽(tīng)力很好。 Paws Panda paws have claws and thick pads. They use them to hold their food. 熊掌 熊掌上有爪子和很厚的肉墊。熊貓用它們來(lái)托住食物。 Tail Their tail is short and white. It stays tucked in close, until they need to poo. 尾巴 它們的尾巴又白又短,緊貼后方,直到要上廁所才張開(kāi)。 Nose A panda can’t see very well, but its sense of smell is very good. 鼻子 熊貓的視力不太好,但嗅覺(jué)很棒。 ●28 Animal | Panda 動(dòng)物 | 熊貓 Please protect us Pandas are in danger of becoming extinct. That means there will be none left at all on Earth. Pygmy hippos and okapi are endangered, too. 請(qǐng)保護(hù)我們 熊貓瀕臨滅絕。也就是說(shuō),它們可能不會(huì)再存在于地球上。 倭[wō]河馬和霍加狓[pī]也是如此。 Wild panda Wild pandas are only found in three provinces of China. 野生熊貓 野生熊貓僅僅只在中國(guó)的三個(gè)省份被發(fā)現(xiàn)過(guò)。 Pygmy hippo Pygmy hippos live in small parts of West Africa. 倭河馬 倭河馬生活于西非很小的一部分區(qū)域。 Okapi Okapis make their home in just one country in Central Africa. 霍加狓 霍加狓生活在中非的一個(gè)國(guó)家里。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (28.1%), 4-5歲 (24.7%)
【賓果03恐龍】 Discover the dinosaurs (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#恐龍。 03 探索恐龍 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) A long, long time ago Before you were born – even before your parents and your grandparents were born – in fact, millions of years before any person at all was born – lived the dinosaurs. They were cool creatures, but you can’t still see them today. 很久很久以前 在你出生之前——甚至在你父母和你的祖父母出生之前——事實(shí)上, 在任何人出生的數(shù)百萬(wàn)年之前,恐龍生活在這世上。 它們是很酷的生物,但現(xiàn)在你已經(jīng)看不到它們了。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about dinosaurs? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解恐龍嗎? Animal | Dinosaur 動(dòng)物 | 恐龍 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Jeon Sang-wu 標(biāo)題:Discover the dinosaurs 探索恐龍 正文 ●01 The first dinosaurs lived over 200 million years ago. 始祖恐龍生活于 2 億年以前。 ●04 Some dinosaurs were giants, with a long neck to reach into the tallest trees. 有些是巨型恐龍,長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的脖子,直伸到最高的那一棵樹(shù)。 Brachiosaurus Brachiosaurus was one of the biggest dinosaurs to ever live. It used its teeth to shred the leaves off branches 腕龍 腕龍是有史以來(lái)最大的一種恐龍。 它用牙齒將樹(shù)葉從樹(shù)枝上切碎。 ●05 Smaller dinosaurs ate plants that grew closer to the ground. 小一點(diǎn)的恐龍吃離地面比較近的植物。 ●06 Dinosaurs that ate plants were called herbivores. They were the vegetarians of the dinosaur age. 以植物為生的恐龍被稱(chēng)為食草動(dòng)物。它們?cè)诳铸垥r(shí)代屬于素食者。 Iguanodon Iguanodon could move on four legs or stand up and walk on two legs. 禽龍 禽龍能移動(dòng)四條腿或是站立,或用兩條腿行走。 ●07 Some dinosaurs were strong and chunky, with armour on their body. Many had horns on their head and spikes on their back or tail. 一些恐龍敦實(shí)強(qiáng)壯,身負(fù)盔甲。 許多頭上有角,背部或尾部帶刺。 Triceratops Triceratops used its three horns like weapons. 三角龍 三角龍用它的三個(gè)角充當(dāng)武器。 ●08 Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus had armour and spikes all down its back. Even its tail had a hard club at the end. 甲龍 甲龍身上的盔甲和尖刺一直覆蓋到身體末梢。 甚至于它的尾梢都有一叢硬刺。 Stegosaurus Stegosaurus had tail spikes for fighting. The plates along its back were probably to show off or for keeping its body at the right temperature. 劍龍 劍龍尾巴上有尖刺便于戰(zhàn)斗。 它背部的鱗板很可能用于炫耀或使身體保持在適當(dāng)?shù)臏囟取?●09 Don’t be afraid! Despite all their armour, these dinosaurs were all herbivores. 別害怕! 別看它們有這些盔甲,這些恐龍全是食草動(dòng)物。 ●11 These dinosaurs are on the run! Have they found some tasty treat in that direction? 這些恐龍?jiān)诒寂埽?難道它們發(fā)現(xiàn)前方有一些美食? ●13 No, they are running away! Tyrannosaurus is chasing them. Tyrannosaurus caught and ate all sorts of other animals with its sharp teeth and strong jaws. 不,它們?cè)谔优?!暴龍?jiān)谧汾s它們。 暴龍用它尖利的牙齒和強(qiáng)硬的下頜捕捉,獵食各種其它動(dòng)物。 ●14 Dinosaurs that ate meat were called carnivores. They were definitely not vegetarians! 吃肉的恐龍稱(chēng)為肉食動(dòng)物。它們肯定不是吃素的啦! ●16 Compsognathus Compsognathus grew to about the size of a turkey. It lived near the water and caught small lizards to eat. 美頜龍 美頜龍的尺寸長(zhǎng)到和火雞差不多。鄰居于水邊,捕食小蜥蜴。 Were there really such small dinosaurs?! Yes – and some were even smaller! Don’t think they were sweet or gentle, though. They could gobble down a lizard in the blink of an eye. 真的會(huì)有這么小的恐龍么? 是的——還有比這更小的! 但也不要以為它們就很客氣溫和了。它們能在一眨眼功夫生吞一只小蜥蜴。 ●17 So why are there no dinosaurs on Earth today? They all disappeared 65 million years ago. Scientists think they were wiped out by asteroids or volcanoes. 所以現(xiàn)在地球上為什么沒(méi)有恐龍了呢? 它們?cè)?6500 萬(wàn)年以前就已經(jīng)消失了。 科學(xué)家們認(rèn)為它們是被小行星撞擊地球或火山爆發(fā)給滅絕的。 ●19 Some creatures survived the disaster that killed the dinosaurs. Mammals, birds, crocodiles, turtles, and all sorts of sea animals managed to carry on. 有些生物在滅絕恐龍的災(zāi)難中逃過(guò)一劫。 哺乳動(dòng)物,鳥(niǎo)類(lèi),鱷魚(yú),海龜,以及各種海洋生物都僥幸活了下來(lái)。 Repenomamus Repenomamus was a prehistoric mammal that raided dinosaur nests to eat the eggs and hatchlings. 強(qiáng)壯爬獸 強(qiáng)壯爬獸是一種史前哺乳動(dòng)物, 襲擊恐龍巢,偷食它們的蛋和幼崽。 ●21 No one can see a living dinosaur, so how do we know so much about them? Scientists study their fossils, found in the ground. Dinosaur bones, eggs, footprints and even their poo has been turned into fossils. 沒(méi)有人能看到一只活著的恐龍, 所以我們?cè)趺茨苤浪鼈冞@么多呢? 科學(xué)家們?cè)诘孛嫦抡业剿鼈兊幕?,研究它們?恐龍骨、蛋、足跡,甚至于它們的大便,都已經(jīng)變成了化石。 Fossils of dinosaur eggs 恐龍蛋化石 Fossils of dinosaur bones 恐龍骨骼化石 ●22 Igidae National Park in South Korea has many fossils of dinosaur footprints. 南韓的伊格迪亞國(guó)家公園發(fā)現(xiàn)了許多恐龍足跡化石。 ●24 Dinosaur fossils have no colour, so we cannot really know what colour dinosaur bodies were. Some scientists think they were brown and green to blend in with their background. Others think they had bright colours to attract a mate, like their modern relatives, birds. 恐龍化石沒(méi)有顏色,所以我們真的無(wú)從得知恐龍會(huì)是什么顏色。 一些科學(xué)家認(rèn)為它們是棕色和綠色,與大自然融為一體。 其他人則認(rèn)為它們顏色鮮艷,來(lái)吸引伴侶,就像它們的現(xiàn)代親戚,鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)一樣。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Herbivores Giant but gentle plant eaters 食草動(dòng)物 巨大但溫和的素食者 Brachiosaurus 腕龍 Stegosaurus 劍龍 Triceratops 三角恐龍 Protoceratops 原角龍 ●26 Carnivores Ferocious meat eaters 食肉動(dòng)物 兇殘的肉食者 Tyrannosaurus 暴龍 Allosaurus 異龍 Raptor 禽龍 Compsognathus 美頜龍 ●27 Dinosaur Facts 恐龍二三事 Flying and swimming While the dinosaurs were the rulers on land, there were other prehistoric reptiles in the skies and the seas. Pterosaurs were a common type of flying reptile. One type was pteranodon, with a beak like a bird. Another, with teeth, was called pterodactyl. Giant sea creatures such as plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurus had fins and flippers for swimming. 飛翔與游泳 雖說(shuō)恐龍?jiān)顷懙厣系慕y(tǒng)治者,但空中和海里也存在過(guò)其它史前爬行動(dòng)物。 飛龍是一種常見(jiàn)的飛行類(lèi)爬行動(dòng)物。 有一種類(lèi)型是無(wú)齒翼龍,它的喙使它長(zhǎng)得像鳥(niǎo)一樣。 另一種有牙齒的稱(chēng)為翼指龍。巨型海洋生物,如蛇頸龍和魚(yú)龍等,有鰭和蹼,便于游泳。 pterosaurs 飛龍 pteranodon 無(wú)齒翼龍 pterodactyl 翼指龍 Pteranodon (pterosaur) 無(wú)齒翼龍(飛龍) Ichthyosaurus fossil 古魔翼龍(飛龍) Anhanguera (ptero saur) 魚(yú)龍化石 Elasmosaurus (plesiosaur) 薄片龍(蛇頸龍) ●28 Animal | Dinosaur 動(dòng)物 | 恐龍 Dinosaur king Tyrannosaurus rex was a type of large carnivore that lived around 68 million years ago. Its name ‘rex’ means ‘king’ and it was a mighty beast. It had the strongest bite of any predator living on land and would fight against even heavily armoured dinosaurs. 恐龍之王 霸王龍是一種大型食肉動(dòng)物,生活在 6800 萬(wàn)年以前。 它的名字'rex'意為'國(guó)王',是很強(qiáng)大的野獸。 它在陸地上所有掠食者中擁有最強(qiáng)的撕咬力,甚至可以用來(lái)與重甲恐龍搏殺一番。 Sabre-tooth shows up After the dinosaurs disappeared, another creature took over as king: a sabre-toothed cat called smilodon. It had enormous front teeth and hunted for other mammals in the forests. 劍齒出現(xiàn)了 恐龍消失后,另一種生物成為王者: 一種長(zhǎng)著劍齒、名為劍齒虎的貓科動(dòng)物。 它擁有碩大的門(mén)牙,在森林中捕捉其它哺乳動(dòng)物為食。 Smilodon fossil 劍齒虎化石
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (28.0%), 4-5歲 (21.0%)
【賓果04貓】大千世界中的淘氣貓咪們 cheeky kittens in the big wide world (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#寵物#貓。 寵物寶寶: 賓果01狗 賓果04貓 #stump 樹(shù)樁,殘肢,殘余部分。 Manx cats have no tail, just a short stump. 馬恩島貓 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Once upon a time Old Grandpa cat strokes his whiskers. "Meow…let me think of a story." "Once upon a time there was a young, foolish kitten that poked its nose into too many things..." Grandpa’s story sends the kittens to sleep. It is always bedtime when you are a kitten! ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about cats? ●01 寶寶 Meow! Meow! The kittens cuddle up to their mother and drink some milk. ●03 Kittens are adorable but very nosey. 好管閑事。 This kitten blinks and watches the mobile move around. This kitten is having fun with a ball of wool. ●05 Kittens are rascals! 淘氣。 They play with new toys with their paws, and practise jumping. ●06 打囤 When the kitten is tired, it finds somewhere cosy to take a nap. ●07 練習(xí)狩獵 Kittens practise hunting by pouncing on their mother’s tail. Sometimes they just chase their own tail. ●09 愛(ài)干凈 舌頭舔爪 爪洗臉 Kittens like to stay clean. They lick their paws with their tongue, and then wipe their face clean with their paws. It’s so cute! ●10 Kittens need a lot of sleep while they are growing. ●11 戶(hù)外 Kittens love the great outdoors. There are so many things to play with! Like butterflies, flowers, and each other! ●14 長(zhǎng)大 Now the kittens have grown as big as their mummy. ●15 狩獵 This cat has seen its prey. It creeps up on it, sneaking silently up the tree. Too bad! The prey escaped just in time. ●18 攀爬 Tip Most breeds of cat have back legs that are longer than their front legs. It helps them climb and jump. ●19 安全著陸 Uh oh! The cat falls from the tree... ...but don’t worry. A cat can flip over in midair to land safely on its feet. ●21 瞳孔變化 When the day is bright, a cat’s pupils get smaller. In the darkness, the cat’s pupils grow larger. ●23 胡子 Cats have longer, thicker hairs on their face, called whiskers. They are very important. They help the cat find its way and feel all around it, as it grows dark. After showing off its whiskers, the cat turns around and leaves us. ●第25 Find out more! ○As cute as a kitten Kittens use their mummy as a pillow. They wrestle and tumble as they play. The ball rolls away when the kitten touches it! But the kitten chases after it. When it is bigger, the kitten is weaned off its mother’s milk and eats solid food. The kitten licks its paws and uses them to wash its face after eating. So cute and clean! Cat Facts ○Finding its master A cat named Kari once made an amazing journey to find its master. Kari’s owner had to move to a new country and leave Kari behind. Two years later, the owner heard a familiar‘Meow’ at the door. He opened the door and Kari leaped into his arms! ○Careful cats Cats are very cautious creatures. No matter how hungry they are, when they find food they will stop and check around them to make sure it is safe before they eat. ●28 All kinds of cats! Sphynx cats are best known for having no fur and big ears. 斯芬克斯 Manx cats have no tail, just a short stump. 馬恩島貓 Abyssinian cats are very small and slim. 阿比西尼亞貓 Siamese have blue eyes and large, dark ears. 暹羅貓 Persian cats have a round face and flat nose. 波斯貓 The Maine Coon is one of the biggest breeds of cat. 緬因庫(kù)恩貓 Angoras have thick, soft fur. 安哥拉貓
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (27.7%), 4-5歲 (24.5%)
【賓果05大象】 Totally terrific trunks (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#大象。 05 象鼻簡(jiǎn)直太神奇了 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Elephant friends Elephants can’t hold hands, but they can hold trunks. Their trunks make everything they do more fun. If an elephant was your best friend, it could swing you in the air and twirl you around. It could give you a shower outdoors, too! 大象朋友們 大象們不能舉手, 但它們卻可以舉起象鼻。 它們的象鼻使得所做的一切都更加有趣。 如果一頭大象是你最好的朋友, 它會(huì)把你蕩到空中,卷緊你旋轉(zhuǎn)。 當(dāng)然,也會(huì)在戶(hù)外給你來(lái)一場(chǎng)淋?。?●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about elephants? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解大象嗎? Animal | Elephant 動(dòng)物 | 大象 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Kim Ji-min 標(biāo)題:Totally terrific trunks 象鼻簡(jiǎn)直太神奇了 正文 ●01 Whose giant footprints are these? 這些是誰(shuí)的巨足足印? ●03 Aha! They are the elephant’s footprints. Elephants are the biggest land animal on the planet. So of course they have giant footprints. 啊,這些可是大象的足跡。 大象是這個(gè)星球上最大的陸生動(dòng)物。 自然而然,它們踏出巨大的足跡。 ●06 An elephant’s trunk is its nose. It uses it to do all kinds of things. When they pick leaves to eat, collect water to drink, or trumpet to their friends, it is their nose they are using. 大象的長(zhǎng)鼻也就是它的鼻子。 它用長(zhǎng)鼻來(lái)做各種事情。 當(dāng)它們采葉子吃,汲水喝,召喚它們的朋友們時(shí),全是用它們的鼻子干的。 ●08 It gets very hot under the bright sun with that thick skin. An elephant flaps its giant ears back and forth like a fan, to keep itself cool. 它們身上厚實(shí)的皮膚使得它們?cè)陉兹障掠友谉帷?大象前后撲閃著它巨大的耳朵就像一把扇子一樣,給它散熱。 ●09 Elephants walk for miles and miles if they run out of water or food. They travel in a group to find new supplies. 缺糧缺水的大象們會(huì)走很遠(yuǎn)很遠(yuǎn)。 它們集體一起去尋找新的供應(yīng)補(bǔ)給。 ●12 The leader of the group trumpets, ‘Over there!’ She has found food and water. They run towards it: thud, thud, thud. 組織的頭兒號(hào)召著, “就在那兒!”她找到了水和食物。 它們一起奔去:砰,砰,砰。 ●13 The elephants love to cool down in the water. A baby elephant jumps in and takes a deep breath. It will suck up water into its trunk, and then spray it over itself like a shower. 大象喜歡在水里降暑。 象寶寶跳到水中,深吸了一口氣。 它會(huì)用鼻子來(lái)吸水,然后像淋浴一樣往自己身上灑水。 ●16 After their shower, the baby elephant climbs out of the water. Its mother sprays it with dirt. ‘But Mum, I just got clean!’ The dirt will help to keep the bugs away. 淋浴過(guò)后,象寶寶從水里爬出來(lái), 象媽媽把臟泥噴灑到它身上。 “可是呀,媽媽?zhuān)覄倓偛畔锤蓛粞?!?身上鋪臟泥可以幫助繞開(kāi)昆蟲(chóng)(叮咬)呢。 ●17 A baby elephant loves to stay very close to its mother. It will brush against her side or walk between her long legs. 象寶寶喜歡緊緊跟著媽媽。 要么在媽媽身旁蹭著她, 要么夾在媽媽兩條長(zhǎng)腿間走。 ●19 As night falls, the elephants gather into a group to sleep. 夜幕降臨,大象們聚在一起睡覺(jué)。 Tip Elephants nap during the day, leaning against the trees. So at night, they don’t need as much sleep. 提示 大象們?cè)诎滋煲锌吭跇?shù)上打盹。 到了晚上,它們就不需要太多睡眠了。 ●22 Long ago, people used to tame elephants and train them to do jobs. They could carry people and heavy objects, and were skilled at crossing rough areas and even mountains. 很久以前,人們常常馴服大象和訓(xùn)練大象擔(dān)當(dāng)工作。 它們可以載人和載重物,對(duì)于穿越艱險(xiǎn)的地區(qū)甚至是群山,它們都很有經(jīng)驗(yàn)。 ●23 Elephants also used to appear in circuses. 大象們也同樣被用來(lái)參演馬戲。 They were trained to do tricks in front of the crowd. 它們被訓(xùn)練成在觀(guān)眾們面前做戲法。 ●24 Nowadays, audiences prefer to see circus acts that don’t use animals. 現(xiàn)如今,觀(guān)眾們更愿意觀(guān)看不使用動(dòng)物的馬戲團(tuán)表演。 ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! Trunk tricks 象鼻的小把戲 A trunk can be used like a hand to pick up grass... 象鼻能像手一樣,被用來(lái)拾草...... and like a hosepipe to squirt water for drinking. 也能像水管一樣噴出水來(lái)供飲用。 It can twist to spray their body like a shower... 也能彎曲著噴射身體來(lái)一場(chǎng)淋浴...... or to say hello to their friends. 或是向它們的朋友們打招呼問(wèn)好。 It is also used as an alarm if they sense danger! 當(dāng)它們感知危險(xiǎn)的時(shí)候,象鼻也能被用來(lái)鳴響警報(bào)。 ●27 Elephant Facts 大象二三事 No sweat An elephant’s body does not have sweat glands so even in the hottest weather, it can not sweat. 不流汗 大象身上沒(méi)有汗腺, 即使在最炎熱的氣候中,也不能流汗。 Tusks for teeth Two of an elephant’s teeth are very long. They are called tusks, and poke out of its mouth. They keep growing every year. Elephants use their tusks as weapons, and as tools for digging and moving things. 獠牙也就是牙齒 大象的兩顆牙非常長(zhǎng)。稱(chēng)為獠牙,從嘴中戳出來(lái)。它們每一年都在長(zhǎng)。 大象的獠牙等同它們的武器,也作為工具給它們挖掘和挪動(dòng)?xùn)|西。 ●28 Animal | Elephant 動(dòng)物 | 大象 Two types African elephants live on the African grasslands. They have very large ears and a hump on their back. Asian elephants live in India and Southeast Asia. They are slightly smaller, with smaller ears and a flat back. 兩種象 非洲象生活在非洲草原。它們有著大大的耳朵和隆起的背脊。 亞洲象生活在印度和東南亞。 它們相較更小一些,更小的耳朵,扁平的背。 African elephant 非洲象 Asian elephant 亞洲象 Beloved friend An elephant named Jumbo was famous at European zoos and gave rides on its back. It was sold to a circus and taken to the US to perform for huge crowds. Sadly, Jumbo was hit by a train and died shortly after moving to America. 值得我們?nèi)?ài)的朋友 一頭叫做俊波的大象在歐洲動(dòng)物園很出名,人們能騎乘在它背上。 它被賣(mài)到了馬戲團(tuán)并被帶到美國(guó),為大量的公眾做表演。 不幸的是,搬到美國(guó)不久后,俊波就被火車(chē)撞死了。
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (27.3%), 3-4歲 (25.4%)
【賓果06企鵝】 Penguins: dressed to impress (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)#企鵝。 06 企鵝:令人印象深刻的著裝 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Dressed to impress The penguins look so smart in their black and white suits. They gather together, as if they are at a party. ‘How do you do?’ ‘How do you do?’ Their suits may be stylish, but they are practical, too. Their feathers are just right for gliding through the water and keeping them warm in cold weather. Those suits really suit those penguins! 令人印象深刻的著裝 企鵝們穿著它們黑白相間的禮服格外神清氣爽。 它們聚在一起,仿若在開(kāi)派對(duì)。 “你好嗎?”“你好嗎?” 它們的禮服或許太有風(fēng)格,但是也很實(shí)用。 它們的羽毛很適合用來(lái)滑水,也讓它們?cè)诤涞臍夂蛑斜3譁嘏?這些禮服真的好適合這些企鵝! ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about penguins? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解企鵝嗎? Bird | Penguin 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) | 企鵝 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Jeon Hyun-jeon 標(biāo)題:Penguins: dressed to impress 企鵝:令人印象深刻的著裝 正文 ●01 Careful! The penguins waddle across the snow and ice. They look as if they might fall at any moment! But they manage to stay on their feet. Let’s find out where they are going. 小心了! 企鵝們搖搖擺擺穿過(guò)冰天雪地。 它們看起來(lái)好像隨時(shí)會(huì)摔倒一樣! 但是它們嘗試著站穩(wěn)腳跟。 讓我們看看它們要去哪兒。 ●03 ‘This spot looks just right.’ The penguins stop at a place with no snow, just rocks on the ground. “這地兒看起來(lái)不錯(cuò)?!?企鵝們?cè)谝惶帥](méi)有雪,只有巖石的地面駐足。 ●04 Penguins use small rocks to make a nest. Now it is time to find a mate. ‘Hello! Does anyone want to be my girlfriend?’ 企鵝們用小小的巖石塊來(lái)砌巢。 也是時(shí)候找個(gè)伴啦。 “你們好!有誰(shuí)愿意做我女朋友么?” ●05 When the girls hear the boys calling, they waddle over to find out who wants a mate. They get together in pairs to have babies. 女孩子們聽(tīng)到男孩子們的召喚, 她們搖搖晃晃地走去尋找是誰(shuí)在找伴兒。 它們互相相中對(duì)方結(jié)成伴侶,(然后)有了寶寶。 ●07 After the mother penguin lays her eggs, she leaves them with the father. The mother heads to the ocean to eat, as she is very hungry. The father looks after the eggs while she is away. 企鵝媽媽產(chǎn)出蛋后,她便把蛋和企鵝爸爸留在了那兒。 企鵝媽媽來(lái)到海邊找吃的,因?yàn)樗龑?shí)在太餓了。 企鵝媽媽不在的時(shí)候,由企鵝爸爸來(lái)照看它們的蛋。 ●10 When the mother has eaten enough, she returns to the nest. ‘Hello, my little babies!’ The mother is very happy to see her chicks. 企鵝媽媽吃飽后,她就回到了巢里。 “你們好啊,我的小寶貝們!” 企鵝媽媽很高興看到她的企鵝崽崽。 ●12 Now it is the father’s turn to find some food. He hasn’t eaten for the whole time he was with the eggs. He is cold, tired, and very, very hungry. 現(xiàn)在,輪到企鵝爸爸來(lái)覓食了。 他照看蛋的時(shí)候,完全沒(méi)有進(jìn)食呢。 他又冷又累,而且超級(jí),超級(jí)餓。 ●13 The chicks grow up with their parents watching over them. They gather in groups with the other chicks, and squawk and play together. 在父母的照看下,企鵝崽崽們(一天天)長(zhǎng)大。 它們和其它的企鵝崽崽聚在一起,嘟嚕嘟嚕,一起玩耍。 ●13 Tip When the parents go hunting, the babies stay together in a nursery. The parents find their own chicks again by listening for their special calls. 提示 當(dāng)父母出去獵食的時(shí)候,企鵝寶寶們被守護(hù)在一起。 父母通過(guò)它們自己崽崽的獨(dú)特呼喚,找回它們。 ●16 There is danger overhead! A great skua flies in circles, ready to attack the chicks. The parents group together to try to scare away the great skuas. 頭頂上有危險(xiǎn)! 一只大賊鷗在它們頭頂上盤(pán)旋, 準(zhǔn)備襲擊企鵝崽崽。 企鵝父母圍成一團(tuán),打算把大賊鷗驅(qū)嚇走。 ●17 ‘Mummy, why don’t I look like you?’ ‘You have baby feathers to keep you warm. They are more fluffy than my grown-up feathers. Soon, you will look just like me.’ “媽咪,為什么我長(zhǎng)得不像你呀?” “你的絨毛讓你保持溫暖。它們比起我的成年羽毛更松軟。 不久,你就會(huì)長(zhǎng)得和我一樣了?!?●19 The mother penguin was right. Before long, the chick loses its fluff, and grows sleek feathers like its parents. 企鵝母親是對(duì)的。 沒(méi)過(guò)多久,企鵝崽崽的絨毛開(kāi)始脫落, 長(zhǎng)出了和父母一樣的光滑的羽毛。 ●20 ‘Now I look like a grown-up!’ “現(xiàn)在我看起來(lái)像個(gè)大人了!” ●21 There are some very scary predators that hunt for penguins. The families need to look out for seals, especially leopard seals, and killer whales. 有一些非常恐怖的侵略者獵食企鵝。 企鵝一家子需要當(dāng)心海豹,尤其是豹海豹,和虎鯨。 ‘Watch out! The seal is here!’ “小心!這里有海豹!” The penguins all push and shove to escape into the ocean. Splash, splash! 企鵝們連推帶擠,往海里逃亡。 咘咚!咘咚! ●23 Penguins are excellent at swimming and diving. They cannot fly, but they can glide through the water. 企鵝們擅長(zhǎng)游泳和潛水。 它們不會(huì)飛,但它們能劃過(guò)(天空),躍入水中。 ●24 They catch fish in their beak, and then jump out of the water to join their friends again. 它們用它們的嘴來(lái)捕魚(yú), 然后再跳出水面,再與它們的朋友們聚在一起。 ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! Lots of penguins 許多的企鵝 Emperor penguins are the biggest of all penguins. 帝(Emperor)企鵝在所有(種類(lèi)的)企鵝中(身形)最大。 King penguins are the second largest breed. 王(King)企鵝隸屬企鵝中的第二大家族。 Royal penguins have a crown of feathers on their head. 皇家(Royal)企鵝頭上的羽毛圍成了一個(gè)皇冠。 Rockhopper penguins get their name from the way they move around. 跳巖(Rockhopper)企鵝因它們擺動(dòng)行走的方式而得名。 Adelie penguins are common in the Antarctic. 阿德利(Adelie)企鵝在南極很常見(jiàn)。 Gentoo penguins have white marks by their eyes. 巴布亞(Gentoo)企鵝的眼眶上有著白色的印記。 ●27 Penguin Facts 企鵝二三事 Dinner suit Penguins usually have a white tummy and a black back and wings, so they look like they are wearing a tuxedo. What smart little creatures they are! 餐禮服 企鵝們通常有著白色的肚皮和黑色的背和翅膀, 所以它們看起來(lái)像穿著燕尾服。 它們是多么精干的小生物呀! Flightless birds Penguins live in places that don’t have many predators on land, so they don’t really need to fly. Instead, they have adapted to life in the sea where there is much more food available. 與世無(wú)爭(zhēng)的鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) 企鵝居住的地方并沒(méi)有太多陸生的侵略者,所以它們也并不需要去飛翔。 反而,他們已經(jīng)適應(yīng)了海洋生存環(huán)境,那兒有多得多的食物補(bǔ)給。 ●28 Bird | Penguin 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) | 企鵝 Fond fathers Male emperor penguins take care of the eggs without the mother’s help. They stand in freezing cold wind and raging blizzards. They cannot leave, or the eggs will get too cold to survive. 父之愛(ài) 雄帝企鵝(父親)在沒(méi)有母帝企鵝的幫助下,照看(企鵝)蛋。 他們堅(jiān)守在凜冽的寒風(fēng)與肆虐的暴風(fēng)雪中。 他們不能離開(kāi),要不然蛋(寶寶)會(huì)因?yàn)樘涠荒艽婊睢?Life in a bush Most penguins use stones to build a nest. The Magellanic penguin, however, uses grass and twigs to make a nest inside a cave, under a bush, or in a hole. 灌木叢下的生活 大多數(shù)企鵝用石頭來(lái)筑巢。 麥哲倫企鵝則不同,用草和樹(shù)枝在洞穴內(nèi)、灌木下,或是地洞里,筑巢。 Magellanic penguin 麥哲倫企鵝
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (26.7%), 4-5歲 (25.1%)
【賓果07鴕鳥(niǎo)】鴕鳥(niǎo),最大的鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) Ostrich: the biggest bird of all (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)#鴕鳥(niǎo)。 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) An ostrich can dream Each day, the ostrich gazes up to the sky. It dreams of spreading its wings and soaring up high. ‘Perhaps if I run fast enough, I will leave the ground?’ thinks the ostrich. So it begins to run. Pat, pat, pat. Thud, thud, thud. Flap, flap, flap. Faster and faster it runs, but the ostrich will never be able to fly. Its wings just aren’t big enough for its body. It can only dream. 鴕鳥(niǎo)也有夢(mèng) 每一天,鴕鳥(niǎo)凝視著天空。 夢(mèng)想著展開(kāi)雙翅,凌云空中。 “或許我跑得夠快,我就能離開(kāi)地面了?” 鴕鳥(niǎo)想著。便也開(kāi)始起跑。 啪,啪,啪; 砰,砰,砰; 噠,噠,噠。 鴕鳥(niǎo)越跑越快, 卻永遠(yuǎn)也不能飛起來(lái)。 它們的翅膀撐不起它們的身體。 飛翔僅僅只能是個(gè)夢(mèng)。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about ostriches? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解鴕鳥(niǎo)嗎? Bird | Ostrich 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) | 鴕鳥(niǎo) 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Park Sang-mi 標(biāo)題:Ostrich: the biggest bird of all 鴕鳥(niǎo),最大的鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) 正文 ●01 The ostrich sprints across the African grasslands. It feels good to be the biggest bird of them all. 鴕鳥(niǎo)暴走在非洲的大草原上。 成為鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)中最大的鳥(niǎo)讓它們感覺(jué)不錯(cuò)。 ●04 Ostriches love to nibble at the grass on the ground and the leaves on the trees. 鴕鳥(niǎo)們喜愛(ài)輕咬地上的草和樹(shù)上的葉。 ●06 An ostrich has enormous eyes to help it spot danger. It can spy a predator from a long way away. When it isn’t eating or running, the ostrich can be found tidying up its feathers with its beak. 鴕鳥(niǎo)長(zhǎng)著碩大的眼,可以幫它們勘測(cè)危險(xiǎn)。 眼也可以幫它們偵查遠(yuǎn)處的侵略者。 當(dāng)鴕鳥(niǎo)不進(jìn)食不奔跑時(shí), 能發(fā)現(xiàn)它們?cè)谟米彀颓謇碛鹈?●第7&8頁(yè) Ostriches dance to attract the attention of a mate. 鴕鳥(niǎo)用舞蹈來(lái)吸引(未來(lái))伴侶的注意。 I am the male. 我是雄性。 You can tell the difference between the male and the female by the colour of their feathers. The female is greyish brown, while the male is black. 你能通過(guò)它們羽毛的顏色來(lái)辨識(shí)雌雄的不同。 雌性的是灰棕色,雄性的是黑色。 I am the female. 我是雌性。 ●09 The ostrich lays the biggest eggs of any kind of bird. Do you think a baby ostrich is as big as its parents when it hatches? 鴕鳥(niǎo)孵出的是鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)中最大的蛋。 你覺(jué)得孵出來(lái)的鴕鳥(niǎo)寶寶會(huì)和它的父母一樣大么? ●12 The ostrich parents take turns looking after the eggs. The mum watches them during the day, and the dad takes over at night. 鴕鳥(niǎo)父母輪流照看這些蛋。 媽媽白天看著,爸爸晚上管著。 ●13 Crick, crack... the babies are hatching from the eggs. 喀嚓,咔嚓... 寶寶們從蛋里面孵出來(lái)啦。 ●16 The ostrich chicks stick close to their mum, while dad leads the whole family from place to place. 鴕鳥(niǎo)崽崽們緊貼著它們的媽媽?zhuān)?而爸爸呢,帶著這一家子從這兒轉(zhuǎn)到那兒。 ●17 The chicks flap their wings. Maybe they will be able to fly? Mum and dad shake their heads. ‘Our wings are much smaller than our body. It will never happen.’ 鴕鳥(niǎo)崽崽拍打著它們的翅膀。 也許它們能飛翔呢? 爸媽搖著頭。 “我們的翅膀比我們的身體小太多。我們可不能飛?!?●20 Mum shows them how to run. She lifts each leg and stomps it down. Bam, bam! ‘Although we can’t fly, we can run really fast.’ 媽媽向它們展示怎么跑。 她抬起腿然后用力蹬。 嘭,嘭! “即使我們不能飛,我們卻真的能跑得很快。” ●21 The chicks settle on the warm ground to rest. 鴕鳥(niǎo)崽崽挑了塊溫暖的地兒棲息。 ●22 The parents keep watch over them, checking for danger all around. 父母?jìng)兡坎晦D(zhuǎn)睛地盯著它們,為它們排查周邊的危險(xiǎn)。 ●第23&24頁(yè) Ostriches aren’t the only birds that can’t fly. These ones stay on the ground, too! 鴕鳥(niǎo)并不是唯一不能飛的鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)。 這些鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)也只能待在地上! Domestic hen 家雞 Domestic turkey 家養(yǎng)火雞 Kiwi 幾維鳥(niǎo) Penguin 企鵝 They all have a body that is too heavy for their wings. 它們的翅膀都難以承受它們身體的重量。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! What happens if a cheetah and an ostrich have a race? 如果一只獵豹和一只鴕鳥(niǎo)競(jìng)跑,會(huì)發(fā)生什么呢? In a short race, the cheetah will definitely win. They are the fastest sprinters on the planet. 短跑中,肯定是獵豹贏。 它們是星球上最快的短跑者。 Over a longer distance, the ostrich will win. They are better marathon runners. 長(zhǎng)跑中,鴕鳥(niǎo)是贏家。 它們是擅長(zhǎng)馬拉松的長(zhǎng)跑者。 ●26 An ostrich has excellent eyesight. Even if its enemy is far away, the ostrich will see it. 鴕鳥(niǎo)擁有卓越的視力。 即使敵人距離很遠(yuǎn),鴕鳥(niǎo)也能看到它。 It is easier for ostriches to protect themselves against predators if they are in a group. 鴕鳥(niǎo)們結(jié)集成群,更容易在侵略者來(lái)襲時(shí)保護(hù)它們自己。 ●27 Ostrich Facts 鴕鳥(niǎo)二三事 Height helps The ostrich is the biggest bird on Earth. They live in the grasslands of Africa. Their height helps them see any danger hiding in the tall grass. Their long legs help them run away, but can also kick very hard. 身高來(lái)幫忙 鴕鳥(niǎo)是地球上最大的鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)。 它們居住在非洲大草原。 它們的高度幫助它們看清隱藏在高草叢中的任何危險(xiǎn)。 它們的大長(zhǎng)腿幫助它們跑得遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)的,但也能踢得狠狠的。 See my wings An ostrich’s wings aren’t totally useless. It uses them for balance when it is running and changing direction. The males also spread their wings when they dance in front of a female. The parents can even use their wings to shelter their babies. 來(lái)看看我的翅膀吧 鴕鳥(niǎo)的翅膀也不是完全無(wú)用。 翅膀可以幫助鴕鳥(niǎo)在奔跑和改變方向的時(shí)候保持平衡。 雄性鴕鳥(niǎo)在雌性鴕鳥(niǎo)面前跳舞的時(shí)候,也能展開(kāi)他們的翅膀。 鴕鳥(niǎo)父母甚至可以用它們的翅膀來(lái)庇護(hù)它們的寶寶。 ●28 Bird | Ostrich 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) | 鴕鳥(niǎo) Flightless friends 不能飛的朋友們 Kiwi The kiwi gets its name from the sound it makes: kee-wee! 幾維鳥(niǎo) Kiwi 幾維鳥(niǎo)因它們發(fā)出的聲音:幾-維,而得名。 Emu Emus live in Australia and are the second largest birds on Earth. 鴯鹋 Emu 鴯鹋 [ér miáo] 生活在澳大利亞,是地球上第二大鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)。 Cassowary Cassowaries have a brightly coloured head and sharp claws. 食火鳥(niǎo) Cassowary 食火鳥(niǎo)有著色彩鮮艷的頭和尖利的爪子。 Rhea The rhea is found in South America and is slightly smaller than an ostrich. 美洲鴕 Rhea 美洲鴕發(fā)現(xiàn)于南美,也比鴕鳥(niǎo)稍微小一些。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (25.3%), 4-5歲 (22.4%)
【賓果08翠鳥(niǎo)】翠鳥(niǎo),捕魚(yú)專(zhuān)家 Kingfishers: the expert fishermen (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)#翠鳥(niǎo)。 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Gone fishing Some people love to fish. They spend all day sitting on the riverbank, dangling their line in the water. Sometimes they don’t catch a single fish, but they still enjoy their peaceful time. Kingfishers don't mess about like that. They see a fish and they dive for it. Bam! That's lunch, right there. ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about kingfishers? ●01 The kingfisher leaps from the branch towards the water. It hurtles down like an arrow from a bow. Success! The bird emerges with a fish in its beak. ●03 Kingfishers have beautiful, brightly coloured feathers. Their long, sharp beak is designed for catching slippery fish. ●05 Whack! 啪!Smack! 咔!Whack! Whack! Whack! The kingfisher smacks the fish against the branch until the fish stops wriggling. Then it swallows it whole in one big gulp. ●05 Flip! 捻!Whack! 啪!Gone! 吞! ●08 求偶 This kingfisher is looking for love. He wants to find a mate. He dives into the water to catch a fish as a gift. The kingfisher gives the gift to the female. She accepts it. Mmm, a tasty snack! ◇Tip. Kingfishers aren’t the only birds to give mating gifts. The shrike, oriole and some jays do it, too. 伯勞鳥(niǎo),黃鸝 Now she has accepted his gift, they are partners. They mate so they can have babies. ●13 筑巢 The couple need to dig a hole to use as their nest. ‘If our nest is safe enough, it will protect us from weasels and snakes.’ ●15 養(yǎng)育 Before long, the female kingfisher becomes a mum. Her mate will keep bringing food back to the nest to feed everyone. The rest of the time, he stays near the nest to keep away any predators. ●17 When the chicks are big enough, their parents teach them how to fly and catch fish. ●19 寶寶 The chicks grow up quickly. Soon they are big enough to leave home. ‘Can’t we just stay here with you?’ But there isn’t room for them all to stay. The young kingfishers fly off to make their own home. ●23 遷徙 When autumn comes, the kingfishers will fly south, looking for a warmer place to spend the winter. The young kingfishers are grown up and ready to fly south on their own. ●25 Find out more! Kingfisher Facts ○A gift of love Kingfishers look for a mate in spring. The male gives a fish to try to attract a female. If the female accepts, they can become a pair. They dig a hole to make their nest. ○This is mine Female kingfishers find a place to live that is safe and close to water, with plenty of food. They mark it to let others know it is their territory. A male kingfisher will live here when they become a couple. The male has to try to attract the female. ○Catching fish 捕魚(yú) ① The kingfisher dives all the way into the water. ② It comes out with a fish in its beak. ③ It rests on a branch with its prize. ○Gotcha! 我可逮著你了! ① The fish is caught! ② The fish wriggles but can’t escape. ③ The kingfisher smacks the fish against the branch.敲 ④ It swallows it whole. ●A different bird The ruddy kingfisher has red feathers and a bright red beak.赤翡翠 It will catch and eat frogs as well as fish.
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (28.1%), 4-5歲 (23.5%)
【賓果09雞】嘿,母雞,你好嗎? Hey, hen, how do you do? (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)#雞。 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! The rooster acts like an alarm clock to wake everybody up. Don’t miss out on this glorious day! Wake up, world! The sun is rising over the hilltops and the day is about to get started. 喔~喔~喔~~! 公雞就像一面鬧鐘一樣,喚醒每一個(gè)人。 可不要錯(cuò)過(guò)這神采飛揚(yáng)的一天! 醒來(lái)吧,世界! 太陽(yáng)升到山頂, 新的一天即將開(kāi)始。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about chickens? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解雞嗎? Bird | Chicken 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) | 雞 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Ou Yun-seon 標(biāo)題:Hey, hen, how do you do? 嘿,母雞,你好嗎? 正文 ●01 A male chicken is called a rooster. He crows in the morning – and sometimes through the day, too! 雄性的雞被稱(chēng)為公雞。 他在清晨啼鳴—— 有時(shí)候整天都是如此! Cock-a-doodle-doo! 喔-喔--喔! ●04 The rooster is hungry. You could say he is peckish! He scratches at the ground, looking for food. Roosters aren’t very fussy about what they eat. 公雞餓了。 你可以說(shuō)他是有點(diǎn)兒餓。 他刨蹉著地面,尋覓著食物。 公雞不怎么挑食。 ●05 Roosters have no teeth, so they cannot chew. To help digest their food, they swallow a few pebbles or a bit of dirt. 公雞沒(méi)有牙齒,所以不能咀嚼。 為了消化他們的食物,他們一起把一些小卵石或是一些兒塵土吞咽進(jìn)去。 ●07 A female chicken is called a hen. This one has caught the rooster’s eye. 雌性的雞被稱(chēng)為母雞。 這只母雞被(某只)公雞看上了。 ●08 He trots over to see if she wants to be his mate. 他小步快走到她身旁,想試探她是否想成為他的伴侶。 ●09 The hen seems to like the rooster! ‘Bawk, bawk, bawk, ba-cawk! Your feathers look so fine!’ The hen pecks gently at the rooster’s lovely feathers. 母雞看起來(lái)很喜歡公雞! “咯咯,咯咯噠! 你的羽毛看起來(lái)很不錯(cuò)喔!” 母雞輕啄著公雞討喜的羽毛。 ●12 The rooster goes looking for gifts to give to his new love. 公雞四處探尋禮物,用來(lái)送給他的新愛(ài)侶。 ●13 The hen and the rooster go for a stroll. They stop for a drink, but they don’t drink like you do. 母雞與公雞一起漫步。 它們停下來(lái)飲水,但它們的飲水方式與你不同。 ●14 They have to take a mouthful and then tip back their head to gargle it down. 它們(先把水)囤滿(mǎn)全口,然后把頭往后仰,直到漱著口吞下去。 ●15 They don’t take a bath like you do, either. They roll around in the sand. Believe it or not, it makes their feathers feel soft and clean! 它們洗澡的方式,也和你不一樣。 它們到沙子里打滾。不管相信與否, 這樣能令它們的羽毛感覺(jué)更柔軟與干凈! ●17 The hen has laid her eggs, and she sits on them to keep them warm until they hatch. 母雞生了蛋,她端坐在蛋上面,使它們保持溫暖,直到孵化出來(lái)。 ●18 After 21 days, the shells crack open and the chicks begin to stumble out. 21 天過(guò)后,蛋殼裂開(kāi)了,小雞崽們開(kāi)始跌跌撞撞地走出來(lái)。 ●19 The little chicks go looking for food. 小雞崽們四處搜羅著覓食。 Cheep, cheep, cheep! 吱,吱,吱! Cheep, cheep, cheep! 吱,吱,吱! ●20 They don’t need their parents to teach them. They already know how to feed themselves. 它們并不需要父母教。 它們就已經(jīng)知道怎樣養(yǎng)活自己了。 Cheep, cheep, cheep! 吱,吱,吱! ●第21&22頁(yè) The chicks split into small groups, whatever they are doing... 雞崽們分成一個(gè)個(gè)小組, 無(wú)論它們做什么... ...eating, drinking, or playing games. ... 吃,喝,或是做游戲。 ●23 The whole family is going for a walk. 整個(gè)一家子外出散步了。 ●24 The chicks waddle and run behind their parents. They are so cute! 雞崽們搖搖擺擺著跑到它們父母身后。 它們是如此可愛(ài)! Cheep, cheep, cheep! 吱,吱,吱! ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! A chick is born! 小雞出生啦! ① Crack! 咔嚓! ② First, we see the chick’s yellow feathers. 首先,我們看到了小雞崽黃黃的羽毛。 ③ The chick crawls out of its shell. 小雞崽顫顫巍巍地爬出殼來(lái)。 ④ Its feathers are wet from being inside the egg. 從蛋殼里出來(lái),它們的羽毛濕噠噠的。 ⑤ The chick shivers to get warm. 小雞崽抖動(dòng)著身體來(lái)取暖。 Different breeds of hen lay different coloured eggs. Sometimes the eggs are white, sometimes they are brown. 不同品種的母雞會(huì)生出顏色不同的雞蛋。 有時(shí)雞蛋是白色的,有時(shí)卻又是棕色。 ●27 Chicken Facts 雞的二三事 Rooster or hen? A rooster has a large red comb on its head. Its tail is made of long, fancy feathers. They have claws called spurs on the back of their feet. Hens have small combs and short feathers. They are less shiny than rooster feathers. 公雞還是母雞? 公雞頭上有著大大的雞冠。 他的尾巴由漂亮、長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的羽毛組成。 他們的爪子長(zhǎng)在腳后方,也被稱(chēng)為雞掌。 母雞的雞冠很小,羽毛很短。 她們的羽毛沒(méi)有公雞的羽毛那樣閃亮。 Hen 母雞 Rooster 公雞 Taking a bath Chickens spread their wings and roll in the sand to get clean. As they roll, the sand gets into their feathers. Any bugs and parasites get scrubbed off, and carried away with the sand when the chickens flap their wings. 洗一個(gè)澡 雞們展開(kāi)翅膀,在泥沙里打滾,以做清潔。 它們滾著的時(shí)候,泥沙卷入它們的羽毛中。 隨著它們拍打著翅膀,泥沙裹挾著隨身攜帶著的細(xì)菌與寄生蟲(chóng),就這樣被摩擦掉拍走了。 ●28 Bird | Chicken 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) | 雞 Sleeping up high Chickens like to sleep on a piece of wood called a perch. It keeps them off the ground, and they feel safe. 睡在高處 雞喜歡在被稱(chēng)為棲枝的一根棍子上睡覺(jué)。 這讓它們懸空于地,也讓它們感到安全。 Mother hen If you see a hen with some of its tummy feathers missing, that means she is brooding. The bare skin lets more heat pass to her eggs to keep them warm. 做母親的母雞 如果你看到一只母雞腹部的一些羽毛不見(jiàn)了,那也就意味著她在孵蛋。 裸露的皮膚給她的蛋傳遞更多熱能,以使它們保持溫暖。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (25.3%), 4-5歲 (23.1%)
【賓果10黑尾鷗】 Black-tailed gulls: a feathered family (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)#鷗。 10 黑尾鷗:羽翼家族 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Where’s that cat? ‘Meow…meow!’ I can hear a cat calling me. But I can’t see it. Where is that cat? ‘Meow…meow!’ The sound is coming from over my head. I look up. Oh! It isn’t a cat at all. It is the gulls calling. They sound just like cats! 那只貓?jiān)谀膬海? “喵…喵!” 我能聽(tīng)到一只貓?jiān)谡賳疚摇?但卻看不到它。 那只貓?jiān)谀膬海?“喵…喵!” 這聲音從我頭上盤(pán)旋而來(lái)。 我四處張望。喔! 根本就不是貓。 是鷗在鳴叫。 它們的叫聲就和貓的一樣! ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about gulls? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解鷗嗎? Bird | Black-tailed gull 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) | 黑尾鷗 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Se-jin 標(biāo)題:Black-tailed gulls: a feathered family 黑尾鷗:羽翼家族 正文 ●01 ‘Meow…meow!’ The sound of cats rings around the harbour. “喵…喵!” 貓的鳴叫聲在海港周遭回旋。 ●03 It is the black-tailed gulls! They visit the harbour in the winter. It is easy for them to find food near the fishermen and the boats. 是黑尾鷗! 它們?cè)诙靵?lái)訪(fǎng)海港。 靠近漁民和漁船,使它們很容易覓食。 ●05 When spring arrives, the gulls leave the harbour. They fly to the islands nearby. They still call,‘Meow...meow!’ as they fly. 春日來(lái)臨,鷗們離開(kāi)海港。 它們飛到附近的島嶼。它們?nèi)匀辉陲w翔中鳴叫著,“喵…喵!” Tip The gulls need to find a mate to have babies. The male gives a fish to a female as a gift so she will choose him. 提示 鷗們需要找到伴侶來(lái)繁衍后代。 雄性鷗給雌性鷗一條魚(yú)作為禮物,以讓她來(lái)選擇他。 ●08 The gulls make their nest on a cliff. They take turns looking after the eggs. 鷗們?cè)趹已律现病?它們輪流照顧它們的蛋。 ●09 Crack! 咵咔! ●10 Crack! 咵咔! Crack! The fluffy chicks hatch out of their shells. They cuddle up close to their mother to keep warm and let their feathers dry. 咔! 毛茸茸的鳥(niǎo)崽們從殼中破殼而出。 它們貼著母親緊緊依偎在一起取暖,也讓自己的羽毛變干。 ●11 The chicks are hungry, so the parents have to go fishing. 鳥(niǎo)崽們餓了,父母?jìng)兊萌ゲ遏~(yú)了。 ●13 The parents catch fish and swallow them. Then they fly back to the nest and bring back the food into their mouth. The chicks eat this gooey, fishy mess straight from their mother or father’s beak. 父母捉住魚(yú),并吞下去。 接著,它們飛回巢,并把食物反芻回鳥(niǎo)崽們的嘴里。 鳥(niǎo)崽們從它們母親或父親的嘴中直接吃著這些黏糊糊的魚(yú)雜碎。 ●16 The gull parents are very protective. If any other gulls get too close, they fight them off and frighten them away. 鷗父鷗母對(duì)孩子極盡保護(hù)。 如果有其它任何的鷗靠得太近,它們都會(huì)撲扇著翅膀把它們嚇走。 ●18 Even tiny chicks are not safe! If one wanders into the wrong nest, the parents chase it away with their big beaks. 即使很小的鳥(niǎo)崽也并不安全! 如果其中一只亂躥到錯(cuò)誤的巢中,(巢中的)父母會(huì)用大嘴把它趕走。 ●19 Soon the chicks will be as big as their parents. ‘Now it’s time to learn to fly!’ The young gulls watch and learn from the adults. 不久,鳥(niǎo)崽就長(zhǎng)得和父母一樣大了。 “現(xiàn)在是時(shí)候?qū)W習(xí)飛翔了!” 年輕的鷗注視著成年鷗,并向它們學(xué)習(xí)。 ●21 The parents are very proud as they watch their children circle in the air. ‘Now we can fly on our own!’ 父母注視著它們的孩子在天空中盤(pán)旋,感到非常自豪。 “現(xiàn)在我們可以自己飛了!” ●22 Tip Young gulls are a different colour from their parents. They have dark brown feathers and a very dark beak. 提示 年輕的鷗與它們父母身上的顏色不同。 它們有著暗棕色的羽毛和顏色非常深的嘴。 ●23 The cold north wind blows in another winter. The black-tailed gulls leave their island and head back to the harbour. They will feed on the easy food until spring arrives. 寒冷的北風(fēng)在新臨的冬季中呼嘯著。 黑尾鷗離開(kāi)它們居住的島嶼,前往先前的海港。 直到春季垂臨,它們才會(huì)更容易覓食一些。 ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! Lots of gulls 許多的鷗 Black-headed gull Black-headed gulls change colour in winter and summer. Their heads turn dark in the summer. In winter, they turn white, with a dark spot behind their eyes. 黑頭鷗(也叫:紅嘴鷗) 黑頭鷗在冬天和夏天換色。 它們的頭在夏天變成深色。 在冬天,它們變白,眼睛靠后位置呈現(xiàn)暗點(diǎn)。 Herring gull Herring gulls live near black-tailed gulls but have red legs instead of yellow legs. 銀鷗 銀鷗臨近黑尾鷗而居,與黑尾鷗黃色的腿不同,它們的腿是紅色的。 Tern Terns have short legs and a forked tail. They live near the sea. 燕鷗 燕鷗有著短短的腿,叉狀的尾。 它們靠海而居。 The little tern The little tern travels a long distance when it migrates. 小燕鷗 小燕鷗遷徙時(shí)歷經(jīng)長(zhǎng)途跋涉。 ●27 Gull Facts 鷗二三事 Waterproof 防水 Black-tailed gulls make a special kind of oil which they spread across their feathers with their beak. It makes their feathers waterproof so they can land on the water. 黑尾鷗產(chǎn)出一種非常特別的油,它們用嘴撫遍它們?nèi)淼挠鹈?這樣它們的羽毛就能防水,也讓它們能在水面上降落。 Little helpers 小幫手 Fishermen sometimes follow groups of black-tailed gulls. When they see the birds circling over a spot on the water, they know there are plenty of fish there. These gulls are also nicknamed ‘guardians of the ocean’. People who have been lost at sea will know they are getting close to the shore if they see the black-tailed gulls overhead. 漁民有時(shí)會(huì)跟著一群黑尾鷗。 當(dāng)他們看到黑尾鷗在水面上圍著特定一處打轉(zhuǎn)的時(shí)候,他們就知道那兒一定有許多的魚(yú)。 這些鷗也享有“海洋守護(hù)者”的昵稱(chēng)。 人們?cè)诤Q笾忻允?,?dāng)他們看到頭頂上有黑尾鷗的時(shí)候,也就知道他們已經(jīng)很靠近海岸了。 ●28 Bird | Black-tailed gull 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi) | 黑尾鷗 Mate for life When the gulls fly back to the islands, they look for their own special partner. Every year they find the same partner instead of looking for a new mate. 終生伴侶 當(dāng)鷗飛回島嶼,它們會(huì)尋覓專(zhuān)屬于它們自己的伴侶。 每一年,它們都找同一個(gè)伴,而非另覓新歡。 On the edge The gulls make their nest out of grass, twigs and leaves. They build it on a little ledge on the cliff. It makes it much harder for people or predators to find their eggs and their chicks. 懸崖邊 鷗用草、樹(shù)枝、樹(shù)葉來(lái)筑巢。 它們?cè)诳煲拷鼞已逻吘壷幹病?這樣,人類(lèi)或侵略者想要找到它們的蛋或它們的鳥(niǎo)崽就難得多了。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (28.7%), 4-5歲 (24.5%)
【賓果11蜜蜂】 Busy bees: work, work, work! (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#蟲(chóng)蟲(chóng)#蜜蜂。 11 忙碌的蜜蜂:干活,干活,干活! ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) The chosen ones The worker bees don’t stop. They have lots of work to do. They look at the chosen ones and whisper behind their backs. ‘Those bees just eat and drink and laze around!’ This whispering upsets the chosen ones. But then their special day arrives. The queen picks one lucky bee and they fly high together, singing, dancing, and mating. ‘Now the worker bees know how important I am!’ says the chosen one. 被選中的蜜蜂 工蜂從不停歇。 它們身兼重任。 它們看著被選中的那些蜜蜂, 在背后悄聲說(shuō)。 “那些蜜蜂只會(huì)吃喝玩樂(lè)!” 這番悄悄話(huà)讓這群蜜蜂感到沮喪。 但是它們的特殊日子來(lái)臨了。 蜂后選中一位幸運(yùn)的蜜蜂, 然后它倆一起高飛, 唱歌,舞蹈,結(jié)合在一起。 “現(xiàn)在工蜂們知道我有多重要了!” 這位被選中的幸運(yùn)兒說(shuō)道。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about bees? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解蜜蜂嗎? Insect | Bee 昆蟲(chóng) | 蜜蜂 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Nam Hyeon-ju 標(biāo)題:Busy bees: work, work, work! 忙碌的蜜蜂:干活,干活,干活! 正文 ●01 Buzz, buzz, buzz! The bees fly from flower to flower, collecting nectar and pollen. 嗡,嗡,嗡! 蜜蜂們從這朵花飛到另一朵花, 采集花蜜和花粉。 注釋?zhuān)簄ectar n. 花蜜 pollen n. 花粉 ●03 Watch the bees in your garden to see how they fly. If the flowers are a little way apart, the bees fly in a figure eight. It is very cool to watch. 在你的花園里觀(guān)察蜜蜂,看它們是怎么飛的。 如果花朵之間距離有些遠(yuǎn),蜜蜂的飛行軌跡將呈現(xiàn)出“8”字形。看著非常好玩。 ●04 If the flowers are close together, the bees just fly in a circle. 如果花朵之間距離比較近,蜜蜂會(huì)繞成一個(gè)圈飛。 ●05 Bees take the pollen and nectar back to their hive. They build rooms with six sides, called hexagons. This is where they store their pollen and nectar. 蜜蜂把花粉和花蜜運(yùn)送回蜂窩。 它們?cè)诟C里建造由六條邊組成的小房間,稱(chēng)作六邊形。 這里就是它們儲(chǔ)存花粉和花蜜的地方。 ●08 Every bee has its own special jobs. Worker bees are in charge of collecting the nectar, looking after the young, building the hive, and doing the housework. Some bees have only one job, and that is to mate with the queen. 每只蜜蜂都有自己特殊的工作。 工蜂負(fù)責(zé)采集花蜜,照顧幼蜂,建筑蜂窩,處理家務(wù)事。 有些蜜蜂僅有一項(xiàng)工作,那就是和蜂后結(jié)合在一起(繁衍后代)。 ●09 The queen has laid her eggs and today they are finally hatching. The worker bees stay busy, feeding these larvae. 蜂后產(chǎn)下了卵,今天終于孵化了。 工蜂忙著喂食這些幼蟲(chóng)。 ●12 Now the worker bees build a little door over each larva’s room. Once the rooms are sealed, the larvae go into cocoons. 現(xiàn)在工蜂在每只幼蟲(chóng)的房間上,都建一扇門(mén)。 這間房間一旦被密封起來(lái),幼蟲(chóng)就變成了繭。 ●13 When the larvae come out of their cocoons and open their little doors, they are grown-up honey bees that can look after themselves. 當(dāng)幼蟲(chóng)破繭而出,打開(kāi)那扇小門(mén), 它們已經(jīng)成為成熟的蜜蜂,可以自己照顧自己了。 ●14 ‘I will take care of the larvae.’ “我會(huì)照顧好幼蟲(chóng)?!?‘I have some housework to do.’ “我還有些家務(wù)活要做。” ‘I will build my own room.’ “我要建造我自己的房間。” ●15 ‘Now it is our turn to go out and collect nectar and pollen!’ These bees all go buzzing out from their hive. “現(xiàn)在輪到我們出去采集花蜜和花粉啦!” 這些蜜蜂嗡嗡地飛出了蜂窩。 ●18 Once the bees are gone, the sneaky wasps arrive. They want to break in to steal honey and eat the larvae. 蜜蜂離開(kāi)后,鬼鬼祟祟的黃蜂就來(lái)了。 它們想沖破蜂窩,偷蜂蜜,吃掉幼蟲(chóng)。 ●20 Don’t worry, some bees have stayed to guard the hive. They charge bravely at the wasps, ready to fight. A bee has a deadly stinger on its bottom, but once it uses its stinger, the bee will die. 不要擔(dān)心,有部分蜜蜂會(huì)留下來(lái)守護(hù)蜂窩。 它們勇敢地沖向黃蜂,準(zhǔn)備戰(zhàn)斗。 蜜蜂的屁股上有一根致命的蜇針, 可一旦它用了蜇針,就會(huì)死去。 ●22 When the wasps have gone, the bees get ready to move house. ‘One queen can stay with this hive, while we go and build a new hive.’ 當(dāng)黃蜂離開(kāi)后,蜜蜂們就準(zhǔn)備搬家。 “當(dāng)我們出去建新窩時(shí),蜂后可以待在這個(gè)窩里。” ●23 The new queen starts as an egg. 新的蜂后從一顆卵開(kāi)始長(zhǎng)成。 It becomes a larva. 它變成幼蟲(chóng)。 Then it turns into a cocoon. 隨后變成一個(gè)繭。 ●24 Now the new queen is grown and ready to help the hive. 此時(shí),新的蜂后已經(jīng)成年,準(zhǔn)備好打理蜂窩。 Queen bees are different from all other bees. You can tell it is a queen just from its egg. 蜂后和其他任何蜜蜂都不一樣。 從它還是卵的時(shí)候,你就能知道它是蜂后。 ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! Moving house 搬家 When a new queen is born, the old queen takes half of the worker bees to another home. 當(dāng)一只新的蜂后出生了,舊蜂后會(huì)帶著一半工蜂去往另外一個(gè)家。 The old queen will lead the workers to a temporary house near a tree trunk. 舊蜂后會(huì)帶領(lǐng)工蜂到一個(gè)臨時(shí)的蜂窩,一般在樹(shù)干附近。 They send out a scout to look for a good place to build their new hive. 它們派出一名偵察兵,尋找一塊好地方建造新蜂窩。 When the scout returns, it dances excitedly to tell the others where their new home will be. 當(dāng)偵察兵回來(lái),它興奮地舞蹈著,告訴其它同伴它們的新家在哪。 ●27 Bee Facts 蜜蜂二三事 Hexagonal homes Bees can make a special substance from their body. It is called beeswax. They use beeswax to build a honeycomb, full of six-sided rooms to store their honey. 六邊形的家 蜜蜂身上可以產(chǎn)出一種特殊的物質(zhì),稱(chēng)為蜂蠟。它們用蜂蠟建造蜂窩,全部的六邊形小房間都會(huì)用來(lái)儲(chǔ)存蜂蜜。 Bad guys Several creatures are the enemies of bees, including spiders, birds, mantises, lizards, frogs, and hornets. Of all of these, bees are the most afraid of hornets. 壞家伙 蜜蜂有幾種天敵,包括蜘蛛、鳥(niǎo)、螳螂、蜥蜴、青蛙、馬蜂等。其中,蜜蜂最怕的是馬蜂。 ●28 Insect | Bee 昆蟲(chóng) | 蜜蜂 A special place The beehive has one special room that is bigger than all the others. It is the queen’s larva room. Here, the worker bees feed royal jelly to all of the queen’s larvae. They grow big and strong as they will be queens one day. 特殊的地方 蜂窩里有個(gè)特殊一點(diǎn)的房間,比其它房間都要大,為蜂后產(chǎn)下的幼蟲(chóng)而準(zhǔn)備。 在這里,工蜂們用蜂王漿喂食蜂后的幼蟲(chóng)們。直至有一天,幼蟲(chóng)們長(zhǎng)大變壯,長(zhǎng)成一只只蜂后。 Collection time A bee has a long tongue like a drinking straw to suck nectar from flowers. As the bees drink, the pollen sticks to their hairy legs. When they change flower, the pollen is passed from one to another, allowing the flowers to make seeds. 采集時(shí)間 蜜蜂長(zhǎng)著長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的口器,像一根吸管去吸食花朵中的花蜜。蜜蜂在吸食的時(shí)候,花粉會(huì)黏在它們毛茸茸的腿上。 當(dāng)它們飛向下一朵花時(shí),花粉就這樣從一朵花傳遞到另一朵花上,使得花朵結(jié)出種子。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (28.7%), 4-5歲 (23.8%)
【賓果12螞蟻】 Bodybuilding ants (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#蟲(chóng)蟲(chóng)#螞蟻。 12 健美的螞蟻 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Ants are amazing! Ants work hard, from morning until night. They just don’t stop! Ants are like bodybuilders. They are so strong, they can move objects much bigger than they are. Ants are tiny warriors. They rush to the rescue of their friends when the ladybirds attack. 螞蟻太棒了! 螞蟻辛勤工作, 從早到晚。 它們就是停不下來(lái)! 螞蟻就像健美選手。 它們?nèi)绱藦?qiáng)壯, 可以搬動(dòng)比自己身體大許多的物體。 螞蟻是小小的勇士。 當(dāng)瓢蟲(chóng)來(lái)襲擊,它們會(huì)沖上去營(yíng)救自己的朋友。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about ants? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解螞蟻嗎? Insect | Ant 昆蟲(chóng) | 螞蟻 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Won Seong-eun 標(biāo)題:Bodybuilding ants 健美的螞蟻 正文 ●01 Can you see the line of tiny black dots streaming out of the hole? Do you know what the dots are? 你看到這排小黑點(diǎn)窸窸窣窣從洞里出來(lái)嗎? 你知道這些小黑點(diǎn)是什么嗎? ●02 They’re ants! 它們是螞蟻! ●第3 頁(yè)&第 4頁(yè) An ant's house is deep underground. Let's take a sneaky look. 螞蟻的家在深深的地底下。讓我們偷偷瞄一眼。 雄蟻房間(Male room) 食品儲(chǔ)存室(Pantry) 育嬰室(Nursery) 螞蟻公主房(Princess room) 工蟻房間(Worker room) 結(jié)繭房間(Cocooning room) 孵化場(chǎng)(Hatchery) 垃圾堆(Rubbish dump) 蟻后房間(Queen’s room) ●05 Ants like nectar. 螞蟻喜愛(ài)花蜜。 ●07 The ants bring the nectar back to their colony to share with their family. 螞蟻把花蜜運(yùn)回自己的領(lǐng)地,與家庭成員分享。 Tip Ants carry nectar in their tummy, and then pass it back through their mouth to share it. 提示 螞蟻用肚子運(yùn)送花蜜,然后從嘴里吐出來(lái)進(jìn)行分享。 ●10 Ants are incredibly strong. They can lift objects that weigh much more than they do. If an object is too big even for an ant, they will ask their friends to help carry it. 螞蟻極為強(qiáng)壯。 它們可以舉起自身幾倍重的物體。 對(duì)于一只螞蟻來(lái)說(shuō),如果遇到的物體實(shí)在太大,它們會(huì)叫來(lái)自己的同伴幫忙運(yùn)送。 ●12 ‘Help us! The ladybird is attacking us!’ The aphids cry for help, and their friends the ants rush to help fight off the ladybird. “救救我們!瓢蟲(chóng)來(lái)襲擊了!” 蚜蟲(chóng)哭喚著求救,它們的朋友螞蟻沖過(guò)來(lái)幫忙,與瓢蟲(chóng)搏斗。 ●13 ‘Thank you so much! Now we will help you!’ Once the ladybird has gone, the ants gently tap the aphids with their antennae. The aphids release a sweet liquid called honeydew, which is the ants’ favourite drink. “太感謝了!現(xiàn)在輪到我們來(lái)幫助你們了!” 瓢蟲(chóng)離開(kāi)后,螞蟻用觸角輕輕地按壓著蚜蟲(chóng)。 蚜蟲(chóng)分泌一種甜液,稱(chēng)為蜜露,那可是螞蟻?zhàn)類(lèi)?ài)喝的。 ●16 Today is a big day. It is the day when the ant queen finds a mate. She flies into the sky, and the male ants take off after her. The ant queen chooses the one she thinks is best, and they get together. 今天是個(gè)大日子。 這天蟻后尋覓伴侶。 她飛向空中,雄蟻跟在她身后飛。 蟻后挑選她認(rèn)為的最棒的那個(gè),然后在一起了。 ●17 After they have mated, the queen loses her wings and settles back into the colony. 在一起結(jié)合以后,蟻后翅膀脫落,重回領(lǐng)地居住。 ●18 Then she lays her eggs inside. 然后她在巢內(nèi)產(chǎn)卵。 ●19 The ants line up and go in search of food. The ants at the front of the line leave a scent trail behind them for the others to follow. 螞蟻排成一列,出發(fā)去搜尋食物。 隊(duì)伍前面的螞蟻在身后留下氣味的軌跡,讓后面的尋跡跟上。 ●21 What are these lazy ants doing? All they do is eat, without doing any work! ‘Our job is to mate with the queen. We don’t have to do anything else!’ 這幫懶洋洋的螞蟻在干嘛呢? 它們只是吃,一點(diǎn)事也不做! “我們的工作是和蟻后約會(huì),其它什么都不用做!” ●24 When winter comes, the ants stay deep underground where it is warmer. They have plenty of food stored up to feed them until spring. 冬天來(lái)臨,螞蟻待在地底下深深的窩里,那兒比較溫暖。 它們已經(jīng)儲(chǔ)存了大量食物,讓它們填腹到春天。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Working together 一起工作 Worker ants find the dragonfly. They call for more ants to help. 工蟻找到一只蜻蜓。 它們叫來(lái)更多同伴幫忙。 ●26 See how the ants can move a whole dragonfly! It is much bigger than any of them. 看看螞蟻們?nèi)绾我苿?dòng)一整只蜻蜓! 蜻蜓比它們?nèi)魏我恢欢即筇唷?They chop up the body into pieces. The ants carry each piece back to their home. 它們把(蜻蜓的)軀體撕咬成碎塊。 螞蟻們把每一份碎塊搬回它們的家。 ●27 Ant Facts 螞蟻二三事 The ant queen lays eggs 蟻后產(chǎn)卵 The queen mates in mid-air. 蟻后在半空中交配。 ① She lands on the ground and then loses her wings. 她降落到地上,然后褪卻翅膀。 ② The ant queen lays her eggs. 蟻后產(chǎn)下卵。 ③ The queen cares for her eggs. 蟻后在照料她的卵。 ④ She also looks after her babies as they hatch. 她也會(huì)照顧孵化出來(lái)的寶寶。 Where does the nectar come from? 花粉從哪兒來(lái)的? An ant’s body has two stomachs. One is used for its own nectar that it eats. The other is used to store the nectar that it shares with its family. 螞蟻的身體里有兩個(gè)胃。 一個(gè)用來(lái)裝供自己食用的花粉。 另一個(gè)用來(lái)儲(chǔ)存要分享給家庭成員的花粉。 ●28 Insect | Ant 昆蟲(chóng) | 螞蟻 Scary monsters Ant lions feed on ants. They make a trap like a bowl in the ground that the ants fall into. 可怕的怪物 蟻獅以螞蟻為食。 它們?cè)诘乩镒鲆粋€(gè)碗狀的陷阱,令螞蟻掉進(jìn)去。 ① The ant lion hides in its hole. 蟻獅藏在它的洞里。 ② The ant falls in and is trapped. 螞蟻掉了進(jìn)去,被困。 ③ The ant lion has its next meal! 蟻獅在享用它的下一餐!
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (25.9%), 4-5歲 (24.9%)
【賓果13瓢蟲(chóng)】 Spotted! ladybird lifestyles (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#蟲(chóng)蟲(chóng)#瓢蟲(chóng)。 13 斑點(diǎn)!瓢蟲(chóng)的生活風(fēng) ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) We love aphids! Ladybirds just LOVE aphids. They aren’t aphid friends, like ants. Oh, no – ladybirds love aphids for breakfast, lunch and supper! When an aphid sees a ladybird coming, it cries for help. Like a real-life Ant-man, the ants all rush to the rescue. The poor ladybirds don’t understand. Why do the ants help, when aphids are such a tasty treat? 我們愛(ài)蚜蟲(chóng)! 瓢蟲(chóng)很愛(ài)蚜蟲(chóng)。 和螞蟻一樣,它們并不是蚜蟲(chóng)的朋友。 喔,不 —— 瓢蟲(chóng)喜歡把蚜蟲(chóng)當(dāng)早餐、中餐、晚餐! 當(dāng)一只蚜蟲(chóng)看到一只瓢蟲(chóng)沖它而來(lái),便哭喪著喊救命。 就像真實(shí)生活中的蟻人,螞蟻們蜂擁而至,前來(lái)營(yíng)救。 可憐的瓢蟲(chóng)不懂。 蚜蟲(chóng)既然如此美味, 螞蟻為何前來(lái)幫忙? ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about ladybirds? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解瓢蟲(chóng)嗎? Insect | Ladybird 昆蟲(chóng) | 瓢蟲(chóng) 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Lee Ji-hyun 標(biāo)題:Spotted! Ladybird lifestyles 斑點(diǎn)!瓢蟲(chóng)的生活風(fēng) 正文 ●01 A gentle breeze blows in as spring arrives. 微風(fēng)輕拂,春天來(lái)了。 ●02 The ladybird spreads her wings and takes off into the clear blue sky. 瓢蟲(chóng)撲扇著它的翅膀,向清冽蔚藍(lán)的天空中騰飛。 ●03 As the ladybird circles above the flowers, she spots something down below. 當(dāng)瓢蟲(chóng)圍著花朵轉(zhuǎn)圈圈的時(shí)候, 她偵查到花下方有一些東西。 ●04 Aphids! Hundreds of them, crawling up the stems and along the petals. 蚜蟲(chóng)!數(shù)以百計(jì)的它們! 它們正沿著莖攀爬,鉆入花瓣中。 ●05 ‘Now I’ve got you! It’s a true aphid feast for me today!’ “我現(xiàn)在來(lái)捉你們啦! 今天真是我的蚜蟲(chóng)盛宴!” ●07 Spider 蜘蛛 Tip 提示 If a ladybird is in danger, it rolls over and pretends to be dead. Sometimes, it gives off a bitter yellow juice to put off any curious creature that doesn’t leave it alone. 如果一只瓢蟲(chóng)遇險(xiǎn),它會(huì)翻轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)來(lái)裝死。 有時(shí),它釋放出黃色的苦汁,用來(lái)把纏著它的那些奇奇怪怪的生物驅(qū)走。 ●08 Ladybirds are most afraid of birds and spiders. Here they come – it’s time to die! Or is it... 瓢蟲(chóng)最怕的是鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)和蜘蛛。 它們來(lái)啦——死期到了!或者是這樣么… Bird 鳥(niǎo) ●09 It is a beautiful sunny day, and two ladybirds have got together to have babies. 這是陽(yáng)光明媚的一天,兩只瓢蟲(chóng)在一起繁衍后代。 Tip The males are much smaller than the females. 提示 雄性瓢蟲(chóng)比雌性的小得多。 ●12 The female ladybird lays her eggs. She lays them on a leaf, row by row. 雌性瓢蟲(chóng)開(kāi)始產(chǎn)卵。她在葉子上一排排的產(chǎn)卵。 ●13 The ladybird eggs hatch into larvae. As soon as they hatch, they go straight for their favourite food: aphids. Just like their parents! 瓢蟲(chóng)蛋孵出來(lái)的,是幼蟲(chóng)。 一旦幼蟲(chóng)被孵出來(lái),它們直奔它們最?lèi)?ài)的食物:蚜蟲(chóng)。 就像它們的父母一樣! ●14 As the larva grows, it sheds its skin and changes gradually. 幼蟲(chóng)長(zhǎng)大以后,褪去它們的皮膚,逐漸開(kāi)始變化。 ●16 After it has shed its skin enough times, the larva makes a cocoon and stays there for a long sleep. 經(jīng)過(guò)足夠次數(shù)的蛻皮后,幼蟲(chóng)做繭,待在里面,睡得飽飽的。 ●17 When it leaves the cocoon, it has become a real ladybird. But can you spot something different? 當(dāng)它離開(kāi)繭的時(shí)候,它就變成一只真正的瓢蟲(chóng)了。 但是,你能偵查出有什么不同么? ●18 That’s right – no spots yet! 對(duì)了——還沒(méi)有斑點(diǎn)! ●20 Wait for a while and see what happens...something is changing. Its wings are getting shiny, and spots are growing on its back. Now it is a fully grown adult. 等一陣,然后看看會(huì)發(fā)生什么…… 有些事情正在發(fā)生變化。 它的翅膀變得更閃亮,后背上長(zhǎng)出了斑點(diǎn)。 現(xiàn)在,它已經(jīng)完全長(zhǎng)成年了。 Tip Ladybirds have two sets of wings. The top ones are hard, to protect its body. Underneath is a softer set that they use for flying. 提示 瓢蟲(chóng)有兩對(duì)翅膀。 頂上的那一對(duì)很硬,用來(lái)保護(hù)身體。 下方的那一對(duì)更軟,被用來(lái)飛行。 ●22 As autumn comes, the ladybirds begin to feast, ready for winter. What’s on the menu? Aphids, of course! For starter, main, and dessert. A ladybird can’t sleep all winter on an empty stomach. 秋天蒞臨,瓢蟲(chóng)們開(kāi)始大吃大喝,為冬天做準(zhǔn)備。 菜單上有些什么?當(dāng)然是蚜蟲(chóng)! 作為頭盤(pán)、主菜和甜點(diǎn)。 瓢蟲(chóng)如果空著胃,是不能睡過(guò)整個(gè)冬天的。 ●24 All of the ladybirds, big and small, gather somewhere safe and warm to hibernate. 所有的瓢蟲(chóng),或大或小,聚在某個(gè)安全溫暖的地方,進(jìn)行冬眠。 ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! Upsy-daisy! 天哪,哎呀! 1 When a predator appears, a ladybird will play dead. 2 Once the danger has passed, the ladybird tries to turn over. 3 It claws at the air. It isn’t easy to get off its back. 4 So it opens its wings to help it get up. 5 With a bit more scrambling, it finds its feet again. 1 當(dāng)侵略者出現(xiàn)的時(shí)候,瓢蟲(chóng)就會(huì)裝死。 2 險(xiǎn)情過(guò)去,瓢蟲(chóng)嘗試翻身。 3 它向空中抓撓。翻個(gè)身可不容易吶。 4 所以它展開(kāi)翅膀,用來(lái)幫助起身。 5 攀爬了好一會(huì)兒,它終于腳跟著地了。 ●27 Ladybird Facts 瓢蟲(chóng)二三事 The scent of a lady Males and females have similar markings and look almost the same. So a male ladybird finds a female by using her smell, which is different. 女士的氣味 雄性瓢蟲(chóng)和雌性瓢蟲(chóng)擁有相似的斑點(diǎn),看起來(lái)也基本一樣。 所以呢,雄性瓢蟲(chóng)通過(guò)雌雄瓢蟲(chóng)的氣味來(lái)尋找她,這是它們的不同之處。 Baby food Larvae may not look like their parents when they hatch, but they definitely have the same appetite. They love to eat aphids, too! 寶寶的食物 幼蟲(chóng)在孵化時(shí)看起來(lái)也許不像它們的父母,但肯定的是,它們擁有相同的口味。 它們也愛(ài)吃蚜蟲(chóng)! ●28 Insect | Ladybird 昆蟲(chóng) | 瓢蟲(chóng) Winter sleep Some ladybirds hibernate inside a hole in a tree. Others crawl into cracks in the rocks, or sleep under a blanket of leaves. 在冬天睡覺(jué) 有一些瓢蟲(chóng)在樹(shù)洞里冬眠。 其它的攀爬到巖石的裂縫中(冬眠),或是把樹(shù)葉當(dāng)成毯子,睡在下面。 Common ladybirds 常見(jiàn)的瓢蟲(chóng) The seven-spotted ladybird is the most common one found in Korea. 七星瓢蟲(chóng)是在韓國(guó)已知中最常見(jiàn)的瓢蟲(chóng)。 The 14-spot ladybird is common, and is slightly larger than most others. 14 星瓢蟲(chóng)也常見(jiàn),比大多數(shù)其它瓢蟲(chóng)都要更大一些。 Farmers don’t like 28-spot ladybirds. They are a pest, and eat vegetables such as aubergine and potatoes. 農(nóng)民們不喜歡 28 星瓢蟲(chóng)。它們是害蟲(chóng),吃蔬菜,如:茄子、土豆。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (27.7%), 4-5歲 (26.4%)
【賓果14螢火蟲(chóng)】 Fireflies: lighting up the night (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#蟲(chóng)蟲(chóng)#螢火蟲(chóng)。 14 螢火蟲(chóng):照亮黑夜 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Choose me! At night, the forest is aglow with tiny little lights. It is the male fireflies, looking for love. ‘Choose me!’ ‘No, choose me!’ They flash their lights on and off to attract the lady fireflies. One lucky male shines his way into the affections of a female. They both glow together; is it with happiness? 選我! 夜幕,森林中被細(xì)微的光照亮了。 是雄螢火蟲(chóng)們,他們?cè)趯ひ拹?ài)侶。 “選我!” “不,選我!” 他們時(shí)而不時(shí)地閃著他們的光,用來(lái)吸引螢火蟲(chóng)女士們。 一位幸運(yùn)的男士把自己的螢光照進(jìn)了一位女士的心房。 他們一起閃亮,是不是幸福得發(fā)光呀? ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about fireflies? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解螢火蟲(chóng)嗎? Insect | Firefly 昆蟲(chóng) | 螢火蟲(chóng) 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Shin Zong-a 標(biāo)題:Fireflies: lighting up the night 螢火蟲(chóng):照亮黑夜 正文 ●02 It is a warm summer night, and down by the stream, there are lots of little lights. They bob up and down, flitting through the air. 這是一個(gè)熱乎乎的夏夜,溯流溪下,這兒有許多小小的光亮。 它們忽上忽下,在空中飛馳而過(guò)。 ●04 The little lights are fireflies! 這些小小的光亮是螢火蟲(chóng)們! ●06 The males flash their lights on and off. The females do the same, as a reply. 男士們時(shí)而不時(shí)地閃耀著他們的光亮。 女士們也是如此,以此作為回應(yīng)。 ●07 When the female flashes the same pattern as the male, he knows he is the chosen one. 當(dāng)女士閃出與男士同樣模式的光時(shí), 他便知道他已經(jīng)被她選中。 ●08 He settles next to her on a plant. 他在一株植物上臨她而居。 ●09 After mating, the female lays her eggs. 在一起結(jié)合以后,女士便產(chǎn)卵。 ●11 Gradually, the soft eggs grow harder. The eggs have a soft glow of their own, but they don’t shine as brightly as the beetles. 漸漸地,軟軟的蛋長(zhǎng)硬了。 蛋自己也閃出柔和的光, 但它們閃出的光并不像甲殼蟲(chóng)的那樣明亮。 ●12 Tip Females don’t fly as much as males. They stay low and rest on plants or on the ground, and wait for the males to come to them. 提示 女士們并不像男士們那樣勤于飛行。 她們停留在低處,在植物或是地面上休息, 等待著男士們到它們這來(lái)。 ●14 By the time the eggs are ready to hatch, the adults have died. They don’t live for very long after breeding. 到即將孵蛋之時(shí), 成年者便將死去。 它們?cè)谏^(guò)后活不太久。 ●16 The larvae hatch out of the eggs in the spring. 在春天,幼蟲(chóng)從蛋中孵化出來(lái)。 ●18 The larvae dive into the water to feed on snails. 幼蟲(chóng)潛入水中,捕食蝸牛。 Tip The larvae have a hook on their chin to help pull a snail from its shell. 提示 幼蟲(chóng)的下頜上有一個(gè)鉤子,用來(lái)幫助把蝸牛從殼中拉出來(lái)。 ●19 After growing and shedding its skin several times, the larva will leave the water and burrow underground. Now it needs to build a cocoon. 幼蟲(chóng)漸漸長(zhǎng)大,經(jīng)過(guò)多次蛻皮以后,它們離開(kāi)水里并到地下面挖洞。 現(xiàn)在是時(shí)候筑繭了。 ●21 The larva lies totally still in its cocoon, protected by the dirt. 幼蟲(chóng)完全靜靜地躺在繭中,塵土保護(hù)著它們。 ●22 Wiggle, wiggle... the firefly shuffles out of its cocoon. It has to test its new wings. 扭啊扭,扭啊扭…… 螢火蟲(chóng)從它的繭中扭動(dòng)而出。 它得試試它的新翅膀啦。 ●24 The fully grown fireflies take to the air. Now it is their turn to light up the night sky! 完全長(zhǎng)成的螢火蟲(chóng)們飛到空中。 現(xiàn)在是它們照亮整個(gè)夜空的時(shí)候啦! ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! The life cycle of a FIREFLY 螢火蟲(chóng)的生命周期 1 Eggs Female fireflies lay lots of eggs. 1蛋 雌性螢火蟲(chóng)產(chǎn)下很多卵。 2 Larvae These hatch from the eggs and enter the water. 2 幼蟲(chóng) 這些(幼蟲(chóng))從蛋中孵化出來(lái)并潛入水里。 3 Cocoon This is where the larva changes into an adult. 3繭 幼蟲(chóng)通過(guò)繭蛻化長(zhǎng)成。 4 Adulthood The firefly leaves its cocoon and crawls to the surface. 4 成年 螢火蟲(chóng)蛻下繭,蠕行到地面。 5 Mating Now the adult needs to find its own mate. 5 交配 到了成年的時(shí)候,就開(kāi)始找自己的伴侶了。 6 Laying eggs They lay their eggs on moss, plants, or under leaves. 6 產(chǎn)卵 它們?cè)谔μ\上,植物上,或是葉子下,產(chǎn)卵。 7 Death Males die after mating, and females die once their eggs are laid safely. 7 死亡 雄性在交配后死去, 雌性一旦安全產(chǎn)下卵就會(huì)死去。 ●27 FIREFLY Facts 螢火蟲(chóng)二三事 What glows? A firefly’s lower body (its abdomen) is covered in protective plates. They cover special organs that make light. The light doesn’t give off heat, like a light bulb does. It is cold light. 什么在發(fā)光呢? 螢火蟲(chóng)的下半身(腹部)被保護(hù)板包裹著。 保護(hù)板包裹著制造光亮的特殊器官。 這種光不會(huì)像燈泡的光那樣釋放熱量。它是冷光。 Watch out! Frogs, birds, lizards and spiders all prey on fireflies, even though the bugs taste bitter. If a firefly gets caught in a spider web, its time is up! 當(dāng)心! 青蛙,鳥(niǎo)類(lèi),蜥蜴和蜘蛛都捕食螢火蟲(chóng), 即使(螢火蟲(chóng)這種)昆蟲(chóng)嘗起來(lái)苦苦的。 如果螢火蟲(chóng)被捕到了蜘蛛網(wǎng)里,死期也就到了! A firefly stuck in a spider web 一只螢火蟲(chóng)陷在了蜘蛛網(wǎng)里 ●28 Insect | Firefly 昆蟲(chóng) | 螢火蟲(chóng) No food Firefly larvae eat a lot so they can grow and change, but adult fireflies sometimes eat nothing. Some of them drink nectar and morning dew. 不吃(固體)食物 螢火蟲(chóng)幼蟲(chóng)食量很大,所以它們長(zhǎng)得快也變得快, 但是成年螢火蟲(chóng)有時(shí)什么也不吃。它們當(dāng)中的有一些飲啜花蜜與晨露。 Ghost fires In olden times, people had to walk everywhere, and would often still be travelling at night. When they saw the floating lights around them, they didn’t know they were fireflies. They were afraid, and thought the lights were ‘ghost fires’ coming to attack them! 鬼火 古久時(shí)代,人們只能通過(guò)步行來(lái)到處走動(dòng),而且常常晚上還在趕路。 當(dāng)他們看到飄浮的光亮環(huán)繞著他們時(shí),并不清楚這是螢火蟲(chóng)。 他們很害怕,并認(rèn)為這是“鬼火”前來(lái)襲擊他們!
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (26.9%), 4-5歲 (25.3%)
【賓果15蟬】 Chirr,chirr,chirr…cicadas! (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#蟲(chóng)蟲(chóng)#蟬。 15 知了,知了,知了… 蟬! ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Quiet, please! Chirr, chirr, chirr... the cicada’s song is so loud! I can’t concentrate on my book! One cicada is so tiny it might not be heard. But thousands of them all calling together is a different story. Only the babies, asleep underground, are quiet. 請(qǐng)安靜! 知了,知了,知了… 蟬的歌聲如此大聲! 我不能把注意力集中在書(shū)本上了! 一只蟬的聲音是如此微弱,或許不被察覺(jué)。 但是數(shù)千只一起鳴叫,此話(huà)另敘。 只有在地面下睡著的蟬寶寶們才是安靜的。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about cicadas? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解蟬嗎? Insect | Cicada 昆蟲(chóng) | 蟬 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Son Yu-yeong 標(biāo)題:Chirr, chirr, chirr…cicadas! 知了,知了,知了… 蟬! 正文 ●01 What’s that, wriggling underground? They are cicada larvae! They suck the juice from the tree’s roots, getting ready to see the big, wide world above them. 那是什么,在地面下扭動(dòng)? 它們是蟬幼蟲(chóng)! 它們從樹(shù)根中吮吸樹(shù)汁, 預(yù)備著見(jiàn)一見(jiàn)它們頭頂上這個(gè)廣闊的(地上)世界。 ●04 The larvae wait until sunset, when the air is cool. Then they climb out of the ground and head for the tree. 幼蟲(chóng)等到日暮時(shí)分,空氣變涼,它們隨即爬上地面,往樹(shù)上鉆。 ●05 High in the leaves, the larva gets rid of its old shell. 在高高的樹(shù)葉上,幼蟲(chóng)褪去它的舊殼。 ●06 It comes out as a real cicada! 蛻變出來(lái)的它,成了一只真正的蟬! ●07 Cicadas fly around during the daytime in summer. Eventually, they settle in the trees. There, they stab into the trunk using their sharp jaws. They drink the juice from the tree. 夏天,蟬在日間四處飛舞。 最后,它們落在樹(shù)上。 看看,它們用尖利的下頜刺入樹(shù)干中。 它們從樹(shù)中吮吸汁水。 ●09 These cicadas need to beware. Their predators, the mantis and the wasp, are close by. 這些蟬需要保持警醒。 它們的侵略者,螳螂、黃蜂,在附近。 ●12 Cicadas drink so much juice from the tree that they need to pee it out again! 蟬們吮吸了這么多樹(shù)汁,它們得尿一些出來(lái)才行! ●14 Chirr, chirr, chirr! When a female hears this chirp, she follows the sound until she finds a male. 知了,知了,知了! 當(dāng)雌蟬聽(tīng)到這聲?shū)Q叫, 她循聲而去,直到找到這位雄蟬。 Tip Only males make the chirping noise, to attract a female. 提示 只有雄蟬才發(fā)出鳴叫的聲響,用來(lái)吸引雌蟬。 ●16 After mating, the female digs into the tree trunk to lay her eggs inside. 在一起結(jié)合以后,雌蟬在樹(shù)干上挖洞,把卵產(chǎn)在里面。 ●17 Larvae hatch from the eggs and dig their way underground. They will live here and drink from the roots of the tree. 幼蟲(chóng)從蛋中孵出,并到地面下挖出它們的道來(lái)。 它們會(huì)住在那兒,并從樹(shù)根中吮吸汁水。 ●19 The larvae stay underground for years and years. They grow and change, shedding their skin as they get bigger. 幼蟲(chóng)會(huì)在地面下住上一年又一年。 它們成長(zhǎng)與變化,褪去它們的皮膚,從而長(zhǎng)得更大。 ●22 ‘Yummy juice!’ The larvae use their antennae to find tree roots in the dark. “美味的汁液!” 幼蟲(chóng)用它們的觸角在黑暗中尋找樹(shù)根。 ●23 Is today the day they will go above ground? The cicada larvae keep track until the timing is right. 今天就是它們搬到地面上的那一天么? 蟬幼蟲(chóng)追蹤著自己的軌跡,直到時(shí)機(jī)成熟。 ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! From larva to adult 從幼蟲(chóng)到成年 1 The larva comes above ground. 幼蟲(chóng)出來(lái),來(lái)到地面。 2 It climbs up the tree. 爬到樹(shù)上。 3 It sheds its shell. 蛻殼。 4 It takes a while to climb out! 爬出來(lái)可要好一會(huì)兒! 5 Now it is finished! 現(xiàn)在可以了! 6 It waits until morning when its wings have dried out. 直到等到清晨,翅膀才變干。 ●27 Cicada Facts 蟬二三事 Living underground Cicada larvae need to stay underground if they want to survive to become adults. Most live underground for six to seven years. One type stays underground for 17 years! 生活在地下 如果蟬幼蟲(chóng)想要存活,直到長(zhǎng)成年,它們就必須呆在地下。 大部分情況下,它們?cè)诘叵律?6~7 年。 有一種蟬,需要在地下生活 17 年! Cicada friends 蟬的朋友 大褐蜩 (Large brown cicada) 鳴蟬 (Dusky cicada) 法師蟬 (Evening cicada) 蚱蟬 (Black-tipped cicada) ●28 Insect | Cicada 昆蟲(chóng) | 蟬 Sounds right! These bugs also attract a mate with sounds. 就是這個(gè)聲音! 這些昆蟲(chóng)同樣通過(guò)聲音來(lái)求偶。 蟋蟀 Cricket 葉蟲(chóng) Leaf bug 草蜢 Grasshopper 金鐘兒 Bell cricket
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (29.4%), 4-5歲 (23.2%)
【賓果16青蛙】 Hippety Hoppety Frog (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#兩棲#青蛙。 16 蹦蹦跳跳的青蛙 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) What’s that noise? Is it a trumpet? Is it a trombone? Is it a horn? No, it is the frog orchestra, making such a noise with their puffed out cheeks. They look as if they could explode. Then that would make the noise of a drum! But they don’t explode, they just carry on with their tune... ribbit, ribbit! 那是什么聲音? 是喇叭嗎? 是長(zhǎng)號(hào)嗎? 是號(hào)角嗎? 不是,這是青蛙管弦樂(lè)隊(duì), 正用它們鼓起的雙頰制造著這種聲響。 它們看起來(lái)像是要爆炸一樣。 那樣就會(huì)制造出像鼓一樣的聲音! 但它們不會(huì)爆炸, 它們只是繼續(xù)著它們自己的音調(diào)…… 呱呱,呱呱! ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about frogs? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解青蛙嗎? Animal | Frog 動(dòng)物 | 青蛙 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Song Li-jing 標(biāo)題:Hippety hoppety frog 蹦蹦跳跳的青蛙 正文 ●02 Ribbit, ribbit! The frog starts shouting. All the males are calling out to try to attract a beautiful female frog. 呱呱,呱呱! 青蛙開(kāi)始呼叫。 所有的雄青蛙都大聲叫喚著, 試圖吸引一只美麗的雌青蛙。 ●03 Ribbit, ribbit! 呱呱! 呱呱! ●04 The females call back. Look how their cheeks bulge out, full of air. They are huge! 雌青蛙回應(yīng)道。 看看它們的雙頰,向外鼓脹著,充滿(mǎn)了空氣。 它們好大! ●05 Ribbit, ribbit! The female frog follows the sound of the male frog. 呱呱 ,呱呱! 雌青蛙追尋著雄青蛙的叫聲。 ●06 Once they find each other, they get together to make babies. 一旦它們找到了彼此,會(huì)聚在一起來(lái)生寶寶。 ●07 Now the female is ready to lay her eggs. 現(xiàn)在雌青蛙準(zhǔn)備好去產(chǎn)卵了。 Tip Frogs can lay their eggs on rocks or in the water. The eggs are sticky, but to make absolutely sure they don’t get washed away, the frog stays on top to keep them in place until they hatch. 提示 青蛙可以在巖石上或者水中產(chǎn)卵。 蛙卵黏黏的,是為了確保它們不被沖走, 青蛙會(huì)一直停留在上方以確保它們留在原地,直到它們被孵化出來(lái)。 ●09 Then the tadpoles are born! They don’t look at all like frogs. They breathe with their gills and spend all their time in the water. 接著蝌蚪出生了! 它們長(zhǎng)得一點(diǎn)也不像青蛙。 它們用鰓呼吸,并且在水里度過(guò)所有的時(shí)間。 ●10 When a tadpole is hungry, it likes to eat algae and plants. 蝌蚪餓了時(shí),喜歡吃藻類(lèi)和植物。 ●11 Tadpoles change like a magic trick. First they have a tail and no legs, but then...what?! Now they have a tail and two back legs! But then... Wow! Soon they have a tail and FOUR legs... Woah! Finally, their tail is gone too. Magic! 蝌蚪們像變魔術(shù)似的變化。 起初它們有一條尾巴,而且沒(méi)有腿,但接著……什么?! 現(xiàn)在它們有一條尾巴和兩條后腿!但接著…… 哇!很快它們有一條尾巴和四條腿…… 哇哦!最后,它們的尾巴也不見(jiàn)了。神奇! ●12 The tadpoles have become frogs! 蝌蚪們已經(jīng)變成了青蛙! ●14 Frogs are amphibians. Amphibians are creatures that can live both on land and in the water. Frogs hop around on land and are strong swimmers. 青蛙是兩棲動(dòng)物。 兩棲動(dòng)物是能同時(shí)在陸地與水中生活的生物。 青蛙在陸地上跳來(lái)跳去,而且是游泳健將。 ●15 WAP! The frog’s tongue flicks out like a whip. It catches a fly in the blink of an eye. 出擊! 青蛙的舌頭像鞭子一樣彈出。 它可以在眨眼之間捉住一只蒼蠅。 ●16 Yum! Flies, dragonflies and mosquitoes are all great snacks for a frog. 好吃極了! 蒼蠅、蜻蜓和蚊子都是青蛙的美味小吃。 ●17 Help! There’s a snake! The frog leaps into the branches to hide. It tries to disguise itself in the green leaves. 救命!有一條蛇! 青蛙躍入樹(shù)叢中藏身。 它試圖在綠葉中掩蔽自己。 ●19 When the snake slithers away, the frog jumps back down to the ground. 蛇爬走后,青蛙跳回到地面。 Crayfish 小龍蝦 ●20 Frogs are most afraid of snakes, but they have other predators too: crayfish, catfish, egrets, and owls. All of them gaze greedily at a frog. 青蛙最怕的就是蛇,但它們也有其它天敵: 小龍蝦、鯰魚(yú)、白鷺和貓頭鷹。 它們?nèi)荚谪澙返囟⒅恢磺嗤堋?Owl 貓頭鷹 Egret 白鷺 Catfish 鯰[nián]魚(yú) ●21 Yawn! The frog is so tired. Winter will be here soon and then it will sleep. 呵欠! 青蛙是如此累。 冬天馬上就要來(lái)臨,接著它會(huì)睡去。 ●24 ‘See you next spring!’ The frog has to survive the cold winter before the warm spring arrives. The best way is to hibernate underground. “下個(gè)春天見(jiàn)!” 在溫暖的春天來(lái)臨前,青蛙必須要活過(guò)嚴(yán)冬。 最好的方式就是在地下冬眠。 Tip ‘See you next spring!’ The frog has to survive the cold winter before the warm spring arrives. The best way is to hibernate underground. 提示 冬天的氣溫會(huì)下降到青蛙無(wú)法生存。 青蛙不能留在水里,或地面上,所以除了冬眠,它們別無(wú)選擇。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Types of frog 青蛙的種類(lèi) The black-spotted frog is common in Korea. 黑斑蛙在韓國(guó)很常見(jiàn)。 Grass frogs live in fields and wetlands. 草蛙生活在田地或沼澤里。 Tree frogs are camouflaged in the leaves. 樹(shù)蛙隱蔽在樹(shù)葉中。 If an oriental fire-bellied toad is in danger, it rolls onto its back and pretends to be dead. 如果一只東方火腹蟾蜍陷入危險(xiǎn),會(huì)四腳朝天,并且裝死。 ●26 Froggy friends 蛙類(lèi)朋友們 Toads are very similar to frogs, but often have bumps on their back. Many can produce poison from their skin. 蟾蜍和青蛙很像,但它們背上通常有很多腫塊。 很多蟾蜍還能通過(guò)皮膚產(chǎn)出毒素。 Narrow-mouthed frogs usually hide under leaves and come out at night to hunt. 窄嘴蛙通常藏在樹(shù)葉下,夜晚出來(lái)覓食。 Some narrow-mouthed frogs live in trees, and their babies are not tadpoles, but hatch as miniature frogs. 一些窄嘴蛙生活在樹(shù)上,并且它們的孩子不是蝌蚪,而是直接孵出小青蛙。 ●27 Frog Facts 青蛙二三事 Where are you? A tree frog’s body is camouflaged to be the same colour as its surroundings. Some can even change their colour to match the leaf or bark they are hiding on. 你在哪? 樹(shù)蛙的身體會(huì)變成跟它周?chē)h(huán)境一樣的顏色。 一些樹(shù)蛙甚至可以變換自己的顏色來(lái)匹配它們藏身的樹(shù)葉或者樹(shù)干。 Hiding A black-spotted frog hides in mud if it senses danger. Its body is a similar colour, so it helps it to hide. They also hide in the water among the duckweed. 隱藏 黑斑蛙感覺(jué)到危險(xiǎn)時(shí),會(huì)藏進(jìn)淤泥中。 它的身體與淤泥顏色相近,所以可以幫助它隱藏。 它們也會(huì)藏進(jìn)水里,躲于浮萍間。 ●28 Animal | Frog 動(dòng)物 | 青蛙 On the move Frogs only eat food that they catch alive. They gobble snails and earthworms, and grab butterflies, dragonflies, flies and other insects. 行動(dòng)起來(lái) 青蛙只吃它們活捉的食物。 它們吞食蝸牛和蚯蚓,捕捉蝴蝶、蜻蜓、蒼蠅和其它昆蟲(chóng)。 Big and loud Bullfrogs have huge appetites and big voices! When they croak, the sound is incredibly loud. They eat a lot, and can even swallow small snakes. 又大又吵 牛蛙有著巨大的胃口和聲音! 當(dāng)它們呱呱大叫時(shí),聲音吵得不得了。 它們食量很大,甚至能吞下小蛇。
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (30.1%), 2-3歲 (18.9%)
【賓果17水果蔬菜】 Fabulous fruit and vibrant veggies (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #植物#蔬菜,#植物#水果。 17 繽紛的水果和活力的蔬菜 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Eat more! Mum and dad don’t always want us to eat more. They ask us to eat less cake. They tell us to eat less junk food. They beg us to eat less chocolate. But when it comes to fruit and vegetables, they always tell us to eat more. 多吃點(diǎn)! 爸爸媽媽通常不讓我們吃太多。 他們叫我們少吃蛋糕, 告訴我們少吃垃圾食品, 請(qǐng)求我們少吃巧克力。 但對(duì)于水果和蔬菜, 他們又告訴我們要多吃點(diǎn)。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about fruit and vegetables? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解水果和蔬菜嗎? Science | Fruit and vegetables 科學(xué) | 水果和蔬菜 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Lee Ha-na 標(biāo)題:Fabulous fruit and vibrant veggies 繽紛的水果和活力的蔬菜 正文 ●01 The fruits have gathered in a bunch. They are whispering among themselves. 水果們聚成一堆。 相互之間說(shuō)著悄悄話(huà)。 ●02 What are they saying? Let’s try to listen in. 它們?cè)谡f(shuō)什么? 我們?nèi)ヂ?tīng)聽(tīng)。 ●03 I am an apple, crisp and sour. If you take a bite, you will see how crunchy I am! 我是一顆蘋(píng)果,又脆又酸。 如果你咬一口,你就知道我有多爽脆! ●04 I am red, but apple flowers look quite different. They bloom beautiful and white on the tree. 我是紅色的,但蘋(píng)果花看起來(lái)就不一樣了。 它們會(huì)漂漂亮亮地開(kāi)在樹(shù)上,一片雪白。 ●05 I am a tangerine, covered with bumpy skin. You have to peel away my skin to see what I’m really like. Put me in your mouth and every bite will be bursting with flavour. 我是一顆橘子,被一層凹凸不平的表皮覆蓋著。 你要把我的皮剝開(kāi),看我真正長(zhǎng)什么樣。 把我放進(jìn)嘴里,每一口都會(huì)被味蕾填滿(mǎn)。 ●06 What do you think of these oranges? 你覺(jué)得這些橙子怎么樣? They look just like me, right? 它們看起來(lái)跟我很像,對(duì)嗎? ●07 We are a bunch of grapes. There are lots of us crowding together. Some of us are sweet, but some are sour! 我們是一串葡萄。 這是由很多個(gè)我擠在一起的樣子。 我們有些很甜,有些很酸。 ●08 Grapes are talented and clever. Raisins, grape juice, and even jam are made from us! 葡萄很能干,也很聰明。 葡萄干、葡萄汁,甚至葡萄醬都是用我們制成的! Raisin 葡萄干 | Grape jam 葡萄醬 | Grape juice 葡萄汁 ●09 I am a fuzzy skinned peach. I’m soft to touch and sweet to eat. 我是有毛茸茸皮膚的桃子。 我摸起來(lái)很軟,嘗起來(lái)很甜。 ●10 In spring, my flowers are a beautiful pink blossom. 在春天,我會(huì)開(kāi)出粉紅色的漂亮花朵。 ●11 I’m a sweet and harsh persimmon. 我是又甜又澀的柿子。 ●12 Magpies love to steal us. They use their beak to get a taste. 喜鵲喜歡來(lái)偷吃我們。它們用喙來(lái)嘗。 The harsh taste of persimmon goes away once we’re peeled and dried. Mmm – so tasty, what would YOU do to get some? 當(dāng)我們被剝皮和曬干后, 身上澀澀的味道就沒(méi)有了。 嗯……太好吃了, 想吃我們,你會(huì)做些什么呢? ●13 Shhh! The vegetables are having a meeting in the kitchen. 噓! 蔬菜們正在廚房里開(kāi)會(huì)。 ●14 What are they talking about? Let’s try to find out. 它們?cè)谡務(wù)撌裁矗课覀儊?lái)看看。 ●15 I am a carrot. Put me in a curry if you want it to be really tasty. 我是一根胡蘿卜。 要想把我煮得好吃,就把我放進(jìn)咖喱里面。 ●16 I am a white radish. You need me for kimchi. 我是一根白蘿卜。 你做泡菜時(shí)會(huì)需要我。 I am sweet – a sweet potato! 我很甜——我是紅薯! Like carrots and radishes,I am a root vegetable. 跟胡蘿卜和白蘿卜一樣,我是一種根莖類(lèi)蔬菜。 ●17 I am Chinese cabbage. 我是大白菜。 ●18 I am lettuce, to use in salads and sandwiches. 我是生菜,用來(lái)做沙拉和三明治。 I am spinach. Try me in soup! 我是菠菜,用我來(lái)煮湯吧! We are all leafy vegetables. 我們都是葉類(lèi)蔬菜。 ●19 I am a potato. You can cook me in so many ways. Try fried, boiled, or steamed. 我是土豆。 你可以用很多種方式烹飪我。試試油炸、煮熟或蒸熟我。 ●20 I am garlic. Eat me raw, or use me for flavouring, I don’t mind. 我是大蒜。生吃我,或者用我做調(diào)味料,我都不介意。 I am an onion. I can make you cry if you peel me and chop me up. 我是洋蔥。如果你剝我的皮,把我切碎,我會(huì)讓你流淚。 We all grow underground. 我們都長(zhǎng)在地下。 ●21 The fruit of the eggplant, or aubergine, is really tasty. 茄子真的很美味。 Cucumbers are used for cucumber kimchi. 黃瓜用作黃瓜泡菜。 How about some fried squash? 油炸西葫蘆怎么樣? ●22 Foods with seeds, such as strawberries, tomatoes, melons and watermelons are usually classed as fruit, especially if they are sweet. 有種子的食物,例如草莓、西紅柿、甜瓜和西瓜, 通常被分類(lèi)為水果,如果它們很甜,尤為如此。 ●23 Fruit and vegetables have a lot to shout about. ‘We are so good for you! We are packed full of different nutrients that your body needs!’ 水果和蔬菜有太多了不起的地方。 “我們對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)太有益處了!我們充滿(mǎn)了你身體所需的各種營(yíng)養(yǎng)成分!” ●24 You should eat as many different fruits and vegetables as you can. 你應(yīng)該吃不同的水果和蔬菜,越多越好。 ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! Many fruit trees have beautiful Flowers called blossom. 很多果樹(shù)都會(huì)開(kāi)出漂亮的花。 Apples and apple flowers 蘋(píng)果和蘋(píng)果花 Pears and pear flowers 梨和梨花 Peaches and peach flowers 桃子和桃花 Apricots and apricot flowers 杏和杏花 Tangerines and tangerine flowers 橘子和橘子花 ●27 Vegetable Facts 蔬菜二三事 Divided by colour 按顏色分類(lèi) Vegetables are divided into groups depending on which parts you eat, such as leafy vegetables and root vegetables. We also divide them by their colour. You might have someone who tells you to eat your greens! 蔬菜按食用的具體部分進(jìn)行分類(lèi),例如葉類(lèi)蔬菜和根莖類(lèi)蔬菜。 我們也會(huì)依據(jù)顏色來(lái)劃分它們。你身邊應(yīng)該有人跟你說(shuō)過(guò),多吃綠色食品吧! Green vegetables Green vegetables can sometimes have a dark red or slight yellowish colour. Carrots have green leafy tops. 綠色蔬菜 綠色蔬菜有時(shí)也涵蓋深紅或淺黃色。胡蘿卜有綠色的多葉頭部。 Carrot 胡蘿卜 Lettuce 生菜 Green chilli 青椒 Spinach 菠菜 ●28 Science | Fruit and vegetables 科學(xué) | 水果和蔬菜 Light-coloured vegetables 淺色蔬菜 Celery 芹菜 White radish 白蘿卜 Onion 洋蔥 Cabbage 卷心菜
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (30.0%), 4-5歲 (22.6%)
【賓果18便便】 Animals poo, too! (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #屎尿屁。 18 動(dòng)物也便便! ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Super smells 超級(jí)難聞 Prrrp! Ahem, that is my father farting. Peeep! That is my mother farting. Mummy, that smells! THRRRRP! That is my super stinky brother. Yuck! Frrrrt! That is the sound of my own fart. Sorry! We all fart, but some are louder or smellier. It’s only natural! 噗噗!呃呣,那是我爸爸在放屁。 嗶噗!那是我媽媽在放屁。 媽咪,好臭呀! 嘶-嘶-噗!那是我臭不可聞的哥哥。 真惡心! 咈-咈-凸! 這是我自己放屁的聲音。 抱歉! 我們都放屁, 只是有些聲音大點(diǎn)兒,或者更臭點(diǎn)兒。 這是正常的! ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about poo? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解便便嗎? Animal life | Poo 動(dòng)物生活 | 便便 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Seong-yeong 標(biāo)題:Animals poo, too! 動(dòng)物也便便 正文 ●01 At mealtimes, I chew my food properly and slowly. I don’t like to rush. Afterwards, I go outside to play. I am running with my dog when my tummy starts to send me messages. 吃飯的時(shí)候,我細(xì)嚼慢咽食物。 我不喜歡匆忙。 之后,我去室外玩耍。 當(dāng)我和狗一起奔跑時(shí), 我的肚子開(kāi)始給我傳遞信息。 ●02 It’s time for the toilet! 是時(shí)候上廁所了! ●04 There it is! A fresh, new poo. How does it get made, though? 它在這! 一坨剛排出來(lái)的、新鮮的便便。 不過(guò)它是怎么來(lái)的? ●05 After we eat food, our body digests it. It takes out all the good things that our body needs, and turns the rest into poo. 我們吃完食物后,身體開(kāi)始消化它。 身體從食物中吸收所需的所有好東西, 并把余下的殘?jiān)D(zhuǎn)化成便便。 ●07 Animals poo, too! 動(dòng)物也便便! ●08 Whose poo is this? 這是誰(shuí)的便便? ●09 Elephant po o. 大象的便便 Rabbit po o. 兔子的便便 ●10 Tiger po o. 老虎的便便 Squirrel po o. 松鼠的便便 Camel poo . 駱駝的便便 We all poo! 我們都便便! ●11 Vegetarian animals poo, too! This is what poo looks like from animals that eat grass. 食草動(dòng)物也便便! 吃草的動(dòng)物拉出的便便長(zhǎng)這個(gè)樣子。 ●12 Elephant poo is large and hard, like rocks. Cow poos are soft and flat. Rabbits, sheep and camel poos are round balls of different sizes. 大象的便便又大又硬,像石塊一樣。 牛的便便又軟又扁。 兔子、綿羊和駱駝的便便是大小不同的圓球。 ●14 If a snail eats green leaves then its poo will be green. If it eats carrots, its poo will turn orange! 如果一只蝸牛吃綠色的葉子,那么它的便便會(huì)是綠色。 如果它吃胡蘿卜,它的便便就會(huì)變成橙色! ●16 Carnivores prey on other animals. Their poo is very, very smelly. 食肉動(dòng)物捕食其它動(dòng)物。 它們的便便非常,非常難聞。 ●18 Omnivores like bears eat meat and plants. These bears mostly eat fruit and fish. Omnivore poo changes, depending on what has been eaten. 像熊這樣的雜食動(dòng)物吃肉類(lèi)和植物。 這些熊主要吃水果和魚(yú)。 雜食動(dòng)物的便便不固定,取決于它們吃了什么。 ●19 Some animals prefer to poo in a particular place. 有些動(dòng)物喜歡在一個(gè)特殊的地方便便。 ●20 Tip Raccoon dogs, squirrels, moles and bats have their own toilet places. Bats, which hang upside down, turn themselves around to poo. 提示 貉、松鼠、鼴鼠和蝙蝠有屬于自己的如廁地點(diǎn)。 蝙蝠,要把自己翻轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)來(lái),倒掛著便便。 ●22 Birds poo and pee at the same time. They do it as they fly, so it falls down from the sky. 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)同時(shí)進(jìn)行排便和撒尿。 它們邊飛邊排泄,所以排泄物會(huì)從天而降。 ●24 People get shy about pooing, but it is only natural. It is our body’s way of getting rid of waste. If we didn’t poo, we would be in real trouble! 人們對(duì)排便感到害羞,但這是天生的。 這是我們的身體排出廢物的方式。 如果我們不排便,會(huì)真的惹上麻煩! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Whose poo? 誰(shuí)的便便? Bird poo and pee is mixed together. 鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)的便便和尿液混雜在一起。 Elephant poo is big and ball-shaped. 大象的便便又大又圓。 Goldfish poo is long and stringy! 金魚(yú)的便便又長(zhǎng)又細(xì)! ●26 Cow poos are round and squishy. 牛的便便又圓又濕軟。 Camel poo forms little round pellets. 駱駝的便便是一顆顆小圓球。 ●27 POO FACTS! 便便二三事! A perfect place A dung beetle rolls the poo of other animals into a ball and pushes it back to its home. It then lays its eggs in the poo ball. When the larvae hatch, the poo is the perfect food for their first meal. 一個(gè)完美的地點(diǎn) 屎殼郎把其它動(dòng)物的便便團(tuán)成球,并把它推回自己的家。 接著,它會(huì)在糞球里面產(chǎn)卵。 當(dāng)幼蟲(chóng)孵出來(lái)時(shí),糞便是它們完美的第一餐食物。 Eating twice Rabbits need to digest their food twice. The first time, they don’t get enough goodness. So they eat their own poo, to get a second chance of gaining nutrients. It contains microorganisms that help them to digest their food. 進(jìn)食兩次 兔子需要消化它們的食物兩次。 第一次,它們沒(méi)有得到足夠的營(yíng)養(yǎng)。 所以它們會(huì)吃掉自己的便便, 來(lái)獲得第二次得到營(yíng)養(yǎng)的機(jī)會(huì)。 便便中包含微生物,可以幫助它們消化它們的進(jìn)食。 ●28 Animal life | Poo 動(dòng)物生活 | 便便 Building with poo The African grasslands are home to the Maasai people. They live together in small villages. They build their homes out of mud and cover the wall with cow dung (poo). 用便便蓋房 非洲大草原是馬賽人的家鄉(xiāng)。 他們生活在小村莊里。 他們用泥蓋房子,并用牛糞涂裝墻壁。 Many names Long ago, bathrooms had different names: water closets, washrooms, or outhouses. They looked different from today’s bathrooms and toilets. There are lots of nicknames, too, for poos and farts. What names do your family use? 諸多稱(chēng)謂 很久以前,衛(wèi)生間有很多名字: 盥[guàn]洗室、洗手間或者戶(hù)外廁所。 它們和今天的衛(wèi)生間和廁所看起來(lái)不一樣。 大便和放屁還有許多的昵稱(chēng)。 在你家,會(huì)使用什么名字呢?
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (28.1%), 5-6歲 (21.4%)
【賓果19喙】 Beaks are brilliant (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第一輯 Go wild) #動(dòng)物#鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)#喙。 19 鳥(niǎo)喙真巧妙 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) Made for many things A beak can be used like chopsticks. ‘Pick, pick!’ It picks up worms and fish, one by one. A beak can act like a comb. ‘Preen, preen!’ It tidies ruffled feathers and makes them lie flat and neat. A beak can work like a drill. ‘Drrr, drrr!’ It can bore a hole in a tree trunk. Tap, tap, tap, as it drills deeper. 適合做許多事情 鳥(niǎo)喙可以當(dāng)筷子用。 “夾一夾!” 它夾起蟲(chóng)子和魚(yú), 一條接一條。 鳥(niǎo)喙可以像梳子那樣用。 “理一理!” 它梳理了亂糟糟的羽毛, 讓它們服帖又整齊。 鳥(niǎo)喙可以當(dāng)作鉆頭。 “篤篤篤!” 它可以在樹(shù)干上鉆個(gè)洞。 當(dāng)它鉆得更深時(shí),會(huì)發(fā)出“噠、噠、噠”的聲響。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about beaks? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解鳥(niǎo)喙嗎? Animal life | Beaks 動(dòng)物生活 | 鳥(niǎo)喙 原作者:Nopineopi 編寫(xiě)者:Lisa Regan 插畫(huà)師:Kim Jin-yeong 標(biāo)題:Beaks are brilliant 鳥(niǎo)喙真巧妙 正文 ●01 Can you tell what birds these are, 你能只通過(guò)它們的喙, ●02 just by their beaks? 來(lái)判斷這些是什么鳥(niǎo)嗎? ●第3&4頁(yè) Bird beaks are brilliant tools. 鳥(niǎo)喙是巧妙的工具。 A bird can feed on bugs, 一只鳥(niǎo)可以吃蟲(chóng)子, tidy up its feathers, 整理羽毛, feed its babies, 喂養(yǎng)幼鳥(niǎo), and build its nest. 以及筑巢。 All with its beak! 全部用它的喙! Sparrow 麻雀 Duck 鴨子 Woodpecker 啄木鳥(niǎo) Eagle 鷹 ●06 If all birds ate the same foods and had the same beak, they would have to fight over things all the time! 如果所有的鳥(niǎo)吃相同的食物,長(zhǎng)一樣的喙, 它們就必須不停地爭(zhēng)搶東西! ●07 If you look carefully, birds’beaks can be very different. 如果你仔細(xì)看看, 鳥(niǎo)喙之間可能很不一樣。 Big? Or small? 大?還是?。?●08 Flat? Or pointed? 扁,還是尖? For fish? Or for bugs? 捉魚(yú)?還是捉蟲(chóng)? ●09 ‘Catching fish is easy with a beak like mine!’ The kingfisher swoops into the water. It uses its long and slender beak to clamp down on fish. “有我這樣的喙,捉魚(yú)太容易了!”翠鳥(niǎo)俯沖到水中。 它用它那又長(zhǎng)又窄的喙來(lái)夾住魚(yú)。 ●11 An eagle’s talons are sharp to catch its prey. 老鷹的利爪很鋒利,用來(lái)抓住它的獵物。 ●12 But it needs its hooked beak to tear into the meat. ‘Now you know why I am the king of the birds!’ 但它需要它那鉤狀的喙把肉撕碎。 “現(xiàn)在你知道為什么我是鳥(niǎo)中之王了吧!” ●13 A duck floats happily along on top of the water. Its beak is wide and flat. 一只鴨子愉快地漂浮在水面。 它的喙又寬又扁。 ●16 A pelican’s beak is like a giant sack. 鵜鶘[tí hú]的喙像一個(gè)大口袋。 Tip A pelican has a throat pouch under its beak. When it dives to scoop up fish, the pouch bulges outward, full of water and fish. 提示 鵜鶘的喙下方有個(gè)喉囊[náng]。 當(dāng)它下潛撈魚(yú)時(shí),喉囊會(huì)向外鼓,裝滿(mǎn)水和魚(yú)。 ●17 This throat pouch is very full! But wait... it is getting smaller. ‘That’s because I am throwing the fish out of my pouch.’ 這個(gè)喉囊好滿(mǎn)?。?不過(guò)等等……它正在變小。 “那是因?yàn)槲艺阳~(yú)扔出我的喉囊?!?●19 ‘Tap, tap, tap!’ These woodpeckers are pecking a hole in the tree. “噠、噠、噠!” 這些啄木鳥(niǎo)正在樹(shù)上鉆洞。 ●20 They drill holes into the trunk so they can reach inside and grab any wiggling worms and grubs. 它們?cè)跇?shù)干上鉆洞,以便能夠到里面啄出任何蠕動(dòng)著的蟲(chóng)子和蛆。 ●21 A hummingbird’s beak is like a straw. It lets it suck nectar out from the flower. 蜂鳥(niǎo)的喙像一根吸管。它讓蜂鳥(niǎo)可以吸出花里的花蜜。 Tip A hummingbird flaps its wings incredibly fast. It is so fast you can’t see them move, but you can hear the sound. 提示 蜂鳥(niǎo)扇動(dòng)翅膀的速度難以置信的快。 快到你看不到翅膀在動(dòng),但能聽(tīng)到振翅的聲音。 ●22 ‘We have power-beaks!’ Even though sparrows and parrots have quite small bodies, their beaks are very strong. They can easily crack open the hard shell of a nut. “我們擁有力量之喙!” 盡管麻雀和鸚鵡的體型相當(dāng)小, 它們的喙卻很有力量。 它們可以輕松地打開(kāi)堅(jiān)硬的堅(jiān)果外殼。 ●24 Now you know just how useful a bird’s beak can be! 現(xiàn)在你知道一只鳥(niǎo)的喙可以是多么有用了吧! ●第25&26頁(yè) Find out more! 了解更多! Take a closer look 仔細(xì)看看 Eagles use their beak to tear at meat. 鷹用它們的喙撕扯肉。 Parrots use their beak to crack open nuts. 鸚鵡用它們的喙打開(kāi)堅(jiān)果。 Pelican beaks are like a fishing net. 鵜鶘的喙像一張漁網(wǎng)。 Kingfisher beaks are like chopsticks! 翠鳥(niǎo)的喙像一雙筷子! Woodpeckers use their beak to drill into wood. 啄木鳥(niǎo)用它們的喙在木頭上鉆孔。 A duck scoops up food with its beak. 鴨子用它的喙舀起食物。 ●27 Beak Facts 鳥(niǎo)喙二三事 Finding food A hummingbird’s beak is long and slender. It has a long tongue inside to suck the nectar from deep inside a flower. Woodpeckers also use their tongue to find food. 尋找食物 蜂鳥(niǎo)的喙是又長(zhǎng)又窄的。 它里面有一根長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的舌頭來(lái)吸出花朵深處的花蜜。 啄木鳥(niǎo)也會(huì)用它們的舌頭來(lái)尋找食物。 Beak language A male albatross will stand in front of a beautiful female albatross and use its beak to show it wants a mate. They sometimes bang their beaks together. 喙的語(yǔ)言 一只雄信天翁站在一只美麗的雌信天翁面前, 并用它的喙來(lái)表達(dá)他想要一位伴侶。 它們有時(shí)候會(huì)把它們的喙碰在一起。 ●28 Animal life | Beaks 動(dòng)物生活 | 鳥(niǎo)喙 Different feet 不同的腳 Duck 鴨子 Ducks’ feet are webbed to help them swim. 鴨子的腳有蹼[pǔ]來(lái)幫助它們游泳。 Penguin 企鵝 Penguins have sharp claws to grip onto ice and rocks. 企鵝有尖利的腳爪來(lái)緊抓冰面和巖石。 Egret 白鷺 An egret has long legs to wade through ponds and streams. 白鷺有一雙長(zhǎng)腿來(lái)蹚過(guò)池塘和溪流。 Ostrich 鴕鳥(niǎo) An ostrich can run very fast on its long legs and strong feet. 鴕鳥(niǎo)可以用它長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的雙腿和有力的雙腳跑得飛快。 Parrot 鸚鵡 A parrot’s feet are designed for gripping onto branches. 鸚鵡的雙腳是為抓住樹(shù)枝而設(shè)計(jì)的。 Eagle 老鷹 An eagle’s feet have claws, called talons. 老鷹的雙腳有腳爪,被稱(chēng)為利爪。
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